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Text Chapter 342 The difference between big stars and little stars (please subscribe)

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    Now that there is room for negotiation, Liang Li does not want to fight to the death with the other party.  You can cause trouble for the other party at any time, so why wait until now?  Tag and Niu Haoling cannot stay together forever. As long as the two are separated, the Hunter King Team can find an opportunity to kill one of them.  Niu Haoling had his own reasons for making such a request. One was that it was not easy to enter the palace. He and Tag would definitely not be able to do it in a short time. If Liang Li and others could help, this matter would become much easier.  "You go ahead, I'm worried that you will play dirty tricks behind my back." Seeing that Liang Li agreed to her request, Niu Haoling also made more requests.  Now at a disadvantage, Liang Li had to lower her head. They left the injured Tang Long beside the stone wall and walked at the front of the team.  Liang Li took out a medicine bag from her pocket and splashed the powder in the medicine bag on the ground as she walked. Her steps were very fast. When the insects around her that were planning to pounce on her saw her, they were like mice meeting cats.  Scattered away.  "Awesome." Niu Haoling defined Liang Li in her heart.  Seeing the medicine pack in Liang Li's hand, Tag's originally fiery heart suddenly cooled down. He had originally planned to capture these insect kings and control these insects, but now it's better, these insects actually have fatal weaknesses.  Tag was wondering, do bugs still have a sense of smell?  This is no wonder Constantine doesn't take the bugs seriously. The desire for the bug king in his heart has weakened, but Tagg is still thinking about one thing. Judging from the current situation of the ruins of the ancient city, the only two pieces of wealth are gold.  Halls and insects, since the weaknesses of insects have been eliminated, what else can attract a king-level powerhouse?  "Don't mention the Golden Hall. Even Tagg doesn't look down on the wealth of the Golden Hall, let alone Constantine, one of the four kings.  There must be treasures inside!  Tagge was 100% sure that the thing that caught the eye of the Four Kings was definitely not an ordinary treasure.  Seeing Liang Li and others happily leading them into the palace, Tagg concluded that the treasure was not in the palace. However, this ancient city was so big that Tagg didn't have anthelmintics in his hand, and he couldn't find out the details for a while.  What kind of treasure is it? At this moment, he felt like there was a cat's paw scratching in his heart, making him feel itchy and uncomfortable.  On the way, Niu Haoling also noticed Tag's absent-mindedness, which was completely opposite to the excited expression just now. He was too lazy to guess the cause of Tag's mood swings, because he was getting closer and closer to the place where the evil spirit was strongest.  The palace in the ruins of the ancient city is almost ventilated, and the ceiling has collapsed. Sunlight shines into the hall through the gaps, making the originally dark hall much brighter. The objects in the palace are very messy, and most of the objects are eaten away by insects.  Kong, the slightest touch will turn it into ashes. Niu Haoling winked at Gao Tao, and the two men rushed into the ruins in two groups.  The two of them were pulling at the broken objects in the ruins like money lovers. Liang Li and others frowned secretly as they watched. Even Tagg had doubts on his face.  They don¡¯t understand, what is the use of these two people looking for such rags? Even if they dig out some cultural relics, how much can they sell for?  It's better to just go to the Golden Hall and dig for a piece of gold.  "Brother, I found a piece! Haha." After more than ten minutes, Gao Tao took out a jade pendant with an edge missing from a pile of rocks that had been weathered into sand. He wiped the jade pendant carefully and smiled happily:  "I really came to the right place this time." Niu Haoling gave Gao Tao a thumbs up, and the two of them started working hard again.  "Tage, these two friends of yours are really interesting." Liang Li did not forget to make fun of Tag.  Sure enough, Tag's old face turned red and he said angrily: "What do you know? Tsk." Although he said this, his thoughts in his heart were not much different from Liang Li's, and he had no idea what Niu Haoling and the two were busy doing.  What.  The rubbish objects in the eyes of everyone were all treasures in the eyes of Niu Haoling and Gao Tao. After more than an hour, they had found more than a dozen evil spirit weapons, most of which were scrap copper and iron. Niu Haoling saw these objects  As she put each item into a small box made of jade, and then carefully put it into her handbag, Liang Li felt like she was about to collapse.  "Are you done?" Liang Li snorted angrily.  Niu Haoling laughed and said: "It's over, it's over, you can leave now." The purpose of this trip was achieved, and Niu Haoling became greedy for life and afraid of death. Only a fool took risks after finding a way to survive. His only idea now is to get away from this ghost as soon as possible.  This trip has offended the King of Killers, and he has already regretted it.  There were no surprises on the way back. The only thing that surprised Niu Haoling was that Duan Peng and Zhuang Min were still alive.  Tagge motioned to Niu Haoling several times to stay and continue the treasure hunt, but Niu Haoling was ignored.Ling found a topic to discuss and joked about. His only thought now was to stay away from the place of right and wrong, so that he could stay and accompany Tager on some big adventures.  Tag has made up his mind to persuade the family members to come here when he returns. By then, a battle between them and the King of Killers will be inevitable. Anyway, Joker has already had a stalemate with the King of Killers, and the family will definitely side with Joker.  This side.  On the way back, Soma followed Niu Haoling's suggestion and deliberately made a large circle to prevent Liang Li and others from following him. When he arrived at the camp, it was already the evening of the second day. He heard that Tang Fei was dead, and the tour guide also became obsessed with looking for Tang Fei.  After losing an arm, such a big thing happened, the tourists were not in the mood to continue playing, and the atmosphere became much lower.  Niu Haoling and Gao Tao took a flight back to Qizhou overnight. Now Niu Haoling was so anxious that he didn't want to waste a moment.  After arriving in Qizhou, Niu Haoling called Ma Dong and dragged Ma Dong out of Wenwen Township. Ma Dong had just won a newly debuted female star, but before he could warm up the bed, he was dispatched to the airport by Niu Haoling.  .  It was already three o'clock in the morning, no wonder Ma Dong was full of resentment. Ma Dong complained to Niu Haoling first, and then drove to the villa in the middle of the lake.  Zhang Qingzheng is currently studying "Pingdi Yuanyan" all night long. He left more than a dozen evil spirit weapons and drove Niu Haoling out of the basement, leaving only Gao Tao for training.  Niu Haoling walked out of the villa with more resentment than Ma Dong. This old man is simply a master who burns bridges when crossing rivers!  Oh shit!  When he walked out of the villa, he happened to see Ma Dong squatting by the lake and smoking. Hearing Niu Haoling's footsteps, Ma Dong turned around and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Did you get kicked out by the master? I just said it."  "You are asking for trouble by disturbing others so late. If I were your master -" "Pfft!" Before Ma Dong could finish his words, he was kicked into the lake by Niu Haoling.  With the current speed of Niu Haoling's movement, Ma Dong couldn't see clearly how he made the move.  Ma Dong swam out of the lake using the doggy style, and smiled without anger: "Oh, Brother Thirteen is angry? Let's go, I can't sleep now anyway, I will show you the nightlife of Quan City, let's talk ten  Third brother, you are known as the leader of the three tigers in Qizhou, but how many people really know you and have seen you? I still say that you have to be down-to-earth in your behavior, otherwise who will be there in three to five years?  Do you know who Niu Haoling is?" Niu Haoling laughed and scolded: "Stop talking nonsense, go in and change your clothes, let's go." Ma Dong laughed and said, "No problem, wait for me." After more than ten minutes, Ma Dong put on his clothes.  Wearing blue casual clothes, he hurried out. He laughed and said, "Where do you want to go, Brother Thirteen? Just ask." Niu Haoling solved the crisis of soul nourishment and was in a good mood now. He smiled and said, "You can go anywhere."  Ma Dong snapped his fingers and said, "Go to Jin Lily! It's a good place there, hehe." Ma Dong smiled and said, "Brother Thirteen, you don't know. This Jin Lily is a ministerial leader."  It's open, and ordinary people can't get in. The people who can get in are all extraordinary. Of course, as Thirteenth Brother, you are definitely qualified to get in. " Niu Haoling chuckled: "How did you get in.  "Ma Dong chuckled and said, "I can't tell you without fear of making you laugh. I still count on the little stars under my command. These girls are all very coquettish. They sing and dance during the day and go to Jinlily to deliver food at night.  After coming and going these days, I actually received a membership card, haha. " Niu Haoling understands various behaviors in the entertainment industry. To put it bluntly, no woman who enters the entertainment industry is a woman from a good family. Since ancient times, actors have been ruthless and willing to become actors.  Women have long despised sex. Just like a certain big star said in an interview with a reporter, "Kissing is nothing, it's just flesh touching flesh."  Therefore, regardless of whether they are above or below, in the eyes of these celebrities, it is all flesh and blood, and there is not much difference. They are also fighting in this life, and they will meet someone who is willing to praise them sooner or later.  Their godfather.  In Ma Dong¡¯s words, what is the difference between big stars and little stars?  There is no difference. A big star becomes a big star because he made the right choice in the process of playing with meat. A small star is still in the stage of playing with meat and cannot find the right person to play with.  "By the way, how is Dihao now?" On the way to the city, Niu Haoling suddenly remembered his first mission. It was a mission where he and Lei Xuanxuan became acquainted, but they seemed to be far apart.  , will never reach the point of falling in love.  Ma Dong exclaimed: "Emgrand? Emgrand? Damn, that's a place where only the nouveau riche go to play. It's too vulgar. Brother Thirteen, we are elegant people now. We can't even mention this name. It's a loss of status!" "  goYou, you just graduated a few days ago, and you already know what elegance is?  Niu Haoling laughed and cursed. He has always been a country bumpkin and has never thought of himself as a refined person. Ma Dong drove his Porsche into a small alley. The buildings on both sides of the alley were very old, and some of the buildings even had their walls peeled off.  After it was all gone, Niu Haoling frowned and said, "Why is there still a place like this in the city?  Doesn¡¯t the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development know about demolition?  I'll call Director Liu later and see if I can buy this land.  " It has to be said that Niu Haoling has become more knowledgeable during this time, and his tone has also become a little official and arrogant. Even he himself did not notice this change. Ma Dong looked at Niu Haoling as if he were a fool.  After a long while, he said: "Brother Thirteen, you really don't know where this place is?  " Niu Haoling shook his head and asked, "What's wrong?  Is this place special?  " Ma Dong sighed in admiration: "Go out at the next intersection and you will find the Provincial Party Committee Courtyard.  Who dares to demolish this place?  Are the people in the provincial party committee happy to be surrounded by high-rise buildings?  This place was originally planned to be developed into a park, but later the residents were unwilling. How much demolition fee would be required to build a park?  The location here must be the most expensive location in Quan City. We couldn't agree on the price, so the place was shelved. Both parties were fighting each other to see who couldn't hold on first.  " "Is there such a thing?  "Niu Haoling doesn't understand officialdom and business, and doesn't know much about these. Ma Dong said quietly: "Actually, someone in our group contacted the provincial party committee and wanted to develop this area, and even put your name on it, but it still didn't work.  It was the provincial governor who came forward, but the provincial party committee compound and the residents here were unwilling to give in.  " "Well, there's nothing we can do about it.  "Niu Haoling is very supportive of the group. People use him as a cover. As long as it is convenient for people in the group to do things, Niu Haoling will raise his hands and agree. After passing through this alley, a red-tiled courtyard from the Republic of China appeared in front of him. The door of the courtyard  , and two men in black clothes who were more than 1.9 meters tall were standing on both sides, holding a walkie-talkie in their hands, looking warily at Ma Dong and Niu Haoling as they got off the car. Ma Dong walked to the door of the compound.  He showed his membership card and said, "Can I come in?  " The man in black checked his membership card, nodded and said, "Well, go to the orange hall, not the golden hall.  "    "Know.  Ma Dong muttered. The words of the man in black made Ma Dong feel a little embarrassed.
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