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Text Chapter 341: Violence (please subscribe)

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    "This -" Everyone around looked at him with their eyes wide open.  The person who was most shocked was Gao Tao. He could be said to have walked around the gate of hell. The moment the bomb was thrown, Gao Tao really thought he was dead.  But the suddenly formed sand wall blocked this fatal attack for him.  "What kind of ability is this?" Beate was really dumbfounded. This was the first time he encountered this kind of defense method in so many years of wandering.  The strangely formed sand wall completely changed Beate's values ??and worldview.  This - is this too outrageous?  Beate was cursing in her heart, not paying any attention to Niu Haoling who was approaching quickly.  "Beate! Get out of the way!" Beate didn't pay attention to Niu Haoling. It doesn't mean that others didn't notice. Liang Li watched Niu Haoling pounce on Beate, and couldn't help but feel anxious. The strongest firepower of their King Hunter team  It is the combination of Abigail and Beate. Now Abigail is dead. If Beate dies again, the strength of their King Hunter team will definitely drop by 70%.  After all, this is the era when hot martial arts are king. No matter how strong Tang Long and Sharif's personal combat power is, they cannot cope with thousands of troops, but Abigail and Beate can do it. With Beate's blasting skills and  Abigail's superb marksmanship means that their King Hunter team can fight against small armies in the Middle East.  Along with Liang Li¡¯s shouting, Beate also noticed the whistling wind in his ears.  "Not good!" Although Beate's own strength is not that good, he is better because of his rich experience. He knows that there is no time to tilt his head to check the attacker, so he raises his arms to protect his head and faces the direction of the wind.  Leaning away.  "Peng!" Niu Haoling used his iron right leg and struck Beate's arms hard. There was no clear sound of broken bones in such a fierce collision.  \?With Niu Haoling's kick, Beate's body quickly jumped forward for more than ten meters. He rolled on the spot, ignoring the burning pain in his arms, and rolled and crawled towards the team.  Seeing that Beate escaped the disaster, Liang Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Beate was too important to their team and nothing could happen to her.  "What a risk, what a risk, Soma, thank you." The sand wall in front of him slowly turned into sand and piled on the ground. Gao Tao glanced at the sand on the ground with regret and smiled gratefully at Soma.  Soma nodded and smiled at Gao Tao with a slightly pale face. The stimulation of her mental power just now also caused some impact on her brain. Her mental power was all condensed in the sand. The sand was torn apart by the bombs and wasted.  Naturally it is her mental strength.  Niu Haoling walked up to Gao Tao and said: "Be careful, don't be careless again, the other person is not an ordinary person." Gao Tao smiled bitterly: "I can't help it, none of us can escape without taking risks." Tag walked slowly.  When he came to the three of them, he first looked at Gao Tao for a while, then gave a thumbs up and smiled: "Boy, you did a good job, you have some potential." Obviously, Gao Tao's actions just now made Tag very satisfied, and he couldn't even fight against the two kings.  Killing a member of the King Hunting Team. Unexpectedly, in this remote and barren country, Tagg personally killed a member of the King Hunting Team. How could this not excite him?  On the other side, Liang Li and others have collected Abigail¡¯s body.  "Now, of Liang Li's party, only she and Sharif are still capable of fighting. Beate and Tang Long have both been seriously injured, and they are too weak to take action again.  Seeing the situation clearly, Liang Li also retreated. The current situation was quite unfavorable to them. If they continued to fight, the King Hunting Team might really withdraw from the stage of history.  Liang Li said with a cold face: "Tage, if you kill a member of my hunting king team, I will definitely get the debt back from you!" She looked at Niu Haoling again and hummed: "And you, since you understand  The moves of the Emperor and Thousand Kings must be from the Four Kings Association. Not only did you assist the Middle East Joker to kill my members of the Four Kings Association, but you also attempted to invade the ancient city guarded by the Emperor. I will list all these crimes at the Four Kings Meeting.  Come out, let the law enforcement team come forward to solve this matter." Law enforcement team?  What is this stuff?  Niu Haoling's face was full of confusion. Although he didn't understand what the law enforcement team was, the name sounded a little uncomfortable to him. It was definitely not a good department.  Tager stroked his long sword, still wearing the same elegant aristocratic posture, and said with a smile: "Little sister Liang Li, do you think you can still leave alive today?" Tagge and Niu Haoling still have fighting power, and with the addition of  Soma, who has strong mental power, should have no problem dealing with Sharif and Liang Li, and the chance of winning is definitely higher than 50%.  The corners of Liang Li's mouth turned up slightly, showing a mocking smile. She glanced at Sharif. Sharif hesitated for a moment, thenThen he took out an alloy box from his arms. The box was somewhat similar to the iron pencil box Niu Haoling used to go to school when he was a child.  Sharif opened the alloy box and took out three syringes with blue liquid.  Liang Li said: "Tage, you should be familiar with this thing, right?" Sure enough, just as Liang Li said, Tag's face suddenly became much uglier when he saw these three needles.  "What is this?" It can make a sub-king-level powerhouse change his expression. The thing in this needle tube is definitely not an ordinary thing.  Tag murmured: "Damn, this is the violent hormone, a thing produced by the most mysterious research center of the King of Hackers. This crazy bitch even carries this kind of thing with her!" "What is the violent hormone?"  Niu Haoling was very puzzled.  Tagg slowly said: "This is a drug similar to a stimulant. It was made by the King of Hackers' exclusive research team for five years. They extracted some hormonal elements from animals, researched and developed them again and again, and finally researched  After releasing the violent element, the power contained in each violent element is different. If the hormone element is extracted from the body of the bear, the user will gain the power of the bear, and the whole person will become infinitely powerful and covered with hair.  The thick fur can increase the strength several times. If the hormone elements are extracted from the body of the bear wolf, the user will gain the power of the wolf, the agility of the whole person will be greatly increased, and the person will become extremely bloodthirsty. "  Niu Haoling exclaimed: "Damn, isn't that a werewolf?" Tag nodded and said: "That's right, when Berserk appeared, the King of Hackers had done several experiments in North America, injecting ordinary people with Berserk  Then throw them on the street, let them mutate, and start attacking the people around them to study the power-enhancing effect of the violent element. This is why the name werewolf has been passed down to this day. "I didn't expect that the werewolf was still the king of hackers.  Niu Haoling secretly found it funny.  If the liquid in this needle is injected, a person's strength will increase several times. Then will anyone in the world be willing to practice?  Isn't this too much of a shortcut?  As if he had seen through Niu Haoling's thoughts, Tag said: "When the violent hormone appeared, it indeed caused a great sensation in the black market. The first violent hormone was also sold for a sky-high price. However, not long after, the first injection of violent hormone  All the people on the element suffered from muscle atrophy and necrosis, and finally became mummies. The appearance of death was very ugly, so the Four Kings Association established a clear rule to strictly prohibit the flow of violent element into the market, and prohibited the team of the King of Hackers from continuing to produce violent element. Look at what is happening in front of you.  "The King of Hackers did not comply with the decision of the Four Kings Meeting." Niu Haoling frowned and said, "Didn't they conduct experiments in advance? How could such a problem occur?" Tag looked at Liang Li and others in the distance and laughed at himself.  : "I personally estimate that they must be aware of this weakness, but they just can't solve it. However, due to financial difficulties, they don't care about production and sales. Gee, now I want to get one like this. It's really a good thing to threaten people."  Indeed, Liang Li took out three Violent Elements and forced Tage to make concessions. Although the victory of Tage and his group is now higher than 50%, if Liang Li and the others injected themselves with Violent Elements, then Tage would  This group of people didn't even have a 10% chance of winning, and they would definitely end up being crushed.  Niu Haoling gave a bitter smile and muttered to himself: If you want to threaten others, you have to know what it is, right?  ¡° If Tag didn¡¯t know what Violence Element is today, Niu Haoling would have probably taken action long ago. Wouldn¡¯t he be a fool if he didn¡¯t take action even though he had the advantage?  If there was no tag and no recognition, Liang Li and others would probably have been able to inject violent hormones and die together with Niu Haoling and the others.  When Tag was explaining to Niu Haoling, Liang Li didn't interrupt. She didn't want to die now. If she could force the other party to make concessions, she would be happy.  As long as she leaves here, she has ten thousand ways to keep these people in the desert forever.  When Niu Haoling heard Tag's explanation, he already understood. He raised his hands and laughed: "This beauty has such a big killer in her hands, how can we dare to say no? Today's conflict ends here.  , both sides have done something wrong, how about we leave together?" Liang Li has a trump card in her hand, how can she be polite to Niu Haoling, she said solemnly: "You are in the middle.  Leave this ancient city within an hour!¡± Niu Haoling chuckled and said, ¡°Beautiful lady, you¡¯re wrong. Let¡¯s talk about it. If you have something to talk about, can I understand it like this? You¡ª  "Don't you want to continue talking?" Sharif raised the alloy box in his hand and said angrily: "You have no right to choose now!" Niu Haoling laughed wildly for a while, then pointed at Sharif and cursed: "Yes, the choice is yours."  In your hands?But so what?  I will also tell you the bottom line. First, you are not allowed to leave here even half a step. You must wait until we leave the ancient city before leaving.  Second, we have to enter the palace together. Brother Tag and I still have something to pick up, so we should leave immediately after taking it.  " Liang Li and others felt that their brains were a bit out of use. After all, we are the threatening party, right? Why do we feel that our identities have been exchanged? Niu Haoling seemed as if he was afraid that they would not give the injection, and he laughed and said: "If you have the ability, just do it  injection!  Injecting one person is definitely no match for us, at least two people have to be injected. I have never seen what violent hormone is, and I don¡¯t have much research on this thing. How about you inject one first and let¡¯s see how powerful it is?  If it is stronger than us, how about we just admit defeat and leave?  " Hearing Niu Haoling's serious look, Sharif was so angry that he almost spat out blood. If you can't beat us, will you admit defeat and leave? Is there such a good thing in the world? Niu Haoling's tone gradually became tougher: "You don't have many choices now.  , one is to inject violent hormones to see if we can all stay here. Let me remind you, my movement speed is not slow. If you are unlucky and have not injected the hormones of agile beasts like wolves and leopards,  Then you can only die lonely.  The second thing is to agree to my two previous conditions. We will not touch the gold in the Golden Hall. My main purpose is to find a few things here.  " Niu Haoling didn't dare to let Liang Li and others leave first. What if they dropped a few high-explosive bombs on it after they went out? The desert surface is inherently unstable. Once it is attacked by an external force, the ruins of this ancient city may really remain forever.  Buried in the rolling sand "You win!  "Liang Li's eyes seemed to be able to spit out fire, and she wanted to roast Niu Haoling with the fire in her eyes.
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