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Text Chapter 463: The ending of fate¡¯s tricks

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    In Miao Zhihe's view, these bastards are not qualified to waste any of the remaining magazines in their hands. These Japanese officers all wear Southern Type 14 pistols in their hands or in their holsters. These numbers are not enough.  It's a small pistol with plenty of bullets. If you don't need it now, why don't you use it later.

    This is the habit he developed when he was leading the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region, except for the target. Although all the Japanese officers here are of the same rank, not counting Lieutenant General Noboru Kunisaki, only Lieutenant Colonel  There are three of them, and the remaining few are at least majors, not even captains.

    If you can capture one or two alive, even if they are injured, it is a very rare achievement. But now Miao Zhihe is very clear that it is difficult for him to escape now, because not only his troops have been disrupted, but  , and the sound of light and heavy machine gun fire outside the woods has completely stopped after the explosion of several mortar shells.

    Without the cover of machine guns and blocking the rest of the Japanese troops, he was actually surrounded by the Japanese troops in the woods. With the huge disparity in strength, it was difficult for him to stand out, let alone take prisoners.  Rather than being unable to take it away and being snatched back by the Japanese army, it is better to solve the problem completely.

    After doing all this, he raised his head and looked at the tent without stopping. He waved his hand and took the only two soldiers around him, and was about to rush out. Just as Miao Zhihe's left foot stepped out of the tent.  At that moment, a burst of machine gun bullets suddenly hit him from the front right, most of which hit his chest.

    This time, Miao Zhihe was not as lucky as last time when he only lost most of his left hand. Dozens of machine gun bullets fired from extremely close range almost broke his chest. The two soldiers beside him  , also fell in the heavy rain of machine gun bullets.

    These dozens of rounds of machine gun bullets were fired at too close a distance. Even if there was a soldier in front of him who took the initiative to open the way and took less than half of the bullets, it would not let anyone who had received training and had extremely fast reaction ability.  Miao Zhihe was shot and died immediately before he could make any move.

    Almost at the same time that Miao Zhihe fell, the commando team with less than fifteen people left had already torn through the resistance of the Japanese army that had regrouped after being dispersed by Miao Zhihe.  Wei Zhuang, who was covered in blood because of the close-range fight, had just rushed here.

    Looking at Miao Zhihe who fell under the muzzle of the Japanese machine gun, Wei Zhuang and the soldiers around him, their eyes almost red with blood from the killing, used two grenades to eliminate the sudden appearance of the enemy.  After firing the machine gun, Wei Zhuang rushed to Miao Zhihe's side in a few steps.

    Ignoring the Japanese soldiers constantly rushing around him, he fumbled and took out the first aid kit and tried to bandage Miao Zhihe, whose chest had been beaten to pieces. However, he rushed over too late. At this time, he was hit by more than ten bullets in the chest.  Miao Zhihe, who had been exposed to 7.7mm machine gun bullets, had stopped breathing. Where he fell, the blood flowing out formed a bright red puddle.

    When the regiment was formed, Miao Zhihe was the first regiment-level cadre to take office. Before the regiment commander took office, he was responsible for almost all the formation of the troops and the coordination of the skeleton. All battalions and companies  In addition to the soldiers who were added before the battle, Changhe was even more familiar with him than the regiment leader and political commissar.

    Coupled with Miao Zhihe's love for soldiers and his familiarity with almost every officer and soldier's name, Miao Zhihe's sacrifice made almost all the officers and soldiers who participated in the war fall into a trap.  In complete madness, they fought desperately regardless of the Japanese army's superiority in strength.

    Breaking out of the encirclement at this time had never occurred to them. Everyone had only one thought in their mind, which was to avenge the Chief of Staff. When the bullets were gone, they used bayonets. When the bayonets were broken, they used engineer catalpas and  Rifle butts, and even fists and teeth, were constantly fighting with the Japanese soldiers who had an absolute advantage. Whenever a soldier fell, he would invariably pull off the grenades on his body and take one or a group of Japanese soldiers around him with him.

    Despite their superiority in military strength, the Japanese army, which also lost almost all its commanders except for three or a few lieutenant-level officers, was not only unable to deal with such a small group of anti-alliance forces, but also paid an extremely huge amount of money.  Far more than the casualties of the anti-alliance troops participating in the war.

    Miao Zhihe's grenade, plus seven rounds of pistol bullets, killed more than just Kunisaki Noboru. The search team captain and engineer team leader of the 7th Division, who were working together with the 7th Division Headquarters, encountered the enemy.  During the attack, Miao Zhihe, who was all in Kunizakiden's tent, fired a grenade and almost killed all the remaining senior officers of the 7th Division.

    When the last grenade explosion sounded two hours later, there was no longer anyone standing in the woods. There were gunfire everywhere in the woods.?The intertwined corpses, together with the half machine gun company that blocked the Japanese reinforcements outside the woods, and the two and a half companies of the Anti-Japanese Alliance participating in the battle, except for Miao Zhihe's guards and two sixteen-year-old recruits, all  No one survived the battle.

    Miao Zhihe stayed outside the woods and used machine gun fire to block the half of the Japanese reinforcements. Under the cover of the reinforcing Japanese troops using mortars, they attacked desperately. With an absolute disadvantage in strength and firepower, they fought against the Japanese troops outflanking them on both sides.  The hard fight, at the cost of annihilating the entire army, bought nearly an hour for the troops who rushed into the woods, and gave a squadron of Japanese reinforcements, killing most of them, which greatly reduced the pressure on the troops in the forest.

    The headquarters of the Japanese Seventh Division, including the division commander Lieutenant General Noboru Kunisaki, and all senior officers of the division headquarters, together with the two guard squadrons they belong to, and the gathered skirmishers of more than one squadron of the 28th Regiment,  Everyone, including nearly a hundred armed miscellaneous soldiers, was also killed.

    When the gunshots in the forest completely calmed down, this originally picturesque forest became a Shura hell. Nearly a thousand Chinese and Japanese officers and soldiers fell here, and their corpses were covered inside and outside the entire forest. The tragic scene made it  This is the first time on the entire Alhorqin Banner battlefield.

    When Su Yingqi and Su Yingqi were ordered to make a forcible detour towards the flank of Bala Chirud, Chen Zhiping, who had arrived with a forced march after being informed by the deputy commander, saw this scene and was speechless for a long time, especially when he saw that his entire chest had been covered with blood.  When the machine gun bullets smashed Miao Zhihe's body, Chen Zhiping, who had experienced many life and death scenes, couldn't help crying quietly. He did not expect that his strong-tempered chief of staff would make such a shocking move.

    Except for those who blew themselves up by firing grenades, most of the corpses of the dead officers and soldiers from both sides were tightly entangled together. It would cost a lot of money to separate each dead anti-alliance soldier who was entangled with the Japanese army.  It took a lot of strength and thought to separate them. All the officers and soldiers cleaning the battlefield shed tears quietly when faced with such a tragic scene.

    However, amidst the sorrow, there is also a little gain, that is, before Wei Zhuang was sacrificed, the last few bullets in the pistol hit the chest, but because of the huge penetrating power of the Tokarev pistol at close range, the bullets only penetrated  He passed through the chest and was only seriously injured but did not die on the spot. Tomita Naoliang, the chief of staff of the 7th Division, was found by the anti-alliance officers and soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield to bury the bodies of the fallen soldiers.

    Although this guy was seriously injured, judging from the situation when he was captured, he still couldn't die for a while. However, he lost too much blood and was unable to struggle. Even the anti-union officers and soldiers cleaning the battlefield had already walked in front of him, and he  He was also unable to raise the gun in his hand and shoot himself in the head to realize his final long-cherished wish of dying on the battlefield to hold the emperor.

    Sometimes things in the world are so strange. This man who was determined to die in battle and avenge his shame was made a prisoner, but Lieutenant General Noboru Kunizaki, who was thinking hard about how to save the remnants of the 7th Division, died in battle.  On the battlefield, two people with different considerations finally had no choice but to accept their fate.

    This guy who should have gone to see Amaterasu and who wanted to die himself not only survived in the end, but also gloriously became the latest Japanese commander in the Anti-Alliance prisoner of war camp, and that guy even the Seventh Division was  After all the fighting, he was the only one left. According to the Japanese army's practice, he would not be held too accountable. The division commander who could at most pack up his luggage and go home ended up dying and went back to meet their Amaterasu.

    The one who wanted to die did not succeed, and the one who should have been basically safe was shot dead. Even the Japanese who are not very particular about this result have to say that this is really a trick of fate.

    Faced with such a big fish, no matter how impulsive Chen Zhiping was, no matter how angry he was because of the sacrifice of his chief of staff and the huge losses of his troops, he did not repeat the same mistake in Guan Nei and kill him with one shot. Instead, he simply had him bandaged.  After that, he was immediately sent to Yang Jicai.

    Of course, if Chen Zhiping knew that the Type 99 light machine gun that caused Miao Zhihe's death was personally commanded by the Chief of Staff of the 7th Division who was rescuing the division leader, would he have been punished for violating discipline?  This guy shot and avenged his chief of staff, but it was unknown.

    It's just that on this small battlefield, all the anti-union officers and soldiers participating in the battle were killed. The Japanese army also had no survivors except the chief of staff, who had almost no knowledge of the battle during the interrogation. Miao Zhi  And the circumstances of the sacrifice can only become one of the countless mysteries, large and small, in this war.

    This man who survived two or three shots was until the mid-1950s the last batch of war criminals to be released except for those sentenced to death. When he was released after serving his sentence, even  After many interrogations, the confession did not reveal whether he knew or not that he was completely involved in that battle.?Who exactly was hit by the bullets that angered the Anti-Japanese War troops?

    Because of the military rank of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, in order to avoid making the target too obvious by wearing the military rank, all the signs are marked on the cuffs or temporarily replaced by armbands. This situation was not changed to collar badges until 43 years when the entire army changed to new military uniforms.  Only later did things change.

    At present, because the military rank mark on his chest is not very obvious, and the battlefield is extremely chaotic, Miao Zhihe is not wearing a military rank armband. In the chaos, he does not know that the person who was hit by him is the whole person.  The highest military commander of the Xigou Anti-Japanese Federation, although that person was wearing a pistol, there were many people carrying pistols on the battlefield.

    In his confession, he only admitted that at that time he only knew that his division commander and all the officers in the entire division had fallen at the hands of that man. As for this man's true identity and status, he had no idea at all.  As far as he knew, his deepest impression of Miao Zhihe was that this man with only half a left hand was extremely skilled in tactics and extremely ferocious in style.

    Especially the rapid-fire pistol, which not only reacts extremely fast but also has frightening accuracy. Perhaps the impression left on him by Miao Zhihe at that time was too deep. He used four extremes in his impression of Miao Zhihe, but he was not sure whether this person was down or not.  Under his gun, whether intentionally or unintentionally, this guy refused to admit it.
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