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Text Chapter 435: Fear and fear

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    Umezu Yoshijiro is filled with regret now. If he had listened to Lieutenant General Iimura's parting advice and transferred these one hundred troops, even to the south of Xinjing, today's losses could have been completely avoided, and he would have  You can submit a message to the emperor.  As for the bombing of Xinjing, it was unavoidable during the war. Compared with the problem of losing a hundred troops, it was relatively easy to deal with.

    "And when did the Anti-Japanese Alliance have so many bombers? The Kwantung Army's intelligence system, which it had always been proud of, actually didn't get any intelligence at all.  This was extremely embarrassing for Umezu Yoshijiro.  It was a resounding slap in the face to the intelligence system that the Japanese army had always been proud of.

    What made Umezu Yoshijiro even more embarrassed and extremely angry was that such a large group of enemy bombers passed through the defense zones of several divisions and bombed Xinjing.  The entire Kwantung Army, from the troops stationed at the front to the troops responsible for Xinjing's air defense, showed no reaction at all.  Until the enemy planes had set the front line of Mengjiatun on fire, he, Umezu Yoshijiro, still did not hear a single counterattack from anti-aircraft artillery.

    Umezu Yoshijiro was so angry that he lost his temper and resolutely refused to go to the air raid shelter to avoid the air raid.  But as his chief of staff and the second-ranking figure in the Kwantung Army, Hy身taro Kimura could not ignore the behavior of the general commander who was almost going crazy with anger and disregarded his own safety.

    If something happens to your immediate boss under your nose, your military career will really come to an end.  The emperor and the base camp would not care whether the commander was determined not to go to the air raid shelter, and could only hit himself with a board.  In particular, this commander was personally named by the Emperor to be transferred from the post of commander of the First Army of the China Expeditionary Force to the commander of the Kwantung Army.

    You must know that this commander was the first division commander among the seventeen division commanders of the Army to stand up and clearly support the suppression by force during the February 26 Incident that shocked the country.  As a result, he was deeply appreciated by the emperor, who even promoted him to the rank of general in advance.  If something went wrong with this important minister of the emperor, it would be impossible for him to take off his military uniform safely.

    Seeing that Umezu Yoshijiro resolutely refused to go to the air-raid shelter, Kimura Hyoutarou, who was worried that the commander would be bombed to death in his residence, and the entire Kwantung Army was embarrassed, had no choice but to take coercive measures.  With a few guards, he forcibly dragged the furious Umezu Yoshijiro into the official residence, into the sturdy air-raid shelter built after the Battle of Nomonhan that could withstand a direct hit from a 100 kilogram bomb.

    After desperately dragging General Umezu Yoshijiro into the air-raid shelter, Kimura Hy身taro, who also knew that he was the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, did not hesitate at all. He immediately grabbed the phone in the air-raid shelter and issued several orders in succession.  In addition to ordering all the anti-aircraft artillery fire around Xinjing to fire back immediately, the aviation force was also asked to immediately prepare the commander's special plane and be ready to take off at any time.

    ※Just kidding, what exactly does the Hundred Troops do? Although Kimura Hy身taro has not been the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army for a short time, he still knows it very well.  Compared with the 731st Unit, which focuses on plague research, the 100th Unit's main bacterial weapons are various cholera viruses.

    And the opponent is conducting large-scale air strikes on the front line of Mengjiatun. Who can guarantee that the viruses that have been mass-produced will not be blown away by bombs?  Who can guarantee that those viruses will be completely eliminated in the fire caused by incendiary bombs?  I'm afraid even the best germ warfare experts can't guarantee this.

    ※If the virus spreads due to bombing, it is very likely to cause a large-scale cholera epidemic.  These cholera bacteria don't know who is Japanese and who is Manchurian.  Not necessarily all the Manchus will be unlucky by then. Presumably the Japanese in Xinjing will also suffer disaster.

    The most important thing is that if the commander of the Kwantung Army in front of him or himself, the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, are accidentally infected, it will be fatal.  Not to mention the Manchus, he wouldn't care how many Japanese died.  But if it involves his own safety, that is not something Kimura Hyoutaro can accept.

    Cholera doesn*t care whether you are a general, a lieutenant general, or an ordinary citizen.  Once infected, it is equally fatal.  Hy身taro Kimura ordered the commander's special plane to be prepared, in order to prepare to leave Xinjing as soon as possible if the cholera virus was found to be spreading.

    How much cholera has been produced has been stored in the 100th unit of the Kwantung Army located on the front line of Mengjiatun? As the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, and who single-handedly formulated the plan to implement large-scale germ warfare in the Anti-Japanese Alliance base area, Kimura Hyoutarou was worried.  Know everything.

    What he knew better was that once all the cholera virus there was leaked, it would be enough to destroy the entire New Capital City and kill all the people in the city, whether they were Manchus or Japanese.  All people, no one is immune.  And that place is only ten kilometers away from Xinjing.

      Lieutenant General Kimura Hy身taro, who cherished his life very much, would never allow his noble life to die young due to being infected with cholera.  Therefore, in addition to strictly ordering the air defense forces in the Xinjing area to immediately counterattack the enemy air strikes, they are also preparing themselves to deal with unexpected aircraft so that they can evacuate this city that is most likely to become a dead city at any time.

    Of course, until an accident occurs that requires him to evacuate, as the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, he still has to perform his duties.  No matter how much Umezu Yoshijiro despises his chief of staff, Kimura Hy身taro, who is a senior military general of the Japanese army and has received strict training from the Army Sergeant School and the Japanese Army University, still has a very keen sense of smell.

    Kimura Hy身taro does not know exactly how many bombers the Anti-Japanese Alliance has.  However, Kimura Hy身taro believes that the bombers currently bombing the front line of Mengjiatun should be the largest force that the Anti-Alliance can send.  Although he was not born in the aviation force, Kimura Hyoutarou also knew that training a pilot is not like an infantryman, who is issued a rifle and can participate in combat after simple training.

    For the Anti-Japanese Alliance, which only saw aviation participation in the war last year, it may not be an easy task to dispatch more than a hundred bombers at once.  The front line of Mengjiatun has been hit by a large-scale air attack that seems to have been launched by all opponents, but not even a single bomb has fallen in the neighboring city of Xinjing, which is only ten kilometers away.  He immediately realized what it meant.

    It is obvious that the opponent has discovered the secret of the front-line garrison in Mengjiatun, which is why they carried out such intensive bombing with the intention of completely destroying it.  But the garrison on the front line of Mengjiatun is the top secret of the Kwantung Army.  Except for the base camp and a very few senior officers of the Kwantung Army, even ordinary officers did not know what kind of troops were stationed there.

    From the outside, it looks like an ordinary military base with relatively tight security.  On the map, it doesn't even show whether there are troops stationed there.  How could the Anti-League know about such a confidential matter?  He, Hyoutaro Kimura, was not stupid enough to think that the Anti-Japanese Alliance's air raid on the front line of Mengjiatun was a mistake, a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

    He was not stupid enough to think that the opponent's bombers, as well as a large number of high-explosive bombs and new incendiary bombs, were just a demonstration against the Kwantung Army in the air strikes on the Mengjiatun front line.  Not to mention the poor Anti-Japanese Alliance, even the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force, which is supported by strong national power, will not waste resources like this.

    Besides, with so many Japanese troops stationed around Xinjing, why did the Anti-Resistance Alliance not bomb other places, but chose the base of 100 troops for bombing.  Moreover, in the new capital city, the Kwantung Army has more places and departments that are far more important than the Mengjiatun front line.  For a resistance army, it is not a symbol of the Japanese occupation of Northeast China, but the headquarters of the Kwantung Army.  The bombing value of the Imperial Palace of the Manchuria Empire alone is no less than that of the Mengjiatun line.

    As a senior general of the Japanese army, Hyotar身 Kimura never believed in such lucky things as a blind cat encountering a dead mouse on the battlefield.  He felt that the bombing on the front line of Mengjiatun was definitely not an accident.  It should be that the Anti-Japanese Alliance figured out what was going on there. When the ground forces could not solve it as soon as possible, they dispatched a large number of bombers in an attempt to destroy the germ warfare capabilities of the Kwantung Army in one fell swoop.

    What made him shudder the most was that if his judgment was true, how did the true identity of the 100 troops leak out?  You must know that except for the bacteriologists who are directly involved in the research there, the secrets of the 100th Army are only known to the senior personnel of the Eastern Army and the base camp.  If it were leaked, I'm afraid it should have been leaked from the Kwantung Army.

    Thinking of this, Kimura Hy身taro couldn't help but feel a little timid, even scared.  If the Kwantung Army cannot keep such secrets secrets, then what other secrets can the Kwantung Army protect against such a formidable opponent like the Anti-Japanese Alliance?  How many ulterior secrets of the Kwantung Army have been leaked?

    In addition to arranging the first few things, the third thing Kimura Hy身taro did was to give the current military police commander of the Kwantung Army a death order to strictly find out who leaked the secrets of the 100th Army.  And he rarely expressed his position in front of his immediate superiors. No matter who he found, he must get to the bottom of it.

    Kimura Hyoutarou occupied the dedicated phone line in the air-raid shelter of his official residence and issued orders one after another.  With the hurried assistance of his adjutant, Umezu Yoshijiro, who had already taken off his loose kimono that was not suitable for escape and put on his military uniform, seemed not to have heard.  He held his saber firmly and sat on the spacious sofa in the air-raid shelter that could be described as luxurious, as if he was resting his mind with his eyes closed.

    It wasn*t until Hy身taro Kimura issued all the orders that the general commander opened his eyes, glanced at Hy身taro Kimura with a sharp look, and then said slowly: "MuSir, after your order, please add a few more orders.  First, let the Xinjing air defense commander and the head of the Special Intelligence Division of the Kwantung Army, who is responsible for counter-alliance intelligence work, commit seppuku to apologize to the emperor.  "

    "Tell them that I will not send them to a military court. Let them cherish their honor as His Majesty's warriors and commit seppuku to express gratitude to the Emperor. Second, be sure to find out why the troops along the line did not attack Xinjing when these enemy planes came.  Issue any warning and hold all officers involved in the division accountable."

    "Third, move all secret-related departments of the Kwantung Army, as well as all important secret documents. Except for the Kwantung Army headquarters, which will temporarily stay in Xinjing to calm people's hearts, the rest will immediately move south to the line from Siping to Tieling. Organize all  The railway team has all entered wartime status and must ensure the smooth flow of the medium- and long-distance railways.§
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