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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 965 War should not be at the expense of human life

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    Chapter 965: War should not be at the expense of human lives. The large group of troops stopped on the south bank of the river. It seemed that the Black Flag Army was not in a hurry to attack Liyin.  After the team of tens of thousands stopped, they began to set up camp, with auxiliary soldiers coming and going building walls and sentry towers.  The soldiers of the Gao Family Army stood on the city wall and felt extremely uneasy. Even though Yan Zeng sent people to behead the spy of the Black Flag Army before, the soldiers still could not feel completely at ease.  And the smarter ones among them can naturally see that the one whose head was chopped off may have died unjustly, but who dares to talk nonsense?  Yan Zeng sent people to supervise the battle team to patrol the city wall all the time. No one dared to talk nonsense anymore.  The auxiliary soldiers are already familiar with setting up camps and work quickly.  It only took less than two days for the wall and sentry tower to be built. Looking down from the city wall, a group of tents looked like endless hills.  Early in the morning on the third day, a warning horn sounded from the Liyin city wall.  The reinforcing soldiers hurried up the city wall, and the archers placed their quivers within easy reach at their feet.  "Finally I can't bear it anymore." Yan Zeng raised his clairvoyance and looked at the mobilization of soldiers and horses in the Black Flag Army camp in the distance and murmured. He knew that the enemy would not directly send people to negotiate in this battle.  As the Black Flag Army moves north, it needs a big victory to boost morale, and it also needs a big victory to declare the Black Flag Army's strength.  So this battle is inevitable.  "Get the ballista ready!" He turned around and ordered, and his soldiers ran out to supervise the soldiers controlling the ballista to prepare.  When the war is really coming, many people feel calmer.  The real suffering is actually waiting for the war to begin.  The squeaking sound of the coiled rope was so harsh that it seemed to be clearer than the command of the leading officer.  In the distance, the soldiers of the Black Flag Army have been mobilized. A team of about 10,000 people left the camp and came to the moat. They lined up in order and the battle flags were flying.  Xiahou Baichuan rode his war horse forward slowly. After so many years of fighting, he was actually no longer as nervous and excited as before before the battle, but today his heartbeat could not help but accelerate a little.  Today's battle means that the Black Flag Army has officially joined the fight for world hegemony.  "Form up by the river and make room for the firearms battalion!" Xiahou Baichuan gave the order, and then reined in the horses.  Team after team of elite soldiers moved forward, their footsteps seeming to make the earth tremble.  "Five hundred steps" Xiahou Baichuan pointed to the front and said: "Although the enemy's crossbows have a slightly smaller range than our artillery, they occupy the advantageous location from a high position. Go and tell the people in the firearms camp that the first salvo is the best.  Kill all the ballistas on the city wall. Without the ballista, the enemy has lost half of its control over the river. " Andrew is also very excited. He has been casting firearms in the workshop for so long. This is the first time in his life.  Command the army to fight.  What he envied most when he was on the other side of the sea were the guys in crisp military uniforms. They were all so arrogant that no one dared to provoke them in the tavern.  In his view, men still have to become soldiers to fully demonstrate their male masculinity.  Fang Jie transferred him back from Yunnan Road this time in order to let him directly command the artillery battalion. The first reason was because he was most familiar with artillery, and the second reason was to let him see what shortcomings the artillery had.  Fang Jie was definitely not an expert on military matters before he came to this world. Part of his experience in commanding troops came from a lot of reading and part from constant actual combat.  If the memory of past lives is most helpful to current military development, it comes from games.  He is a hardcore player of strategy games. He spent his high school years playing endless red alerts.  After college, he began to play more and more games, but the outdated Red Alert has always been his deepest memory.  And Fang Jie had a stubborn habit when he played this game in his previous life, that is, he would never take the initiative until he accumulated enough strength.  There are advantages and disadvantages to being passive like this. The advantage is that Fang Jie is still the same when developing the Black Flag Army, constantly accumulating military strength and growing stronger.  The disadvantage is that Fang Jie always seems a little cautious and not decisive enough in his external strategies.  Fang Jie himself knows this, but it¡¯s hard to change his personality.  Andrew directed the soldiers of the artillery battalion to push the newly modified artillery to the front of the formation, and stopped about 550 steps away from the city wall.  "Test firing, range measurement!" Andrew ordered.  A shell was stuffed into the artillery on the far left. The soldiers controlling the artillery quickly adjusted the elevation of the artillery. The craftsmanship of this period restricted the performance of the artillery.?, But in the Central Plains, the power of artillery is far ahead of this era.  Bang!  With a muffled sound, a cannonball flew towards Liyin City.  The defenders on the city wall didn't know what the neat row of things the other side lined up so far away was, and they were all pointing and talking.  At this moment, a dark object flew over from the Black Flag Army array, hit the city wall with a bang, and the shell was embedded in the wall.  The soldiers of Gao Jiajun first exclaimed, and then after waiting for a while, no movement was seen, and then someone started laughing.  "Such a small stone is of no use!" "It turns out that thing is a small trebuchet. If this thing hits the city wall, it will only make a small hole. Even if it falls on the city wall, it will only break a brick.  It¡¯s so funny. Isn¡¯t that thing from the Black Flag Army used by children to play at home?¡± ¡°Haha, it turns out it¡¯s a mule¡¯s cock, it¡¯s useless! It looks so dark and powerful, it turns out.  It¡¯s a row of fucking big slingshots!¡± The people on the city wall were laughing, using words to ridicule the enemy to boost their own morale.  At this moment, the row of things over there suddenly let out a roar, and at least one hundred and fifty watermelon-like things flew towards the city wall.  "Here we go again!" Someone shouted: "Find a wooden board to prop it up!" "Haha!" Boom!  Boom boom boom boom!     "Mother! Save me!" A soldier whose left leg was taken away by the force of the shell explosion was lying on the ground wailing. At this time, how could he care about calling his mother? For an adult man,  Isn't it a bit embarrassing?  He just shouted instinctively, hoping that someone could help him.  No matter what time it is, mother's warmth is always the easiest thing to think of.  At the broken part of the thigh, a section of white bone was exposed among the bloody flesh. The bones were stubbled like broken wood, with burrs and thorns.  The blood had already dyed the surrounding area of ??his body red, and his trousers had already been soaked with blood.  The wailing sound made people feel hairy, because the fear in his heart had reached the extreme.  The first thing as big as a watermelon hit the city wall before, but nothing happened. They began to ridicule the Black Flag Army's weapons, which were so weak that people didn't care at all.  But the next second, the huge power of the firearm made them know what hell on earth is.  Broken arms and legs, mixed with internal organs and minced meat, stirred up and fell everywhere.  A very young soldier huddled under the battlement holding his horizontal sword, his body shaking violently. He closed his eyes tightly and did not dare to look at the tragedy on the city wall. He was afraid that when he opened his eyes, what he would see would be hell.  Rather than the human world.     Snapped!  He felt a pain on his face, and subconsciously reached out to touch it, and then he felt a large piece of minced meat from his face, which was sticky and greasy on his hand.  This should be a large piece of face, and you can also see hair on the skin. If you identify it carefully, you will recognize that it is the skin on the forehead, the hair is the eyebrows, and there is an eyelid underneath the eyebrows.  With a snap, a bloody ball fell from his hand, and it turned out to be an eyeball.  "Ah!" The soldier roared in fright and kept shrinking back, but his back was already pressed against the wall. How could he retreat further?  This wall stack was his biggest support, and he felt a sense of security here.  Just before his horrified howl could stop, a cannonball fell and hit the wall behind him.  The ensuing explosion shattered the wall, and the huge tearing force directly acted on the young soldier's back. He was thrown away and fell directly to the ground without moving again.  This living life was taken away by death in just one second, leaving only a tattered body.  The leather armor and clothes on his back were torn, and the flesh and blood on his entire back was almost removed. The few remaining vertebrae had turned black, and the blood that was still bubbling out was not known to be from his heart.  Or other internal organs.  I don't know how many broken city bricks were smashed in from his back and out of his chest. If he were to turn over, the injuries on his chest would be as miserable as those on his back.  Bang!  A cannonball accurately landed on the ballistae, and the ballistae was blown apart with such force.  The heavy crossbow, as thick as an arm, was thrown off by the impact, rolled out, and then landed on a soldier more than ten meters away.  The soldier felt as if he had been hit hard on the shoulder by an iron rod, and then he had to rejoice in his good luck. If the heavy crossbow had been thrust straight at him, he would have been dead by now.  ¡°Stop fucking standing there!"The captain was reaching out to pull him: "Get down!  Luck doesn't come twice in a row!  " Only then did he apply force with his hand, and the soldier he was pulling was easily pulled over by him. When the team member took a closer look, he realized that he was pulling half of his body. A handle was blown away by the explosion.  The horizontal knife cut into the soldier's belly and came out from behind. The people on the wall were wailing, and the people on the other side of the river were cheering. Those who cheered were always the strong ones.  " Andrew shouted excitedly: "Let the enemy taste the power of our latest artillery!  The power of this artillery can already be compared with the artillery of the Opuru Empire!  Even more powerful than theirs!  "    " Cross the river!  " With Xiahou Baichuan's order, countless auxiliary soldiers began to rush forward. They had to pave a passage for the soldiers in the shortest possible time, and the artillery battalion had tried its best to create the safest channel for them.  Environment. The most advanced weapons create the safest environment for the most ordinary people. Isn't this the development trend of war? War has never been achieved at the expense of human life. The auxiliary soldiers are building extremely fast.  Jumping into the river, the ropes tied to their bodies made them feel a little more at ease. Although the river was not very fast, no one could guarantee whether they would be washed away. Every once in a while, a group of people would surround the struggling general.  The wooden piles were wedged down, and then boards were laid on top of the wooden piles. This was a simple crossing bridge to allow the soldiers to cross the river as quickly as possible, because later they would build a larger pontoon bridge, because the siege equipment was waiting to come up behind.  The eyes of Xiahou's people reflected the firelight on the city wall, but Yan Zeng there was only anger and fear in his eyes.
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