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Text Chapter 297 General Attack

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    While Chen Hanzhang was fine-tuning the entire northern Shanxi battlefield strength here according to the changes in the situation, Xiong Botao at the foot of the mountain also started the final attack on Xin Guangwu in accordance with the order. Xiong Botao did not use all the troops on hand at once.  Put everything into it.

    Although he now only has seven companies of troops left in his hands, two of which were temporarily formed after several companies compressed their organization, Xiong Botao still insists that under the condition of limited frontal attack, a one-time attack  Investing too much troops, the price paid is still a bit too high.

    Moreover, the attack front is too narrow, which is not conducive to the deployment of the attacking troops. Although the troops have paid a high price, they have captured most of the strongholds in front of Xinguangwu. The Japanese defense line in Xinguangwu has been reduced to Xinguangwu.  Guangwu City and the Great Wall with two wings of more than 100 meters.

    Under the bombardment of heavy artillery at the foot of the mountain, the entire New Guangwu and the two wings of the Great Wall have mostly collapsed. Most of the field fortifications hastily built by the Japanese army have been destroyed. New Guangwu City has been like a half-shelled egg, directly exposed to the  Under the guns of the attacking troops, investing too many troops at this time is already a bit wasteful.

    Moreover, Xinguangwu City, which is small in area, cannot accommodate too many troops. Therefore, according to the changes in the situation, Xiong Botao changed the method of fighting point by point in the past, and instead adopted the black tiger method to concentrate on the cover of all artillery fire.  Under this situation, regardless of the two wings of the Japanese army, they penetrated directly into Xinguangwucheng, the core location of the Japanese army.

    On the flanks, two companies and platoons were organized, using alternating cover and jumping attacks to launch a general attack on the two wings of New Guangwu City and the last remaining strongholds built by the Japanese army along the Great Wall.  After that, the two companies advanced from east to west and cooperated with the frontal attack troops to launch the final general attack on Guangwu City.

    Xiong Botao allocated all the flamethrowers in his hands to the attack troops of these three companies, and each company strengthened an engineering squad, equipped with a large amount of explosives, and temporarily used all anti-aircraft machine guns and double-two-three anti-aircraft guns.  Stop the air alert and all join the front line to provide firepower resources for the attacking troops.

    And he pulled a pair of 23 anti-aircraft guns and three 12mm anti-aircraft machine guns to the left wing of Xin Guangwu. He once paid a heavy price and almost spent a whole company in exchange for it. One can overlook Xin Guangwu.  At the commanding heights of the Yanmen Pass Highway, a two-line fire blockade was implemented in the direction of Yanmen Pass, cutting off the Japanese army's route through the highway and reinforcing Xinguangwu, and suppressing the Japanese army's firepower points on both sides of Xinguangwu from the flanks, creating conditions for the attack troops on both wings to intersperse.

    In terms of artillery support, Xiong Botao did not adopt the past barrage-style shooting method. Instead, he dispersed a 76mm cannon battery with cannons as the structure, and used the method of attaching bayonets to the cannons to shoot as close as possible.  In particular, the 92nd Infantry Artillery Position assigned to the front line by the Japanese army served as a key fire suppression target.

    And concentrated all the 82 mortars, plus the only 120mm heavy mortar company, as a mortar group, specifically to suppress the Japanese anti-slope position, slowing down and delaying as much as possible  , the Japanese troops deployed in anti-slope positions, and the speed of counterattack against frontal attacking troops.

    In fact, mountain artillery is the most suitable to undertake this task, but his troops now have no mountain artillery. Several mountain artillery newly added by the headquarters are still being transported by air. In desperation, Xiong Botao can only use mortar groups to shoulder the task.  For this task, fortunately, the power and performance of the anti-alliance-style 120mm mortar are quite excellent.

    After Xiong Botao's offensive was launched, although there were minor setbacks, the progress was generally acceptable. The frontal attack troops moved away from the two sides and directly penetrated Xinguangwu's tactics. It can be said that it was quite successful. The real battle for Xinguangwu City  Although the battle was fierce, the progress was relatively fast.

    In the first wave of attacks, under the cover of direct-aiming artillery behind them and reinforced recoilless rifles and rocket launchers, the attacking troops broke into Xinguangwu City and stood firm immediately. Although the Japanese resistance was still tenacious,  However, the weak Japanese army no longer had the momentum to fight for every inch of territory it had before.

    Among the attacks on both wings, the first wave of offensives by the attacking troops was directly aimed at the Japanese artillery positions on both wings of Xinguangwu, which had posed a great threat to the Anti-Japanese Alliance in previous battles, even though the peripheral strongholds had been basically eliminated.  Under clean conditions, the Japanese army, which still posed a threat to the frontal attacking troops, fired flatly at the 13mm anti-aircraft machine gun position.

    These three Japanese flat-fire anti-aircraft machine gun positions are arranged in a cross pattern. Not only is the firing range quite wide, almost covering the entire front of Xinguangwu, but the settings are also quite rotated, making clever use of the mountain structure on the front of Xinguangwu.  It is covered with locally sourced stones and city bricks from the surrounding Great Wall, as well as dismantled timber from houses in the city, making it extremely solid.

    These three are for the Anti-Alliance Attack Department?Firepower points that bring a lot of casualties cannot be hit by direct fire, mortars cannot penetrate, and even 150mm grenades cannot be completely destroyed. In order to build these firepower points, as well as the entire new and old  Guangwu city fortifications and artillery positions, the Japanese army basically dismantled all the Great Wall stones and city bricks within a distance of 150 meters on both sides of Guangwu.

    It must be said that when the Great Wall was built, there was no so-called shoddy project. The quality of these stones and city bricks is quite excellent, especially those city bricks that have experienced hundreds of years of wind and rain, but the quality is still very good.  When the 82 mortar shells fell, they were basically unable to cause any damage. A direct hit from a 150mm grenade only exploded a part of it and could not cause fundamental damage to the overall structure.

    If those city bricks imitated by later generations were of really poor quality, it is estimated that Xiong Botao would not have had a huge headache because of these machine gun fortifications and the artillery positions deployed by the Japanese army on both sides of the New Guangwu Great Wall in the battle for positions.  It was these machine gun fortifications, together with the Japanese infantry artillery and cross-fire heavy machine guns on the hilltop, that caused considerable casualties to the early attacks of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    Nearly half of the recoilless gunners and rocket launchers who were casualties during the battle fell under the firepower of these three machine guns with extremely high shooting accuracy. Although the performance of these three Japanese large-caliber machine guns was not as good as that of the Anti-Japanese Alliance  It is equipped with a 14mm anti-aircraft machine gun, but it is a large-caliber machine gun after all, and its lethality is still quite strong within a thousand meters.

    If it hits a human body, it will directly cut the person into two pieces. If these three machine gun fortifications are not destroyed, not only will the flanks of the troops attacking the front be greatly threatened, but it will also be difficult for the follow-up troops to respond and cooperate in the first time. There may even be frontal attacks.  The attacking troops were in danger of being suppressed by these three machine guns on the mountain in front of Xinguangwu.

    This time, after Xiong Botao pulled out other strongholds on both wings and destroyed the Japanese artillery positions, he made great determination to pull out these three machine gun fortifications. In order to solve these three machine gun fortifications, Xiong Botao even gave the frontal attack troops  , was equipped with two flamethrowers, while the attack troops on both wings were equipped with three.

    There is no way, these three tricky machine gun bunkers, unless they directly hit the shooting holes, are recoilless rifles and rocket launchers, which cannot be destroyed by firing at the closest distance. To deal with such bunkers, the flamethrower is the best weapon to resist.  The flamethrowers of the Alliance all use napalm, and are much more powerful than those used by other countries.

    As long as the flamethrower can be sent within its maximum range of forty meters, even if it does not accurately hit the shooting hole, the one thousand degrees of high temperature it emits and the duration of the high-temperature flame of twelve seconds during long burst firing are enough.  Let the Japanese troops in the fortifications escape from the fortifications.

    Xiong Botao told the two company commanders leading the team that even if all their troops were exhausted, they would still have to completely solve the three machine gun fortifications. In a word, they would do their best to ensure the safety of the flanks of the frontal attack troops and ensure the safety of the frontal attack troops.  , the connection with the follow-up troops, considering certain aspects of the problem, Xiong Botao equipped these two companies with three snipers each.

    After accepting the order, the two company commanders made a brief summary and handed over other aspects of the battle to the instructor and deputy company commander. Each of them led a platoon to strengthen a recoilless rifle and a flamethrower, specifically for  Deal with these three damn firepower points and the supporting fortifications around them.

    This time, they used machine gun fire to suppress the covering fire points on both wings. They directly led two squads, and under the cover of precise shooting by snipers armed with Soviet-made Mosin Nagant rifles, they directly killed three soldiers with flamethrowers.  At the cost of two squads, including two company commanders, all falling on the charge path, the flamethrower was successfully sent to a position suitable for firing.

    As these three Japanese machine gun fire points, which had brought huge casualties to the anti-alliance attack forces, were completely surrounded by flames, and the large number of 13mm bullets stored inside violently exploded, these three and peripheral fire points cooperated with each other.  The Japanese machine gun fortifications and co-ordinates were finally completely eliminated, and the frontal attack was successful at once, which played a vital role.

    As for Xiong Botao's general attack on Xinguangwu, from the sound of gunshots to the complete end of the battle, except for the two squads, the Japanese army at Yanmen Pass had no reinforcements.  After the final general attack was launched, they gradually began to retreat to the Yanmen Pass line.

    Chen Hanzhang's original judgment was correct. Under his tactics of combining frontal attack and artillery fire interception, the strength of the 21st Division at Yanmen Pass had gradually been exhausted. When his final general offensive was launched, the 20 Japanese troops stationed at Yanmen Pass were  Colonel Okada Miyoshi, captain of the 82nd Infantry Regiment of the 1st Division, now only has one and a half squadrons of troops left.

    As for the three infantry brigades under his command,In addition to the strength of the three engineering squadrons, except for the two incomplete infantry squadrons and one engineering squadron in the front, the rest were either wiped out on the line between the old and new Guangwu, or lying on the Yanmen Pass reinforcement route to the new Guangwu.  superior.

    The short distance of three kilometers from Yanmen Pass to Xinguangwu, within the two anti-alliance fire blockades in the middle, is littered with bombed corpses of Japanese troops. From Yanmen Pass to the back of the mountain in Xinguangwu City,  The piles of corpses of Japanese war dead have become the most conspicuous road signs, and the painful screams of seriously wounded people who have not been evacuated are everywhere along the way.

    The ridge in front of Xinguangwuguan has been dyed red by the blood shed by both sides. This battlefield has accumulated so much gunpowder and explosives that almost no grass has grown in more than ten years. And in front of Xinguangwu Pass,  , the battlefield within a few square kilometers was also littered with the bodies of the dead from both sides.

    There were broken equipment and weapons that no one was using everywhere. The fellow villagers who were mobilized to bury the bodies of the dead on both sides did not dare to step forward for a long time. At the same time, after the old Guangwu was reduced to ruins, the new Guangwu  In front of Yanmen Pass, this strategic location with a history of more than 600 years, together with the thousands of meters of Great Wall on both sides, were completely reduced to ruins.
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