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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 471 Retreat and Melee

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    After Gou Zaihe listened to Yang Jicai's plan, especially the last sentence, although he hesitated slightly, he finally nodded and went to implement it. After he left, Yang Jicai put on the gas mask. In fact, in his heart, Yang Jicai felt sorry for Gou.  I don't have much confidence in whether I can fulfill my order. This person is too rigid and lacks flexibility.

    Before, he was asked to figure out the key points of the enemy's troop deployment. Under such favorable circumstances, he was unable to seize the opportunity to quickly divide the enemy's forces. Instead, he retreated according to the order he had given before, and even issued a new order himself.  He didn't even have time. In this kind of battle that requires more flexibility, it might be more difficult for him to be competent.

    It's not that he is forced to penetrate deeply into the enemy's army, but that he is allowed to have contact with the enemy's army and understand the enemy's troop strength and firepower configuration. Why should he be in a hurry to retreat? With such a good fighter in front of him, as long as he persists for even three minutes, he will be able to defeat the enemy.  The new order has arrived, so why bother with all the fuss.

    Moreover, his troops on the right wing could hold on for several minutes to delay the retreat of the Japanese army. As long as the Japanese army was delayed, the artillery behind them could cooperate with them to prevent the Japanese army from breaking through. However, he faced such a favorable opportunity and could not help but  Advance and retreat.

    But in the current situation where he has no one available, he can only hope that he can hold back the enemy for a minute, and he can only place more hopes on Su Yingqi who can arrive quickly, and  The enemy's movement has been delayed by artillery fire long enough. As for this guy, just don't waste all your troops.

    Fortunately, although Gou Zai and the regiment leader were slow and hesitant, the artillery group that had arrived in the direction of Shizui was not slow. Yang Jicai had just put down the field phone in his hand, and the artillery shells over there had already followed him.  At the request, the Japanese troops were divided into two groups and began shelling separately.

    Especially for the retreating Japanese army, the leading troops were directly covered by a burst of 107 rockets. Then, after a test-fired 100mm grenade accurately hit the retreating Japanese army, dense artillery shells roared in and hit accurately.  Marching columns towards the retreating Japanese troops.

    Although the 122 rockets were not involved in this shelling, the 107 rockets, except for the range and launch density, are not much less powerful than the 122 rockets for this kind of artillery mission, although because of this  Due to the limitation of artillery shells, only three companies participated in the bombardment.

    However, the three companies had a total of twelve 107-gun rockets and twelve tubes, and the 144 rockets fired in one breath were not something that the retreating Japanese army could withstand. They had just started here and had not retreated yet.  Erlidi was hit by a dense rocket attack from Tou Tou, causing heavy casualties.

    As the vanguard, one squadron and half of the baggage squadron were hit by intensive rocket fire. Almost none of them survived. The follow-up troops were also implicated and suffered heavy casualties. Coupled with the 75mm field artillery,  With 100mm howitzers and a company of 155 howitzers, the retreating Japanese army could be said to have relived the hellish time yesterday afternoon.

    Just because he didn't have many troops at hand, the deputy captain did not dare to disperse the troops even though he knew that his opponent had an absolute advantage in artillery fire. Although the troops suffered heavy casualties from the shelling, it could even be said that in the first wave  More than half of them were injured during the shelling, but they did not dare to stay for a moment to avoid the shells.

    Its marching speed only paused briefly when intercepted by dense artillery shells. Then, it braved the constant explosion of artillery shells, and took advantage of its brief pause when it was intercepted by artillery fire, and surrounded Gou Zai and his troops from the flanks.  Due to the heavy machine gun fire, they did not dare to stop to avoid the gunfire, nor did they dare to stop to fight back.

    He just buried his head and retreated eastward without any care. As for the wounded and equipment, he threw away everything he could. He even threw away the six mountain cannons, two field cannons, and several infantry cannons that were assigned to him when they broke up.  As for the light and heavy machine guns, mortars, and infantry artillery, all were lost. Some people even discarded their rifles.

    The journey to hell yesterday afternoon and night, coupled with the nightmare this morning, left not only the deputy commander who only wanted to retreat, but also everyone who followed him in the retreat, they had no fighting spirit.  There is only one thought in their minds, that is, the sooner they evacuate, the better.

    Regardless of casualties and dense artillery shells, they retreated desperately and lost more than half of their men within a distance of less than five kilometers. The remaining more than 700 Japanese troops finally broke through the various barrel artillery deployed by Yang Jicai.  As well as an artillery interception area composed of 107 rocket launchers with a range of about 8,000 meters.

    But before the Japanese army, which had broken through the interception area composed of various barrel artillery pieces, breathed a sigh of relief, the 122 rocket launchers with the longest range here, which had been silent before, suddenly opened fire, and another wave of intensive  The shell hit just nowHe stopped to take a breath and prepared to fight off Gou Zaihe's Japanese troops who were clinging to him.

    Among the artillery shells left by Qiu Jintang, the number of 122 rockets is the smallest. Although this kind of rocket has the worst accuracy among all artillery, its range is only the longest, so Yang Jicai saved it until the end.  , which is used at the most critical time. In order to prevent accidental damage, Yang Jicai even asked Gou Zaihe to withdraw his troops five hundred meters before using the one-two-two rocket launcher.

    Seeing that the anti-alliance forces that had been besieging him on the flanks suddenly retreated, the deputy captain who directed the retreat reacted very quickly. He did not care about the rocket shells falling on the marching column, and commanded the troops to come on the spot.  A ninety-degree turn turned the direction of retreat to the southeast.

    Taking advantage of this time difference, they used the rockets launched by the Anti-Japanese Alliance as a barrier to put Gou Zai and his troops aside, ignoring the rockets that hit their heads.  , desperately retreating toward Bayannuoer in the southeast.

    This deputy captain who lost more than half of his troops in the intensive fire attack, but miraculously remained unscathed, did this skill beautifully. He used the entangled enemy troops to prevent accidental fire damage and temporarily retreated.  Taking advantage of the opportunity, he turned around and changed the direction of retreat, throwing aside the enemy troops that were spreading in the east direction.

    Gou Zaihe was caught off guard by what he did. After the 1, 2 and 2 rocket launchers stopped firing, he could only passively follow and pursue him. Moreover, because he was half a beat too slow to start, and the retreating Japanese army was running at an almost desperate speed, he  They were never able to catch up, so they could only catch up behind the Japanese army.

    Faced with this situation, Yang Jicai was also a little helpless. Under the desperate retreat speed, the Japanese army had already escaped the firepower range of most of the artillery groups in the direction of Shizui. Currently, the field artillery groups with relatively sufficient shells were not that large.  range.

    The legal M1917-155 howitzer group, which still has some shells, has a maximum range of only 12 kilometers. Because the frontal battlefield of Aruhorqin Banner is relatively narrow, the legal M192 with the longest range among the Anti-Japanese Alliance  The Type 9 155 howitzer is not deployed here.

    The 155 howitzers deployed here are all made in France or in French Poland. The old-fashioned M 1917-style 155 howitzers with a maximum range of only 12 kilometers fire from the direction of the stone table and are unable to intercept and turn around to the southeast.  direction, the Japanese troops running all the way

    The only one-two-two rocket launcher with sufficient range is because the number of shells itself is already exhausted, and it is impossible to implement fire pursuit and interception due to the limited number of shells in the long-range interception.  All were lit, and in desperation, Yang Jicai could only urge Gou Zaihe to speed up the pursuit.

    He was already lagging behind just from the start, and there was no artillery fire to intercept and slow down the Japanese army's retreat. It would be so easy for Gou Zaihe to catch up again. Moreover, without the interference of artillery fire, dozens of Japanese troops were constantly separated from the retreating Japanese army.  Or more than a dozen people launched a harassing blockade against the pursuing troops.

    Just when Yang Jicai was somewhat helpless in the face of the current situation, and the Japanese army, which was running all the way and not daring to stop at all, was almost out of the observation distance of the artillery scope in Yang Jicai's hand, a sudden burst of gunfire rang out from the front of his team.  and the explosions of field artillery and mortar shells.

    Focusing only on escaping and blocking the pursuing Japanese troops, they did not expect to collide with Su Yingqi's troops who were attacking in this direction. However, Su Yingqi's troops, who had marched all the way from Bayannuoer, even though they arrived in time,  However, with the originally small number of troops, a large number of stragglers appeared during the forced march regardless of fatigue.

    In addition to a company left behind to cover the artillery, Su Yingqi only had two incomplete companies on hand at the moment, and his actual total strength was less than four platoons. Faced with more than a thousand people who had begun to retreat, Su Yingqi  The number of Japanese troops has dropped sharply to more than 500 people.

    But there was no fear or hesitation. On the contrary, Su Yingqi showed a hint of excitement. Carrying the machete he had brought to the northeast from Guan Nei, he carried around him without any hesitation a total of less than four platoons of troops.  The two companies, as well as the only mountain cannon and two 82 mortars that followed, all went into battle.

    Because the encounter with the Japanese army was too sudden, it was too late for his troops to intervene. Su Yingqi simply led all the troops to bayonets and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the oncoming Japanese troops. He commanded the troops who were actually less than two companies following him.  , and started a hand-to-hand battle with about one and a half squadrons of Japanese troops who rushed over first.

    At the same time, the Zhao army behind him concentrated its firepower on only one mountain cannon and mortar that followed, cutting off the connection between the Japanese army's front and rear sequences, and intercepting the subsequent Japanese troops rushing over to reduce the enemy's firepower.They were relieved of the pressure from Su Yingqi at the front, while political commissar Chen Zhiping led two political cadres to gather the stragglers at the back.

    Seeing more and more Japanese troops breaking through the interception of not intensive artillery fire, Chen Zhiping did not bother to organize the stragglers who were arriving on the battlefield one after another according to the organizational structure. The troops that arrived were enough for one squad, and one squad was put in.  Platoon, just throw in a platoon.

    It's just that the troops were originally limited, coupled with the casualties incurred when the small Japanese troops blocked Bayan Nuoer and the breakthrough along the way, as well as the large number of overtired stragglers who had been unable to catch up, Chen Zhiping concentrated on  The troops are really limited.

    Until half an hour after the battle started, Chen Zhiping could only gather less than two platoons. In addition, the troops invested before were only four platoons and two incomplete companies. These troops were already all the troops Su Yingqi could invest.  Apart from these troops, unless the company covering the artillery arrives, Su Yingqi will no longer have any soldiers on hand.

    The Japanese army is similar to him. After breaking through the limited artillery fire interception, a small team will be thrown into it, and a combat group will be thrown into a combat group. From the beginning of a melee, the enemy and ourselves are equivalent to one and a half companies. The Japanese army even  The number of troops was still less than the number of troops invested by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and in the end it developed into a big melee with three to four hundred people each.
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