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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 462: Raid and Beheading

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    When the gunfire rang out, both Wei Zhuang, who was leading the commando team in front, and Miao Zhihe, who was behind him, immediately understood that their sneak attack had been completely exposed. For the two of them, since they had been exposed at this moment, there was nothing  There is nothing to say, just start the fight openly and openly.

    Under the cover of a row of grenades thrown by the soldiers behind him, Wei Zhuang, who was leading the team, fired his submachine gun and fired a beautiful burst to disperse a group of Japanese soldiers who rushed out of the woods after hearing the gunfire. He waved his hand and shouted: "Grab Kunizaki."  , the time has come to wash away our shame last night, comrades, come with me."

    As he shouted, the commandos behind him jumped up, and the submachine guns in their hands rang out instantly, hitting the Japanese soldiers who rushed out of the woods to see what was going on. Then they fired the only gun behind them.  Under the cover of heavy machine guns, the entire commando team was like a sharp knife. Without any hesitation or pause, it braved the firepower emanating from the woods and plunged hard into the 7th Division headquarters in the forest.

    Behind them, Miao Zhihe, who could not hold the rifle because he only had one hand, took the instructor who had been left behind by Wei Zhuang before launching the attack, and thrust the rifle into his hands, leading the follow-up troops.  He immediately followed up, opening fire to support the commando operations while charging fiercely into the woods.

    He never expected that the 7th Division Headquarters of an anti-alliance force would appear next to him. Under the sudden blow, he briefly fell into chaos. Under the fierce attack of the commando team, the internal defense system collapsed.  They were rushed to pieces, but after all, the troops that could be transferred to the division headquarters to serve as guards were naturally the most powerful troops in the 7th Division.

    The chaos was short-lived, and they quickly adjusted themselves under the command of officers at all levels. They were engaged in fierce battles with the commandos rushing into the woods. The troops on guard on both wings were almost there.  They reacted immediately and rushed over forcefully, trying to wipe out the resistance force that sneaked into the headquarters of the 7th Division.

    However, the efforts of the Japanese troops on both wings were defeated by the machine guns deployed by Miao Zhihe, who had long been prepared for such a reaction from the Japanese army. The machine guns were deployed in advance, and they suffered heavy casualties. However, they could not get closer, so Miao Zhihe could only watch helplessly.  The follow-up troops he led also rushed into the woods along the channel opened by the commando team.

    However, after all, they were the guard troops of the division headquarters. The tenacity of the Japanese resistance was somewhat beyond Miao Zhihe's expectation. When the follow-up troops he led rushed into the woods, they discovered that within a distance of less than fifty meters, his commando team was actually  Nearly a third fell during the charge.

    Although it was a bit unexpected, Miao Zhihe knew that he had no time to be sad and hesitant. If he could not destroy the 7th Division headquarters in the shortest time, he would wait until the machine gun firepower of the Japanese troops blocking the two wings behind them was exhausted.  After running out of ammunition, the only thing waiting for him is to be surrounded. By that time, he will have very little ammunition left, and he will really lose everything.

    Although the 7th Division that appeared in his telescope had not set up antennas for a long time, Miao Zhihe's observation skills specially trained in the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region played a great role at this time, and he firmly remembered  Miao Zhihe, who had found the location where the high-power radio antenna was set up, ignored the commando team that had disrupted the trap and led the follow-up troops, desperately moving in that direction regardless of the almost crazy blocking of the Japanese army along the way.

    At this time, within the extremely close distance between the two armies in the woods, coupled with the obstruction of the line of sight by the woods and the relatively small combat space, all machine guns and rifles have lost their effect, especially the machine guns are of no use at all.  On the ground, even if it has superior firepower, it is difficult to exert it.

    Except for the submachine gun which has the upper hand due to its short size and extremely fast rate of fire, the rest of the manual rifles usually only have time to fire one bullet. Before the next bullet has time to be loaded, the opponent has already rushed in front of them. The duration of this battle is not very long.  In the long battle, both the enemy and ourselves used more hand-to-hand combat.

    In the woods, the Japanese army was equipped with the Type 99 rifle, which was originally more suitable for hand-to-hand combat, but because their rifles themselves were too long, and the half-meter-long Type 30 stabbed them, even in hand-to-hand combat, it was difficult to defeat them in the woods.  It cannot be used in a small space. On the contrary, the Anti-Alliance, equipped with a much shorter Polish-made German rifle, seems to be more advantageous.

    The obstruction of trees in the woods also made it difficult for the Japanese army to take advantage of hand-to-hand combat. When the bayonet was thrust out, it might not have hit the opponent, but the bayonet on his rifle was too long and penetrated the surrounding tree trunks, especially  Its most lethal tactical combination is difficult to really work.

    In fact, in this kind of hand-to-hand combat in which both sides suffer losses, no one has to worry about who can take advantage. Anyway, it is the enemy and ourselves who are fighting, and the fighting has become a complete mess. The Japanese army can't do anything, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance is the same.  It can't be used. It was originally a battlefield.However, the forest was divided into countless small battlefields by dense trees and shrubs.

    Both sides were just small groups of soldiers. Under the leadership of veterans and cadres at all levels, they fought selflessly. Under the rapid offensive, the unprepared Japanese troops were beaten into pieces.  , and the Anti-League was also defeated because of Miao Zhihe's order to go wherever there was gunshots before the battle started.

    Not five minutes after rushing into the woods, Miao Zhihe found that only one squad was still following behind him. As for the other people, they either fell on the way to the charge, or were scattered and mixed with the Japanese troops blocking him.  The regiment is in a relatively chaotic situation where they are fighting independently.

    At this moment, the 7th Division regiment headquarters tent set up on a small flat ground in the entire forest was already in front of him. Miao Zhihe did not bother to gather the troops, facing the increasingly heavy troops.  Facing weak Japanese resistance, he knew what he should do most now.

    He ducked to the side and behind, avoiding a fierce thrust from a Japanese soldier holding a Type 99 rifle with a bayonet, and used his disabled left arm to clamp the slender barrel of this guy's rifle at once.  , Miao Zhihe's pistol in his right hand fired at the same time.

    As a unit that has been equipped with Tokarev pistols for the longest time in the entire army, and a veteran from the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region with the largest number of attachments, reaching a one-to-one ratio, even though this pistol has strong recoil and is difficult to control with continuous shooting, through  After hard training in the reconnaissance brigade, Miao Zhihe's pistol was indeed superb.

    Even under the condition of multitasking, his shooting accuracy, especially the swing shot, was extremely accurate. Although the shot was fired relatively hastily, it only took one shot and fired a bullet in the middle of this guy's helmet.  The skylight is not big or small. If it weren't for the 90-type steel helmet on top of his head, and the huge kinetic energy of the Tokarev pistol bullet, it wouldn't be a matter of just opening a skylight. One shot could directly kill him.  The lid of Tianling was lifted.

    After killing the Japanese soldier who rushed out of the tent in front of him, Miao Zhihe, who had actually cleared out the last guard who rushed towards the 7th Division headquarters, rushed out of the tent without even looking at this unfortunate guy.  He faced the 7th Division headquarters that no longer had any living guards around him at this moment.

    However, he did not rush in directly. Instead, he pulled out the last imitation Soviet F-1 grenade left to him by the guard before leaving. He used his teeth to pull the safety catch and paused for three seconds.  After throwing it in, he waited until the explosion subsided, then took the only two soldiers around him at the moment. With the Soviet-made Tokarev pistol that had just been replaced with a magazine in his hand, he rushed in under the cover of continuous fire.

    But after rushing in, he almost tripped over a guy lying on the ground wearing the rank of lieutenant general, bleeding from a small bullet hole on his temple, and holding the corpses of two soldiers.  In front of him, there were seven or eight Japanese officers and soldiers lying in a mess, either killed by his own grenades or killed by rapid fire from his own pistols.

    At this moment, in the entire tent, apart from the three of them, there was not a single Japanese soldier standing, whether alive or dead. Miao Zhihe didn't even have to think about the guy on the ground with the rank of lieutenant general, except for Kunizaki.  Apart from that guy, there won't be a second lieutenant general here.

    It was obvious that this guy had already sensed something was wrong before the grenade was thrown, and he was preparing to rush out with the officers and guards around him. If Miao Zhihe's grenade exploded two or three seconds later, he would probably have to fight with this guy.  Guys come face to face.

    It's just that why this man came to the Anti-Japanese Alliance and fought in his own command department before he remembered the transfer. Is it because he was too confident in his own security forces, or was there some other reason that Miao Zhihe didn't know. The only thing Miao Zhihe knew now  That is, he has completely smashed the Japanese high command in Aruhorqin Banner.

    And the man who pretended to be a lieutenant general and division commander and did not retreat until the most dangerous moment, but because of his own face problems, was not able to escape in the end, even though the Anti-Japanese Alliance's imitation F-1 grenade had already  Part of the power was reduced, but the grenade still had some excess power, and it still sent most of the people in the tent to the west.

    Although he relied on the desperate cover of two loyal guards, during the grenade explosion, apart from being jumped by the guards, which was a bit ugly, he was not affected by the power of the grenade explosion and managed to escape. However, he struggled from under the guards.  Kunizaki came out, but he did not escape the rapid fire of the pistol in Miao Zhihe's hand before he rushed in.

    A bullet penetrated into his temple and circulated around his brain, completely turning his brain tissue into a pile of tofu. If the bullet hadn't chosen the exitIt's on the back of his neck. I'm afraid his death will be even more ugly.

    However, Miao Zhihe was not interested in observing whether his death was ugly or not. After using the last bullet in the pistol chamber to shoot the guy in the head again, Miao Zhihe did not go there again.  Looking at him, for Miao Zhihe, the Tokarev pistol in his hand was even better, and it was much more powerful than the new Browning pistol equipped by the directly affiliated reconnaissance brigade.

    The only drawback is that there are too few bullets in the magazine. Seven rounds of bullets are really not enough, especially in this situation of rapid fire at close range. You will suffer a little loss, at least change the magazine.  The frequency is much higher than that of a Browning pistol with fifteen rounds of ammunition. However, he does not have time to worry about the advantages and disadvantages of the pistol in his hand now.

    Looking at everything in front of him, Miao Zhihe simply looked at the bombed radio station in the tent without using his hands. He put the code pad next to the radio station into his pocket and put the empty magazine of the pistol in his hand.  After replacing a new magazine, he put it back into his belt, pulled out the Nanbu pistol from a Japanese officer's corpse, and re-shot the Japanese corpses on the ground one by one.
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