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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 816 The Target of Firearms

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    Chapter 816: The Target of Firearms Mu Li was lying in a patch of grass, his clothes soaked with blood.  He was panting heavily, breathing so hard that he coughed from time to time, and blood spilled out of his throat.  After resting for a short while, he struggled to get up and saw the firelight shining in the distance, and then the sound came from far away.  He couldn¡¯t imagine that his team was just gone.  He heard the sound of horse hooves, which meant that the pursuers had not given up searching yet.  He rolled down the high slope continuously, and it was the first time in his life that he was in such a miserable state.  There is a forest in the distance. It is not big, but it is the most suitable choice to avoid the pursuit of the cavalry.  "General, you go first!" A deliberately lowered roar came from behind him, and it was Hao Ren's voice.  Mu Li was stunned, and quickly looked back to find that Hao Ren had already taken the remaining dozen soldiers and ran towards the other side. They deliberately exposed themselves to the eyes of the pursuers in order to lure away the enemy for themselves.  .  Mu Li opened her mouth and felt her heart was broken.  He raised his hands and wanted to shout, but no sound came out of his throat.  Under the high slope, he lay down in the grass and watched helplessly as the cavalry made a circle and chased towards Hao Ren and the others. Mu Li knew better than anyone else that it was his own decision that killed these subordinates.  For a moment, he thought of Ye Jinnan, and there was a strong hatred in his eyes!     It's him!  He must have betrayed me!  This voice roared wildly in Mu Li's heart, dripping with blood.  "Get down!" Just when he was applying for trance, a voice suddenly came from beside him, very close, which startled him.  He only looked towards the direction in which Hao Ren and the others were escaping, and didn't notice when anyone was approaching him.  Mu Li subconsciously struck back with a knife, but the knife was blocked by the person behind him. Then he felt his neck being held down, and his whole body was being pushed down deep into the grass.  The person who pushed him down quickly pulled out a lot of weeds to cover Mu Li, and then got into the grass himself.  Mu Li, who was lying in the grass, saw an eagle fluttering its wings in the sky through the gaps in the grass. It hovered in the sky for a while and then flew towards the distance.  "Don't move, there's a mastiff behind you." The person lying next to him whispered: "Slowly take off your clothes. The one next to you is Cloverwort, which has the strongest smell. Crushed it and smear it all over your body. Then  Run with me. The mastiff's nose is too sharp. If you don't cover it up, you won't be able to escape." Mu Li didn't know who the person next to him was, but he was immediately sure that this person was trying to save him.  He immediately did as the man said, first taking off the broken armor with great effort, and then taking off all his clothes without any hesitation.  As a person who has been in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood many times, he understands that there is no time to hesitate at this time.  After taking off his clothes, he smeared himself with the juice of trichophyton. The pungent smell quickly covered up the smell of blood on his body.  Just when he finished doing this, the man next to him threw a coat over, then got up and ran toward the forest.  Mu Li grabbed the clothes and ran to put them on. At this time, he had no time to pay attention to the pain on his body.  Not long after entering the woods, the sound of a mastiff roaring could be heard outside.  Mu Li knew that Tu had a hobby of raising eagles and dogs. There were several falcons in the military camp, and there was also a Haidongqing bought with a lot of money from people in Northern Liao.  And those mastiff dogs were all found by Tupai people at a huge price.  These beasts, after training, are more troublesome than the best scouts.  "Go to the river. Don't swim when you get into the river. Let the water flow downstream. The feathered beast in the sky will definitely see us. If we don't move, it will be confused. Whether we can escape next  It depends on luck, if we can't deceive that beast, we will all die." The man from before said a few words quickly, and then ran out to the other side of the forest.  Mu Li discovered that there were several other people in the forest, including the five people who had saved him before.  From the looks of these five people, it was obvious that they had come from afar, and their clothes were extremely dirty, but everyone's eyes were so bright, and they obviously had good hands.  He consciously lagged a little behind and ran at the back.  After the five people came out of the woods, they jumped into the river and then let the current flow away without moving.  Mu Li knew that he had no other choice, so he followed their lead.  To be honest, the feeling of lying in the river is not pleasant. The water keeps pouring into the ears and nose. When the water channel is narrower, the water flow is too fast, and the head of the person who rushes is buzzing.  However, their luck is indeed good. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??The falcon didn't make a cry, obviously it wasn't sure whether they were alive.  This trained falcon reacts extremely sensitively to living animals, but does not react too strongly to motionless objects.  It was trained to track living people, but I didn't expect that this method actually deceived it.  "Who are you?" After climbing to the shore, Mu Li couldn't help but ask.  The man who saved him smiled first, then threw himself on the grass on the shore while panting and replied: "In short, I'm not your enemy, and of course I can't be considered your friend, because we don't know each other at all  However, there is no doubt that he is your benefactor, right?¡± The man lay down for a while and looked out: ¡°It¡¯s getting dark, we must find a safe place to hide now, who are we?  Who is it? There will be time to tell after hiding. ""Where are we going?" Mu Li asked subconsciously.  "Outside Liuzhou City" In the dusk, the man's eyes were particularly bright: "Even if the person who wants to kill you is a monster, I won't be sure that you dare to run back. The forest on the river embankment outside Liuzhou City is very dense, there must be something there  It¡¯s a suitable place to hide. Let¡¯s go. We must hide before those people go back before it gets dark. Otherwise, we will be in a flat area after leaving the river, and we won¡¯t be able to hide when we encounter the cavalry.¡±¡­¡­¡­Sitting in a big tree late at night!  Mu Li on the tree branch sighed heavily, her mind filled with the brutality of the battle during the day.  He did not expect that his troops would be defeated so quickly and so weakly.  He didn't dare to close his eyes. As soon as he closed his eyes, he could see those old subordinates who had been with him for many years falling down one after another, and the blood mist that was shot out by the strange weapon was always floating there.  When he arrived at the foot of Tennuo Mountain and saw the banner with the word "Slaughter", he knew there was no need to cover up anything.  Obviously Tu already knew what he was going to do, so he led his troops to intercept him in advance.  But at that time, Mu Li did not feel any despair, because he had observed that Tu had no more than 10,000 troops, and he had slightly more troops.  Mu Li is very confident in the combat power of his men. Each of these Yongzhou veterans has extremely strong combat experience and skills.  Any general would treat these soldiers as treasures.  So, Mu Li issued the order to attack.  At first, the soldiers didn't come to their senses, but soon they understood that the general was going to defect with them.  These veterans from Yongzhou were more or less disgusted with the current slaughter, and it was their habit to obey military orders, so after a brief hesitation, the soldiers led by the generals launched an attack on the army blocking the way.  .  As usual, the archers began to form a formation before attacking, preparing to suppress the opponent's defense line with a rain of arrows.  This is already a routine that these soldiers are extremely familiar with, so they change formations very quickly.  But just when the arrow array had just been assembled, there was a continuous roar from the other side of the hillside, and then they saw dozens of fireballs flying towards them. Before they could react,  The explosion began to spread in the arrow formation.  After a volley of artillery fire, Mu Li's arrow array was knocked around.  The soldiers had never seen anything like this before, and they were instantly confused.  Then, the general commanding the archers issued an extremely wrong order, asking the archers to gather again and prepare to fight back.  This order is fatal.  The second round of artillery exploded again in the archer team that had just barely formed a formation, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.  The archer commander, who had no experience in dealing with such an attack, was also dumbfounded and didn't know how to give the order.  Just when the arrow array collapsed, the enemy began to attack.  Thousands of people are holding firearms, and their speed is even faster than the fastest spearman among the infantry!  The enemies rushed down the hillside and soon reached within fifty meters. At this distance, the enemies opened fire.  They stopped after reaching about fifty meters. They no longer ran wildly, but advanced in rows, approaching step by step, and the front and rear rows fired alternately. They had obviously been well trained.  Mu Li could see very clearly that the people commanding these soldiers were people he had never seen before, with yellow hair and strange clothes.  Mu Li shook his head vigorously, trying to free himself from the memories.  The scene was so tragic, every scene was tearing out his heart.  "Who are you?" he asked.  The man sitting on the tree branch above him smiled: "I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you I am a scout under the Black Flag Army General Junjie. I was investigating something and came here unexpectedly. I didn't expect to meet him.  Your internal strife speaking of it, this can be regarded as a kind of fate." "Black Flag Army?" Mu Li was stunned after hearing the answer.The feeling became more intense.  He led his team out of Liuzhou, originally planning to join Fang Jie.  But now, he didn't know how many soldiers had escaped this disaster.  "I am Mu Li." He said.  "Mu Li?" The man was stunned for a moment: "That Mu Li among the ten heroes of Luomen?" "Yes" "I have admired the name for a long time." "Why are you here? Did Fang Jie send you to keep an eye on the Tu family's army?"  "No." It was Zuo Mingchan who saved Mu Li. He rubbed his sore eyes and said, "We have another mission. Meeting you is a pure coincidence. But since we have met, I naturally want to save you." "  "Why?" "Because we want to find out about Luo Tu and the firearms, and you are being hunted by Luo Tu. No matter who you are, it will be good for us to save you." Mu Li was silent.  After a while, he said: "Send me to the Black Flag Army, and I will tell Fang Jie everything I know. I want to avenge the more than ten thousand brothers under me!" "It's okay to send you back, but not now. At least you have to avoid it.  If Luo Tu can't catch you or find your body in a few days, he will definitely send people to search everywhere. After my backup arrives, I will arrange for someone to take you to Huangyang Road. But why would Luo Tu do that?  "Kill you?" "Because he is a madman!" Mu Li gritted his teeth and said, "This man is completely crazy. It turns out that not only me, but also the veterans in the army were executed by him.  "Keeping your knees and clinging to life!" "You don't know about the deal between him and the foreigners?" Zuo Mingchan asked.  "I don't knowbut looking at it now, I can guess what his purpose was in buying so many firearms." "Iron Armored Army!" Mu Li and Zuo Mingchan said in unison, and then they looked at each other.  Mu Li sneered coldly: "His heart is completely wild. He wants to defeat the Iron Armored Army and become the emperor."
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