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Text Chapter 331: The Kwantung Army put down its airs

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    However, Washijin Seppei's deployment of troops seems to have concentrated all the elites, but it is not without weaknesses. The two divisions under it were both reorganized after being severely damaged in last year's battle. Veterans and grassroots  Almost all the officers were wiped out in last year's battle.

    The large number of new recruits who were replenished did not complete all the training due to the tense battle situation. They only completed the first two-month training. Only one-third of the second phase of training was completed before they were pulled due to the tense battle situation.  In the Western Liaoning battlefield, that is to say, the newly recruited recruits of these two divisions have only completed two-thirds of the training of recruits that was already reduced by half.

    At present, on the surface, the two divisions are complete and full of personnel, but the overall military quality is far from what it was before. Not only because of the shortened training time for new recruits, the quality of the supplementary soldiers has declined, but also because  Too many junior officers died in battle, and most of the replacements were reserve officers and numerous squad leaders who came out of short-term training courses.

    In particular, the officers at the squad leader level of the two divisions are basically all selected from special agents Cao Chang, Cao Chang and sergeant after a short training. Seventy percent of the squadron captain level are from the second level.  Reserve officers who have been mobilized for the first time, or officers who have been restored and then returned to active duty, graduates of the Army Noncommissioned Officer School account for less than 30%.

    In order to cope with the development of the war situation, a large number of expansions, coupled with the huge casualties in the past, the Japanese Army currently relies solely on graduates of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School, which is no longer able to meet the needs of grassroots officers. The rapid development of the war situation and huge casualties have made it difficult  The Japanese army cannot wait patiently for the graduates of the Army Academy.

    In addition to mobilizing a large number of officers who were transferred to the reserve force because their service years have expired and were unable to continue promotion, as well as reserve officers in the original national mobilization system, it has also shortened the academic years of the Army Non-commissioned Officer School and expanded the number of students.

    Among the recruits who have completed all training in each unit, recruits who have completed middle school and have performed well in the recruit training stage are selected. Some of them are selected to be transferred to the teaching team to train as officers and non-commissioned officers, which are the so-called Category A candidates.  and Category B candidates.

    After completing the training, Category B candidates will be transferred to the NCO Education School for five months of corps commander training, and then assigned to their original units to serve as corps commanders or sergeants. Category A candidates will complete five months of basic training.  After that, he entered the Army Reserve Non-commissioned Officer School in various places, and after eight months of training for lower-level officers, he became a unit captain.

    Of course, these people are not eligible to apply for the Army University in the Japanese Army, and they rarely have the opportunity to be promoted to officers above the rank of captain. At least under the current extremely rigid personnel system of the Japanese Army, their room for promotion is extremely small.  limited.

    Because they do not have diplomas from the Army Non-commissioned Officer School, nor do they have diplomas from Mainland China, which is known as the cradle of Japanese army general officers. Regular non-commissioned officer school graduates without a Mainland University diploma can rarely be promoted to generals, not to mention that they are privately called  These special agents for pheasants.

    In other words, it turns out that the Japanese army has completely transformed the original system of training reserve officers into training active officers. Of course, it is mainly junior officers. However, the Japanese officer promotion system has not made any changes. This method of training officers is just for the sake of the Japanese army.  A temporary measure adopted to supplement the large number of casualties of junior officers and the continuous expansion of the force establishment.

    In the Japanese Army, non-commissioned officer graduates who are selected through recruit training and trained are called special agents. They are the lowest level in the entire officer system of the Army. Even if they are promoted to lieutenants, they will not be promoted to lieutenants.  In terms of ranking and promotion order, you are always ranked behind the second lieutenants who are graduates of the Army Non-commissioned Officer School. Once the squadron leader dies in battle, those graduates of the Non-commissioned Officer School will always take over the command.

    In other words, your colleagues are graduates of the sergeant academy. No matter how senior they are, as long as there is a vacancy for a squadron leader, they will still be ranked in front of you. As a special agent officer, even if you are a lieutenant, you must be a second lieutenant who graduated from the sergeant academy.  Salute, people bow to you to give you face, even if you don't give it, you have to accept it.

    Originally, such officers only existed in some security divisions, independent mixed brigades, and independent garrison units in North China. It was the first to develop this system of selecting and training officers, and established the China Expedition Army Infantry School.  , the Chinese dispatched troops are also used to train these people.

    Such officers are rarely assigned to divisions affiliated with the Kwantung Army. Graduates from the Army Field Division are the only choice for the Kwantung Army. At least before last year, the Kwantung Army was all Army.  Graduate of the Military Academy.

    But last year, a large number of lower-level officers of the Kwantung Army died in battle. Due to the massive expansion of the local army, the officer training system could not keep up. In order to supplement the huge?There is a shortage of junior officers, and the Kwantung Army, which has always been picky about food, no longer cares about the so-called dignity of the Japanese army, and even goes to more extremes in the training of junior officers.

    The only other option is to follow the current Japanese Army's Category A candidate and Category B candidate systems. From recruits to non-commissioned officers and then to officers, they go through layers of selection. In addition to various trainings, it takes a total of one and a half years. The Kwantung Army also  I really couldn't wait any longer, so I simply selected them directly from among the active non-commissioned officers and then trained them for three to six months.

    According to the regulations of the Kwantung Army, the training period for special agents Cao Chang and Cao Chang to become officers is three months, and the training period for sergeants to become officers is six months. The training period for sergeants below sergeant is still based on local training standards. Of course, these  Special agents Cao Chang, Cao Chang and sergeant who become officers must also pass strict examinations before they can graduate.

    In the hands of the Kwantung Army, the original Puppet Manchukuo Army School, which has now been moved to Anton, faced a huge gap in lower-level officers. It quickly transformed from an education system and system that strictly followed the standards of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School to train officers, and completely transformed into a lower-level officer.  training courses.

    Most of the time and energy are used to train these quick officers selected from non-commissioned officers such as Captain Cao to make up for the huge gap in the Kwantung Army's front-line lower-level combat officers. Let alone officers, it is the training of sergeants.  The system and time have also been shortened by one-third.

    In addition to the local recruitment of a small number of graduates of the Army Non-commissioned Officer School, the remaining lower-level supplementary officers of the Kwantung Army are basically these people plus a group of people who have not been promoted at the end of their years and have been transferred to reserve service.  Officers, as well as some Class A cadre candidates trained by the local Kurume Army Cadre Candidate School.

    This has also resulted in a general decline in the quality of the lower-level officers of the Kwantung Army this year, and in many aspects, it has dropped even more. The hungry Kwantung Army even wants reserve officers who have always refused to be mobilized for the second time, not to mention these non-commissioned officers.  An officer by birth.

    Although the two Japanese divisions in western Liaoning are old divisions in terms of designation, they suffered too heavy losses in last year's World War I. The graduates of the Army Sergeant School are far from being able to meet the needs.  The lower-level officers are all here, at least at the level of squad leader. Coupled with the large number of reserve officers who have been added at the same time, their combat quality has declined greatly compared with before.

    In fact, based on the military qualities of the special agents of the Japanese Army, Chief Cao, and the educational level of high school graduates, if they undergo short-term training, a large number of qualified junior officers can be trained for the Japanese army in a short period of time, at least better than those who  Reserve officers who have been out of the military for many years and are busy making money to support their families are much better.

    And those non-commissioned officers who have experienced actual combat tests are far better than the team captains who were trained as Class A candidates after a long period of training from recruits. Since the July 7th Incident, it has been five years since the Japanese army fully invaded China. In these five years, the Japanese army has given  The Chinese people brought huge disasters, but the Japanese army itself also trained a large number of outstanding non-commissioned officers.

    Many special agents in the Japanese army, such as Captain Cao and non-commissioned officers from other countries, such as Captain Cao and Sergeants, actually have at least the ability to serve as junior officers. However, the stubborn Japanese Army, especially the always conceited Kwantung Army,  At least until last year, my eyes were only focused on graduates of the Army Academy.

    Once the army is greatly expanded and the battle losses are serious, it will mainly recruit officers who have been transferred from active duty to reserve duty, as well as the so-called Category A candidates trained before the war. Some of the reserve officers trained before the war have been mobilized more than once. Those who  None of the officers who had been transferred to the reserve force had been mobilized more than once because they did not have a diploma from mainland China.

    Even under forced circumstances, after converting the Class A candidate system that originally mainly trained reserve officers to training active officers, they preferred to slowly select and train recruits instead of expanding the selection points and letting them go.  On those non-commissioned officers who have undergone rigorous training in various professional schools and have been tested in actual combat.

    When the training speed of non-commissioned officer school graduates and so-called Category A candidates could not meet the needs, the Kwantung Army, mainly the Kwantung Army, thought of conducting short-term training for these non-commissioned officers such as special agents Cao Chang, Cao Chang and sergeant.  Later he was promoted to an officer.

    However, these crash training, including the officers trained by the original Category A candidates, are only allocated to the garrison, security divisions, independent mixed brigades of garrison nature, and regular field divisions, except for a few special cases.  Absolutely not.

    I would rather wait for the slow graduates of the Army Academy than to have these officers whose quality is not much worse than those trained by the Academy. But now there are not enough qualified junior officers to use them, and they have all gone to work to become gold.  After hearing the news, these people were added one after another.Fighting division.

    The Japanese Army, which has always been prone to extremes, has made another 180-degree change. It stipulates that officers at the squad leader level must be selected from Category A candidates, and students who graduate from the Army Sergeant School are generally now squad leaders.  Two months after the transition, he was directly appointed as squadron deputy or served as staff officer at all levels.

    Of course, in the Japanese Army, which likes to go to extremes and accepts death, there are not many positions for squad leaders, and there are many who are directly appointed as squadron leaders.  The situation at the captain level is unprecedented in the history of the Japanese army.

    But even so, it could not keep up with the battle losses. The Kwantung Army, which had suffered the heaviest losses among the Japanese strategic groups, had no choice but to put down its pretense of being the flower of the imperial army. Compared with the original use of too many special agents, they were defeated by them.  The ridiculed China Dispatch Army went to the extreme. They selected non-commissioned officers with relatively senior qualifications and rich actual combat experience, such as Special Agent Cao, and then transferred them to lower-level officers.

    In any case, these people are veterans who have served for a period of time. In any case, the selection speed is faster than recruiting from new recruits. If the current rate of casualties of the Kwantung Army, especially the rate of loss of lower-level officers, wait until the recruits  After a year and a half of selection and training, it is estimated that there will be no squad leader on the front line.
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