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Volume One: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 744: Plot!

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    Asking for a monthly ticket!  Chapter 744: Plan!  About at least three thousand people were trapped by the Black Flag Army and could not be withdrawn. Fu Zhengming's heartache was reflected on his face as he bit his lip. These ten thousand troops were trained by him and did not belong to his elder brother Fu Zhengnan.  That's why Fu Zhengnan agreed to lead his troops out of the city to stop the Black Flag Army on the river bank. Now it seems that the decision to leave the city this time was wrong to the core.  Fu Zhengming had no choice but to give the order to retreat. The archers fired arrows with heart-wrenching heart. For the safety of the rear team, the comrades who were caught in the front must be abandoned.  This kind of pain may only be understood by the person involved.  Among the people in front who are fighting against the Black Flag Army, they may be their best friends, blood relatives, neighbors from the same hometown, or like-minded brothers. But now, the people behind have to use their sharp arrows.  Shoot them.  I don¡¯t know how many people drew their bowstrings with tears. Perhaps in the days to come, every surviving Nanyan Army soldier will not be able to forget today.  "General, you go first!" The deputy general pulled the reins of Fu Zhengming's horse and shouted. The shouts of killing from the Black Flag Army soldiers rushing over were so deafening that he had to shout at the top of his lungs to make the other party hear his words.  .  "The signal has been sent. It won't take long for the city lord to send troops to respond. We must retreat into the city as soon as possible. Once the black flag army is stuck from behind, it will be difficult for our people to retreat! There is no momentum to succeed and defeat. If we continue  Slow down, the soldiers in front retreated and rushed to the rear, and all the troops were involved! " "I fucking know it!" Fu Zhengming shouted fiercely, looking into the eyes of the soldiers in front who were killed.  They all blushed: "These soldiers are all trained by me, just like my nephew!" "You are still here, the soldiers will gather together in the future!" The deputy general knew that he could not delay any longer, but at this time he was more worried than paying.  Zheng Ming needs to calm down.  He reached out and pulled Fu Zhengming's horse around, then stabbed the horse in the butt.  This method of injuring the horse and forcing it to run wildly was unwise, but in this case, this was all he could do.  Because when a war horse is injured and in pain, it will run as hard as possible. The blood from the wound will keep flowing out, and the war horse will collapse after not running for long.  Even if the war horse is lucky enough to survive, it will most likely be crippled.  Fortunately, the battlefield was only a few miles away from Qingyuan City. If nothing else happened, the horses could hold on until they could run back. Besides, there were teams in the city coming out to respond, so the deputy general had no choice but to do this in order to let Fu Zhengming leave quickly.  Fu Zhengming cursed and had to hold the reins tightly to avoid being thrown off the horse.  The injured horse neighed, spread its hooves and rushed back, knocking over several soldiers of the Nanyan Army who were unable to dodge.  Seeing that the defeat was certain, unless a large number of troops came to support, it would be impossible to hold the river bank.  But at this time, it is absolutely impossible for Fu Zhengnan to bring all the troops out to support him. Otherwise, Qingyuan City will become an empty city. If the Black Flag Army has a plan, they may destroy Qingyuan City in one battle.  lost.  Fu Zhengming felt the wind blowing in his ears, as if he was being slapped hard on the face one after another.  In fact, he didn't know that he shouldn't go out to fight in the city, but as a general, who wouldn't want to achieve a victory that would leave a mark in history?  His original plan was to withstand the initial offensive of the Black Flag Army. When the Black Flag Army was unable to control the south bank despite repeated attacks, he would immediately send a reserve force to counterattack. If he was lucky, he could rush along the pontoon bridge built by the Black Flag Army.  By crossing the north bank, the Black Flag Army can be caught off guard. Even if the Black Flag Army cannot be severely damaged by then, it will be enough to weaken the morale of the Nan Yan Army.  However, the reason why miracles are called miracles is precisely because they happen so rarely.  "Luck only happens when it is possible, and it cannot happen when it is impossible. This seems to be nonsense, but Fu Zhengming understood the meaning of this sentence.  He expected luck to appear and defeat the Black Flag Army. However, when the opponent's strength was so strong that he could not shake it, there would be no luck.  Fu Zhengming's personal soldiers rushed back all the way behind him, and six to seven thousand soldiers of the Southern Yan Army followed him like crazy.  The team spread out, but the sheep seemed to have no order at all.  The deputy general of the Nanyan Army stabbed Fu Zhengming's horse in the butt, basically to keep Fu Zhengming safe, but he forgot that under such circumstances, it would be difficult for Fu Zhengming to restrain the retreating soldiers.  When people run away in extreme fear, and there is no one with weight to restrain themthe consequences can be imagined.  Where can one see the organizational structure of the team? Some ran along the official road, and some ran along the wilderness, just like a scattered ant colony, a large area of ??darkness, but with an unconcealable embarrassment.    "General, I saw someone in the city responding!" A soldier shouted with unconcealable joy, pointing forward in the direction of Qingyuan City.  After crossing the Jinshui River, there is a flat plain, so it is easy to see the side of Qingyuan City.  Fu Zhengming couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw a pair of people coming out of the city gate.  He looked back and saw his team fleeing in a shameful way.  But at this time, he didn't even feel angry anymore, and could only lament that he had brought back most of the people.  At this time, he was just thankful to be able to bring back some more people. How could he still be as high-spirited as before?  On the south bank of the river, when the abandoned soldiers of the Nanyan Army realized that resistance could no longer keep them alive, surrender began to gradually spread from individuals to groups.  Some soldiers saw their comrades dropping their swords and swords and kneeling down to beg for mercy. After a moment of hesitation, they also chose the same approach.  At this time, only the thought of survival supported them. As for the glory of the Nanyan people, they had long been completely chopped off by the murderous intent on the knives of the Black Flag Army soldiers.  "Pursue!" Qin Yuan had received Fang Jie's order long ago and knew that this was not the end of the war but the beginning. The general's arrangement was not for this small victory on the bank of the Jinshui River, but for the Qingyuan Tower.  city.  Just before this war, when Fang Jie was standing on the city wall watching the battle, he pointed to the south and said that it could be used.  When these words were spoken, today¡¯s situation had actually been decided.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Shi Da Ke ran forward vigorously with his men and horses. He knew that the city lord and the second master had a good relationship. The second master was considered the city lord¡¯s right-hand man. If not, the second master would not have been able to persuade the city lord to allow him to lead the troops.  Go to war.  According to the temperament of the city lord, he just wants to defend and not counterattack.  When the Nanyan army, led by Murong Yongduo, went straight to Pingshang Road and made huge gains, even the people from several aristocratic families in the south couldn't help it. They put together an army and went to Pingshang Road and Pingshang Road in the name of loyalty to the court.  Murong Yongduo was trying to grab the spoils of war, but he was beaten to pieces by the Black Flag Army as soon as they met him.  At the beginning, the Nanyan army did achieve great results, and Murong Yongduo's victory reports were sent to Dali City almost every day.  At that time, anyone else wouldn¡¯t be able to bear it.  As the city closest to the Sui Dynasty, Fu Zhengnan did not send troops to plunder the Ping Trading Road until the end. This shows that this person's caution has reached the point of timidity.  As for Fengping, which is basically parallel to Qingyuan City, the city lord Zhu Supportian sent nearly 30% of his troops northward.  Of course, it was precisely because of this that Fengping City lost 30% of its troops.  The Black Flag Army is almost unbeatable in the field.  The south is different from the north, and it is even different from the prairie of the Western Regions. In fact, there are not many places where war horses can run. The southwest is better. There are rivers and waterways everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River, and the cavalry cannot even perform at 50%.  The reason why the southwest was the most important rice grain producing area in the Sui Dynasty was because of its unique environment.  The climate is warm and humid, but it is not intertwined with low-lying waterways. In such an environment, a fertile plain is naturally a treasure.  But precisely because of this, the light cavalry of the Black Flag Army were rarely blocked by waterways, so that Nan Yan's tens of thousands of troops and millions of He people were wiped out.  " Shi Da Ke knew very well the combat power of the Black Flag Army and the city lord's feelings for the second master, so he was anxious.  The battle situation now looks very strange. The progress of the Black Flag Army crossing the river was fast enough. Er Ye's army was defeated without holding on for an hour. The key is that the Black Flag Army's Qingqi never showed up!  Logically speaking, if the Black Flag Army's men forcefully crossed the Jinshui River, the Black Flag Army's light cavalry in the lower reaches could have crossed over. However, the Nanyan cavalry patrolling the lower reaches never issued a warning, indicating that the Black Flag Army's light cavalry was not used at all!  This is unreasonable!  Although he had never fought in any battle, Starco was still keenly aware of this strangeness.  When he saw that Fu Zhengming's banner was getting closer and closer, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved.  There is no need to fight this time, as long as the second master can be taken back.  Then, he saw the terrain ahead.  There is a patch of thick reed grass on both sides of the official road. When the Jinshui River flooded, thousands of acres of farmland in the south were flooded, forming several small lakes. I don¡¯t know how the reeds came out so quickly. It took a year to reach a large scale.  Although those small lakes are gradually drying up, the reeds are still so thick.  Looking at that place, Starco always felt a little panicked.  "Second Master!" When he saw Fu Zhengming's face clearly, he immediately shouted: "The city lord ordered me to take you back!" "Okay!" Fu Zhengming looked back: "You order the formation first, and wait later  If you go back now and close the city gate, at least??More than 80% of the soldiers will not be able to come back!  " Shi Da Ke wanted to refuse, but seeing that the pursuers of the Black Flag Army on the other side of the Jinshui River were still far away, he nodded and ordered his five thousand men and horses to form a square formation. The subsequent defeated troops came over sparsely.  , when the team barely gathered three or four thousand people, Shi Da Ke began to persuade Fu Zhengming to retreat immediately, but Fu Zhengming insisted on waiting for a while. In less than half an hour, the defeated army barely exceeded 5,000 people. Fu Zhengming  Then he ordered to go back. Shida Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered to go back to the city. At this moment, he suddenly felt that it was getting dark, and the sunlight was blocked by something. He subconsciously looked up, so  Seeing a rain of arrows that could block the sky, one round of arrow rain caused the formation of the Nanyan army to loosen up. Shi Da Ke loudly shouted to the soldiers not to panic. The second round of arrow rain.  There it was, overwhelming. Soon, a layer of white grass suddenly grew on the ground, covering almost the entire land. After two rounds of arrow rain, a small piece of reed suddenly fell from the inside, and a tall war horse fell down.  A black-armored knight jumped out from the reeds, followed by clumps of reeds falling down one after another, and the horses rushed out one after another! "The elite cavalry of the Black Flag Army!  "I don't know who screamed out of fear, and fear immediately spread." Star Ke and Fu Zhengming finally knew why the Black Flag Army's light cavalry did not appear when they blocked the attack on the river bank. Because they had already  Right here! At this time, Shi Da Ke suddenly understood something! It turned out that the cavalry of the Black Flag Army came to harass outside the city every night. It was not just a simple harassment every night.  The cavalry yelling and cursing outside the city to prevent the defenders in the city from resting was only one of his purposes. The most important purpose was to use this method to send the Black Flag Army's cavalry to the south bank of the river in batches, and then  They hid in the reeds at night! The defenders in the city thought it was Fang Jie who sent the cavalry here in turn, but in fact it was just for today that Fang Jie was waiting for the light cavalry to wave their swords!  Rushing over, they were like a group of gods of death wielding scythes. For a moment, Shida Ke's face turned pale. He glanced at Fu Zhengming, and the same thing happened.
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