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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 764: Wherever we meet in life

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    Chapter 764: Wherever we meet in life, Ancient Road, Windless, Team after team of armored soldiers marched forward with big strides. The soldiers marched with their heads held high and their expressions solemn.  It can be seen from the good formation maintained during the march that this army also maintains good training in normal times.  With a majestic pace, a solemn expression, and a complete formation, he should be a strong and refined soldier no matter how you look at it.  Looking at the team stretching out so far, there should be no less than 20,000 people.  But Qin Yuan, who was climbing on the high slope, couldn't help but burst into laughter, and his expression became much more relaxed.  "General, why are you laughing?" his soldiers couldn't help but ask.  "What do you think of this team?" Qin Yuan asked.  His soldier stretched out his neck to look out and said: "It shouldn't be a bunch of mobs. The queues are so neat. It's obvious that they have been training. In a place like Nanyan that has not experienced war for hundreds of years, this is very good."  The defenders of Peicheng and Qingyuan Fengping are different. The defenders of those two cities have always faced Yongzhou Luo Yao. How dare they slack off? Peicheng is the ancestral land of the Shang royal family and has not been seen for hundreds of years.  Soldiers don't know where the battlefield is when they go to the battlefield. "You're still far behind. I originally thought of letting you go out as a brigade leader, but it seems that's not possible now." Qin Yuan smiled and pointed at the people passing below.  The team said: "Yes, it does look pretty good, but what you see is the surface, not the details. Look, what are the soldiers carrying?" The soldier looked at it: "Weapons  Ehonly weapons!" "Yeah" Qin Yuan nodded: "The soldiers went out with no rations or uniforms, only weapons. Once something happens to the rear supply camp, these soldiers will have to go.  Hungry and freezing. Also, those archers carried arrow pots on their backs, but the arrow pots were all empty!¡±  The uniforms are not equipped with feathers and arrows, and they are all in the convoy of the transport camp General, although my subordinates are still far from good in your eyes, I think I can be the general of the following people." "Get out!"  He cursed and ordered: "Wait for the troops in front to pass by. Immediately blow the trumpets as soon as the supply camp comes in. Destroy the supply camp. The 20,000 soldiers are just fucking sandbags." Passing below were the reinforcements from Peicheng heading to Fengping.  !  Chen Xiaoru used a box full of gold, silver and jewels to bribe He Yongzheng, the aide beside Peicheng guard Bai Kaishan. Bai Kaishan was a manly man and liked He Yongzheng the most, who exuded a coquettish charm. Otherwise, He Yongzheng would not have been able to get away from him.  A private school teacher suddenly became the number two figure in the White House.  Everyone in Peicheng knows that He Yongzheng's words are more effective than Bai Kaishan's wife.  He Yongzheng took advantage of the situation and persuaded Bai Kaishan to send troops to rescue Feng Ping.  But how could He Yongzheng and Bai Kaishan guess that Feng Ping didn't send anyone out to ask for help at all.  A while ago, Zhu Supportian wrote a personal letter to Bai Kaishan, asking him to help send troops to rescue Fu Zhengnan in Qingyuan City. Bai Kaishan scoffed and had no intention of paying attention.  This time Chen Xiaoru met Bai Kaishan and told many truths, such as the fact that Feng Ping's men who rescued Qing Yuan were ambushed halfway.  It would be difficult for Bai Kaishan to distinguish between true and false even if he wanted to.  Peicheng is the ancestral land of the Shang Kingdom. After Murong Shao usurped the throne and ascended the throne, Peicheng's status became even higher.  The people here are born with a sense of pride. Even though the Shang Kingdom has been destroyed for so long, the people of Peicheng still feel that they are nobler than people in other places.  The soldiers guarding Peicheng have always regarded themselves as forbidden troops.  "Coming here!" The lookout noticed that the Peicheng Army's supply camp had arrived and immediately blew the horn.  There were echoes in the valley, startling countless birds to fly away.  Followed closely, arrows rained down!  Qin Yuan, who had been ordered to ambush here a long time ago, gave an order. After the arrows rained, the infantry of the Black Flag Army were like a group of wild beasts descending from the mountain and pounced into the sheep, acting unscrupulously.  This pampered Peicheng army didn't react at all. After a few rounds of feather arrows, everyone was stunned. Seeing the ambush soldiers killed all over the mountains and plains, most of them chose to turn around and run away.  This battle has never been fought so easily. The 20,000 Peicheng troops were disarmed with little resistance.  It took less than two hours from the beginning to the end of the battle, and more than half of that time was spent counting the number of prisoners.  "My lord, what a wonderful plan." Qin Yuan couldn't help but smile when he looked at the Peicheng troops kneeling on the roadside, holding their heads and begging for mercy. Fang Jie sent Qin Yuan to lead troops to attack the city every day for the first three days of the siege.  , the scene was intense, but the casualties were very small.  On the fourth day, Yu Xiao asked Fang Jie to meet, and Fang Jie asked Qin Yuan to leave the camp with 15,000 troops and march southward for a day.That night, an ambush was set up in the valley.  Peicheng's army declared defeat with little resistance, and 90% of its people became prisoners.  "Tear off half of the people's clothes and let our people put them on!" Qin Yuan ordered loudly. The wolf-like Black Flag Army soldiers rushed forward and asked the Peicheng Army to take off their uniforms and then change them.  superior.  The general leading the Peicheng Army was also brought up, looking so embarrassed.  "Where is your lieutenant?" Qin Yuan asked.  The man pointed to a man wearing iron armor next to him: "That's him" Qin Yuan pointed to the deputy general and said: "You lead the way and follow me back to Peicheng. If the city gate is opened, I will spare your life.  If you don't open it, I'll cut your head off outside the city gate. Remember, it's just that you encountered an ambush, the general died in battle, and you retreated with your troops. Do you understand?" The deputy general nodded quickly. At this time,  There is still a little bit of arrogance.  Qin Yuan turned around and ordered: "Send someone to inform General Xiahou that my men tricked the city gate into opening and then rushed in. When his cavalry saw the red flag waving, they immediately came to support!" "Here!" The soldiers hurriedly went to find him.  They have already passed Xiahou Baichuan who is ambushing north of Peicheng in advance.  "You!" Qin Yuan pulled the Peicheng Army general over: "Take the rest of your people to Fengping. Let me ask you, has Zhu Supportian seen you?" "Yesbut he has already.  It's been a few years, I don't know if he still remembers me" Qin Yuan couldn't control that much, so he ordered his men to allocate 30% of their troops and escort almost 10,000 Peicheng troops to continue on the road to Fengping.  Qin Yuan couldn't help laughing when he looked at the team going north, and he was particularly bright: "The most correct decision in this life is to follow the master to conquer the world. A clever plan tricked Peicheng and Feng Ping. This battle was so damn exciting."  ! "     Yu Xiao grabbed a tiger talisman in his hand and rushed out of the back door of the city lord's mansion. He looked at the thing in his hand, and his heartbeat was pounding.  He rushed out before he could wipe off the blood on the corner of his mouth. Although he didn't expect that the old guy's cultivation was so amazing, and he accidentally suffered a loss, but luckily he still killed him and took the tiger talisman.  His soldiers were already waiting on the small street behind the city lord's palace. When they saw Yu Xiao running over, they immediately responded.  "Take a group of people and set fire to important places in the city. Remember, the treasury and granary cannot be burned! If the Black Flag Army enters the city and sees that the treasury and granary are gone, Fang Jie will be furious and will send troops to pursue him.  Kill me. His target is not me. As long as I don't anger him, he may not divide his troops to pursue me." "Here!" Several soldiers quickly turned around to do it.  "After everything is done, go to the south gate to meet up!" Yu Xiao shouted loudly: "It won't be long before the murder of Zhu Zhitian will be discovered. We must be quick. I will go to the camp to mobilize people and lead all the cavalry.  Go out of the south gate, then go all the way to the west, circle around the place where the people are, and then go north. If you don't follow the group, follow the route I told you! " "Here!" Those people responded and turned around immediately.  Go and do it.  His cronies couldn't help but ask: "General, didn't that man named Fang say that the blockade of the North Gate should be opened to a line? Why should we break through the South Gate?" "North Gate?" Yu Xiao snorted coldly: "Fang Jie  That man looked sanctimonious, but he was just a villain. He let go of the North Gate blockage and thought I couldn't see his plan. We can only run north along the official road when we go out of the North Gate. We can't get far beyond the gate.  Border town of the Sui Dynasty! If Fang Jie doesn't send people to block me on the road, even if I misjudge him, I don't believe he will open the blockade at all!" Yu Xiao jumped on the horse and said, "As long as  If he doesn't open the blockade, the old guy's six men will immediately mobilize their troops to chase him if they know that I killed the old guy. If I am blocked by Fang Jie in front and blocked by those six guys in the back, there will be no way forward or backward!  At that time, Fang Jie was just a show-goer, watching me and the six people fight to the death, and he took advantage of it. If it were me, I would make the same choice!  After the cavalry came out of the city, you didn¡¯t wait for the people to set fire to it?¡± ¡°No wait!¡± Yu Xiao said: ¡°I can¡¯t wait even a quarter of an hour. I let people set fire to it as a signal to Fang Jie. Naturally, people like Fang Jie won¡¯t wait when they see the fire in the city.  If he misses the opportunity, he will attack immediately. If he attacks, the six loyal men under the old guy will not have time to chase us! I will take away all the cavalry, and they will not be able to catch up even if they want to.  If we wait a moment longer, the danger may lie at this moment."I understand!" The confidant nodded, but felt a little blocked in his heart.  There is no doubt that the soldiers who set the fire will not be able to leave.  Yu Xiao did not dare to delay, and ignored his injuries. He rode horseback to the camp in one breath, and then found the general on duty and used Zhu Supportian's tiger talisman to mobilize all the cavalry. He did not dare to mobilize any more infantry, lest Zhu Supportian be killed.  The killing has been discovered.  He took away the cavalry on the grounds that Zhu Zhitian ordered to receive reinforcements, but what he didn't expect was that the reinforcements were really there, but they were still halfway there.  His own troops had already rushed to the south gate after receiving the order. He wanted to take as many people as he could without delay. After coming out of the camp, he urged his horses to rush towards the south gate and used the tiger talisman again to let the defenders  The people opened the city gate and rushed out with a roar, followed by at least 3,000 infantrymen.  The general on duty in the camp felt something was wrong and quickly sent someone to the city lord¡¯s mansion to inquire.  But at this time, Yu Xiao had already left the city, and it was too late to pursue him.  After Yu Xiao left the city, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. The black flag army surrounding him didn't seem to react. By the time the troops were assembled, he had already led his men and ran away. This plan was perfect.  .    Yu Xiao took the horses to go out four or five miles. The scouts of the back team sent a signal.  Yu Xiao ordered not to stop and ran westward. The cavalry general was puzzled and came over to ask why he was not going south but west. Yu Xiao didn't answer and killed him with a sword. He loudly said that anyone who disturbs the morale of the army will be killed immediately.  .  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUTOUT out of nowhere can see several carriages blocking the official road ahead. One of the carriages has a wooden board with a line of writing written on it in thick ink.  This road is impassable Yu Xiao¡¯s eyes flashed, and he ordered his soldiers to go over and get the carriage out of the way. As soon as he went over, he heard the sound of horns and arrows raining down.  The carriage was filled with gunpowder, which was ignited by rockets and exploded. The fireball swallowed more than a hundred people.  The flames rising into the sky seemed to have opened the door to hell, and a smell of blood emanated from inside.  In the distance, Fang Jie sat cross-legged on the back of the white lion and waved his hand to Yu Xiao: "Brother Dingcheng, I can meet you whenever I go hunting at Fengping South Gate. We meet you everywhere in life  ¡­What a coincidence.¡±
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