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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 966 Weapons and People

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    Chapter 966: Weapons and People Is there a just war in this world?     exist!  This is undisputed.  For example, when a powerful empire attacks its neighbor, the neighbor's resistance is just.  But there is no justice in today's war. Neither the defending Gao Family Army nor the attacking Black Flag Army is a just party.  People have good and evil, and so do wars.  But it is also undeniable that seven out of ten wars since ancient times have nothing to do with justice, but are just for profit.  In particular, none of the initiators of the war seemed to be trying to maintain world peace.  How miserable it was on the walls of Liyin City and how strong the cheers were in the artillery camp of the Black Flag Army. These are all components of war.  No one wants to be the one wailing.  But war is fair, the strong laugh and the weak cry.  There are naturally many examples of the weak defeating the strong in the world, but if you think about it carefully from ancient times to the present, how many such examples are there?  How many of them are fabricated?  Xiahou Baichuan ordered to cross the river, and the auxiliary soldiers of the Black Flag Army began to build a crossing bridge.  Although the artillery battalion exerted absolute pressure on the city wall, it was impossible for the enemy to not counterattack.  The archers of the Liyin City defenders began to fight back. The heavy losses of their ballistae turned their main weapons into feather arrows.  It has to be said that Yan Zeng is really a general.  Faced with such a tragic situation, the soldiers under his command were still able to organize a counterattack in the shortest possible time.  Of course, the number of soldiers participating in the counterattack is really limited.  Feather arrows flew down from the city wall and landed on the river, and some auxiliary soldiers came down shouting.  His companion reached for him and held his ankles to prevent him from being swept away by the current.  The blood from where the arrow was hit kept flowing out, and a red line soon appeared in the river.  Each auxiliary soldier has a rope tied to his body. People on the shore immediately rescue someone when they see someone hit by an arrow. Fang Jie has been instilling a concept in every Black Flag Army soldier for so many years, whether it is a combat soldier or an auxiliary soldier  On the battlefield, try not to give up any of your companions.  Even if it¡¯s a corpse.  "Ask Andrew if the number of artillery can be increased!" Seeing that the auxiliary troops had lost a lot, Xiahou Baichuan loudly ordered the soldiers.  The soldiers rushed out and ran to the front to ask, and got a very definite answer No!  Andrew's original words are: "My lord has said that the use of artillery has not yet been fully rolled out. If the number of artillery in our team is exposed prematurely, it will definitely not be beneficial to the future war situation. If my lord  I may order more artillery to suppress the counterattack of the defenders on the city wall, but as the person commanding the artillery battalion, I will never increase the number of artillery without authorization!" Such an answer made Xiahou Baichuan unable to argue, so he could only order the auxiliary soldiers to go up with shields!  .  Finally, the first crossing bridge was built on the other side of the river.  "Cross the river!" Following the order, the Black Flag Army soldiers carrying the ladders began to rush towards the other side of the river. Soldiers who had experienced battles knew very well that they were where the enemy's arrows had the greatest lethality.  After crossing the river, run to the section under the city wall.  At this time, he could not move forward in an organized manner or form a shield formation. The only thing he could rely on was his own two legs, running as fast as he could.  Once they reached the city wall, it was difficult for the enemy's archers to aim.  Team after team of Black Flag Army soldiers carried ladders and rushed towards the city wall. No one wanted to repeat what they did today the next day.  Every repetition means that countless people will stay on this land forever.  Poof A Black Flag Army soldier was hit by an arrow in the chest. The armor-breaking awl tore through the leather armor and penetrated directly into his heart. He only had time to let out a muffled groan and then fell down. He fell to the ground and the ladder fell down.  Come down.  The soldier behind shouted and quickly ran forward to take his place.  What is well-trained?  The simplest manifestation is that soldiers know extremely well what kind of correct decision to make on the battlefield.  The first ferry bridge was built, the second ferry bridge was built An hour later, there were at least a dozen ferry bridges lying across the river. If you look down from the sky, the dozen black lines look like  It's like ants moving.  Those were the Black Flag Army soldiers who were constantly rushing towards Liyin City. As the number reached a certain scale, the proportion of losses became smaller.  The subsequent shield bearers began to cover the arrows for other soldiers, and the artillery battalion also began to replace the shells.  After clearing the ballistas on the city wall, the soldiers of the artillery battalion replaced the highly penetrating shells they used with explosive shells.  This kind of shell shrapnel disperses over a wider range and is more lethal to people.  "Throw fire and oil on it, don't let the black flag army get close to the city wall!" Yan Zeng, with a dusty face, held his hands on the city wall and shouted loudly, getting ready.?Has been adjusted in advance and started pouring kerosene on the bottom of the city wall, and then threw down the torch.  The flames rose instantly, and the temperature made the soldiers on the wall dare not pop their heads out.  Although this made the defenders very uncomfortable, it effectively separated the Black Flag Army soldiers who were preparing to put the ladders up on the city wall.  "Put out the fire!" When the generals of the auxiliary barracks saw the fire, they immediately ordered other auxiliary soldiers to carry earth and rush forward across the river.  Although the danger of death faced by auxiliary soldiers is much smaller than that of combat soldiers, after all, not every war requires such desperate efforts by auxiliary soldiers.  But once they rush into the front line, they die much faster than the soldiers.  Because the leather armor on their bodies is not as thick as the leather armor on the soldiers.  "Fire the arrows! Fire the arrows!" The archer commander on the city wall had shouted at the top of his lungs. The hoarse voice was like a broken bellows. Every time he pulled it, the sound made was particularly uncomfortable.  Living people turn into corpses so quickly that even the God of Death has no time to count them.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡°Put down the nail bat!¡± With a hoarse cry, the still usable nail bat on the city wall was lowered heavily.  Although most of the nail rackets were destroyed in the bombing, the few remaining nail rackets still posed a death threat to the soldiers of the Black Flag Army.  There are one-foot-long spikes on the nail racket. After falling from the city wall, under the influence of gravity, the spikes can easily break through the hardest human skull.  The nail racket was put down, and when it was pulled up again, there was even a corpse hanging on it.  Xiahou Baichuan frowned. The news from the Xiaoqiu School said that Yan Zeng was a very capable general, and Gao Kaitai's team was not composed of ordinary people who were kidnapped like other forces. You must know that when Gao Kaitai rebelled, he also brought with him  Pure warriors of the Sui Dynasty!  Although Gao Kaitai has continued to recruit and expand his army over the years, he has a large number of outstanding generals from the Sui Army under him. After several years of fighting and training, the new recruits are not weak in combat power!  To be honest, this is the team that the Black Flag Army has encountered that is truly comparable to the soldiers of the Black Flag Army in terms of combat power.  Only armies that have been ravaged by the Sui infantry can truly understand how powerful the Sui infantry is.  Eastern Chu, Southern Yan, including Meng Yuan.  Of course, this also includes Nanchen and Beizheng, which had been destroyed by the Sui Dynasty.  You must know that Liguo of the Great Sui Dynasty pointed out that when fighting against the Mongolian Yuan wolf cavalry in the northwest, relying on unparalleled formation changes and flawless cooperation between various arms, hundreds of thousands of Mongolian Yuan cavalry were left behind.  One hundred thousand corpses and the myth of their invincibility.  Some people have always suspected that the infantry led by Yang Jian actually killed two or three times as many enemies as the number of wolf cavalry that was twice his own. If you have really seen the coordination changes and formations of the elite soldiers of the Sui Dynasty,  Such doubts will be reduced a lot.  If they had seen the founding army of the Sui Dynasty again, which had fought from the south to the north and had conquered Firefox City and Chang'an City, I'm afraid no one would doubt it anymore.  No one in Meng Yuan Langqi thought that the cavalry would lose so tragically to the infantry in plain field battles. The Great Sui Dynasty created such a myth!  Now, two real elites are at war.  "Let the enemy feel despair" Xiahou Baichuan saw that his team's attack was blocked, and the large siege equipment could not be mounted for a while, and he couldn't help but think of Fang Jie's explanation before leaving.  "Facing a truly elite army, the best way to defeat them is not to hit them physically, because they have learned to persevere and become tough. Only by making them despair and lose their fighting spirit will they be defeated.  An elite army was defeated as quickly as possible, just like when Li Yuanshan led the Mongolian Yuanlang Cavalry into the pass on the northwest battlefield, he let the 700,000 Sui elites melt into the ice and disappear. " Fang Jie's words.  , echoed in Xiahou Baichuan's mind.  "The reason why I put all my efforts into building the artillery battalion is naturally to make future battles smoother, but ultimately, it is to reduce the number of deaths of Black Flag Army soldiers. The power of the weapons will make the soldiers die in battle.  It may become lower. And what you have to remember is that no matter how expensive the weapon is, it can't compare to human life." Suddenly thinking of this sentence, Xiahou Baichuan's eyes changed.  He urged his horse and rushed directly to the artillery battalion. Seeing that Andrew was directing the artillery battalion to fire, he jumped off the horse and strode to Andrew: "Andrew! I am going to withdraw my attacking team now, but you  The artillery can't stop!" "Why!" Andrew was stunned, and then shouted: "Your army is no longer attacking, how can I continue to waste artillery? General Xiahou, do you know how expensive this shell is?  "I only knowBombs are not worth a human life!  " Xiahou Baichuan roared: "The artillery battalion must not stop and let the enemy's defense completely collapse.  I want to make sure that no complete brick can stand on the city wall, and that the enemy's soldiers' legs will become weak just thinking about going up to the city!  " Andrew was startled by Xiahou Baichuan's roar, and subconsciously took a step back. He turned his head to look at the city wall, and then looked at Xiahou Baichuan's face: "Okay, but you must contact the brigade as soon as possible. I  The number of cannonballs brought is not enough to level the city wall!  "    "unnecessary.  " Xiahou Baichuan suddenly discovered something and pointed to the wall of Liyin City: "Maybe our attack direction was a little off at the beginning.  " Andrew looked in the direction of Xiahou Baichuan's finger. He was stunned for a moment and then laughed: "Yeah, we should fire over there!  " Liyin City was built according to the mountain terrain. The connection between the city wall and the cliff is the weakest, and there are many huge rocks protruding from the stone wall. "I will bring ten artillery over there and blast a hole from there!  "
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