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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 815: Luo Zi Banner Tu Zi Banner

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    Chapter 815 Luo Ziqi Tu Ziqi Zuo Mingchan found a small ditch to wash his face, then sat down on the edge of the ditch and took a few deep breaths.  He had been following him too hard these days, sleeping and sleeping in the open air along the way. The group was so cunning that the Xiao Riding School they were following often couldn't eat for a day or two, and they might not be able to find a place to stay.  He slept outdoors, ate wild fruits, hadn¡¯t changed his clothes for days, and he couldn¡¯t stand the smell of his body.  However, this harvest did make him a little happy. Who would have thought that the people trading with the foreigners were not people from Mu Mansion, but Luo Tu's rebels?  Zuo Mingchan had a vague feeling that Luo Tu must have some important purpose in purchasing the firearms he was looking at. In fact, this purpose can be guessed without too much brainpower. If what Zuo Mingchan guessed was true, then in a short time  The purchase of firearms by the Luotu rebels is not directly related to the Black Flag Army, but this does not mean that it will not be related in the future.  He looked back and saw there were four people left around him.  There were not many people in the Xiaoqi Riding School in Muping City, so they were divided into several groups to investigate. The group he personally led has been following the caravan, leaving Muping and driving here non-stop. Now they are isolated and helpless.  situation.  The strength of the Black Flag Army is limited to the southwest of the Great Sui Dynasty. If they leave the Southwest Riding School, no matter how elite they are, they will fight alone.  "Tuan Led" Niu Gen, who was only over 20 years old, came over and took out a piece of hardened steamed bun from his arms and handed it to Zuo Mingchan. Zuo Mingchan took one look and shook his head: "Not hungry" Niu Gen hehe  He smiled and ate it himself.  He held the steamed bun in one hand, and caught the fallen steamed bun residue with the other hand. He chewed it carefully and slowly, and then licked all the steamed bun residue caught in the other hand clean.  When it comes to cherishing food, the people at Xiao Riding School know better than most people.  "Shall we go into the city?" Niu Gen asked.  "We won't go in for now." Zuo Mingchan lay back on the grass, looked at the sky and said, "Xiao Duzi and Da Lei estimate that it will take at least a month and a half to get back. The reinforcements sent by the Governor will be the fastest.  It will take three months to arrive. I guess the people from Muping will arrive faster. When we are halfway there, I will send people back to mobilize the remaining manpower. If nothing happens, we will be here within ten days.  We can get there. Now, with our desolate appearance, we will be detained if we can't enter the city." "What are we doing now?" Niu Gen asked.  "Waiting" Zuo Mingchan was silent for a while and said: "We watched helplessly as the batch of firearms entered the city, and the goal of the first step was achieved. Knowing whose hands these firearms fell into, Black Flag  The army will be very helpful when facing this team. Let me tell you, you have made a great contribution. With my lord's temperament, each of you will receive a large reward." "Hehe I don't know if I will reward you.  Mother-in-law." Niu Gen giggled.  Zuo Mingchan rolled her eyes at him and said: "Now we are guarding outside the city. Later, the four of you will be divided into two groups. Two of you will go out to find food. Don't attract other people's ideas. Come back when you find food. You know why I chose to stay here  Are you settling here?¡± ¡°I don¡¯t know.¡± Several other people shook their heads.  "Since Luo Tu bought firearms, he must train his troops. He did not dare to expose the firearms in advance, so if he wanted to train the soldiers in the firearms camp, he had to choose a secret and quiet place. I have seen the terrain near Liuzhou City  , this is the most suitable place. If nothing goes wrong, the people in the city will soon come out to train in the use of firearms. The mountains are densely forested and soundproof. I guess the firearms camp in Luo Tu will not go out every day.  " "That's too ostentatious, so Luo Tu will definitely let the firearms battalion be stationed in a suitable place and train every day without returning to Liuzhou City. If my guess is correct, then we will wait for the firearms battalion to come out and monitor it.  How many men and horses, how many firearms, and how to train them? We must figure these things out." After Zuo Mingchan finished speaking, he looked at the four people under his command: "We will have to work hard for at least ten days to get from Mu Ping.  The backup will arrive. Just hold on." Niu Gen stretched out his crotch and said with a smile, "There's nothing you can't hold on to. It's time to change your underwear. I guess if you take off your underwear now, you can.  Stab it on the ground, damn, my balls are almost scratched." Zuo Mingchan laughed and said, "You don't have enough skills." Niu Gen said seriously: "I'm young my balls are big and my skin is still thin.  !¡± Everyone laughed and lay on the grass to rest.  At this moment, the Xiao Riding School who was in charge of the lookout suddenly made a gesture, and everyone immediately stopped laughing and quickly stood up.He ran to the edge of the forest and climbed up the big tree, looking into the distance according to the pointing of the lookout hand.  I saw a team coming out from Liuzhou. It was huge and probably numbered no less than 10,000 people.  "It looks like it's coming this way. Damn, there are ten thousand people, right?" "There should be." Zuo Mingchan raised his clairvoyance to look at it, and then was stunned for a moment: "No, this  The men and horses are not a firearms camp. They all came out lightly. They didn't bring any supplies or supplies, and there were no carriages in the team. They were just out of the city for training. Be careful not to be discovered. " "Here" everyone responded and moved towards the branches and leaves of the trees.  Move over the dense area.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Mu Li looked back at Liuzhou City, and then let out a long sigh of relief.  He knew that he made the right bet, Ye Jinnan did not betray him.  Now that the team had left the city, Tu's suspicion was not aroused.  After all, this is just a routine training out of the city. All battalions are doing this, so there is nothing to doubt.  And in order to ensure that he could leave safely, he only discussed this matter with a few trusted old subordinates. As a soldier, he knew that no more than five people would leave today.  Mu Li is confident that none of these five people will betray him.  Now the soldiers have no idea what this training out of the city means.  In order to ensure safety, Mu Li only asked the soldiers to carry one day's rations, not even their uniforms.  This will not attract the attention of Tu's men, which is of course also a disadvantage, because this team of more than 10,000 people will not have food for tomorrow.  "General" His trusted general Hao Ren came over and lowered his voice: "My subordinates have found out a while ago that ninety miles east of Liuzhou is Dongge Town, a large town with a population of tens of thousands. If we  If we go quickly, we can arrive in a day and a night, and then we can replenish supplies from the eastern towns." "Let's take the team away first," Mu Li said in a low voice, "The purpose of coming out can't be told until dark.  Generals below. In a moment, you will send people to inform the generals of each battalion, telling them to train light and fast marches today. They must climb over Tengnuo Mountain before dark. After passing the mountain, they will reach the towns in the east. No killing or robbing is allowed then.  For money, just grab food! Take away mules, cattle, horses, and any large livestock that you can use!" "Here," Hao Ren nodded: "Don't worry, General, we will definitely do this well." Mu Li.  Sighed: "If it weren't for the fact that the Luo family army has changed beyond recognition, I wouldn't want to take this step. Now the surname of this team is Tu, not Luo. Those old brothers who lived and died together are gone, and there is no nostalgia at all.  "General, where are we going?" "First go east, then turn north at Wei County, and drive all the way to the bank of the Yangtze River, making Tu think we are going to the north to join the imperial court.  Immediately go east along the river, so that you can bypass the imperial armored army and the Tonggu Academy army, slip through the gap, and then go all the way east to Luoshui. If you are lucky, you can collect enough fishing boats.  Crossing the river, if we are not lucky, we will have to find a place to stay. " "What happens after crossing the river?" Hao Ren asked: "The other side of the river from that place is Xinyang, and Tian Xin has been hacked.  The Banner Army has been killed. Xinyang City is now the territory of the Black Banner Army. Let's just go there" "I will ask my brothers then. If they don't want to fight anymore, they will naturally go back to their hometown in Yongzhou.  If we exchange our armor and horizontal knives for a hoe with Fang Jie, he won't embarrass us. If the brothers don't want to go back, then we can go north to Mangdang Mountain, which is three thousand miles from east to west. Mangdang Mountain hides us.  "It's nothing to treat people." "Hey," Hao Ren was suddenly surprised: "Something is wrong!" He pointed to the front: "Why is there a flag over there at Tengnuo Mountain?" Mu Li's expression changed.  He quickly raised his clairvoyance and looked over the mountain.  At the same time, Zuo Mingchan, who was hiding in the big tree, couldn't help but change his expression, and quickly gestured for everyone to hide.  Niu Gen was the closest to him, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Fuck! Damn, there is already a team in the mountain, and we didn't notice it!" Zuo Mingchan said, "I was negligent, I actually forgot  One thingthis batch of firearms is the last batch. When we interrogated the Russian, he said that the buyer this time asked for 3,000 muskets and 20 artillery pieces. Several batches of goods have been sent before  Why am I so negligent? Luo Tu must have sent people to train in the mountains before this!" "Fortunately," Niu Gen said while wiping his sweat. "Look, the flag is ten miles away from us." Zuo Mingchan.He looked at the flag on the other side of the mountain and then at the team heading out of the city and couldn't help but frowned: "It seems like something is going to happen."?¡­?¡­?¡­?"Don't stop, keep going forward." Mu Li looked at it.  He pointed at the flag on the other side of the mountain and said: "Maybe they are from another battalion coming out for training. Don't show anything. Keep going forward and pretend to pass by as if nothing happened!" Wasn't he actually nervous when he said this?  Now his men don't even know that they are going to defect, so naturally they won't be nervous. The only ones who are nervous are him and the few who know about it.  Hao Ren patted his face, forced himself to relax, and urged the team to move forward.  There are several ways to go to Tengnuo Mountain, but this is the closest one in Liuzhou. If you turn back now, it will definitely arouse others' suspicion, so Mu Li can only bite the bullet and go forward.  The only thing that made him feel more at ease was that there were not many flags at the foot of the mountain, and there should not be many people or horses either.  The more than 10,000 people under him are all veterans brought out from Yongzhou, and they are full of experience in fighting on the battlefield.  There is a lounge chair under a big tree at the foot of the mountain. There is a crystal clear bottle on the stone next to the lounge chair. In the bottle is wine that looks like agate. Not only the wine bottle, but also the wine glass is so beautiful.  Butu, who was lying on the couch, was playing with the wine glass, shaking it gently and looking at the color of the wine. He couldn't help but admire: "The foreigners' stuff is really exquisite. What is this called?" One of his generals quickly lowered his head and said:  "Glass" "Well, it's so beautiful." Tu waved his hand, and a row of artillery was neatly arranged on the hillside.  "Tell them to shoot more accurately. It's a waste of shells. I'll cut off all their heads and replace them with a new group of people. The things I bought at such a high price are much more valuable than them." "Well" His men hurriedly  He went to give the order, and when he turned around, there was a flash of fear in his eyes.  He did not dare to look at the men and horses coming from the opposite side, because he knew that they would soon become mutilated corpses.  "If we don't get rid of all these people who have been following Luo Ziqi for too long, I really won't be at ease." Tu smiled and took a sip of the agate-colored wine: "Bahit turns out it tastes so bad!"
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