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Text Chapter 332 Disadvantages and Advantages

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    But the key issue is that for the current Japanese army, especially the Kwantung Army, the number of qualified Cao commanders and sergeants is also lacking despite the huge casualties last year, especially Cao Changhe, who is the leader of the front-line unit.  Sergeants are more lacking than junior officers.

    In order to make up for the huge gap in non-commissioned officers, the Japanese army had to speed up the training of non-commissioned officers. The original elimination rate of two-thirds was directly downgraded to at least ensuring that two-thirds of them could basically pass the assessment. This resulted in the Kwantung Army,  Including most of the Japanese Army, the current decline in the level of non-commissioned officers is even faster than that of junior officers.

    Although the number of these non-commissioned officers is huge, no amount of them can withstand years of war damage, because it is not easy to train a qualified officer, and it is not easy to train qualified non-commissioned officers who are the leaders and tail of the soldiers.  The consequence is a decline in quality.

    According to past practice, Japanese army non-commissioned officers need at least eight months of specialized training from being a recruit to serving as a corps commander equivalent to a corporal in other countries, and it takes at least six years to be promoted to a captain, equivalent to a staff sergeant. However,  The training period has now been shortened from eight months to five months.

    The most important thing is that the current Japanese army still does not consider training sergeants from veterans. It still stubbornly selects and trains sergeants at all levels from recruits, spending a huge amount of time and energy step by step. However, the training period for recruits is huge on the front line.  needs, and the overall trend of continuously expanding new divisions to enter the battlefield, it is also constantly shortening.

    As a result, a chain reaction was formed. Those grassroots non-commissioned officers, that is, the commanders, sergeants and corps commanders in the Japanese army, due to the huge battle losses and the decline in level caused by the shortened training time, the corps commanders were promoted to Cao  The long term is also much shorter than the original one.

    Before this, it took at least five years for a private soldier who passed selection to be promoted to sergeant. During this period, he had to undergo special and strict training and extremely strict elimination. Now, as long as a private soldier passes selection and training, he can be promoted within two years.  There are not a few who become sergeants.

    With such a foundation, the level of junior officers selected from these people is also declining. I didn't expect it at first, but now that I think about selection, I am faced with the overall decline in the quality of the army. One by one, the basics of selection are  The decline has also brought about the continuous decline in the quality of the selected junior officers.

    Even those senior non-commissioned officers, as well as special agent officers who are equivalent to warrant officers in other countries, are mostly survivors of the military police and rear non-combat troops. The officers selected in this way also affect the reorganization of the division's overall operations.  Quality declines.

    Compared with the beginning of last year, the overall quality of the two Japanese divisions in western Liaoning has dropped by more than one level. Especially the combat quality of officers below the level of squadron leader has dropped greatly. A group of non-commissioned officers were suddenly selected and trained, and then these  Non-commissioned officers have not had time to grow up, and they are suddenly trained to become officers. It is difficult to avoid a decline in quality.

    Although the so-called Iron Stone Troops, Iron Man Troops, and Iron Blood Troops attached to them have always been regarded by the Kwantung Army as the most reliable part of the entire Manchurian Empire army, under the circumstances of the Kwantung Army's consecutive defeats, especially  After experiencing the tragic defeat in Rehe, not only was morale low, but also the equipment and troops were in a state of incompleteness.

    Under the premise that the Kwantung Army's rule in Northeast China was already shaky, the so-called Manchu and Mongolian soldiers in these troops were already mentally unstable and had no confidence in the so-called Manchu Empire, which was already in turmoil.  Everyone from top to bottom has the idea of ????finding their own way.

    Not to mention the so-called Manchu soldiers and a few officers, even those Japanese officers and non-commissioned officers had extremely low morale. The new Manchu recruits who had not completed their training had not yet completed their training, so such a force could cooperate with the Japanese army to set up an ambush.  , Lieutenant General Washitsu Seppei may have made some miscalculations.

    The advantages of the Japanese troops on the front line in western Liaoning are obvious. They have an advantage in terms of total number of troops and are equipped with heavy firepower. They are better than the first division of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and Advance Army facing them. Not only are the artillery of the two divisions complete, the Kwantung Army also equips the two divisions with equipment.  A 105 cannon brigade and two squadrons of 150 howitzers were formed.

    The division's artillery also added one squadron each of Type 99 105mm mountain artillery. In addition, it was also assigned seven independent mortar squadrons. The number of these artillery units far exceeded the one directly affiliated 122 howitzer.  Battalion, Lee Myung-bak of two 100mm howitzer companies.

    The Japanese army has always had a strong sense of proactively seeking war. Since the two divisions went to western Liaoning, except for some small-scale battles with the Anti-Japanese Alliance after the losses of Chifeng and Chengde, the main force of the divisions has basically not interacted with the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  The current morale of these two divisions can be said to be quite high.

    plus troops and equipmentWith the advantage of the enemy, these two officers and soldiers of the division, who are actually all replacement personnel from officers to soldiers at all levels, can be said to be newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. They watch the fighting in other directions being fierce, but they have been  I'm waiting here, and my hands have been itching for a long time.

    It's just that the superficial advantages of the Japanese army have, to a certain extent, concealed their own disadvantages that are not obvious at the moment. Maybe Washijin Senpei saw it, but just didn't care. Maybe he thought that those so-called Manchu soldiers would not be able to do anything in this battle.  It's just a coordination.

    Or maybe he thought that when these Manchu soldiers cooperated with the Japanese army in the raids on the battlefield in eastern Hebei, their hands were stained with too much blood from the enemies they had faced and they had no way out. Apart from fighting to the death, there would be no result.  , but the Japanese Army Lieutenant General forgot that everything is not so absolute.

    He even didn¡¯t know that there is a saying in China that a mouse droppings can spoil a pot of soup. In many battles at home and abroad, the losers did not lose because of strategic deployment, the number of troops, or other factors.  Any aspect, but often failure lies in these inconspicuous details.

    It is true that these people who helped the Japanese army massacre their compatriots in order to gain glory and wealth, and whose hands were stained with the blood of the anti-Japanese comrades, did not dare to surrender to the Anti-Japanese Alliance or march forward, but when they arrived on the battlefield, they might not not look for opportunities to escape and run away.  It is impossible to go home. The homes of many of them have become what the Japanese call non-security areas. Going there is asking for death.

    However, Liaoxi and Redong are very close to the pass. It is still possible to find a way to survive in the pass. Especially these people, most of whom are proficient in Japanese. After entering the pass, they either join the Japanese army in the pass or join Chongqing.  , can make a good bowl of rice.

    When we arrived at Jianping, we headed south, past the line of the Great Wall, to Jidong, and further south to Tianjin and Peiping. Compared to the line from Ye Baishou to Fuxin, the Japanese army was on high alert. The interrogation was extremely strict along the way, and anyone who was suspicious was immediately arrested.  It is difficult for people to escape, but when they reach the Jianping Mountains and face such a large mountainous area, the Japanese army may not be able to care about these people. They can escape from the battlefield as long as they head south.

    When the entire Nululhu Mountain Area has completely turned into a war zone, who can guarantee that these people will not fall into the Anti-Alliance side? If they take it too much for granted and fail to take any precautionary measures, they may easily be succumbed to these rats.  It ruined his entire battle.

    As for the quality of officers, Lieutenant General Washizu Jinhei is still very confident. Although he also knows that as a large number of reserve officers are transferred to active service and the quality of officers selected through non-commissioned officers has declined to a certain extent, he still  It is believed that under the strict training of the Imperial Army, the quality of these officers has declined less than those who came out of the non-commissioned officer school.

    Especially the method of selecting officers from among the commanders and sergeants, which was implemented only last year. Although the first-level officers of the squadron trained by surprise are a bit sloppy, after all, the foundation of the Imperial Army is there. These people serve as small officers.  Officers at the captain level are relatively competent. These people are serving as squad captains anyway. Even if one or two are incompetent, it will not have much impact.

    Lee Myung-bak's disadvantage is that he is relatively weaker than the enemy in terms of military strength and firepower. Moreover, Redong is a newly liberated area, and the situation is still very unstable. There are many traitors and spies in the area.  It has not yet been cleared out, and it is far from becoming a stable base.

    In addition, during last year's battle, the Japanese army forcibly returned villages and households to the Redong area. Although the entire Redong area has now been taken over, it will take several years for the area to recover. During this battle,  , Lee Myung-bak also needs all the supplies from the rear.

    The supply line is equally long, which is also Lee Myung-bak's most fatal weakness now. As long as one point is breached in the war zone where he is located, his logistics supply line may be completely interrupted, even for the most basic needs such as food, Redong  The region cannot meet the needs.

    But his advantage is also relatively obvious. The two brigades in his hands originally belonged to the advancing military formation. They were from the Guannai Army, which is good at mountain mobile warfare. Cadres at all levels have extremely rich experience in mountain warfare. When fighting this kind of mountain ambush warfare, it can be said that practice makes perfect.  , the firepower configuration at all levels is completely configured according to the light infantry suitable for mountain combat.

    The most important thing is that the last division left by Lee Myung-bak is a mountain division formed by the Anti-Japanese Alliance. All the equipment is more suitable for mountain operations. Although the artillery organization has only two mountain artillery battalions and one directly under the 120th Army  The millimeter mortar battalion is not much different from the ordinary infantry division, but it has many small and medium-caliber artillery and mortars suitable for mountain operations.

    Although this mountain division has not completed all training, it has experienced actual combat tests on the battlefields of Chifeng and Redong. Generally speaking, its performance is quite qualified.?Although there are still shortcomings in some aspects, the experience in mountain combat is incomparable to the two divisions of the Japanese army.

    After the capture of Chengde and Chifeng, the entire Jehol battlefield became the calmest war zone in all directions in this battle. The small fights between the enemy and ourselves were naturally constant, but they were basically limited to the battalion and company level.  Not to mention combat operations at the division level, even those at the regiment level almost never happened.

    Not only was it unusually calm, but the troops and attached firepower were constantly being transferred away from the establishment, and the subordinate troops plummeted to four infantry regiments. This made me not an honest person, but now I can only keep facing the map and resorting to confrontation on the map.  Lee Myung-bak, who was relieved, looked at his old comrades on other fronts fighting fiercely, feeling quite depressed and full of energy.

    Now that his superiors have finally given the order, Lee Myung-bak will still wait for the Japanese army to attack. Especially during the standby period at Gate 1, he has been repeatedly weighing various combat plans in his mind countless times.  He had also conducted repeated reconnaissance on the enemy's situation, and he was waiting for this day. If he didn't produce some results, how could he stand up in front of his old comrades in the future.
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