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Volume One: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 743: My Own Stuff

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    Chapter 743: My Own Things No matter how little war experience the Nanyan army has, at times like this, the soldiers¡¯ instincts still come out from their hearts. In fact, when everyone faces their own hearts,  You will find the kind of bloody violence that is unknown and unwilling to be known from the deepest corner.  ¡°Everyone is reluctant to ask others questions like this Do you get excited when you see blood?  Because this undoubtedly seems a bit perverted, but every man has a beast in his heart, a beast that will come out to cause trouble when it smells the smell of blood.  It¡¯s just that no one will think about this seriously, so most of them think that they have not discovered this, but in fact they have discovered it but are unwilling to admit it.  When the soldiers of the Black Flag Army stepped on the pontoon and shouted and rushed forward, the soldiers of the Nanyan Army instinctively started to shoot arrows in that direction.  They were indeed afraid. No one would be calm in such a tragic scene.  But fear can make their hands tremble and their hearts tremble, but it won't make them turn around and run away.  In fact, no matter how weak the army is, they still have a sense of pride, and they don't want to be called cowards.  Men are all bloody.  The arrows were sprayed densely towards the pontoon, like heavy rain pouring down from the sky.  The Black Flag Army soldiers who rushed at the front fell over one after another and fell into the river and flowed down the river. Soon, the bodies on the river were piled next to each other.  The water turned red, but there was nothing festive about it.  With a pop, Qin Yuan was hit by an arrow on the shoulder. The arrow penetrated deeply into the flesh and got stuck on the blade. He grinned, cursed "Fuck you, mother", and then cut the arrow away with a knife.  After cutting off the pole, they strode to the south bank of the river. Hundreds of Black Flag Army soldiers were shot to death, but after they boarded the south bank, the smell of beasts began to become stronger and stronger.  "Fuck you, you fucking deserve to be called soldiers!" A Black Flag Army soldier kicked over the Nanyan Army soldier blocking him in front of him, and then wiped away the enemy's neck with a knife. When the blade passed by,  Blood beads flew out following the direction of the knife.  He walked forward with a ferocious smile, slashing out with one knife after another. Having experienced countless fights, this border soldier knew how to kill the enemy with one blow, and he also knew that the more unafraid of death at this time, the more likely he would survive.  His blade first opened the neck of an enemy, and then left a long wound on the chest of the second soldier. The injured Nanyan soldier fell down wailing, feeling that all the strength in his body followed the wound.  He was drained by the blood spurting out of his body, but where on the battlefield would he be given the opportunity to cry out?  This black flag army is stabbing the enemy's heart with another knife, and then continues to stride forward.  "Kill them to death, and you will be the ones alive!" Qin Yuan dodged a stabbing spear and cut off the arm holding the spear with one swipe of the knife. The enemy on the opposite side screamed and retreated, but was kicked by him.  He was kicked in the chest and then stabbed to death.  He called on his men to rush forward while killing people with one knife after another: "Follow me, mother-in-law, and pay attention to the formation! We have to fight to create a place for the comrades behind us to stay. Follow me closely. If you lose it,  The hell are you doing in the back!" "Kill!" The well-trained Black Flag Army soldiers immediately gathered behind him, and a sharp arrow array began to take shape.  Using Qin Yuan as an arrow, the sharp arrow formation tore a hole in the Nanyan army's phalanx, and the Black Flag Army soldiers who joined in later continued to widen the bloody hole.  The soldiers' boots stepped on the bloody mud as they walked forward. It felt as muddy as stepping on land that had just been soaked by heavy rain.  The sound of war drums coming from behind was like giving them a pill, filling their whole bodies with murderous intent. The sound of the drums was so powerful and fierce, like the most exciting war song!  "Mother! Mother! Save me!" A Nanyan Army soldier who fell to the ground screamed. Lying on the ground, his face was as white as paper. He covered his stomach with one hand and shouted to his mother while  The intestines that came out were stuffed back.  His hands were covered with blood, but the greasy intestines couldn't be stuffed back after they came out, and they quickly piled up around him.  A soldier passing by stepped on his intestines and almost slipped, but the soldier who was stepped on didn't even feel any pain. At this time, he was only afraid.  "I want to go home!" A Nanyan soldier who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old ran back crying. In his eyes, those Black Flag Army soldiers were not people at all, but a group of people who had just emerged from hell.  The ferocious beasts, those guys had no humanity at all. The knives turned into the fangs of the beast in their hands, biting into their companion's body and his courage bit by bit.  "Go back!" A team of the Nanyan Army stopped in front of him and shouted: "Hold the river bank. If the enemy successfully lands on the bank, none of you willCan't live!  " "I don't want to fight!  " The young man ran back crying: "I want to go home, my mother is still waiting for me, my grandpa is still waiting for me I am the only son in the family, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!  " "Die!  " The Nanyan team was slashing the boy over with a single blow: "Push back!  Keep your hands open, rush forward, don¡¯t worry about anything, just rush forward!  Use your long spear to push the enemy back and push them all back into the river!  "His shout is like a small fish swimming upstream. Although it is stubborn and tenacious, it seems so weak. "Nanyan people are also proud!  " He roared and pushed forward: "If you are a man, follow me and fight back!  " Dozens of Nanyan soldiers gathered around him. They formed a small cone-shaped formation and rushed forward against the tide of the Black Flag Army's attack. Soon, this formation was worn away by the tide and became smaller and smaller.  When he saw a shirtless enemy covered in blood, his eyes were blurred with blood and he could not see clearly the appearance of the enemy. The knife flashed in front of his eyes, and then there was darkness.  Qin Yuan swiped his knife across the face and cut open the eyes of the crazy enemy. The knife slashed straight across the man's face, and a line of blood immediately appeared on the bridge of his nose and forehead. "My eyes!"  "The enemy only had time to shout a word before his throat was cut open. After the arteries and blood vessels were disconnected, they retracted into the body like rubber bands, but the blood spurted out like a waterfall. When darkness and silence came at the same time, it meant death was coming.  The initial resistance of the Nanyan army did hinder the progress of the Black Flag Army soldiers, but when the more ferocious side on the battlefield gradually lost its numerical disadvantage, victory came.  The number of Black Flag Army soldiers who landed on the south bank was small at the beginning, so many corpses were left behind every step forward. As the soldiers who landed on the beach subsequently joined the battlefield, the area torn apart with blood became larger and larger.  Starting to retreat step by step, the Black Flag Army soldiers swarming across the river looked like ants passing by on several pontoon bridges. Fu Zhengming's face became increasingly ugly. He thought they could hold them back for at least a few days.  , His army was trained by him, and he knew that his soldiers were not cowards. However, he did not expect that the enemy's defensive array would be crushed so quickly.  I don't want him to lead his troops out, but the days in the city have been really frustrating these days. The Black Flag Army men come to harass them every night. Because they are cavalry, they can come from the lower reaches and show off their power for a while.  Then withdraw. It can be said that Fu Zhengming was waiting for the Black Flag Army to cross the river. It was undoubtedly the most appropriate time for him to argue with Fu Zhengnan.  I once said that even if we lose two people, fighting outside the city will boost morale more than defending inside the city. And I have confidence in my men to hold the south bank of the river and make the Black Flag Army pay the price.  The people are also watching us. If we don't even dare to fight, how can the people trust us? Even if we want to defend Qingyuan City in the future, we must call on the people to go to the city to defend. If we want to call on the people, we must let it go.  The people saw our attitude! He said to Zhengnan, I led the troops out of the city today to show an attitude! Unfortunately, ambition is meaningless at some point. "General, we must withdraw!"  " The deputy general shouted several times before pulling Fu Zhengming out of the pain: "General, we must withdraw our troops!  If the cavalry of the Black Flag Army comes around from the lower reaches in a moment, it will be too late for us to withdraw!  "Actually, Fu Zhengming wanted to get a miracle. "A miracle that anyone who leads an army wants to get. If he leads the troops to block the Black Flag Army, and then fights back when everyone thinks it is impossible, he attacks the north bank of the river.  , then it would be the greatest encouragement to the people in Qingyuan City, and his name would be written into the history books. It was this idea that prompted him to lead his troops out of the city in order to prevent the Black Flag Army's cavalry from coming downriver.  During the sneak attack, his eldest brother Fu Zhengnan had to send all the 3,600 cavalry in the city to patrol the lower reaches. Once he found that the Black Flag Army cavalry was trying to cross the river, he immediately stopped it along the coast. The water depth in the lower reaches meant that even the cavalry could come.  , but it was very difficult to cross the river. The Nanyan cavalry was sure to kill a large number of enemies when the Black Banner cavalry crossed the river. But from the beginning to now, the Black Banner cavalry has not been seen crossing the river. ¡°Withdraw!  ¡±  Fu Zhengming had to issue an order. He knew that once the number of enemies crossing the river exceeded 5,000, his team would be completely stuck.  "Fire the arrow! Separate the people in front!" He gritted his teeth and gave the order.  There is no doubt that this order is cruel.  The soldiers of the Black Flag Army and the soldiers of Nanyan were already fighting together in front of them, and half of the people they shot with arrows were their own.  But if they are not separated at this time, the Nanyan soldiers who are forced to retreat will implicate the teams behind them!  "The rear team turns around and withdraws! Send a signal and ask the city lord to send troops to respond!" He gave the order loudly.  The archers began to shoot intensively, and then the Nanyan team behind them began to turn around and evacuate.  Fu Zhengming looked back at the young man in black who was beating the drum on the other side of the river, with hatred in his eyes.  He swore in his heart that sooner or later he would cut off this man's head to pay homage to the men who died in today's battle!  The signal rose and flew into the sky, exploding a huge cloud of fireworks.  Standing on the top of the city, Fu Zhengnan's expression immediately changed. The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly: "You're defeated so quicklyBoy, you shouldn't have left the city!" He turned around and ordered: "  Shi Dake, take five thousand troops out of the city to bring the second master back! If the second master can¡¯t come back, you don¡¯t have to come back!¡± ¡°Here!¡± Nanyan General Shi Dake immediately agreed and turned around and ran down the city wall.  "If anyone ever mentions to me that he goes out of the city to meet the enemy, kill him!" Fu Zhengnan said with a cold face, unwilling to look at the north side of the city.  Qingyuan City belongs to Nanyan and also to him.  He knew that he could surrender, but if he surrendered without fighting, Fang Jie would not take him seriously.  Only by letting Fang Jie know what he is capable of and stopping the Black Flag Army from advancing can his value be greater.  Of course, this is a decision that would not be made unless absolutely necessary.  What he wants now is to try his best to protect his Qingyuan Cityhis own!
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