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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 765 Just because you are stupid

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    Chapter 765: Just because you are stupid. Yu Xiao hates the proud smile on the corner of Fang Jie¡¯s mouth, and also hates himself.  Fang Jie was sure that he didn't believe him, so he chose the opposite direction, and then he waited here. Yu Xiao was sure that if he were Fang Jie, he would be even more proud now.  Fang Jie could still hold back from laughing, but it was actually not easy anymore.  "Kill out!" Yu Xiao ignored Fang Jie's words and pointed the knife in his hand forward: "There are enemies behind you, and there are enemies in front. If you still have the blood of a soldier, use the knife to carve out a bloody path for yourself.  Come! Follow me, I will lead you out of the siege!" "Why do we have to leave the city!" Before he finished speaking, a cavalryman shouted from a distance, and it immediately resonated: "General Yu, we are here!  Why are you leaving the city? Where are the reinforcements?" "Shut up!" Yu Xiao said angrily, "If you still bother with this, you can only make the enemy happy!  Fight back if you want!" "If you want to kill, go back!" The cavalry lieutenant turned his horse and shouted: "Let's fight back to Fengping. When the brothers in the city see us, they will definitely come out to help us!  As long as the city lord sees us, we can still be saved!" "Okay!" the soldiers shouted one after another, turning their horses' heads.  "Those who do not respect military orders will be killed!" Yu Xiao roared.  On the high slope in the distance, Fang Jie finally couldn't help but laugh this time: "It seems that we have encountered some problems? You and I are classmates. If you have anything to do, just talk about it. Since you are willing to help me deceive the troops, don't you?  Can I just watch you get into trouble? I know you also have feelings for these soldiers. If you can't bear it, just come over and watch me kill you. Don't worry, I will give you all the conditions I promised you!"  As soon as he said this, Feng Ping's army immediately exploded.  "Yu Xiao! You despicable villain!" The deputy general of the cavalry yelled angrily: "The city lord treats you badly, but you actually colluded with the enemy to betray Fengping City! Brothers, we were fooled. Yu Xiao and the Black Flag Army are in the same group.  He deliberately tricked us into giving them to the Black Flag Army! If we fight back, we will die in Fengping City!" "Kill back!" The cavalry began to form a team to charge.  "You idiots!" Yu Xiao urged his horse over to stop the cavalry. He suddenly remembered the weird smile Zhu Zhitian looked at him before he died, and the words he said with all his last strength: "I  Soldiers You can take them away if you want?" He suddenly realized that he was like a clown, and even the person he killed could ridicule him without restraint.  The young man in black robes in the distance seemed to have guessed this outcome a long time ago, sitting on the back of the hateful white lion and watching all this happen leisurely.  He felt as if he had been stripped naked and left on the street for people to watch. The anger made his heart almost explode.  "Come back all! You have been fooled by the enemy!" He tried to rush over to stop the cavalry, but was blocked by a hail of arrows.  With his cultivation, the arrows shot by ordinary archers could not hurt him at all, but it was not the arrows that hurt him, but the angry and hostile eyes of the cavalry.  "Get out!" The cavalry deputy general roared: "You are a scum! Shameless villain! You are not worthy of talking to us! Kill him, kill him for me!" As the cavalry deputy general roared, more and more cavalry began to confront him.  Yu Xiao opened his bow and let go of arrows.  But all the thousands of infantrymen under Yu Xiao were dumbfounded and didn't know what to do.  In the past two years, they had become accustomed to obeying Yu Xiao's orders, but today, they found that they no longer recognized that person.  If Yu Xiao hadn't colluded with the Black Flag Army, why was he blocked as soon as he left the city?  If someone had been so disrespectful to their general in the past, they would have drawn their swords and fought to the death.  Today, they just looked on in confusion and fear. No one stopped them, and no one even spoke up.  "I didn't betray you!" Yu Xiao, with red eyes, was like a wild beast, looking particularly crazy: "Don't fall for the enemy's attempt to sow discord! The enemy just wants to see you and I turn against each other! As long as we work together  If we work together, we may not be able to get out!" "As long as you dare to fight back, we believe you!" The deputy general of the cavalry roared, waiting for Yu Xiao's answer.  At this time, the Black Flag Army surrounding them had stopped attacking and looked at the team on the official road as if they were watching a show.  Fang Jie shouted loudly: "Brother Dingcheng, come here quickly and take a look"My dear, they no longer believe you. Come over here quickly. You have done a good job in luring these people out of the city. Let me, the Black Flag Army, do the rest!  " " Fang Jie!  " Yu Xiao turned around fiercely: "I'm going to kill you!  " "Let's go!  Fight back to Fengping!  " Under the command of the deputy general, Fengping's cavalry formed an attack formation and began to rush back. Seeing the cavalry turning around, Fang Jie immediately shouted: "Kill them all and save General Yu!"  ¡± The archers lying in ambush on the high slopes on both sides began to fire arrows. If the angry Fengping cavalry had not been suppressed by the deputy general, they would have rushed forward and tore Yu Xiao into pieces. The deputy general knew that he could not wait to fight now, so he directed the troops to Fengping.  But they have already come out, how could Fang Jie let them go? If Dugu Wenxiu hadn't brought reinforcements this time, Fang Jie's men and horses were really stretched, and he couldn't do everything. But now, he has more than enough men and horses.  . The ambush archers on both sides didn't care at all how many arrows they shot, they just took them out one by one and sent them out. The Fengping Cavalry lost the most troops from the start to the acceleration. At least four to five hundred people were hit by random arrows.  Shot to death. The Fengping infantry suffered even greater losses. The infantry who lost their command at this moment were left to be beaten passively. In order to rush back, the first thing Fengping Cavalry had to do was to rush away the infantry under Yu Xiao's command.  Yu Xiao and Fang Jie were on the same team, and the cavalrymen were merciless from the beginning. They picked up their knives and slashed at their former comrades. Soon, the infantry blocking the official road behind them were cut down.  The situation at this time had no advantage at all against Feng Ping's army. The cavalry was blocked by its own people and could not speed up at all, while the infantry had no one to command and was in a mess.  Fengping's city gate has been closed. Yu Xiao's eyes are red and he wants to stop the team from collapsing, but at this time, no matter how loud he roars, it has no meaning. He has been calculated from the beginning, which has always made him angry.  He couldn't bear the humiliation of being scheming against others, especially the humiliation of being stepped down from the clouds just after he felt successful. Even when the Yu family was wiped out, he had never felt such intense humiliation today.  The team was in chaos, the cavalry did not obey the command, and the infantry was at a loss. But just like this, no one from the Fengping Army could see the attack!  The direction was unknown, and not many people still chose to trust Yu Xiao. Even the infantry who had been with him for two years began to turn around and rush back. The cavalry and infantry were mixed together, where was there any formation?  Mingli knew that after Zhu Zhitian was assassinated, he immediately dispatched troops to chase him out. However, he was stopped by other generals when he arrived at the camp. Han Fu, the oldest among Zhu Zhitian's six capable generals, pulled him away.  Zhu: "Now that you lead the troops out of the city, I'm afraid that not only will you not be able to catch up with the traitor, but you will also be entangled by the Black Flag Army!"  The traitor took away nearly 5,000 men and horses, leaving the city empty of troops. If you lead troops out again, how can you defend Fengping!  " "You damn well know how to keep Fengping!  "Yu Mingli said angrily: "I am dead, I want to avenge you!  No matter whether Feng Ping defends or not, I will never let him die in peace!  The enemy has just left, so why don't you just think about this city instead of avenging me!  Get away, everyone, whoever stops me today is my enemy!  "    "fart!  " Han Fu grabbed the reins of Yu Mingli's horse and shouted: "Do you think you are the only one who wants revenge?  !  He treats us all the same!  I have been with you for more than thirty years, which is much longer than you!  My father is dead, and I feel as uncomfortable as you!  But you can fucking see clearly, there¡¯s no point in chasing him out now!  If I can't catch up with that scum, I'll have to pay thousands of troops. If I knew, would I agree?  "Yu Mingli's tears flowed out of his eyes: "What else can I know!  " "We must avenge this!  Lei Buhuan, another general under Zhu Zhitian, stopped Yu Mingli in front of his horse and said: "But now we must defend Fengping. Once Fengping is broken, let alone not avenge me, our body will not be preserved!"  Ming Li, a few of us feel as uncomfortable as you, but now is not the time to be impulsive.  Besides, even if that beast wanted to escape, would he be able to escape far?  The strongest of the Black Flag Army outside the city is the cavalry. When they see people coming out of the city, they will immediately chase after them!  " "I want to take revenge with my own hands!  " Yu Mingli yelled. "Everyone wants to take revenge with their own hands!  " Han Fu said angrily: "But if you bury all these soldiers outside the city, what will you do to avenge me?  " Just when there was a stalemate, a soldier suddenly ran over and shouted: "General!  The men and horses that Yu Xiao took away were trapped by the Black Flag Army a few miles outside the city. They seemed to be rushing out, but it lookedIt's not like rushing out, but like trying to fight back towards the city!  " "He still dares to come back!  " Yu Mingli cursed, turned around and ran towards the city wall. The others looked at each other and followed Yu Mingli towards the city wall. A group of people swarmed up the city wall, raising their clairvoyance and looking into the distance. " A few times  Inside and outside, it seemed that Feng Ping's army was surrounded. The black flag troops had already formed up in front and on both sides. The thickness of the arrow array made people feel scared.  The number of cavalry seems to be no less than 10,000. In other words, at least one army of Black Flag Army light cavalry has blocked the retreat of Feng Ping Army. "We can't come back!"  " Han Fu shook his head dejectedly: "The cavalry must have noticed something was wrong and wanted to come back, but they were blocked by the Black Flag Army.  That beast!  Not only did he kill me, he also brought so many soldiers to bury him with him!  " "Brother!  " Yu Mingli grabbed Han Fu's front and said, "Let me lead the troops out to bring back the brothers and catch that beast!  We can't just watch our brothers being slaughtered by the enemy!  If this continues, all those nearly five thousand brothers will be dead!  " "You can't open the door!  " Lei Buhuan stopped him and said, "Look outside!  " He pointed outside the city: "Look carefully!  There are at least 10,000 Black Flag troops already in formation outside. As soon as you open the door, they will immediately begin to attack the city!  It seems that the Black Flag Army has mobilized all the troops it can mobilize to the south gate. With our current strength, we can't even fight out!  " "Then just watch helplessly!  "Yu Manlou roared. Several people could not answer, but they all knew that there was no other way but to watch like this. "Master!  " Yu Mingli looked up to the sky and cried out sadly, slowly knelt down and kowtowed vigorously: "I'm sorry for you, my subordinate!  I'm sorry for you!  My subordinates have long said that that beast can¡¯t be trusted!  But you are so generous!  I hate that I can't avenge you with my own hands!  " Others also knelt down, and no one knew what to say. At this moment, the watchman suddenly exclaimed: "Look!  There is another group of troops coming to kill outside the city!  "Everyone was stunned, and stood up and ran to the city wall to look outside. From the south direction, a group of people suddenly appeared behind the Black Flag Army, and came to kill them without stopping at all. It seemed that the people outside the Black Flag Army were  The men and horses were unable to defend themselves, and the rear formation was quickly dispersed. The men and horses were not willing to fight and rushed toward the city gate. "Whose soldiers are they?"  " Han Fu rubbed his eyes. He never thought of anyone else fighting against the Black Flag Army at this time. The others looked at each other in confusion, and no one knew the answer. The generals who can talk to Fengping City now are all on the city wall. Who is there?  Outside?       The troops outside the city looked like they had 20,000 people. They suddenly came out from behind the Black Flag Army and quickly broke through the Black Flag Army camp blocking the south gate. Not long after, the fire broke out.  It started burning in the southern camp of the Black Flag Army. The fire spread quickly and swallowed up half of the camp in just half an hour. ¡°Who is leading the army?  " Han Fu couldn't help but praise: "Surprise from behind and then burn the enemy's camp. This will cause the Black Flag Army to be in chaos and it will be difficult to organize a defense.  It's just too confusing, I can't tell whose flag it is!  It looks like they are about to kill the Black Flag Army's camp. This general is leading the army!  " "It seems" Lei Buhuan put down his clairvoyance and glanced at Han Fu, then said with some uncertainty: "It seems soldiers from Peicheng?"  I think the flag looks like Peicheng's troops. Could it be reinforcements sent by Bai Kaishan?  But I¡¯ve never heard of you asking Bai Kaishan for help. Why come here uninvited?  " "They are men from Peicheng!  "Yu Mingli also noticed it. He pointed at the big yellow flag and shouted: "Look at the flag and the uniform, they look like they are from Peicheng!  " Everyone was talking about it, not knowing what happened. Yu Mingli said again: "Brother, if we open the door and attack from the front and back, the black flag army outside the south gate will definitely be defeated. Even if we take advantage of the situation, we will be trapped.  It may not be impossible to rescue him!  I am willing to lead my troops to fight out and bring reinforcements over!  "    "etc!  " Han Fu said: "It's strange at this time. I didn't ask for reinforcements from Peicheng but I came on my own. What if there is a fraud?  " "Is it a scam?  " Yu Mingli pointed to the raging fire outside: "The Black Flag Army's camp has been burned, what else can be done to deceive it?  Look, the Black Flag Army surrounding our troops over there has begun to change their formation. At least half of the cavalry has been detached to rush towards the camp. If they don't go out to respond, they will justI'm afraid it's too late!  " Han Fu still didn't dare to make a decision and paced back and forth on the city wall. At this moment, a group of Peicheng's cavalry rushed over from the Black Flag Army and ran straight outside the city: "Who is on duty on the city wall?  ?  I am Bai Yuan, the general of Peicheng, and I have been ordered by the lord of my city to come to Feng Ping's aid!  Does anyone on the city wall recognize me? Open the city gate quickly!  " Han Fu lay on the battlement and looked down. After carefully identifying it for a while, he said in surprise: "It is indeed Peicheng's reinforcements. I recognize that man. He came to our Fengping with Bai Kaishan a few years ago. I and I  He sat and drank together!  " He quickly ordered: "Open the city gate!  Mingli, lead your people to bring in reinforcements!  "     Yu Xiao took a few steps back dejectedly, and the broken knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang. He was defeated, completely defeated. Not only defeated on the battlefield, but also in terms of cultivation,  He lost to Fang Jie for the second time. If he deliberately hid his strength the first time, then this time he tried his best and failed to defeat Fang Jie. His opponent always used a strength that was beyond his reach.  He defeated him without much effort and the sword was broken. He looked at Fang Jie, the hatred in his eyes disappeared. "Why did you decide that I would go to the south gate?  " He asked as if he was stupid. Fang Jie put away the Chaolu knife and answered him seriously: "I guessed that you wanted to take the south gate, but how could I only guard the south gate?  As long as you kill Zhu Zhitian and escape from Fengping, it doesn't matter which door you take.  " Yu Xiao was stunned and smiled sadly: "So you defeated me only by having more soldiers" Fang Jie took a step forward, swung the knife and put it next to Yu Xiao's neck: "That's wrong.  ¡­¡­.I beat you because you are stupid.  "The blade passed by and blood spurted out. The sky was clear and the sky was clear. It was really a good weather for killing people.
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