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Text Chapter 317 Guo Bingxun¡¯s worries

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    Guo Bingxun, who has studied in the West for many years and is well-informed, believes that compared with the destruction of some military factories such as Fengtian's arsenal and aircraft factory, or even the destruction of the South Manchuria railway system, it will not have a profound impact on the Japanese war situation.  For example, in this operation, the steel plants in Anshan and Benxi, the petroleum refining and special steel production in Fushun, and the Fushun Aluminum Plant were damaged.

    Nowadays, the competition in the war is not only the combat effectiveness of the armies of both sides, but also the fighting will of the soldiers. What is really being compared is the comprehensive national strength of the enemy and ourselves. To put it bluntly, the competition is steel. The two major steel bases have lost more than 1.4 million a year.  The production of tons of steel, especially the production of wrought iron, is especially fatal to the Japanese, who founded their country on the navy, which was the largest consumer of steel during the war.

    Although Guo Bingxun didn't understand why Yang Zhen still stubbornly refused to bomb the South Manchuria industrial base even though he had a large number of US-made long-range bombers in his hands. Even when he launched an attack on the Japanese military industrial base in South Manchuria, he insisted not to bomb the South Manchuria industrial base.  Completely destroy equipment that cannot be moved.

    Especially in the steel industry in Anshan and Benxi, although some key equipment was moved and almost all technicians and workers were arrested, all steelmaking and ironmaking blast furnaces were basically intact. Although they could only be restored in a short period of time,  Production has been discontinued, but basically as long as the Japanese want to repair it, there is no way out.

    Even if the production capacity cannot be restored to the original output, it can still maintain a certain production capacity after repairs. Although the mineral processing equipment for these two steel plants was either moved away or bombed, the Japanese can still find a way, even  It is to use cruel oppression of manpower to restore the production capacity of the mine.

    In Guo Bingxun's view, the damage to the steel industry in Anshan and Benxi is far from complete destruction. Judging from the national strength and technical capabilities of the Japanese, as long as South Manchuria does not change hands within three years, as long as the mainland  Without large-scale damage to the basic industry, these steel plants can recover.

    But no matter how Guo Bingxun asked Yang Zhen, Yang Zhen just said that these factories were established by the Japanese through cruel oppression of the Chinese and relying on the large amount of wealth plundered from China. Their real owners are the Chinese, not the Japanese.  , easy to destroy, but difficult to establish.

    The Anti-Japanese Alliance systematically bought a complete set of second-hand steel plants from the Americans. Relying on a large number of American technical personnel, it was so difficult to build a steel plant with an annual output of less than 500,000 tons, let alone a much larger scale.  , Anshan Iron and Steel Industry has much larger production capacity and output.

    Once destroyed now, it will not be easy to restore these factories after the war returns to the hands of the Chinese. It would be easy to completely destroy the Japanese steel plants in Anshan and Benxi now, with direct reconnaissance under the military region  The capability of the brigade can be solved with a few tons of explosives.

    But as China already lacks these modern factories and its heavy industry is almost zero, if we blow up these factories, it will not be beneficial to China's future development in the long run. After all, these factories will return sooner or later.  In the hands of the Chinese, if we blow up the Anti-Japanese Alliance now, it will be a crime for the future of the Chinese people.

    As for Guo Bingxun's concern that the Japanese are still capable enough to restore the two steel plants within three years, Yang Zhen just told him that in one year at most, the Japanese, who are too busy to take care of themselves, will not be able to restore the two steel plants.  Yuan Qi, I don¡¯t know if I can survive three years.

    Moreover, it is easy to rebuild infrastructure, but it is difficult to train a large number of technicians and skilled workers. Unless the Japanese do not hesitate to weaken the steel production capacity of the country and North Korea, and transfer workers from the local Yawat Steel Plant and North Korea's Chongjin Steel Plant to support, otherwise, in the local steel  With all the workers being drafted, it would be impossible for them to restore the two steel plants within a few years.

    When he was planning this operation, his current requirements for the degree of damage to the two steel plants were not high. It was enough that they could not resume production within two years. As for within two years, Yang Zhen firmly believed that by that time, the two steel plants would be destroyed.  This steel plant must have returned to the Chinese. If it is completely destroyed now, it will be difficult to build it again by then.

    As for the Japanese restoring one or two blast furnaces in a short period of time and refining some steel or pig iron every year, it will have little impact on the entire war situation. Moreover, the steel industry pays attention to the cooperation between upstream and downstream, and even provides supporting equipment for these two steel plants.  All the mineral processing equipment is gone, and it may be even more difficult for the Japanese to recover.

    Yang Zhen's answer made Guo Bingxun confused about where he had so much confidence. Although the Japanese would be completely defeated sooner or later, Guo Bingxun had never doubted this, but if he wanted to defeat the Japanese within three years,  Judging from the current momentum of the Japanese, it should be unlikely.

    It is almost impossible for the Japanese to lose their complete industrial capabilities within two years. The Japanese's gambler character determines that they will not admit defeat if they don't even lose their pants.? According to Guo Bingxun's calculations, it is more realistic to completely defeat the Japanese within five years at the earliest.

    But when Guo Bingxun asked Yang Zhen the basis for his judgment, Yang Zhen just smiled and answered him. He had confidence in the new anti-resistance alliance he had forged with his own hands and in the bloody spirit of the Chinese people. Although Yang Zhen did not spit, he still  Guo Bingxun also knew that this was only part of the reason.

    But Yang Zhen refused to tell the real reason, and Guo Bingxun had no way to ask deeply. However, despite a lot of doubts, Guo Bingxun still could not deny that this surprise battle was a classic, and as the chief of staff of a large army, the same  Guo Bingxun, one of the soul figures, is more concerned about the huge impact this battle will have on the future development of the entire war situation.

    No matter how perfect the planning and implementation of the campaign are, just as the chairman of the Northeast People's Government said, you must say hello in advance before launching the campaign. You must give people time and preparation to resettle, and you cannot let these workers just go out.  When we arrived at the base area, the workers were still trying to figure out how to relocate them. The machines and equipment that had been rushed in had not yet been installed, so we needed to start production immediately.

    The chef had just taken up the post and had just bought the vegetables, and he was in a hurry to eat. This was really too much. After thinking about it, Guo Bingxun was still very kind and did not tell all the truth, even though he also knew that even if he knew what happened next  Given Yang Zhen's character, he would not take these troublesome things seriously.

    But Guo Bingxun decided to put the matter aside for the time being. His attitude towards the matter was that since the established fact has been established, it is better to let the local government have the headache. Since the military region has now withdrawn from intervening in local work,  Then withdraw completely and don't interfere again.

    Although he lamented that this battle was a classic, Guo Bingxun was very troubled and distressed by the heavy losses suffered by the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region in this battle. Compared with the results of this operation, although the price paid was relatively large, it was not as good as the gains.  In comparison, the real cost-efficiency ratio is actually relatively high.

    Although this price is still appropriate, Guo Bingxun still feels pain for the losses suffered by the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region in this battle. This brigade has to fight in every battle since its establishment. Other troops are resting and recuperating, and they still have to participate.  Various secret operations, but the losses incurred in this battle are equivalent to the total casualties since its establishment. How could it not make Guo Bingxun heartbroken and physically painful? After this battle, the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region will probably have to recover for a while.  Rejuvenate.

    Guo Bingxun not only felt sorry for the loss of this painstakingly cultivated strategic sharp knife force, he was also worried that some weapons, equipment and personnel fell into the hands of the Japanese army. The bodies of the sacrificed and missing personnel were not brought back. Who can guarantee this battle?  Among them, no one was captured. Once the Japanese army mastered this unconventional combat method, it would really bring countless troubles and harm to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    Although Lee Myung-bak swore that during this battle, all the equipment carried by the sacrificed personnel of his unit and those that could not be carried had been destroyed, and the team members would never fall into the hands of the Japanese alive, but who can guarantee on the battlefield?  Not a single member of this unit would be captured.

    In particular, this unit played a sharp role in all operations during this battle. Before the operation started, it penetrated into enemy-occupied areas to conduct thorough investigation. The first unit invaded Anshan Showa Steel Works, Benxihu Coal and Steel Company,  Fushun artificial oil plant and special steel plant, as well as the troops that invaded Fengtian for the first time.

    All the participating troops in the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region were organized into squadrons during this battle. Moreover, before the battle started, they had secretly penetrated into the periphery of several cities, and even some industrial and mining units, such as bows and arrows.  The Changling Iron Mine and the Master Tian Coal Mine in Benxi Lake were secretly controlled before the battle started.

    For such a large-scale combat operation, the troops are organized into squadrons and are dispersed. The combat area covers Fengtian, Fushun, Liaoyang, and Benxi. He can ensure that he can control all battle situations and no one is captured.  No matter how great the casualties are, no matter how great the losses are, as long as the backbone is retained, they can be made up for afterwards.

    But once this method of combat is completely obtained by the Japanese army, and some of the secret weapons and equipment attached to it are seized and copied by the Japanese army, then it will be the most fatal impact. The Japanese are still relatively strong in national power so far.  In this way, the threat to the Anti-Japanese Alliance, which is still in its growth stage, and even the various base areas behind enemy lines in the pass will be too great.

    In particular, due to the financial resources and production capabilities of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, some equipment can only be produced in small batches and equip the reconnaissance brigades directly under the military region, but cannot be mass-produced to equip the entire army. Once it falls into the hands of the Japanese army, whose production capacity far exceeds that of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, it will  What impact and consequences will it bring.

    Yang Zhen somewhat disagreed with Guo Bingxun's concerns. For him, this combat mode, which has been used many times by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, is actually no longer useful to the Japanese army.It can be regarded as unfamiliar, but in the past, the largest scale of use on a certain battlefield was only at the squadron level.

    The number of troops assembled and invested this time is indeed unprecedented for special operations. However, after so many years of fighting, although the Japanese army has not been able to find a way to deal with this special operation mode, the Japanese army's response ability must have been  No longer unfamiliar.

    As for the seizure of weapons and equipment, Yang Zhen is not too worried about war. If there is a war, there will be casualties. If there are casualties, weapons and equipment will fall into the hands of the enemy. Special forces are also human beings, no matter how well-trained they are.  , they are still a group of flesh and blood people.

    Although I have taken all necessary measures, and even developed and distributed glory bombs specially used for suicide, no one can guarantee that in this long and cruel war, the special forces I have trained will really be able to survive.  No one will be captured, and among those captured, no one will rebel.

    No matter how much political education this person has received, no matter how strict the anti-interrogation training this person has received, no matter how strong their will is, they are still flesh and blood people after all. As human beings, they will have weaknesses, and if they have weaknesses, they will be easily exploited.  If they are used, it is inevitable that they will be captured and rebel.
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