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Text Chapter 328: Distant water cannot save the near fire

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    Although some of the cadres were reluctant, after all, they were already at this level, and they had to learn from a small platoon leader. No one would be happy if they changed.  But after looking at Yang Zhen's face, he didn't say anything in the end, and followed Li Mingbo to reorganize the troops and sharpen his guns before the battle.  The departure of several cadres immediately made Yang Zhen's surroundings feel a lot cleaner.

    Looking at the backs of several cadres leaving, Yang Zhen shook his head and turned to look at the map again.  But in my heart, I was vaguely worried about the military headquarters and the main force who had not been contacted yet.  Although compared to my previous style in the Northeast, this meeting was held a bit delayed.  But the time was not long, no more than half an hour at most.

    "If it weren't for letting these cadres understand their true intentions, if Yang Zhen's style in the Northeast was followed, it would only take fifteen minutes at most.  Although the meeting did not last long, it lasted for half an hour after all.  Half an hour has passed, and they still haven't been able to contact the military headquarters and the main force, which makes Yang Zhen a little worried.

    Although he was somewhat anxious in his heart, in order to stabilize the mood of the troops, Yang Zhen could not show any worried expression on his face.  I can only keep that deep worry in my heart.  Despite some hesitation, Yang Zhen, who still failed to see the military telegram after waiting for nearly an hour, asked Zhang Zixiong to go to Li Huilan to inquire.

    Seeing Zhang Zixiong shaking his head when he came back to report, Yang Zhen tapped the map with his fingers habitually.  After thinking for a long time, I finally arrived at the radio station.  When he saw Li Huilan who was constantly calling the military headquarters, Yang Zhen opened his mouth, but in the end he remained silent.  He stood quietly behind Li Huilan, waiting for the result of the call.

    What disappointed him was that despite Li Huilan¡¯s best efforts, she still could not get in touch with the military.  Looking at Li Huilan, who seemed a little anxious after repeated efforts but still failed to get in touch with the military headquarters, Yang Zhen said: "Xiao Li, please contact the Jiangnan troops to see if they have contacted the military headquarters."

    Hearing Yang Zhen¡¯s words, he focused on seizing the time to contact the military. He had no idea that Yang Zhen was standing behind him. Li Huilan, who had just taken off her earphones, was not alert and was startled at that time.  When she turned around and saw Yang Zhen standing behind her with a serious face, she immediately understood that the political commissar was probably worried about the safety of the military and the main force.

    Thinking of this, Li Huilan quickly explained: "Political Commissar, we are too far away from the military headquarters now. I think it is because of the distance and the mountainous terrain here. In addition, you asked the military headquarters to use a low-power five-watt radio station  The lack of communication power is why we have been unable to contact the military. "

    "Did you ask them to activate the high-power radio when calling? Political Commissar, the five-watt radio is a tactical radio. In complex terrain, even if the radio antenna is lengthened, the signal cannot be transmitted too far. Especially  In such a complex terrain, signal transmission is severely limited.¡±

    "I suggest that it is better for them to use high-power radios. Although our military does not have radios above fifty watts, a fifteen-watt radio is enough. And our military is in motion, even if it is used occasionally  Once or twice, as long as the transmission and reception speed is fast enough, even if the third theater monitors us, it will not be able to capture our signal. "

    Hearing Li Huilan's request, Yang Zhen refused without thinking: "No. The Third War Zone has a special intelligence room dedicated to deciphering and monitoring telegrams from all aspects. I even dare to say that the thirty-year-old people around us have  The Second Army must also have personnel sent from this special intelligence room.¡±

    "The military command is quite capable in monitoring and deciphering telegrams, and its level is no less than that of the Japanese army. We have paid a bloody price in this regard, so we must not use high-power radios unless it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, we will  All the hard work was in vain.¡±

    "Once the main force uses high-power radios, although the telegram cannot be deciphered in a short period of time, it is still possible to locate the military headquarters within a short period of time. The military headquarters is about to escape, and we must not take any risks. Continue to use the original call sign  Contact the military headquarters and also contact the Jiangnan troops to see if they have contacted the military headquarters.¡±

    "When you make the call, tell the Military Department that before crossing the Yangtze River, if the power of the five-watt radio station is not enough, all telegrams will be forwarded by the Jiangnan Army. Before crossing the Yangtze River, their radio stations need to be silent.  His whereabouts must also be kept secret.¡±

    Listening to Yang Zhen¡¯s non-negotiable tone, Li Huilan shook her head and said nothing more.  Although this military political commissar is young, he is very decisive in killing.  Once you make up your mind, it's hard to change.  If he doesn't allow the military to use high-power radios, he will never be allowed to make decisions without authorization.

    In desperation, Li Huilan had no choice but to turn the frequency and call sign to the southern Jiangsu troops, trying to contact the military through them.  Southern Jiangsu ArmyIn addition to a 15-watt radio station, there is also a 50-watt radio station handed over by local people and abandoned locally when they were defeated. It is an extremely rare 50-watt radio station among the New Fourth Army.

    Originally, the former deputy commander of the radio station was going to be transferred back to the military headquarters for use. However, due to the insistence of the army chief of staff and the former commander-in-chief of the Jiangnan Army, who had already gone north at this time, the radio station remained in the southern Jiangnan Army.  in hand.  It serves as a transit platform for the military headquarters to contact the Jiangbei troops when necessary.

    This German-made 50-watt Siemens military radio has high power and a very high antenna sensitivity.  The clarity of sending and receiving telegraph signals is much better than that of the military's 15-watt radio, and of course the communication distance is much further than that of the 15-watt radio.  Therefore, the military has always been jealous.  But at the insistence of the former Jiangnan commander, the deputy commander had to compromise.

    Seeing the anxious expression Yang Zhen occasionally showed in front of her, Li Huilan hesitated for a moment and then said: "Political Commissar, do you think it would be better to have the troops from Suzhong and Wandong in the north of the Yangtze River cross the river to meet the military headquarters and the main force.  They are not far away from Sunan in a straight line. As long as they move quickly, I think it should be able to play a part."

    In response to Li Huilan's words, Yang Zhen shook his head slightly.  At this time, mobilizing the troops in Jiangbei was of no avail.  Not only was it too late in terms of time, but there were some things that Yang Zhen could not say in front of Li Huilan or anyone in the army.  Even in front of cadres above the regiment level, they couldn't explain it clearly.

    In fact, it was only after Yang Zhen arrived in southern Anhui that he discovered that before he came to southern Anhui, the troops that the deputy commander could actually command were only a few regiments of the military headquarters.  After the Central Plains Bureau was established and the main force of the Jiangnan army was transferred to northern Jiangsu, there were only more than 3,000 people in the southern Jiangsu army developed from one team in the entire Jiangnan and several newly formed troops.

    The remaining troops have all been transferred to Jiangbei and are under the command of the current Central China Command and the Central Plains Bureau.  Even the three detachments closest to Wannan, originally operating on the Fanchang front line, have been transferred away from their main force.  In fact, the southern Anhui army has become a lone army hanging behind enemy lines. There is not much difference.

    Although most of the main force of the New Fourth Army has been transferred to northern Jiangsu, Yang Zhen already knew it.  But after arriving in Wannan, it was discovered that the actual command of the Jiangbei troops was no longer with the Wannan military headquarters.  Instead, the newly established Central China Eighth Route Army, New Fourth Army Joint Command, and the Central Plains Bureau are responsible.

    Not only have the troops in Jiangbei been placed under the command of the Central Plains Bureau, but even the command of the troops in southern Jiangsu actually only listens to their old superiors, the current Northern Jiangsu Command.  In other words, the deputy commander who was actually the political commissar of the New Fourth Army could only command the troops in southern Anhui.

    The command of the troops in Jiangbei has long been no longer under the jurisdiction of the military headquarters and the Southeast Bureau.  Before his arrival, the troops that the military headquarters could command were already extremely limited.  Only before his arrival, the central government changed its original policy and temporarily ordered all the New Fourth Army, regardless of the divisions south of the Yangtze River and north of the Yangtze River, to be unified under his command.

    Although the central government has issued this order to all troops and the Central Plains Bureau, it actually does not mean much.  The current situation of the entire southern Anhui army is that distant fire cannot extinguish nearby fire.  Even if I can mobilize the troops in Jiangbei, it will be of no use.

    Not to mention the distance, the Yangtze River line from Wuhu to southern Jiangsu has been tightly blocked by the Japanese army, forming an almost insurmountable barrier for the rescue of the Jiangbei team.  The Yangtze River has nurtured more than half of China and is also the richest mother river in China. At this time, it has become a river of life and death for the troops from southern Anhui to move north.

    After Yang Zhen arrived, he has been paying close attention to the Japanese army's blockade of the Yangtze River.  He already knew from more intelligence that after learning that the New Fourth Army was about to move north, the Japanese army moved the naval task force stationed on the Yangtze River up to Wuhan and down to Shanghai. All the ships on the river that were nearly a thousand miles away were transferred to Wuhu.  As for the river in Nanjing.

    ??The river, which stretches hundreds of kilometers from Wuhu to Nanjing, is densely covered with nearly a hundred Japanese warships of various sizes, ranging from destroyers, coastal defense ships, gunboats to gunboats.  The Japanese army even transferred some of the Chinese fleet ships stationed in Shanghai to this section of the river as long as they could sail to the Wuhu section of the river.

    In addition to mobilizing a large number of naval vessels, the Japanese aviation forces stationed in Wuhan, Wuhu, and Nanjing also dispatched a large number of aircraft every day to cooperate with the navy in patrolling the Yangtze River.  The Japanese army, with its absolute sea and air superiority, coupled with the Japanese 15th Division stationed on the line from Nanjing to Wuhu, formed a large network on both sides of the Yangtze River.

    Relying only on wooden boats to cross the river, let alone large troops crossing the river.  Even a small force would find it difficult to cross the wide river under such a tight blockade by the Japanese army.  The Yangtze River is too wide, which is naturally not a problem for the Japanese who have a modern navy.  But for the New Fourth Army, which only had wooden boats to cross the river, it undoubtedly greatly increased the difficulty of crossing the river.

    Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for Jiangbei¡¯s troops to provide timely reinforcements.South.  Even if a part of the troops can be sneaked over under the cover of night, there is no telling whether it will be effective.  To put it another way, even if we can break through the Japanese defense line.  But by the time the Jiangbei troops traveled thousands of miles and passed through the Japanese blockade to reach southern Anhui, I am afraid that the entire Wannan army would have been wiped out.

    So for the central government¡¯s order, Yang Zhen knew that it basically had no big effect.  In fact, it is impossible for the Jiangbei team to give them any support.  After I arrived in Wannan, I almost had more than 7,000 combat troops to fight alone against the tens of thousands of troops in the third war zone
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