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Text Chapter 18 Hisao Tani¡¯s Integrity

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    When he was teaching at the Naval University, Lieutenant General Hisao Tani publicly declared that robbery, rape, and banditry were important ways to maintain morale during wartime. Ordinary Japanese people naturally have no idea what kind of moral character he is.  , but he still knows Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi very deeply.

    Of course, some of these words are what Yoshimoto Seiichi thinks, such as the capture of Lieutenant General Hisao Tani. He believes that it is most likely a propaganda war carried out by the opponent against the Kwantung Army and the Empire. However, in some aspects, such as Lieutenant General Hisao Tani,  If the general was really captured, he would not believe what he said to defend him in some aspects.

    Even though this guy graduated from the 24th batch of the Saber Team of the Mainland University, he also studied in the UK and served as a military representative to the League of Nations. He can be said to have learned from both the East and the West and can be considered a guy who has seen the world, but this guy is  A typical butcher-like character with an extremely greedy personality.

    This man not only keeps talking about robbery and rape as the best way to boost morale, but as the lieutenant general's division commander, he has always resolutely set an example in this regard, and it can even be said that  In these aspects, it is quite an example.

    After the China Incident, after the Sixth Division was put into the North China battlefield, it quickly became the most prominent unit in burning, killing, and looting on the North China battlefield.  The style is extremely fierce, but in this regard, other Japanese divisions who are doing the same thing are also quite ashamed.

    The Sixth Division is indeed fierce in style and fearless of death. Together with the Second Division, it is known as the two most powerful divisions in the Imperial Army. However, the performance of this division in treating civilians is even worse than that of Yoshimoto Sadaichi who burned the Japanese army.  Typical Japanese soldiers who did not take the killing and looting seriously could only shake their heads in silence.

    Although on the battlefield in China, other Japanese divisions did not perform much better than the Sixth Division in treating the civilians in China, the performance of the Sixth Division was even better than that of the Japanese army, which has always been known as the Beast Army.  , it is too prominent.

    Since setting foot in mainland China, the Sixth Division has been killing, robbing, and raping all the way. As the division commander, he did his part and took the lead. After being transferred to the Songhu battlefield and the subsequent pursuit battle,  And during the Battle of Nanjing, especially during the pursuit from Shanghai to Nanjing, people were robbed and raped along the way, and he, the division commander, fought bravely and gained a lot of wealth for himself along the way.

    After the capture of Nanjing, this man even ignored his dignity as a division commander and openly raped Chinese women on the street like his subordinates. Yes, he did it openly on the street in broad daylight, without any taboo about his own people around him.  subordinates and soldiers.

    The most irritating thing is that this man¡¯s act of raping women in the street was filmed by those Western reporters who thought they were just. If the military police hadn¡¯t responded in time, captured the two Western reporters, and forcibly confiscated the film, he would have been  The image of a man raping a woman in the street with his bare buttocks probably already famous around the world.

    With the foreshadowing, if this man was taken out of the bed naked buttocks, if he was really captured, then with this man's consistent character and thinking, this matter would really be  There is no guarantee that it is true, so when Yoshimoto Teiichi said these words, he really lacked confidence.

    Although Yoshimoto Teiichi does not appreciate Tani Hisao's character, he thinks that this guy's behavior on the battlefield in China is really a bit insulting to the status of an imperial general, and he is too greedy. If it were not for the insistence of the Minister of War, he would never  I disagree with the appointment of this guy as the commander of the Sixth Army, the supreme commander of the Linxi battlefield.

    In the eyes of Yoshimoto Teiichi, you are lustful. Raping Chinese women is not a big deal, nor is openly killing prisoners of war. Even if your brother robbed a large amount of money and accumulated a huge amount of money for himself on the battlefield in China,  Wealth, as long as there is no embezzlement of military pay and military supplies, is nothing too extraordinary.

    Although not all the officers who fought on the battlefield in China did this, compared to Lieutenant General Hisao Tani, the commander of the 16th Division at the time, Nakajima Imago, did even more excessively. His 16th Division was in  The number of murders and the number of women raped in Nanjing far exceeded that of the Sixth Division.

    Even the official residence of the dignified Chairman of the Military Commission of the National Government was looted by him personally and led by a team. However, good people pay attention to their influence and do everything in a subtle or tactful manner. At least they do not do these things in broad daylight.  The most important thing is not as greedy as you.

    It's your own business to be lustful, but you can't do it in the street like the lower-level officers and soldiers. Your brother is the Imperial Army Lieutenant General Division Commander, so he can do it in the street like the low-level soldiers.  It's not okay to do this kind of thing?It's too disgraceful to your dignity as a general.

    Is it so difficult to bring those Chinese women to your base? Or does your brother have some special hobby, like to bare his buttocks on the street and do that kind of thing in public to the soldiers, or to use this kind of thing  To prove that you and your troops share blessings and hardships.

    But no matter how greedy Lieutenant General Hisao Tani is, he is an army lieutenant general after all, and he was appointed by the Minister of Army as the commander of the Sixth Army. As the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, he has to maintain it to a certain extent.  Something imperially decent.

    What's more, there are two people present who are not so much the base camp, but the private representatives of the Minister of War who is now taking over as Prime Minister. Although Lieutenant General Okabe Naosaburo's attitude is somewhat ambiguous and somewhat biased in favor of Umezu.  Meijiro, if this matter reaches the ears of the Minister of War, it will not be a good thing.

    You must know that the former Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army was not narrow-minded in the slightest. Even though General Yoshijiro Umezu was his first section in the General Staff Headquarters and was his old superior when he served as section chief, and he was a supporter of him, but  This guy who flips out like a book doesn't care whether you have helped him or not.

    At this time, it's better not to have any conflicts with that guy, otherwise it will only bring more trouble to the Kwantung Army and you, General Umezu Yoshijiro, and this Lieutenant General Hisao Tani, thanks to you Umezu Yoshijiro  You must save some face for the general's classmate at the Army Academy.

    However, General Umezu Yoshijiro did not appreciate Yoshimoto Teiichi's words to defend Hisao Tani and ease the awkward atmosphere at all, and sneered: "It's just a propaganda war, Yoshimoto-kun, do you know that you confessed these things on our rival radio station?"  That¡¯s Lieutenant General Hisao Tani.¡±

    "The intelligence staff member who monitored the broadcast was the second lieutenant team leader when he was the commander of the Sixth Division. From the voice on the radio, he could accurately determine that the person who told these things was the person who should be living or dead at the moment.  His Excellency Lieutenant General Hisao."

    "As a lieutenant general and army commander of the Imperial Army, he not only became a prisoner, but also did something so humiliating to the country and the army on the enemy's radio station. Even if Hisao Tani died ten thousand times, he would still be dead.  It is not enough to eliminate the shame it has brought to the Empire and the Kwantung Army, but it has also brought shame to all the graduates of the 15th batch of the Army Sergeant School that will never be erased.¡±

    After Umezu Yoshijiro said these words, the entire venue was as quiet as if it had been cleared. Almost all the officers were surprised and could not help but criticize secretly: "It is rare that a lieutenant general and commander is still a prisoner.  "The enemy's radio station tells people about their crimes. This is not the behavior of the Imperial Army, which always refuses to admit even if they are caught committing crimes."

    Moreover, this kind of thing is nothing if it is done to an ordinary soldier. Who can guarantee that so many soldiers in the Imperial Army will really instill the spirit of Bushido to the end? But a dignified military commander would do such an insult to the country.  The incident is too rare, and this kind of integrity is not even as good as that of an ordinary imperial soldier.

    After a brief silence, the entire conference room immediately became a mess. Everyone was whispering to each other. Even Naosaburo Okabe and Shinichi Tanaka, two powerful representatives of the base camp, could not help but steal together.  Whispering, these Kwantung Army brains in the conference room are more gossipy than those rural women at the moment.

    In this situation, the entire war meeting could not continue. Fortunately, most of the decisions had been made. Facing the war room that was in chaos and increasingly suspected of being a wet market, Meizu Yoshijiro, who lost his patience, simply announced the adjournment of the meeting.  , as the commander of the Kwantung Army, he really couldn't tolerate this situation.

    With Umezu Yoshijiro gone, the combat meeting naturally cannot be held. Yoshimoto Teiichi, who is eager to bring back several divisions at the front, naturally will not continue to gossip with others here with nothing to do, and takes Seitaro Takei in a hurry.  He left and rushed to the war room to draft a telegram.

    Both of them knew very well that according to the current situation, whether it was the two divisions on the Linxi battlefield or the 18th division behind Tongliao, every additional hour of delay would bring more danger.  The most important thing for the two of them to do is to withdraw them all, instead of gossiping like everyone else here.

    As for the deputy chief of staff Ayabe Tachibana who was in charge of operations, he was directly ignored by Yoshimoto Teiichi. For this ambitious and talented major general deputy chief of staff, Yoshimoto Teiichi was quite dissatisfied from the day he took office.  He is the deputy chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, but he always does things he shouldn't do, taking the initiative to demote himself to the position of combat staff.

    The plan was messed up,After suffering huge losses, he left the whole mess to Seitaro Takei who was supposed to do this kind of thing, and completely pushed away all the responsibilities that originally belonged to him. Compared with Qin Yanzaburo, he was simply annoying.  pole.

    Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Seiichi, who was extremely dissatisfied with this guy, simply did not call him. Although this was his real scope of authority, Yoshimoto Seiichi believed that the retreat should be left to someone with a clearer mind.  Takei Seitaro is more reliable, and Takei Seitaro's performance during this retreat did not disappoint him and Umezu Yoshijiro.

    Although he knew clearly that he was retreating, Seitaro Takei, who had a very clear mind, did not directly order a retreat. He knew that under the current situation, if a forced retreat was carried out, the two divisions would be crowded on the narrow route in front of Linxi and would easily be overwhelmed.  Seize the Anti-Japanese Alliance interception in the territory of Wengniute Left Banner.

    Moreover, the retreating formation was too dense, giving the Anti-Alliance's ground-to-air firepower advantage the opportunity to maximize the chance of killing the two divisions. Once this happens, even if the two divisions withdraw, they will probably suffer huge losses.  Even under the impact of a large number of enemy tanks, it was still unknown whether he could withdraw safely, so he still put a lot of effort into this retreat.
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