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Text Chapter 472 The Japanese Army Trapped in a Cocoon

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    However, although the troops brought by Su Yingqi arrived in time and Duotou intercepted the Japanese troops who were running wildly along the way, his men were extremely tired at this moment. Since they set out to participate in the night attack last night, most of the troops had not even eaten dry food.  , and faced with the Japanese army, whose heads were filled with the desire to survive at this moment, and were already looking like crazy tigers, they were somewhat unable to resist and could only fight and retreat.

    Fortunately, he slowed down the speed and pace of the Japanese army's retreat and bought enough time for Gou Zaihe, who was pursuing behind him. Just when the Japanese army was almost breaking through Su Yingqi's interception, Gou Zaihe commanded the three companies and finally made a decisive move at any cost.  After a fierce battle, they broke through the interception of a small group of Japanese troops and arrived in time.

    Gou Zaihe, who finally made no low-level mistakes this time, did not hesitate at all. Faced with the current crisis, he immediately threw all three companies in his hands into the battlefield. He divided his troops into three groups and dispatched one company to carry them.  All nine heavy machine guns of the Japanese army detoured to the front of the Japanese retreat route, preparing to be used as a second blocking line.

    He personally commanded the troops of the two companies, concentrated all the submachine guns and light machine guns into the first echelon, and launched a fierce attack from behind the Japanese army. Together with Su Yingqi, he adopted a pincer attack tactic against the Japanese army in front of them. The two of them worked in tandem, one behind the other.  Tangled tightly with the retreating Japanese army.

    With the timely arrival of Gou Zaihe, and with the arrival of stragglers one after another, on this small battlefield, it was the first time since the Japanese army forcibly crossed the Siramulun River that the anti-alliance troops occupied  When it comes to the advantage in military strength, this advantage in military strength is not very obvious.

    Of course, as long as no new Japanese troops join in this battle, the outcome can be said to have been decided. Su Yingqi arrived in time to hold back the retreating Japanese troops, and Gou Zaihe entered the battlefield in time, completely establishing the situation and allowing  Yang Jicai breathed a sigh of relief.

    Compared with the exciting and changeable battle here, which even fell into a melee, the Japanese troops who stayed there were the easiest to deal with with the help of poison gas bombs. These Japanese troops did not wait for the possibility of the next resistance alliance, or  There should have been a fierce attack, but what was waiting for them were poisonous gas shells manufactured by their own country and used to massacre the Chinese. This result was undoubtedly a cocoon for the Japanese army.

    More than a thousand poison gas shells hit the small position controlled by the Japanese army, causing the Japanese army's position to be shrouded in white smoke in a short period of time. If there are any survivors of the retreating Japanese army, they are still there.  Fighting for the chance to survive under attack from two sides.

    Then this group of Japanese soldiers were waiting for them, with almost no way out except death, and even the possibility of becoming prisoners, because no one could survive such a high concentration of suffocating poisonous gas without wearing a gas mask.  survived.

    Although the real lethality of these mixed phosgene and mustard gas shells is not too high, and is somewhat less powerful than the corrosive mustard gas, ordinary gas masks can completely protect you, and do not even require special cleaning after use.  , disinfection, and its power cannot be compared with soman, sarin, and tabeng in later generations.

    However, the high concentration of phosgene produced after the explosion of more than a thousand poison gas shells far exceeded the lethal dose, coupled with the mustard gas produced by the mixed phosgene and mustard gas shells, it was the Japanese troops who were holding on to the ground in the shortest time.  lost combat effectiveness within a short period of time.

    These more than a thousand rounds were mainly caused by the large amount of phosgene produced by the phosgene shells. Inhaling a large amount of this suffocating poisonous gas that only poisoned people through the respiratory tract in a short period of time quickly caused the Japanese army to lose their combat effectiveness, even if they were temporarily unable to do so.  It was not fatal, but the high concentration of phosgene on the battlefield put most Japanese soldiers into shock and coma.

    At present, the Japanese army believes that the Anti-Japanese Alliance is simply unable to launch chemical warfare against them, and their poison gas shells are basically unable to play the role they expect because the Anti-Japanese Alliance has been equipped with complete gas masks. Therefore, the 7th Division's participation in the battle this time will not be effective at all.  They didn't carry any chemical weapons.

    Because these chemical warfare equipment cannot play the expected role because the opponent's protective equipment is complete, it has become a burden for the Japanese army in disguise. Not only can it not play a lethal role in the enemy, but it also requires caution and caution when carrying it.  , because this thing is not only lethal to the enemy, but also to our own people.

    Not only does it require specialized storage personnel and equipment, but if the battle fails, if these things are seized by the enemy, they will pose a threat to themselves. As for the large-scale use of poison gas, will it arouse international public condemnation? For Japan  People don't care at all.

    Moreover, in the eyes of the Japanese, the Anti-Japanese Alliance did not have its own chemical industry and could not produce poison gas on a large scale, which was regarded as the most powerful weapon by the Japanese army. This made the Japanese army extremely contemptuous of the Anti-Union's ability to launch chemical warfare, believing that even if it had  A small amount was paid?? Chemical artillery shells will not do much harm to one's own troops.

    Moreover, after the Battle of Lianjiangkou the year before last, in order to prevent the Anti-Japanese Alliance from using their captured poison gas shells against themselves again, the Kwantung Army had already strictly ordered all divisions to waste their time in tomorrow's unfavorable situation.  All chemical weapons must be released even though they know they will have no effect.

    They are not allowed to keep a single shell or a smoke can because they are worried that these chemical weapons, which they consider to be extremely powerful and used as a trump card, will be captured by the Anti-Japanese Alliance and used on themselves to release poisonous gas on the enemy. Of course, it is  It makes the battle comfortable and easy, but if the unlucky target is you, it will not be good.

    This strict order, as well as the contempt for the industrial base of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and the belief that the Anti-Japanese Alliance had the ability to produce high-end gadgets such as chemical weapons, made it possible that even before this battle, no one in the Japanese army would believe in the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  There is the possibility of a large-scale poison gas attack.

    Since we have no intention of using chemical weapons, and our opponents do not have the ability to manufacture and use them, in this battle, except for a few people who were ridiculed as timid for carrying gas masks, most of the people in the 7th Division will  The gas masks they were issued were thrown away in the barracks as a burden.

    Since it is useless, then why bring it? Anyway, the Anti-Japanese Alliance does not have poison gas shells. Although those things are not heavy, they are not too light. With that burden, it is better to bring more field rations to save money on the front line.  I was hungry because of supplies.

    However, neither the senior officials of the Kwantung Army nor the Seventh Division, which was the direct victim, expected that there would be a large number of poison gas shells captured in the Anti-Japanese Alliance, nor did they expect that the 23rd Division would actually lose Lin Xi.  When we were in the county seat, even a poison gas shell warehouse outside the county seat was abandoned.

    Linxi is a key part of the Kwantung Army's so-called border defense circle. The vast Ujimqin grassland in front of it is extremely conducive to the rapid breakthrough of the Soviet mechanized troops. Therefore, after the 23rd Division withdrew to Linxi, it was worried that the 23rd Division  Any attempt to take advantage of Outer Mongolia during the retreat would result in Soviet retaliation.

    Under the relatively difficult situation of replenishing heavy weapons, and in order to restore the combat effectiveness of the 23rd Division in the shortest possible time, the Kwantung Army deployed a large number of chemical warfare weapons to the small Linxi County.  , among which the number of poison gas shells used by mountain artillery and mortars alone was as high as more than 20,000.

    According to the requirements of the Kwantung Army, once the Soviet mechanized troops attack, if necessary, the number of poison gas shells stockpiled by the 23rd Division will ensure that the mountain artillery units and various mortar squadrons in the division's artillery wing can  The maximum rate of fire lasts for two to three days.

    It's just that the Soviet Union itself has extremely strong chemical warfare capabilities that even exceed Japan's. Therefore, the Kwantung Army requires that once the 23rd Division is attacked, it must obtain approval from the Kwantung Army Headquarters when using poison gas shells. Even because  Linxi is relatively close to Outer Mongolia, and test firing of these poison gas shells to test their performance is strictly prohibited.

    Of course, in addition to an astonishing number of various poison gas shells, the Kwantung Army also reserves a large number of poison gas canisters, poison gas spreading vehicles, smoke cans, and even some new cyanide gas grenades in Linxi and the surrounding Bahrain Banners.  , it can be said that there are many kinds and huge quantities.

    In order to ensure that these huge amounts of chemical warfare weapons can be effectively used, the Kwantung Army, in addition to replenishing a large number of chemical weapons, also increased the number of chemical troops to the 23rd Division, not counting the chemical weapons of the 23rd Division itself.  In the military establishment system, there are four new chemical corps squadrons incorporated into the 23rd Division.

    These reserves on the Linxi battlefield far exceed the Japanese chemical warfare weapons organized and equipped. Most of them are the most powerful and most difficult to defend erosive poison gas mustard gas shells in the Japanese chemical weapons arsenal, as well as the Japanese troops in the pass  The No. 1 red bomb used most frequently on the battlefield is the highly toxic arsenic arsenic biphenyl.

    The number of phosgene artillery shells stored by the Japanese army in Linxi is actually not large. There are only more than a thousand in total. However, during the battle of outflanking troops to seize Linxi County and encircle and annihilate the 23rd Division, the situation changed.  Under unfavorable circumstances, in order to destroy all the poison gas bombs that could not be transported away, the 23rd Division used a considerable part of the more powerful mustard gas and biphenyl arsenic shells during the battle.

    But it is not so easy to destroy more than 20,000 poison gas shells, as well as a large number of poison gas canisters and smoke cans. Although the 23rd Division was not slow in its movements when it lost, there were also a large number of poison gas shells.  And the spreading tools fell into Wang Guangyu's hands.

    Because among the poison gas bombs stored by the Japanese army in Linxi, phosgene is not the most lethal. The actual lethality is different from the reserves.Compared with the most abundant mustard gas, there is still some gap. In addition, it is easy to protect, so the 23rd Division basically did not use these phosgene shells during the battle, but always used them as reserves.

    After its most complete poison gas bomb was also the only warehouse that stored phosgene shells, the thousands of phosgene shells fell into the hands of Wang Guangyu because they were too late to be destroyed. All the phosgene shells stored in this warehouse  It fell into the hands of Wang Guangyu.

    What finally fell into Wang Guangyu's hands was, in addition to more than a thousand luminous gas and mustard gas mixed artillery shells, and phosgene artillery shells, more than 3,000 biphenyl arsenic artillery shells and more than 2,000 mustard gas and Lewis gas artillery shells.  , there is also a batch of cyanic acid gas, which is the most lethal, and there are only poison gas spreading vehicles specially designed for mustard gas. Wang Guangyu seized more than ten vehicles on the Linxi battlefield.

    Just because this is the first time for the Anti-Japanese War to see the Japanese poison gas shells using biphenyl arsenic gas, and they are not sure of its actual performance and lethality, as well as the long-term, difficult to remove and defensive nature of mustard gas. Its use will affect the actions of its own troops.  , so under the advice of the accompanying chemical defense personnel, except for the phosgene shells, they did not hand over the other shells to Qiu Jintang. They only handed over the phosgene shells that they knew best and were the easiest to eliminate residual poisonous gas.
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