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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 296 Unexpected

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    At this point in the Xinguang-Wu front line, everyone is probably at odds with each other. No one is in better condition. He has suffered more than half of his casualties, but the Japanese army's situation can only be worse than ours. Now at the Xinguang-Wu front line,  It depends on who of you can hold on for the last five minutes. At this time, when you go round Yanmen Pass, not only will there be no profit or water to be gained, but your front-line troops will also be weakened.

    Chen Hanzhang was quite confident in his judgment of the actual situation of the Japanese troops on the front line of Yanmen Pass. He believed that although the Anti-Japanese Alliance only invested one infantry regiment in this battle, it did have an absolute advantage in infantry firepower. A rocket or  A recoilless artillery shell can knock out a Japanese heavy machine gun position.

    If the terrain were not too complex and the Japanese positions were intertwined, in terms of setting up firepower points, they obviously strengthened the cover of machine gun positions with grenade launchers, 92 infantry cannons, and rapid-fire cannons, and used infantry cannons and grenade launchers to suppress their own inexhaustible power.  Recoil rifles and rocket launchers.

    As for the 82-force and 60-force forces invested by our own troops, because a considerable number of them were sent south to reinforce the Taihang District, the number seemed to be insufficient. They could not suppress the Japanese 92-force infantry artillery and grenade launchers, and they were in a feint attack situation.  Under the situation, the troops have never been able to gain an advantage. With the advantage of their own troops in individual firepower, they have captured Xinguangwu long ago.

    During this battle, the Japanese army clearly accepted the lessons learned from the front-line battles in Huade and Shangdu. Faced with the resistance's superiority in individual firepower and direct-aimed firepower, the Japanese army made certain adjustments to the machine gun positions. The positions of the 92nd Infantry Artillery were  Push forward to the front line position, cooperate with heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, and use the versatility of this artillery to specifically suppress the anti-alliance rocket launchers and recoilless rifles.

    Even the 92nd Infantry Cannon was used to suppress the large-caliber machine gun fire of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. During the battle, 13mm anti-aircraft machine guns were also used in a pattern to participate in front-line operations, specifically used to suppress the large-caliber machine guns in the depth of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  caliber machine gun, on the Xinguangwu battlefield, the Anti-Japanese Alliance suffered several heavy losses.

    As soon as an anti-aircraft machine gun company was deployed, it was destroyed by the four 92 infantry cannons deployed by the Japanese army on the wall of Xinguangwu. If Xiong Botao, the front-line commanding officer, had not reacted quickly, he would directly pull up the double 23 anti-aircraft guns and suppress them.  These four 92 infantry cannons will probably suffer even greater losses from the Anti-Alliance attack.

    The Japanese army adopted a large number of very effective countermeasures against the infantry tactics of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Coupled with the complex terrain on the Xinguangwu front line, this was an important reason why the Anti-Japanese Alliance fought so hard in this critical battle. The Japanese army responded quickly and launched  The effectiveness of the countermeasures was somewhat unexpected by Chen Hanzhang.

    But Chen Hanzhang still believed that although the Japanese army's response tactics caused him a lot of losses, his own equipment advantages would never make life easier for the Japanese army in front of him. On the Xinguangwu battlefield, their casualties  It can only be larger relative to the troops invested.

    Under this situation, instead of forcibly seizing Yanmen Pass, it is better to use Xinguangwu as the center point and use its own firepower advantage to completely consume the Japanese troops at Yanmen Pass. Since it no longer has the strength to fight on both sides, since  Having already paid such a heavy price, no matter what changes the situation takes, I can only persevere.

    Therefore, Chen Hanzhang did not send a detour force from the old Guangwu that had been captured to Yanmen Pass along the western line. Instead, Chen Hanzhang deployed two 150 howitzers from the suppressive firepower to join the attack between New Guangwu and Yanmen Pass.  The firepower blockade, at the same time, told Xiong Botao to adjust the firepower and troop allocation of the front-line troops and prepare to launch the final general attack on Xinguangwu.

    While deploying Xinguangwu to prepare for the final attack, Chen Hanzhang mobilized all the rocket artillery units participating in the Xinguangwu front line. Except for one company left behind, the rest quickly deployed east of Zhangzhuang and ordered Zhangzhuang to Ma  The troops on the front line of Yi used multiple routes to intersect and compress the Japanese troops on the line from Zhangzhuang to Mayi towards the area with Zhangzhuang as the core.

    In order to strengthen the battle in the north and ensure the sufficient strength of the troops participating in the battle in the north, Chen Hanzhang even transferred all the tanks on the Guangwu battlefield to the front of Zhangzhuang. At the same time, on the front of the Guangwu battlefield, Chen Hanzhang transferred two security battalions from the headquarters.  A company was also transferred to the battle for Xinguangwu.

    Seeing Chen Hanzhang dispatching all the security battalions from his headquarters, the boss frowned, but in the end he said nothing. If he talked about his knowledge of the anti-alliance forces before coming to the battlefield in northern Shanxi, the boss only stayed at Yang Zhen and others.  Reports from high-level officials, as well as documentaries shot from some of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    After coming to northern Shanxi and having contact with the cadres and troops of the Anti-League these days, the boss felt that compared with the internal troops, this army alone in the northeast has a different temperament. These generals who came from the Anti-League  , regardless of age or position, there is always a kind of hard work that cannot be explained or explained, but can be truly felt.

    Reaching the critical moment,The stronger Saburo's energy becomes, and no matter how many enemies they face outnumber them, that energy will not weaken at all, and the more critical the moment, the more ferocious they fight.  You will never let it slip, even if you are bruised and bruised, I will bite off a piece of your flesh even if you die.

    After these few days of contact, these anti-union cadres gave the boss the feeling that they were like a pack of wolves. Yes, like a pack of wolves that would do anything to survive in the worst environment. Once they aimed at the target, they would not  He will never stop talking until he tears you into pieces.

    Not only the old cadres from the Anti-Japanese League are like this, but even those cadres who were transferred from the customs. No matter how cautious their character was before, on the battlefield, less than a year after the Anti-Japanese League, their style was almost completely different from before.  Being two people, he became extremely bold and aggressive in his commanding style, and his wolfish nature became extremely clear.

    The generals of the Anti-Japanese Alliance are generally courageous and determined on the battlefield, and they dare to make up their minds. On the battlefield, they never know what fear is. When their superiors give orders, they will never frown even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of them.  The discipline on the battlefield is even more stringent than during the Red Army period.

    Not only the cadres who came out of the old Anti-Japanese League, but also those cadres who were later transferred to the Northeast to work, have also undergone great changes compared to when they were in the old base area. Even the boss can't believe the change.  These people turned out to be old subordinates that he was familiar with.

    If Chen Hanzhang and Mu Changqiu, these old cadres from the Anti-Japanese League, are still unfamiliar to the boss, then the boss is quite familiar with many cadres like Xiong Botao who are currently fighting in the battlefield in northern Shanxi and have been transferred to the Northeast after passing the pass.  Even during the Long March, we were already old acquaintances.

    The boss does not know much about these cadres. Some of them were even promoted by the boss, and some of them have even worked beside the boss. The boss knows the character and character of these people very well, but the boss did not expect that  , In just one year, these old subordinates have undergone such a big change that the boss is even a little unfamiliar.

    Looking at Chen Hanzhang's young face, the boss suddenly remembered the younger Yang Zhen, who was far away in the Northeast at this time, and was also the leader of the group of wolves. How did that young man do all this?  Such difficult conditions can turn them into this.

    As for Chen Hanzhang not fully following his suggestions, the boss laughed it off. Chen Hanzhang is the highest military officer in the northern Shanxi battlefield. He has his own ideas about the development and changes of the battle situation and how to fight. He still knows what to do.  His words were just to mediate his anxiety about the poor progress of the battle.

    As long as he can calm down quickly, it doesn't matter whether he listens to his suggestions or not. He is a very generous person. Unless it is too necessary, most of the time, the boss who trusts the judgment ability of the frontline commander is not the kind of boss who is prone to overstepping the mark at every turn.  A person who takes your place.

    The boss was lost in thought, but Chen Hanzhang didn't have much energy to discuss Yang Zhen's character with the boss. He nervously mobilized his troops to attack the two front lines in Mayi and Zhangzhuang in the north.  The main force of the 11th Division implemented squeeze tactics, while also conducting a comprehensive analysis and judgment of the entire battlefield.

    At this time, all the troops of the Tenth Division had been airlifted, but Chen Hanzhang did not mobilize the troops of the Tenth Division to the Xinguangwu battlefield. He gave the commander of the Tenth Division a day and a half to reorganize the troops. After a day and a half, regardless of whether his troops  No matter how well the integration goes, it will all be drawn into the battlefield.

    At Yi Liangpin's place, Chen Hanzhang said that he would cling to the enemy at all costs, cut off the Japanese army's assault route to Shanyin County, and ensure that the training of the Tenth Division could never be interfered with. If the situation allowed, the front line should be as wide as possible.  and push it some distance further south.

    Chen Hanzhang did not interfere too much in the battle situation in Northeastern Shanxi. He still believed in Du Kaishan's ability. This guy is much more stable now. It is estimated that he is unlikely to do anything impulsive on the current battlefield. With Du Kaishan  With Kaishan here, I should be able to rest assured about the battlefield in Northeast Shanxi.

    Therefore, although Chen Hanzhang has been paying attention to the situation in northeastern Shanxi, he rarely issued any substantive orders except for cooperation between the two parties. What he gave Du Kaishan was only a plan and his own ideas. As for how to implement this plan,  Chen Hanzhang is quite confident in his old comrade-in-arms. He believes that as long as he is fully authorized, Du Kaishan will definitely create a surprise for him in Northeast Shanxi.

    After a slight hesitation, Chen Hanzhang handed over all the battles on the Xinguangwu front line to Xiong Botao, who was commanding the front line, and turned his attention to Zhangzhuang and Mayi in the north. After all, that was the main battlefield of this battle.  , here in Xinguangwu, for the entire battlefield, there is only??A point.

    The reason why Chen Hanzhang personally took charge of the counterattack against New and Old Guangwu was because although this was just a point, it was a key to completing his plan. Whether this battle could achieve his ultimate goal still depended on whether the troops could defeat the old and new Guangwu.  Can Guangwu's counterattack slow down the main force of the 21st Division heading north?

    The most important thing is whether his attack on New and Old Guangwu can open up the distance between the Japanese troops and create a favorable opportunity for the troops to annihilate one of them. This is when he hands over the battle in the north to Wang Minggui's command.  , the main reason why he personally took charge of Guangwu's first line.

    Now that the strength of the Japanese army from Yanmen Pass to Guangwu has been exhausted, it can no longer make a big storm. The main force of the 21st Division in Zhangzhuang and Mayi has also withdrawn from the pressure on both wings and concerns about the rear.  At this time, Chen Hanzhang felt that it was time to focus on the northern line.

    As for the three captured German anti-tank guns, Chen Hanzhang immediately transported them back to Datong and used transport planes to transport them back to the Northeast. At the same time, he reported the boss's conclusion to the headquarters as soon as possible to remind other battlefields to pay attention.  The threat of the Japanese new anti-tank guns.
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