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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Night singing in the prosperous Tang Dynasty

Volume 1 Who Rides the Star Chassis to Break through the Void Chapter 431 The turbid waters of Jingwei flood Heluo

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    "The situation in Luoyang these days is really not right." Li Ye gently lowered the curtains, turned around and said to the people in the room.  Liu Changqing nodded with a wry smile: "It's really wrong. Who would have thought that when I come to Luoyang this time, I will encounter such a big drama?" "Yes, I don't know if such a chaos will affect the imperial examination." Li Ye murmured.  , and glanced at Liu Changqing: "How about I recommend you to Mr. Ye personally?" "I'm afraid that Mr. Ye will be too worried about this matter, so there's no need to bother him." Hearing Li Ye mention Ye Chang,  Liu Changqing recalled the situation when they met in Luoyang. In the blink of an eye, about ten years passed, and Ye Chang was now famous all over the world. His official position was as high as the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and his title was as high as the Duke of the County.  Although he felt that Ye Chang was quite extraordinary when they first met, among the people present at that time, even the most thoughtful ones probably did not expect that Ye Chang would be what he is today.  What¡¯s more important is that Ye Chang¡¯s official titles and titles are all obtained by his military and political achievements. Even if he is as arrogant as Liu Changqing, he can¡¯t help but be convinced.  "Well, I hope Mr. Ye can have some countermeasures. I heard that the imperial court has sent an envoy to summon Mr. Ye" "What can I do if Mr. Ye comes?" Liu Changqing shook his head.  He is not an ordinary official who is ignorant of what is going on outside the window. He is very aware of the changes in the court.  Ye Chang was clearly arrested to clean up the mess. If he wanted to solve the problem, the root cause was still in Chang'an, at Li Longji's side.  Li Ye didn't expect what Ye Chang could do. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a commotion below.  She lifted the curtain again and looked down. What she saw made her frown slightly.  "What's wrong?" "It's okay, just a little trouble." Li Ye said slowly.  Seeing that she didn't want to say anything more, Liu Changqing stretched out his head. Before he even reached out the window, he heard a sound.  "Let Li Ye come out, let Li Ye come out" "Exactly, such a big thing, how can you, a little manager, make the decision? Li Ye is the person in charge of the Grand View Garden, let her come out to see us" "How brave" Liu Changqing  He immediately became angry. Although he and Li Ye were not related because of their family, he could not watch Li Ye being bullied.  "There is no need for Mr. Liu to be angry. Someone will take care of it. It just disturbs Mr. Liu's happiness." Li Ye said calmly.  "What's going on?" "Someone incited those people who bought the Luzon Golden Ticket to come to the Grand View Garden to cause trouble." Li Ye smiled: "It's a trivial matter, nothing important." "Then the Luzon Golden Ticket, what does it have to do with the Grand View Garden?  "As long as the instigators say that the Luzon Chamber of Commerce was also founded by Ye Gong, then the matter has to do with Grand View Garden. Who among the people of Luoyang doesn't know that Grand View Garden is Ye Gong's property?" Liu Changqing was speechless. This was the case with these people.  It is easy to be manipulated by people with ulterior motives, and in the hearts of these people, there is inevitably the idea that the law should not be punished. They just feel that everyone is making trouble together. No matter whether it is related to Ye Changzhen or not, Ye Chang has to come up with three melons and two dates to appease everyone.  Son.  People are simple and honest, cunning and cunning. These are all human nature, and only education can change them.  "Your people have no excuse?" "Of course there is, but if the excuse is useful, why should the government do it? What's more, some people will say that this strategy of running the frontier with the Chamber of Commerce was originally proposed by Ye Gong, so something went wrong.  Who else can they look for if not Mr. Ye? Now that Mr. Ye is in Liaodong, they cannot go all the way to Liaodong, so they will naturally come to find me, a woman." "No, I can't just sit there and watch this matter."  After staying for a while, Liu Changqing suddenly lifted up his clothes and stood up.  "Liu Gong, Liu Gong" Li Ye called him twice, but did not stop him. Li Ye hurriedly ran from behind and grabbed his sleeve: "Liu Gong's friendship is already known but this matter is not special.  Liu Gong can solve it, I have my own arrangements. If my arrangement fails, it will not be too late to ask Liu Gong to come forward." Liu Changqing stopped and stood in front of the window. When he looked down again, he found that more and more people were gathering below.  too much.  "Let Ye Chang come out and take responsibility." Such a voice suddenly came from the crowd. Some people who knew something about it heard it inappropriately. They turned around and looked around, but they couldn't see where the person who said this was.  There was a first sound, then a second sound, and then there was a cry of "Let Ye Chang come out and take responsibility" in front of the Grand View Garden.  Li Ye frowned when she heard this. She loved Liu Changqing, but she completely respected Ye Chang.  The tone of these people was so rude that she couldn't hold it back and her anger surged in her heart.  Pei Yuanren, who was shouting, saw that he fanned the flames with just one sentence, and then quietly moved out.  Who knows when this fire will break out, and it would be extremely bad to be huddled among the crowd.  Anyway, the goal has been achieved, just go back and collect the reward money. As for what will happen next, it is not up to you.  He squeezed out of the crowd with a smile, but when he was about to leave the center of the storm, heWas stopped by a man.  This man looked very ordinary. He looked no different from a farmer or fisherman. His expression was particularly honest. He looked at him and smiled: "Where are you going, sir?" "You are" Seeing this man and  After greeting himself, Pei Yuanren thought the other party knew him, so he asked hesitantly.  As soon as he asked, someone squeezed in from both sides behind him, and then he was hit by something hard at the waist. Pei Yuanren wanted to look back, but the ordinary-looking man came over and said against his ear: "  Behind you are two short knives. With so many people stabbed in and released, who would pay attention?" Pei Yuanren was agitated and wanted to shout, but the ordinary-looking man said again: "You said you?  If I scream, will they stab me in?" Pei Yuanren immediately understood, his face was pale and he was sweating, and he whispered: "I don't scream, I don't scream If you have any orders, please just say it." "I just saw it.  When you're squeezing around in the crowd, shouting here and there, I'm here to find you just for this reason." The man said slowly, "Just follow along and there won't be anything wrong with you. After all.  Pei Yuanren didn't dare to say no, so he followed the man and left close to the wall, entering an inconspicuous small side door of the Grand View Garden.  When he entered, he tried to resist, but was immediately kicked.  When he rolled and fell into the door, the small door slammed tightly behind him. He could only vaguely hear someone outside shouting, "This Grand View Garden belongs to Ye Chang's property. Since he defrauded us of our money, he  Take the Grand View Garden to compensate."  "Another idiot who doesn't know how to live or die." The ordinary-looking man said slowly: "Even if he doesn't have the manpower of Thief Yang, he is still a greedy guy." "Don't worry, Mr. Bian, such a guy has our people around him.  "The other person laughed in a low voice: "It's not that I don't want to report, the time has not come yet." They were relaxing in the courtyard, but the people outside became more arrogant because of this shout.  Most of these people are really those who have suffered losses in various "chambers of commerce" and "stocks". Although they know that these "chambers of commerce" and "stocks" have little to do with Ye Chang, they always want to make up for some of their own losses.  Hearing this shout, he felt that this was his opportunity.  As long as you can hold a little bit in the Grand View Garden, then you can make up for your own losses. As for the loss of the Grand View Garden Ye Gong has a big family and a big business anyway, so what does it matter if there is less?  Especially those in the crowd who fished in troubled waters, had ulterior motives, and took advantage of the opportunity to make noises. These people echoed each other. In the blink of an eye, the people surrounding the Grand View Garden surged forward again, clearly wanting to break into it.  At this moment, a shrill whistle sounded.  For the people of Luoyang, this kind of whistle is no longer unfamiliar. Every time during a football match, you can hear the referee blowing this whistle, and then punish the players.  The people who had blood rushing to their heads were stunned for a moment. Then, they saw the door of the Grand View Garden opened and a group of sergeants came out.  The snow-white weapons reflected dazzling light, like a basin of cold water poured on these people's heads.  "We are ordered by Duke Ye to guard the Grand View Garden. If anyone dares to go up to the front, we will kill him," the leader shouted in a deep voice.  There were not many soldiers, only about thirty, and it was impossible for Ye Chang to arrange too many soldiers in Luoyang City. These people were borrowed from the local area. Fortunately, he had developed good relationships in the army over the years, so he  It's not too troublesome to allocate some manpower.  "What should we do?" Someone in the crowd was discussing in a low voice: "We have actually placed a sergeant. It looks like he is not that kind of guy. He really dares to kill people" "What else can we do? Just retreat first," another person said.  As soon as they retreated, there were no instigators among the crowd, so they naturally dispersed.  Liu Changqing, who was upstairs, shook his head: "This is not a solution. The day will come again." Li Ye smiled sweetly: "Let's talk about it tomorrow." Just as Liu Changqing expected, a large group of people gathered around him the next day.  Before arriving at the Grand View Garden, the situation today was different from yesterday. They even had sticks and other tools in their hands.  "Come in, Ye Chang owes us what he owes us, we can take it ourselves," someone in the crowd desperately instigated. At first, the steward of the Grand View Garden led the servants and hired workers outside to argue with them. Later, he was forced by the crowd and had to return to the garden.  Inside.  After the sergeant came out, the people were quiet for a while, but immediately someone said: "Come in, there are many of us, they don't dare to kill." "Even if it means killing, we also have sticks in our hands, just kill these powerful bastards."  " "That's right, everyone, move forward, move forward. Now the price of rice and noodles has skyrocketed. If we don't take back our money, everyone will have no way to live." Big cities like Chang'an and Luoyang are the most sensitive to changes in prices, so there are residents  It¡¯s hard to say.  These citizens deeply feel that with the large amount of materials and evilMoney poured into Chang'an and Luoyang, and prices in the two capitals changed almost every month. Now, one bushel of rice could buy two bushels of rice a year ago. Their livelihood became increasingly difficult. They originally counted on the so-called  The "golden ticket" can help them get some income, but not only do they get nothing, but they swallow up all the family's small savings.  Therefore, as soon as they were provoked, they started making noise again, and some even started to attack the soldiers.  At this moment, a gong sound was suddenly heard behind him.  They looked back and saw more than a hundred cavalrymen with bright helmets coming in a row. The sound of horse hooves hitting the concrete road seemed to hit their hearts, which was frightening.  "In just ten years, it seems that the people in Luoyang City have forgotten my methods and the assassins who were outside the city." One of the more than a hundred riders said loudly. Anyone who knew him suddenly changed his face.  : Ye Chang Those people with ulterior motives mixed in the crowd looked at each other at this time. Why did Ye Chang rush back so quickly? Didn't their boss expect that Ye Chang would never take over this mess? He must be hiding in Liaodong. Why did Ye Chang  Will he be in danger at this time and appear here?  "Ye So what about Ye Chang, Ye Chang also needs to be reasonable. The money that belongs to us should be given to us after all." Although Ye Chang's sudden appearance shocked them, thinking of the instructions of the people behind them, they had to bite the bullet and scream.  road.  "Who is talking? Why don't you dare to come out?" Ye Chang sneered coldly: "Being reasonable? I like it. I love being reasonable. Since you want to reason with me, why don't you stand up and stand in front of me?  Everyone looked at each other in shock, and then searched around them, hoping to find the person who had just spoken. The person who had just spoken dared to come out. He was so shy that he refused to go out, but two people crowded around him and pinched him from left to right. Someone called him.  Said: "That's what he just said." "Yes, that's what he said." The two men holding the guy between them used some strength to push the guy out of the crowd and in front of Ye Chang and his party. Ye Chang was on the horse.  Looking down at this guy, he narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "What do you want to tell me?  " This guy's appearance is not bad, but his face is earthy and his whole body is trembling, but he dare not say anything. At this time, if he doesn't say anything, doesn't it prove that he is deliberately inciting trouble? "  We bought the stocks of the chamber of commerce, so you have to take care of it" "I don't know which chamber of commerce you bought. The chamber of commerce run by me, Ye, is well known all over the world. There are three of them, the Andong Chamber of Commerce and the Yunnan Chamber of Commerce.  , Anxi Chamber of Commerce, which of these three did you buy?  "The Luzon Chamber of Commerce is obviously run by you" "You say I run it, so I run it. So where is the evidence?"  "Ye Chang looked around at everyone: "I, Ye, act with dignity and respect, and I will not hide my head and tail like some people do. When I set up the Liaodong Chamber of Commerce, everyone in the world thought it was a joke. When I set up the Yunnan Chamber of Commerce, half of the people in the world thought it was a joke.  Even the Tang Dynasty thought it was impossible, but I did it and made it public - that Luzon Chamber of Commerce, if I did it, why should I hide it?  Is it just to defraud you poor people out of two or three copper coins?  " When everyone heard this, they all felt ashamed. "In fact, there are some confused people here. After all, they are a minority. Most people just come here with the idea of ??taking advantage of others, hoping to take advantage of the big ones.  . Now Ye Chang calmed down the situation and started talking, how could they dare to blame the Luzon Chamber of Commerce and other bad chambers of commerce on Ye Chang? "Also, since you said you bought the Luzon Chamber of Commerce?  Shares, where are the certificates?  "When Ye Chang saw that the noise around him had stopped, he stared at the guy in front of him again.
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