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Text Chapter 17 The whereabouts of Hisao Tani

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    The most important thing is that the Kwantung Army currently needs not a few thousand additional troops, but a huge number. So far in this battle, even if it stops immediately, the Kwantung Army's current loss of troops is better than last year, but the total number is still lower.  More than nearly 100,000, and all of them were permanent losses.

    Not counting the other divisions that lost more than half of their battles, only four divisions were completely wiped out, and the number of troops lost was more than 60,000. With such a huge loss figure, and under the current situation, I am afraid that when we wait  Even after the battle south is completed, it cannot be replenished.

    Not only are the losses of soldiers huge, but what is even more dangerous is that the losses of lower-level officers are also quite huge, and the losses of these lower-level officers are permanent. Every year, they rely solely on the small amount of Army Non-commissioned Officer School allocated from the local area.  The number of graduates, as well as the number of reserve officers and the army's strictly controlled selection of officers from veterans in the army, simply cannot meet the gap.

    Now that these two representatives from the base camp are here, Umezu Yoshijiro hopes to use them to obtain approval from the base camp to recruit some young adults from Manchurian soldiers and expatriates to supplement the Kwantung Army. At the same time, he can use the weapons and equipment produced by Fengtian Arsenal to  The production capacity is being doubled to ensure that the Kwantung Army can complete the battle damage replenishment in the shortest possible time.

    At the same time, the Kwantung Army was approved to expand the Gongzhuling Army School and the Manchuria Imperial Army Officer School, which has now been moved to Fushun, to expand enrollment and select some special agents Cao Chang, Cao Chang and sergeant, as well as veterans at the level of soldier commander and corps commander, to enter the military school.  After short-term training, they are promoted to officers, so that the officers who were damaged in the battle can be replaced in the shortest possible time and their combat effectiveness can be restored as quickly as possible.

    In Umezu Yoshijiro's view, the most critical issue at present is how to restore the combat effectiveness of the Kwantung Army in the shortest time and replenish all the troops and officers who were damaged in the battle. Only then can he, the commander who is about to leave,  Officials are the only thing that can be left to the Kwantung Army. As for other things, there is no need to continue arguing now.

    What is the current strategic focus of the base camp? Although except for a few people with a keen sense of smell, most others do not know what Naosaburo Okabe said about the empire's next strategy. However, he and Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi,  I am still well aware of this matter.

    At this time, the base camp will not let go, so instead of having a big fight with the base camp on the issue of increasing the establishment, it is better to focus on how to solve the Kwantung Army as quickly as possible.  At present, regarding the issue of replenishing battle damage, this is what he should do most for the Kwantung Army at the moment.

    But before General Umezu Yoshijiro, who was about to have a serious argument with the two representatives from the base camp, made this request, Adjutant Umezu, who was originally waiting outside the conference room, hurriedly ignored even basic courtesy.  Shang rushed into the conference room and handed something to Umezu Meijiro.

    And Umezu Yoshijiro, who was about to severely reprimand the adjutant for violating the order that no one should enter the conference room for anything against him, and for his extremely rude behavior, saw this thing, and his face instantly changed.  livid.

    After being silent for a long time, I looked at the situation on the battlefield and thought that some bad changes would occur, which would make the commander's already ugly face even more ugly. He would either remain silent, or look curious, or look curious.  It was everyone present who looked at him with melancholy expressions.

    This general, who was always calm and unfazed, threw the report in his hand on the conference table and said with uncontrollable anger in his tone: "The whereabouts of Lieutenant General Hisao Tani are known. He and the Chief of Staff of the Sixth Army are here."  Major General Numata Takazo was captured during the enemy's raid on the Ongnute Left Banner, along with most of the senior officers of the Sixth Army Headquarters."

    "Our opponents have just announced on their radio station the personal confession of our Imperial Army Lieutenant General and Commander of the Imperial Army about what he and his Sixth Division did during the Battle of Nanjing, and  This broadcast is for the whole of China, not just Manchuria, or even the mainland of the empire."

    "Although they only passed by when they broadcast, our monitoring personnel could determine that the army commander was raping the concubine of a local Mongolian prince when he was captured alive. It was the concubine of our current opponent.  The commandos took her out of the bed with her buttocks naked."

    "The current war is intensifying and the situation of the Kwantung Army is becoming increasingly unfavorable. One of his dignified army commanders, the Lieutenant General of the Imperial Army, is still looking for women and men. Now, while having fun, he is captured naked by the enemy.  Caught in bed."

    "Lieutenant General Hisao Tatani is simply a disgrace to the empire, a disgrace to the army, and even more to the Kwantung Army. Not only did he set a record for the first army commander to be captured since Emperor Meiji established the new army, it is even more shameful.""He was actually captured in this situation. This is simply a public smear on the face of the Emperor and the entire Imperial Japanese Army."  "

    "There is also that Major General with lots of crops in the marsh. What does he do as the chief of staff of the army? The enemy troops were attacked in front of him, but he had no idea. Not only was a military headquarters easily cut off, but also the commander of the army was created.  Imperial Army records of the capture of all the chief of staff and all senior officers.¡±

    "There are only three major generals among them, not counting the dozens of officers above the rank of major. A military headquarters was so inexplicably taken over by others, and there were so many surrounding troops that there was no reaction at all.  When did the Kwantung Army fall to this point?"

    "Why didn't these officers commit suicide when they were defeated and the headquarters was surrounded and unable to break out? Instead, they did something that was humiliating to the country and violated the spirit of bushido by being captured collectively. They are not worthy of being samurai, but  A bunch of cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death.¡±

    "And our intelligence department is not worthy of being an intelligence officer at all now. They are all a bunch of idiots and losers. They have announced the list of captured officers on the radio station. You guys have painstakingly cultivated them with the help of the empire.  The intelligence personnel who spent a large amount of intelligence funds have not yet found out what happened at the Sixth Army Headquarters and the whereabouts of the missing personnel. Could it be that the Kwantung Army¡¯s intelligence department has become a bunch of bastards who only know how to eat dry food?  ¡±

    "I think the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army must be reorganized. At the beginning of this battle, the enemy had a large number of tanks. For a long time, you actually knew nothing about the enemy launching this battle.  , such a large-scale troop mobilization, but you didn't even detect a single thing. "

    "Can any of you tell me why the enemy's troops on the battlefield are nearly twice as large as what you reported? Where did such a large number of tanks come from? What are their new models?  Where are the weapons made, and what level does their military industry capability currently reach?¡±

    "It has been two days since the Sixth Army Headquarters was attacked. The whereabouts of all the missing personnel can only be found out through the enemy's radio station. What I need is exact information, not some general, possible, or should-have information.  It¡¯s a vague guess, and you don¡¯t even know how accurate it is.¡±

    "The Kwantung Army allocates millions of yen to you every year, and you have produced such a result. If this situation continues, do you think it is still necessary for the Kwantung Army's intelligence department to exist? The empire spends every year  A lot of money is just to support a bunch of rubbish.¡±

    Looking at General Umezu Yoshijiro's livid face, Yoshimoto Seiichi next to him was hesitant, but considering the impact, he still defended Hisao Tani who was a prisoner: "Your Excellency, the enemy's broadcast may not be true.  Propaganda warfare is also a commonly used method in conducting wars. The Imperial Army¡¯s tenacity and tenacious spirit have always been the best in the world.¡±

    "It is normal for the enemy army to fabricate some lies in order to undermine the morale of the Imperial Army and its subjects. In the broadcasts of the China government, don't they often announce how many Imperial troops have been annihilated? If according to their annihilation figures, the Empire  I¡¯m afraid they have already withdrawn from China.¡±

    "But now the empire and the army still firmly occupy half of the richest country in China. The Chinese government has millions of troops. It is not that the empire is still unable to do anything. Propaganda wars are just a way for both the enemy and us to boost their own morale.  , It¡¯s just a common way to demoralize opponents, and it shouldn¡¯t be taken seriously.¡±

    "Even if Lieutenant General Hisao Tani behaves like this, he is still a dignified Lieutenant General of the Imperial Army. He is deeply influenced by the spirit of Bushido and will not do anything that insults the spirit of Bushido. Now, is Lieutenant General Hisao Tani captured or killed in battle?  , which cannot be confirmed based on their broadcasts alone.¡±

    "Even if you take a step back, even if Lieutenant General Hisao Tani is really captured, he will not be caught naked from under the bed as they said on the radio. No matter what Lieutenant General Hisao Tani says,  They are all senior officers of the empire, and they performed extremely well at the beginning of the China Incident and made many military exploits for the empire.¡±

    "Such an experienced senior officer can understand when to relax and when to devote his energy to combat. I think that what our opponent promoted on the radio is just  Just smearing the empire and the Kwantung Army is not credible. "

    "As for the raid on the headquarters of the Sixth Army, which resulted in the capture of most of the senior officers, I am actually not surprised by this result. Our opponents have an extremely mysterious force in their hands. This force is different from other  Compared with other troops, the number has never been disclosed, and everything is kept extremely confidential.??

    "There are almost no survivors among the imperial troops who have fought against this army. Even if they occasionally fall into a tight siege, they will use grenades to completely destroy them together with the equipment they carry. This extreme method of the enemy has made our  The intelligence community knows even less about this force."

    "We know nothing about this unit's main combat missions, organization, personnel composition, various tactics used, and weapons and equipment. We don't even know what kind of training they have received or where they are stationed. The only thing we can do at the moment is  What we can tell is that they have a force with extremely strong combat effectiveness, extremely special training, and special strategies and tactics.¡±

    "What kind of combat missions do they engage in? At present, we can only guess based on the experiences of some imperial troops who have fought with them. We can guess that their purpose is mainly to attack and destroy the high command of our army. Before the war, I used to specialize in  I talked to Lieutenant General Hisao Tani about this mysterious force of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and asked him to pay more attention to the safety of the headquarters. "

    "He was very disapproving at the time, and it was obvious that he did not take my warnings to heart, and the contempt he had for the Chinese people from the bottom of his heart also destined that he would not listen to my words. If his military  The headquarters has not specially strengthened its security, and it is precisely this mysterious force that the enemy has invested, so it is probably not surprising that the Sixth Army headquarters suffered. "
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