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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 417 The Threat of the Japanese Army¡¯s New Machine Gun

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    For those who do not know that the current Japanese army is being commanded by Ichiki Kiyoshi, his main target in this battle, there is only one thought in his mind at this moment, that is, the sooner the Japanese army in front of him is defeated, the better, although it is not yet  He knew that behind the Japanese army in front of him was the headquarters of the 28th Regiment, but with his rich battlefield experience over the years, he realized that the Japanese army in front of him was not simple.

    The Japanese army in front of us is obviously not an organized one, and it is definitely not something that a brigade commander can command. His own troops are in chaos, and the Japanese army is also in chaos. At the moment, both the enemy and ourselves are in chaos, and almost all the organized units have been beaten.  In such a chaotic situation, with so many troops assembled, I'm afraid the person behind it will not be a simple figure.

    The infantry brigade in front of them should be the largest force that the 28th Regiment can muster at the moment. As long as they are defeated, the rest of the troops scattered on the battlefield and fighting with their own troops will not be afraid. Wang Deyao does not care about what is behind his back.  Who is the person? For him who has no way to retreat now, let alone a large team, even a coalition, he can only fight on.

    And as long as the Japanese army in front of him is defeated, he can firmly control the initiative on the entire battlefield in his own hands, because the Japanese army in front of him is the only one who can gather on the battlefield around him.  Troops that pose a decisive threat to one's own offensive.

    As long as the Japanese army in front of him is defeated, he can advance and retreat freely. Even if the Japanese army on Yang Jicai's side makes some moves, he has nothing to worry about as he has already freed his hands. The people over there have the same idea and even want to capture him.  The idea of ??capturing the king was clear and straightforward. He also did not leave any mobile troops behind and was not polite at all. He immediately put all the forces at hand that could or had been concentrated into it.

    Both commanders became ruthless, and the troops below fought even more frantically. However, the deployment before the battle began. The commander, political commissar, and chief of staff of the second regiment were ordered by Wang Deyao to strengthen the command of each battalion. Before adding  In the melee, there was not a single regiment cadre around Wang Deyao at this moment.

    The three military and political officers of the second regiment, the commander, the political commissar and the chief of staff, had rushed to nowhere. The deputy commander stayed in place to command the remaining troops and coordinate with the first regiment to persist in the defense. At this moment, the highest-ranking cadres around Wang Deyao were only  Director of the Political Department of the Second Regiment and instructor of the First Battalion.

    As for the commander of the first battalion, when he was commanding the troops to attack the hillock that disrupted the entire offensive plan, he personally led the charge because he could not hold off for a long time. He was shot in the head by the Japanese new light machine gun and died on the spot. The battalion  The deputy battalion commander, with a company, was still staying at the hill, fighting fiercely with the defenders.

    When Wang Deyao gathered the troops of the battalion closest to him, the three commanders of this battalion were left with only one and a half companies led by an instructor. The organization was still intact, and the walkie-talkies were also damaged. As for strengthening  A heavy machine gun company given to them disappeared to nowhere.

    There are not only cadres left but only an instructor. The battalion that Wang Deyao has gathered around him at this moment is not an organic one. The strength of a battalion is not equal to the complete strength of an organic battalion. Among the three infantry companies in his hands,  Except for the headquarters security company that has been following Wang Deyao.

    One of the remaining two companies belongs to the first battalion, and the other company was pieced together from the surrounding troops of two companies that were scattered by the third battalion. One of the platoons was the remnants of a company transferred from the first regiment.  The two Japanese squadrons that crossed over at almost the same time as the two wings broke away from the main force. After a hard battle, they broke out of the encirclement of the two Japanese squadrons and encountered Wang Deyao leading a company to escape.

    During the rendezvous, the sacrifice belts of a company's troops were scattered, leaving only more than fifty people standing out. These more than fifty people were temporarily organized into a platoon by Wang Deyao, and the deputy company commander of his own guard company temporarily served as the commander.  The platoon leader, as for their main force, was dispersed and killed somewhere else.

    Fortunately, Li Mingqing, the only instructor of the 1st Battalion who followed Wang Deyao, was able to help. After joining Wang Deyao, in the shortest time, he brought the most complete 1st Battalion, 3rd Company and the remaining 1st Battalion Mortar Company.  One platoon served as the backbone and simply reorganized the troops, thus preventing the troops from becoming chaotic during the battle.

    The battalion commander died, and the deputy battalion commander didn't know where he was rushed. The director of the regiment's political office who followed Wang Deyao was an absolute scholar who knew nothing about military issues. He knew that at this time, he could only stand up on his own initiative, and he could not let others  Commander Wang Deyao, go and take command personally.

    Before he changed his position as an instructor, Haolai also served as a company commander for one year. When he was in the military region's training team, he also specialized in military command. Haolai can be regarded as a bottle of water, compared to the former political department of the Nenjiang Military Region.  The deputy director of the direct work department was assigned. Before being transferred from the customs, he spent most of the timeThey are engaged in military movement, and the Director of the Political Department, who has almost never been on the battlefield, is somewhat stronger.

    Although the director of the Political Department is now also a deputy regimental cadre, his face looked a little strange when the gunshots were fired. His face turned whiter than the light emitted by the flare. In addition, this  The one on the bridge of the director's nose was almost as thick as a wine bottle's high-end myopia glasses. Li Mingqing knew that he couldn't count on this person at all. If he was half-full, then this pale-faced political officer  Director, I'm afraid there isn't even enough water in the bottle.

    At this moment, Li Mingqing, who had taken over the command of the battlefield on his own initiative and knew that behind him was the supreme commander of the entire Aruhorqin Banner battlefield, he could only withstand the Japanese offensive at all costs. Although he had three mixed companies in hand, the ammunition was limited.  The situation gave him a headache.

    Although he has a heavy machine gun platoon with three Type 92 heavy machine guns and two 60 mortars, the amount of ammunition is not much. In the previous battle, his battalion's heavy machine gun company was scattered.  The ammunition platoon and second platoon were charged unknown where, and the three heavy machine guns could only rely on the 3,000 rounds of ammunition they carried.

    Three thousand rounds of bullets seem to be a lot, but for three heavy machine guns, evenly distributed can only last a few minutes of shooting time, which simply cannot form the required firepower density. Those two 60 mortars, ammunition  The situation was not much different. The two cannons only had six rounds of ammunition left on their backs. After they were all fired, there were no more.

    As for the ammunition of the infantry, after he counted it, the situation was not optimistic. There were too many new recruits in the army without combat experience, which meant that the ammunition carried was a serious waste. The canvas on each person's body was made of a hundred rounds in an old-fashioned waistband bullet bag.  The average number of bullets is less than half at the moment, and the remaining grenades are less than one per person on average.

    This is still a rifle in better condition. The submachine gunners only have one magazine left on average. The light machine gun and the ammunition carried by the deputy shooter combined, the best is less than two-thirds, and the follow-up ammunition carried by the deputy commander  Replenishing ammunition was a no-brainer in the chaos on the battlefield.

    Not only is there a shortage of ammunition, but most importantly, there is a shortage of troops. Among the three companies, the guard company with the most complete troops, the most complete equipment, and the largest amount of ammunition is held tightly by Wang Deyao. In other words, he can  The troops under his command actually only had two companies. Facing the swarming Japanese troops of four squadrons, the strength of the enemy and ourselves was one to two.

    In the situation where troops have to be mobilized to defend the rear in order to prevent another enemy force from coming out of nowhere, Li Mingqing actually has fewer troops at his disposal at this moment. Although he does not know that he can say a word at this time.  Not to mention, Wang Deyao, who was just observing the battlefield with a telescope and using the light from the flares, held the most complete company among the three companies tightly in his hands, but he knew that he had to block the Japanese attack.

    Once the Japanese army breaks through here, the situation will be dangerous for the highest military commander on the entire Aruhorqin Banner battlefield behind him. Once something happens to him, the result on the entire Aruhorqin Banner battlefield will be that he is a political cadre.  Li Mingqing considered far more issues than some simple military commanders.

    Although Commander Wang behind him gave orders not to go anywhere but to fight here, and not to take a step back even if all was lost, Li Mingqing knew that he did not have the strength to fight back, let alone fight a confrontation, and could only block.  The war slowed down the momentum of the Japanese counterattack.

    Looking around at the latest Type 99 rifles with bayonets, and the Type 99 light machine guns and Type 92 heavy machine guns behind him, the Japanese troops used pig attack tactics to attack wildly regardless of the cost. Li Mingqing was holding his own pistol.  , the command under his command was actually only one reinforced company, and five organic platoons were desperately resisting.

    As one of the first divisions formed by the Japanese army since the Meiji Restoration, the Seventh Division has participated in many battles. In fact, its performance is not outstanding. In the eyes of the top Japanese army, although it is not as valued as the First Division and the Second Division, it is not as important as the First Division and the Second Division.  The so-called military exploits of the 3rd and 5th Divisions were illustrious.

    But even though General Yusaku Uehara, the only former division commander who has served as Minister of War, has gone to the West, the current 7th Division has no one at the top to take care of it. However, because of its long history, it is highly valued and is far more powerful than its combat effectiveness.  The Sixth Division, which had always been left unattended by the upper echelons, received far more care.

    Every time new weapons are installed, although most of the time the first batch is not available, the second batch can always be rushed to install new weapons. At this time, the Type 99 rifles and light machine guns that the Japanese army has just officially equipped will not be replaced even if they are re-installed.  The formed Second Division has not yet had time to change, and the Seventh Division has all completed the change.

    In this battle, the Kwantung Army is the most well-equipped unit within the current Kwantung Army organization.The 7th Division was used as the absolute main force. After the actual battle with the 7th Division, both Wang Deyao and Li Mingqing felt that the equipment of this batch of Japanese troops was definitely extraordinary.

    Especially the Type 99 light machine gun equipped with a fireproof cap. The Japanese military bullets always use smokeless collodion as the propellant. The muzzle flash of the light machine gun equipped with it is almost difficult to detect at night, and these new Japanese military bullets  The shooting accuracy of the machine gun is extremely high. This kind of machine gun poses a higher threat to Li Mingqing and his men than even the Type 92 heavy machine gun.

    This kind of machine gun can only judge its approximate position from the ballistics and gunfire, and this is not an easy thing to do on the current fierce battlefield. Although the light duration of the illumination bomb does not  Not too long, but almost every time a flare went up, someone from Li Mingqing's men fell under the muzzle of this machine gun.

    When the muzzle of this gun is shooting, there is almost no flame machine gun. It is like an assassin on the battlefield. It specializes in doing evil things on the sidelines when the battle is the fiercest. As soon as the battle started, among Li Mingqing's three company commanders  Two people fell to the attack of this machine gun. One died and the other was seriously injured. Li Mingqing, who was already under a lot of pressure, was almost on the verge of crying.
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