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Text Chapter 434: The Destruction of the Germ Warfare Troops

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    After hearing Kimura Hy¨­taro's report, the ominous premonition in his heart was confirmed, Umezu Yoshijiro almost didn't suffer the blow and fainted on the spot.  If it weren't for Kimura Hy¨­taro who was beside him, as well as the adjutants and guards who rushed over after hearing the explosion, and helped him with help, this dignified general commander of the Kwantung Army would have fallen to the ground.

    And when he woke up from this huge blow, he could no longer hold his breath.  Not caring about the so-called general demeanor he just claimed, he slapped everything on the luxurious desk in the Kwantung Army Commander's residence in front of him to the ground, and said angrily: "Baga, Xinjing"  Everyone in charge of air defense should commit hara-kiri to apologize to the emperor."

    "And the damn Special Intelligence Department and their group of intelligence officers who are stupider than pigs are all a bunch of losers. The enemy is equipped with so many bombers, but they don't notice it at all. With such a large number of bombers, can they all  They just emerged from the ground overnight? The empire spent precious military money on them, which is worse than raising a bunch of pigs."

    No wonder Umezu Yoshijiro is so angry.  Let¡¯s not talk about what kind of troops are stationed on the front line of Mengjiatun and how important they are.  Just say that Xinjing encountered an air attack. The entire Kwantung Army's anti-aircraft artillery and fighter units deployed around Xinjing actually had bombs falling on their heads and did not react at all.

    From the moment I heard the first explosion to now, the entire Mengjiatun front line has turned into a sea of ??flames, and there is not a single sound of anti-aircraft artillery fire in return. How can Umezu Yoshijiro remain calm?  Could it be that the Type 88 75mm anti-aircraft guns equipped by the Imperial Army to the Kwantung Army, as well as those expensive listeners and searchlights, were just decorations?

    Today, the front line of Mengjiatun was hit by an air attack. Who can guarantee that the bomb will fall on the head of the Kwantung Army headquarters tomorrow?  There are also industrial bases needed by South Manchuria to maintain the war against Japan. Who can guarantee that bombs will not fall on their heads that day?  The Empire has always bombed the Chinese. When did it become the turn of the Chinese planes to bomb the Imperial Army?  What's even more annoying is that the anti-aircraft artillery and aviation forces around Xinjing didn't even counterattack.

    If the reaction speed of the Imperial Army is this slow.  Then let alone myself, the commander of the Kwantung Army, not even the top brass at the Tokyo base camp would be reassured.  The bombs fell on his head, and the counterattack troops seemed to be mute. Who else could suppress their anger?

    And those idiots in the Intelligence Department don¡¯t even know that their opponents are equipped with strategic bombers.  Not to mention what type of bombers they are, how much bombs they carry, and what their combat radius is. From what channels did they obtain the bombers? Is it possible that the mainland is also within the combat range of their bombers?

    You must know that their so-called base area is not far from the mainland of the Japanese Empire.  Bombs can fall on Xinjing today, but who can guarantee that bombs will not fall on Tokyo that day?  Today he, the commander of the army, was bombed. Who can guarantee that the Emperor in Tokyo will not be bombed that day?

    The bombing of Tokyo was very embarrassing for Umezu Yoshijiro, but it was not completely unacceptable.  What was most difficult for him to accept was the special unit of the Kwantung Army stationed on the front line of Mengjiatun. Except for a few people from the Kwantung Army headquarters, most Japanese officers and soldiers did not know the importance of the unit.

    He knows more clearly that once something unexpected happens to this unit, what will it mean to the Kwantung Army and even the Empire of Japan?  This not only means that the empire has become a target of public criticism internationally, but also means that the Japanese empire will lose its last trump card when facing opponents such as the United States and Britain whose national power far exceeds Japan's.

    The 100th Unit of the Kwantung Army based in Mengjiatun was the only large-scale germ warfare unit left by the Kwantung Army and even the Japanese Army after the loss of Harbin and the annihilation of the 731st Unit.  .  The entire Japanese army, from the Emperor of Japan to the army leaders, paid great attention to it.

    Just three days ago, the Chief of Staff and the Army Undersecretary had joined forces to send a telegram to the Kwantung Army to discuss whether, if necessary, they could use bacterial weapons on a large scale in order to eliminate the so-called bacterial weapons in the shortest possible time.  The Anti-League Base Area of ??Manchuria Cancer.  Moreover, the two men vaguely revealed in the telegram that this was the emperor's decision.

    Stabilizing the Manchuria-Mongolia region, which is the lifeline of Japan, as quickly as possible is a top priority for the Emperor and the Tokyo base camp.  There is a lot of unrest, the lifeline of the empire's survival is threatened, and His Majesty the Emperor has trouble sleeping and eating.  Without the nearly free resources, energy, and agricultural products provided by Manchuria, as well as the vast market, it would be difficult for Japan to compete with European and American powers relying solely on its own strength.

    Therefore, for the Japanese military, how to eliminate the cancer of public security in Manchuria as quickly as possible and restore the empire's rule over the entire territory of Manchuria has become the top priority of the Tokyo base camp in addition to strategic resource issues.Urgent.  Moreover, the emperor's repeated inquiries have brought great pressure to the Tokyo base camp.

    ???????????????????? If at this moment, the Americans had announced an embargo on the energy and strategic resources that the empire urgently needed, the empire would have focused all its energy on how to obtain oil and strategic metals in order to maintain the war needs.  I am afraid that in the second half of this year, as soon as the Kwantung Army regains its strength, it will order a full-scale attack on the so-called anti-alliance base areas in the north.

    On the premise of not wanting to pay a heavy price like last year, the so-called 100 troops located on the front line of Mengjiatun in Xinjing have become the base camp, including the Kwantung Army. It is expected that it can effectively reduce the loss of national power caused by war.  The secret weapon to restore the previous Manchurian situation as soon as possible.

    Now, such an extremely important force for the Jihad has not had time to play the role that the entire Japanese Army and even the Emperor have high hopes for, but it has been taken out of the sky.  How could this allow the Kwantung Army to explain to the Emperor who attached great importance to this unit and who often personally checked on the safety of this unit after the battle last year?

    With the raging fire igniting from the southeast of Xinjing to the Mengjiatun line, Umezu Yoshijiro could imagine that even with his eyes closed, the entire Mengjiatun line had been completely turned into a pile of ruins.  As for the hundred troops, under a bombing of this scale, there is almost no possibility of survival.

    The 100th Unit of the Kwantung Army is the same as the 731st Unit. Except for a small number of guard troops who have received strict military training like ordinary Japanese combat troops, most of them are experts in germ warfare.  If you ask these people to do some biochemical research, that is their strength.

    But if you ask them to avoid a large-scale air raid without being prepared, it may be too difficult for these people who seriously lack military training.  With such a violent bombing, coupled with all the vigilance beforehand, I am afraid that very few of these empire's precious germ experts will survive.

    The straight-line distance between Xinjing and the so-called base area of ??the Anti-Japanese Alliance is too close. Taking off from the north of the Songhua River, almost all bombers do not need to consider the fuel load and can carry the maximum bomb load for bombing.  If one bomber carries 500 kilograms of bombs, then a hundred bombers can carry a full 50,000 kilograms of bombs.

    " And what this 50,000 kilogram bomb means to the small Mengjiatun, Umezu Yoshijiro knows very well.  The Kwantung Army's No. 100 Unit may only remain on paper from today on.  For the entire Japanese Army, the loss of the best bacteriologists in Japan after the loss of Unit 731, which was concentrated there, may have a greater impact.

    The Kwantung Army¡¯s germ warfare unit, which was once full of talents, may never recover after this bombing.  The few small-scale germ warfare units of the Kwantung China Expeditionary Army alone would never be able to achieve the results of the Kwantung Army.  Thinking of this, Umezu Meijiro wanted to give himself a big mouth.

    After the battle last year, Lieutenant General Iimura Rang, then chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, repeatedly suggested that Xinjing was now too close to the frontier.  The distance of several hundred kilometers from Xinjing to the Shuangcheng line is no longer an insurmountable chasm for modern armies.

    This distance is less than an hour for an airplane.  Taking off from the north of Harbin, we arrived at the current location of the Anti-Japanese League within an hour.  Xinjing is only a few hundred kilometers away from the frontier. For a modern aviation force, it is impossible to call it an effective safe distance.

    Although the bombers currently appearing on the battlefield are mainly no-name bombers and light bombers, and their numbers are not large.  There are not many aircraft that can actually engage in strategic bombing, only twenty or thirty.  Even its use on the battlefield shows that they have not yet formed a complete set of bombing tactics.

    But after all, the Anti-Japanese Alliance already has a certain number of bombers, which is still a big threat to Xinjing, which has gathered a large number of Japanese expatriates and senior commanders of the Kwantung Army.  For a big city like Xinjing with a large population and a large concentration of key departments, the damage caused by a bomb would be huge.

    While trying to mobilize fighter jets and anti-aircraft artillery units to protect Xinjing¡¯s air defense, Lieutenant General Iimura Rang believed that neither the Kwantung Army headquarters nor some confidential and important departments were suitable to stay around Xinjing at the moment.  They should either move south to Fengtian or east to the border between Manchuria and North Korea as soon as possible.

    And on the list of Iimura Rang, the first one is the top secret hundred troops of the Kwantung Army.  Just because of the special nature of this kind of unit, once an accident occurs, it will be difficult for even the Japanese to avoid it.  Lieutenant General Iimura Rang repeatedly suggested that this force be transferred to Chaoyang or Fuxin area north of Jinzhou.

      But Umezu Yoshijiro considered that once the Kwantung Army headquarters was moved at this time, it might cause panic among the Japanese in Xinjing and senior Manchukuo officials.  Once the people's hearts are in chaos, can Manchukuo, which was established by relying on the bayonet of the Kwantung Army, continue to be maintained?

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? For the sake of stabilizing people's hearts, Umezu Yoshijiro tried his best to mobilize dozens of anti-aircraft guns, more than a hundred fighter jets, as well as a large number of listeners and searchlights to take on the air defense mission of Xinjing.  But he still rejected Iimura Rang's suggestion to relocate some important departments.  As the commander of the Kwantung Army, he had to think twice before making up his mind on many decisions
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