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    The current situation made it impossible for Wang Deyao to clearly judge in which direction new enemy situations would appear. In that direction, the number of Japanese troops was greater. After an hour of repeated attacks, Wang Deyao only had one company left. As for the rest,  The troops have been dispersed by the Japanese army.

    Although there are modern communication tools, they cannot play much role in this kind of night battle. The walkie-talkies of each company are always on, but it is not impossible to find two adjacent troops.  When you reach your friendly forces, you have already seen them, but you cannot get past them despite repeated attacks.

    The development of the matter was completely opposite to what Wang Deyao had expected. Wang Deyao, who wanted to completely disrupt the 28th Regiment, actually messed up his originally orderly attack formation.  The battle sequence was in disarray. He opened his palm to hit people, but his fingers were grabbed by others.

    What Yang Jicai said was correct. Wang Deyao was too careless in his considerations before the war and underestimated the enemy in his judgment. However, this problem is definitely not just for him, but is currently common among a large number of generals in the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Problem is, although Yang Zhen repeatedly emphasized that the Japanese army has no weak brigades, the consecutive battles and victories since re-emerging have greatly affected the thinking of the general division-level cadres of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    In the minds of current cadres at the level of the Anti-Japanese Alliance Division, there is a common thought of underestimating the enemy. They believe that the Japanese army is indeed strong in combat effectiveness, but when facing the current Anti-Japanese Alliance, the Japanese army is still too different. On the battlefield, as long as they seize  Fighters can take advantage of the opportunity to bite off a piece of their flesh.

    In direct proportion to the general underestimation of the enemy by middle- and lower-level commanders, the higher-level personnel pay more attention to the Japanese army and are more cautious when formulating and implementing combat plans, especially Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun, the two actual leaders of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  The top military leader is extremely cautious in every battle.

    The current Wang Deyao is a very representative figure among the mid-level commanders who generally underestimate the enemy. Especially in the battle against the 51st Division, this guy has made great achievements and even captured the 51st Division.  After becoming the regiment lieutenant general and division commander, he did not look down upon the Japanese army.

    Of course, it's not that he doesn't care about the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army at all. The saying that No. 1 and No. 3 keep talking about all day long is that the Japanese army has no weak brigade. Hearing it too much will at least make him feel more at ease, but for him  , what is more in my heart is confidence in the combat effectiveness of my own troops, and contempt for the Japanese army's rigid tactics.

    In his opinion, the Japanese soldiers are indeed well-trained and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong. The junior officers of the Japanese army have a strong sense of initiative in combat and their command level is not bad. However, the Japanese army¡¯s rigid tactics and poor night fighting skills are invisible.  offset the Japanese army's training advantage.

    As long as you feel the right pulse and find the right fighter, it is not difficult to defeat them, especially when the Anti-Alliance has a clear advantage in heavy firepower. The current Japanese army is no longer the opponent of the Anti-Alliance.  This mentality also directly affects his consideration of details when deciding to fight.

    In this current battle, almost half of the Anti-Alliance forces in Alukorqin Banner were used, but Wang Deyao, who did not think highly of the Japanese 7th Division at all, faced the so-called fighter plane and made up his mind as soon as he slapped his head.  There was no careful thought at all, not even a specific idea.

    There was no detailed plan at all during execution, not even a contingency plan. According to what he said when deploying when approaching the battlefield, he just waited and saw, so when the battlefield fell into chaos, his  His subordinates either had to fight on their own, or they could only rely on him, who didn't even know where they were, to command through radio remote control.

    Fortunately, Wang Deyao is not in the habit of being a battalion and company commander, and he still fully delegates authority in tactical command. His habit is to only take care of the overall command that he should be in charge of. As for the combat command at the battalion and company commander level, as long as he does not step out of his control,  He basically doesn't interfere with his ideas.

    Otherwise, when the battlefield is in chaos, and even Wang Deyao himself is somewhat unclear about the situation, his subordinates can only scratch their heads even more. Although their hands and feet are not bound, there is one disadvantage in fighting independently, that is  Each unit was confused about the situation of its neighboring units. It was a bit difficult to determine the position of its own units when they were already fighting in front of them and there were gunfire everywhere.

    Even in the end, each unit could only rely on casting flares to determine the location of friendly forces, but in this way, it was tantamount to pointing out the direction of attack to the surrounding Japanese troops. Listening to the intensive gunfire ringing around, Wang Deyao knew that he was quickly  The idea of ????a quick victory has failed. Now it is not a question of whether they can kill several Japanese squadrons, but whether they can escape easily.

    In other words, what he least wants at this moment is also?The situation that Jicai was most worried about has emerged. Whether he likes it or not, he and the troops he led have been stuck. Facing the Japanese troops swarming around him, although Wang Deyao said he was not afraid, he also knew his own judgment on the situation.  Mistakes were made, and the underestimation of difficulties and surprises actually put oneself in certain danger.

    Fortunately, Wang Deyao's determination in this battle was a bit impulsive, but he was not a fool, and his rich practical experience also played a considerable role at this time. Although his plan had been completely disrupted, Wang Deyao had previously  His head, which was still feverish at forty degrees, actually calmed down at this moment. The current battle situation was completely different from what he had judged, and he quickly noticed it.

    He was also keenly aware of his weaknesses in deployment, but at this point, he knew that he had nothing to hesitate about. If he had hesitated even a little bit, he would not only have eaten several squadrons of his own Japanese army.  The problem is now, but the problem is whether he can escape.

    Facing the complicated situation, Wang Deyao no longer cared about eating meat at this time. No matter how reluctant he was, he could only give up his previous plan and lead the remaining company around him to repeatedly charge and kill on the battlefield.  Trying to regroup the troops who had been in a bit of chaos by themselves and now were in even more chaos by the Japanese counterattack.

    For him, as long as the troops can regroup, he will be sure of recovery. Although in this melee situation, if he wants to regroup the troops, he has to take great risks. A large number of flares and  The flare would undoubtedly reveal his own position.

    But for Wang Deyao at this moment, he has no choice. Although he may not suffer from this chaotic situation, if the troops always fight in such a scattered manner, not only will they not be able to eat more enemies, but the most dangerous thing is,  Once something happens on the main battlefield, he will not be able to take any action, because he simply cannot gather the troops scattered throughout the battlefield in a short period of time.

    If this chaotic situation continues, not only will he be unable to escape, he may even be bitten back. No matter how big the risk is, he must gather his troops back together as much as possible. He has realized that he has made a serious mistake.  Wang Deyao, who made the mistake, was still very clear in his head and did not fall into chaos because of his mistake.

    Fortunately, even though it was at night and in the middle of a melee, the modern communication tools equipped by various anti-union units to the company, as well as a large number of flares issued before his departure, helped him a lot. After nearly an hour,  With great efforts, the number of troops around him finally increased to a battalion.

    However, even though the troops around him increased to a battalion, too many flares and signal flares attracted the attention of Ichiki Kiyoshi on the other side of the battlefield. With many years of experience, Ichiki Kiyoshi immediately determined that there was  A sneak attack on the headquarters of the anti-alliance forces.

    Seeing that most of his troops had arrived, Ichiki Qingzhi, who adhered to the idea of ????capturing the thief first, captured the king first. Without any hesitation, he immediately concentrated as many troops as possible and surrounded Wang Deyao, trying to defeat him first.  This anti-alliance command system then ate them all in one unhurried bite.

    It's just that although there are a lot of Japanese troops coming over, on the chaotic battlefield, the troops that Ichiki Kiyoshi can gather around him are also not too many. Wang Deyao's troops are one battalion and one heavy.  Machine gun platoon, two 60 guns, and four infantry squadrons on his side, plus a heavy machine gun squadron.

    The strength of the two sides was half a catty to eighty liang. The Japanese army had slightly more troops, but not that much. In terms of equipment, Wang Deyao had some advantages, but the advantage was not big. It was just a man who got carried away.  Mu Qingzhi did not care about this, but commanded the troops to kill in the direction of Wang Deyao regardless.

    Wang Deyao and Yimu Qingzhi, the two top commanders of the enemy and our armies on the battlefield in the northern part of Aruhorqin Banner, collided fiercely at this moment.  The troops were deployed. One was eager to capture the enemy's high command in front of them in order to quickly encircle and annihilate the enemy troops that came to attack. The other was eager to defeat the Japanese brigade that was rushing towards them in order to gather other troops.

    The two men tried their best as soon as they took action, and the troops on both sides were entangled fiercely. From light and heavy machine guns, mortars, grenades, to grenades, rifles, bayonets, and even weapons that could be used by engineer shovels, almost  All of them were used, with only one purpose, which was to eliminate the opponent as quickly as possible.

    Around them, Wang Deyao and Ichiki Kiyonao were still fighting in the melee. After seeing the situation here, they were also fighting each other desperately. They were either preventing their opponents from getting closer, or desperately trying to reinforce their commanders.  , I originally believed?The tragic battlefield seemed even more tragic at this moment. At the same time, in order to determine the opponent's position as clearly as possible and provide targets for heavy fire support, both sides were firing a large number of flares without hesitation.

    Looking at the melee in front of him, although he was worried that other Japanese troops would take advantage of Yang Jicai's side, he also knew that if he did not defeat the Japanese brigade that was frantically besieging him today,  Over there, the rest of the Japanese troops launched an attack across the board, and Wang Deyao, who was unable to mobilize a single soldier to come back for reinforcements, could only gather his energy to deal with the situation in front of him.

    Wang Deyao did not hesitate at all, knowing that if he delayed for one more minute, the danger of being stuck here would increase as the number of Japanese troops around him increased, and that there would be more accidents on Yang Jicai's side.  Put all the troops around you into it at the first time.

    Despite Qiu Jintang's guarantee, for a veteran on the battlefield like Wang Deyao, the initiative still lies in his own hands and he has enough confidence to do so, whether it is Japanese troops coming from other directions for reinforcements or using this opportunity to ignore heavy artillery and aviation night attacks.  It is not a good thing for him to turn around and attack with all his strength. Wang Deyao knows that a quick victory is what he should do most.
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