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Text Chapter 367 The only good news for the Japanese army

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    When these Japanese aircraft, which did not dare to retreat at maximum speed even if they were escaping for their lives, had just completed their turn, a squadron of P-40 fighter jets specially designed to deal with them had already pounced on them.  After dispersing the Japanese flying formation, they launched an attack on these aircraft in a two-plane formation.

    ¡°What surprised all the pilots involved in the attack was that these Japanese aircraft acted extremely cautiously when faced with their own attacks.  It seems that these planes are made of gold, and even if a hole is broken, they will have to pay compensation.

    ¡°In fact, these pilots did not know that the Japanese pilots flying these planes were also suffering.  He wanted to get away, but because of his extremely unreliable engine, he didn't dare to get away at the maximum speed.  He wanted to fight, but he didn't even dare to make any big maneuvers because of that damn, extremely unreliable engine.

    These Japanese aircraft that had been watching the battle found themselves in an extremely embarrassing situation of being unable to fight and unable to escape.  Even when making movements in the air, you have to be careful, for fear that your car will not be shot down by your opponent, but instead, you will report to Amaterasu due to engine failure.

    Looking at the enemy planes rushing over from all sides, the commander of the Japanese re-2,000 fighter formation cursed the top Japanese aviation officer in charge of procurement half to death in his heart: "Damn broken planes, damned engines, damned Italians. The most damning thing  It¡¯s the guys in the military who got so drunk after playing with women that they got such a bunch of junk and distributed it to themselves.¡±

    "With this damn Italian junk, it is better to continue flying the oldest Type 95 fighter. Although it is an old-fashioned biplane, compared with this kind of fighter, it is as slow as a snail. But at least there is no need to worry because  The engine stalled and he fell from the sky."

    "At least in terms of safety, compared with this piece of junk, it is still quite guaranteed. It allows you to keep your eyes on the dashboard during combat, and you don't have to worry about the aircraft engine stalling, let alone whether it will be caused by the general  It¡¯s an oil leak, not enough to return to the airport, and focus on the battle.¡±

    "You have to worry about flying this damn aircraft like this, let alone on the battlefield, even when flying. Worry about whether its engine will stall due to extreme unreliability, and whether the fuel control valve will fail. As for the battle,  You also have to worry about whether the damn machine gun on this plane will jam. In addition to the blessing of Amaterasu, flying this kind of plane also requires great courage."

    Just cursing can vent the anger in your heart, but it can't solve any problems.  Facing the enemy planes surrounding him from all sides, the major had to fight bravely.  There was no way, for the so-called honor of the Imperial Warrior, he couldn't escape without a fight.  The most important thing is that if you don't dare to fly to the maximum speed, you can't escape even if you run.

    In fact, the senior Army Aviation officer who was yelling at the purchase of this kind of aircraft was a pig-brained lieutenant colonel who didn¡¯t know it.  Purchasing these aircraft is also a no-brainer for the Japanese Army, which is in urgent need of new aircraft to supplement its supply.

    Now, although the Battle of Britain has passed, the main force of the German aviation force has been gradually transferred to other directions.  But the war in North Africa and the Mediterranean is intensifying.  The German Air Force's air raids and air blockade operations against Malta, a strategic city in the Mediterranean, are intensifying.

    ¡°In addition, the German army is now making full and secret preparations to fight against the Soviet Union, and its demand for new fighter jets is also huge.  Even for Japan, an ally, the Germans are unwilling to sell their new fighter jets in large quantities.  Although they are still able to export hundreds of fighter jets, the Germans are still unwilling to sell their new fighter jets at this time.

    And asking the Army, which has always been at odds with the Navy, to purchase Navy aircraft is unacceptable to the top brass of the Army.  The large-scale use of naval aircraft was even considered a great shame by the Army.  The proud Army officials even rejected the Navy's well-intentioned suggestion that Nakajima Company, which specializes in producing aircraft for the Army, also switch to producing Zero fighters as the Army's new generation aircraft.

    The Army just wants to use the Navy's new fighter jets to respond to emergencies before its own new fighter jets are put into production, rather than fully equip the Navy's aircraft.  The Army's new fighter jets are currently only on paper and have not even had time to test fly.  The navy's new aircraft have begun to enter combat.

    From the perspective of the Army's top brass, equipping naval aircraft is unacceptable.  But it is still possible to use navy aircraft to respond to emergencies.  Japan, which is resource-poor and whose industrial and financial foundations are still quite weak, wants to be equipped with modern weapons and equipment.  With productivity unable to meet demand and financial resources unable to support both the navy and the army at the same time, the army and navy almost went to war in order to compete for limited resources.

    The gap between the army and navy is quite deep.  knowingly?The weapons that the so-called friendly forces need to jointly equip are very advanced, but the other side would rather equip outdated, old-fashioned weapons, or start from scratch, rather than use the other side's weapons and equipment.  The same is true for anti-aircraft weapons and the same is true for aircraft.  Even the weapons on the plane are not universal.

    Army and Navy aircraft are also equipped with seven- or seven-millimeter machine guns, but even the bullets are not universal.  The bullet caliber is the same, but the bullet length is different.  That is to say, once the Army Aviation aircraft runs out of bullets, it cannot use the bullets of the Navy fighter jets stationed at the same airport or adjacent airports.

    As for the Navy, after its well-intentioned suggestion was rejected by the Army, the Navy, which was changing its equipment, also refused to send any aviation units to make up for the losses of the Army.  Finally, with the coordination of the Emperor, the Navy reluctantly agreed to send half of its aviation fleet and twenty-six Zero fighters to the Northeast to cooperate with the Kwantung Army.

    In fact, even if the Army agrees to equip the Zero fighter, the Japanese aircraft factory, which has not yet completed domestic mobilization, will not be able to make up for all the losses of the Kwantung Army within a few months.  Under this situation, Italy, the only country that agreed to sell a large number of the latest aircraft and had inventory on hand, became the only choice for the Japanese.

    ¡°And this kind of aircraft performed fairly well when the test pilots sent by the Japanese army tried it out.  Although the engine often has some minor problems, the fuel tank always leaks oil.  But it was not as troublesome and oil leaking as it was when it arrived on the Northeast battlefield.  Its aerial performance is still very good, and its combat performance in certain airspaces is no worse than that of the Type 97 fighter, which has always been flexible.

    What the test pilot dispatched by the Attach¨¦ Office of the Japanese Embassy in Italy did not expect was that Italy is located on the Mediterranean coast, which is much warmer than Northeast China where the winter temperature is 20 to 30 degrees below zero.  The engine of this kind of aircraft is obviously more suitable for the warm and humid climate there, rather than the dry and cold climate of Northeast China.

    You should know that even the coldest weather in Italy is much warmer than that in Northeast China in March.  In addition, the Italians, who were eager to make a profit from their allies, kept bragging about the performance of this aircraft.  The test aircraft prepared for the Japanese was also the best one carefully selected from the production line.

    However, the reliability of the engine of this aircraft is indeed extremely poor, and the layout of the fuel tank also has huge problems.  Even for the Italian Air Force, which is also at war, it is unwilling to do so.  And would rather have those G-50 and MC-200 fighters that, at least on paper, seem to have inferior performance to this kind of fighter.

    Otherwise, operations in the Mediterranean and North Africa are ongoing, facing a large number of Spitfire and Hurricane fighter jets from the British Army, as well as various aircraft purchased from the United States.  The demand for combat aircraft is also quite large, but its own production capacity is not as good as Japan. Where will Italy sell fighter jets?

    It is not surprising that the engine of this kind of aircraft has extremely poor reliability in the warm and silky Italian mainland. It has repeatedly experienced problems in Northeast China, which is thousands of miles away.  After all, when it was originally designed, it was designed according to the climate conditions of central and southern Europe, and it was not considered to be used in weather conditions of minus 20 to 30 degrees.

    Although he reluctantly responded to the challenge, the engine suffered frequent failures.  Even the damn airborne machine guns were troubled and jammed at every turn, and usually two machine guns jammed at the same time.  After just a few rounds of bullets, there was a problem with the feeder and the machine gun, and not a single bullet could be fired.  And this is even worse for the Japanese fighter jets in the air battle.

    Although it took a lot of effort to deal with these two thousand re-fighters who were struggling to their death.  But it is much easier than dealing with the Zero fighter, which requires a lot of effort.  Faced with these rubbish fighters, Liming hesitated for a moment before removing all the guys with actual combat experience and replacing them with some novices for training.

    And his subordinates who had just completed their training and participated in the battle for the first time were obviously a little over-excited.  When all the P-39 fighters were withdrawn according to the order, those P-40 fighters that appeared in the Xing'an area for the first time swarmed forward.  He didn't care whether the opponent in front of him had enough points or not, so he went up to fight in a group.  Even those pilots who had fought in air combat with ME 109 fighter jets also participated.

    Except for the four that crashed, the remaining 17 RE 2,000 fighter jets were swarmed up and engaged in an aerial encirclement and annihilation battle by the P 40 fighter jets.  Flexible two-plane formation, aircraft performance advantages, coupled with high morale.  Although they are all novices who have not actually participated in actual combat, these novices are playing very smoothly.

    The resistance of seventeen re-2,000 fighter jets did not last long.  After more than ten minutes of air combat, all but one of these fighter jets risked accelerating and crashing, leaving the battlefield with all their strength.  After the two aircraft experienced engine problems, they forced an emergency landing on the ground and survived.  The rest were either shot down or crashed due to engine failure.

      Even if this kind of aircraft is useless, one of the biggest advantages is that when diving at high speed, you don't have to worry about your aircraft disintegrating like the Zero fighter.  As long as the fuel tank that runs through the entire aircraft is not hit, a forced dive landing still has a glimmer of hope for the pilot.

    And here is located in the grassland of Inner Mongolia, with flat terrain.  In addition, it is at the turn of winter and spring, and the ground is far from being civilized.  After a severe winter, the ground here was as frozen as an airport.  After the emergency landing, although the plane was lost, it was fortunate that the pilot saved it.  This may be the only good news for the Japanese army
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