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Text Chapter 361: Always keep a clear mind

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    Guo Bingxun looked at the map and pondered for a moment before saying: "Since Ma Chunsheng has turned our feint attack into reality, why don't we take advantage of it? No matter what the Kwantung Army's strategic goal is in Western Manchuria, the Zhongchang Railway south of Xinjing is  It is absolutely necessary to attack it and save it. If Chen Hanzhang's troops are diverted now, we are likely to disrupt the entire deployment of the Kwantung Army. "

    "At this time, with the addition of Ma Chunsheng's troops to the north of Xinjing, Wang Xiaoming's troops, and Liu Changshun's troops to the east, we can completely change the current somewhat passive situation and encircle Xinjing without attacking, and use our  The advantages in armor, aviation and ground artillery turned Xinjing into a combat hub, attracting heavy investment from the Kwantung Army and reducing the pressure on Western Manchuria. "

    "At the same time, Du Kaishan's troops were sent south to take over the offensive of Chen Hanzhang's troops in the direction of Tongliao. Wang Guangyu unified the command of the two troops to fight on the battlefield in Western Manchuria. In this way, we formed the core of the two major battlefields of Xingjing and Western Manchuria, making  The Kwantung Army paid attention to one thing and lost the other in the deployment of troops. It either gave up the counterattack in Western Manchuria and ensured the safety of Xinjing and the Zhongchang Railway to the south, or secured the battlefield in Western Manchuria and gave up Xinjing.¡±

    Regarding Guo Bingxun's suggestion, Yang Zhen looked at the map carefully for a long time. After pondering for a long time, he finally shook his head: "Old Guo, your idea is very tempting. To be honest, I am a little tempted. It's so big."  An encirclement circle, if we have enough troops on hand, may not be a suitable choice to solve the Northeast problem. "

    "But the current war situation and the real strength in our hands prevent us from doing this. In a word, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. We do not have enough troops to fight such a large-scale war.  Encirclement and annihilation."

    "We don't have any accurate information about the number of troops the Kwantung Army is currently preparing to invest in counterattack in the direction of Western Manchuria. Even the key direction of its counterattack is our current rough judgment. Whether this judgment is accurate or not, it still needs to be  Think through the development of the war situation.¡±

    "How many divisions will the Kwantung Army put into Western Manchuria? How many divisions will be left behind to defend southern Manchuria? How many troops will it put into the Xinjing battlefield? When the situation worsens, it can withdraw from North Korea.  We are not sure how many troops and troops currently stationed in Guandong Prefecture can be invested in rapid reinforcements. "

    Having said this, Yang Zhen pointed to the various directions marked on the map and compared the enemy and our forces: "Look, if you follow your adjustment plan, our army will not be able to concentrate on the two battlefields of Western Manchuria and Xinjing North.  The superior strength, and if Chen Hanzhang turns around and forcibly penetrates the Kangping and Faku lines, he is likely to be attacked from both sides by the Kwantung Army around Nanman and Siping Streets. "

    "In this way, Chen Hanzhang's troops, which are surrounded by enemies on all sides, may not only be stuck somewhere, but may even be surrounded by the Kwantung Army on all sides. Moreover, with the strength of these three troops alone, they want to block the southern Manchurian and eastern Manchurian Kanto.  On the premise of requiring military reinforcements, they are still too weak to construct a large encirclement extending from Xinjing in the north to Kangping and Tieling in the south.¡±

    "The lack of military strength makes it far from possible for us to achieve the ability to construct such a large and deep encirclement at the moment. This kind of combat mode, according to the number of troops we have on hand, unless Wang Guangyu's troops give up the plan of opening up communication lines and transfer all  "

    "And according to your adjustment plan, we are very likely to have a situation where the progress of each department is out of sync. Chen Hanzhang's department has been fully mechanized, and the terrain from Tongliao to Kangping and Faku is also quite favorable to them. Under this situation  , they can travel hundreds of kilometers a day.¡±

    "As for Wang Xiaoming's headquarters, its entire combat route is not only in mountainous areas, but also mainly based on infantry. It can advance dozens of kilometers a day, which is already very good. In this way, the march of the western and eastern fronts  The speed cannot be proportional at all, and there is no tacit understanding in cooperation. Even if such an encirclement circle is barely formed, it can only be said to be a semi-finished product. "

    "And in this way, under the situation of weak follow-up, whether we are in the north or south of Xinjing, the distance between our departments is too large, and it is very likely that we will be defeated by the Kwantung Army's counterattack force. At the same time, whether in Western Manchuria or Xinjing, we are  The inability to concentrate superior forces in that direction is not in line with our current actual situation.¡±

    "Lao Guo, I can understand your mood, but according to our strength, to fight such a large-scale, roundabout and encirclement operation, our troops and equipment are far different from what we need. At present, according to the number of our troops, we can only  We don¡¯t have a good appetite to ensure that one of the two battlefields is Ximanchu and Xinjing.¡±

    ¡°Our top priority now is to open up the relationship withWe should use the internal land routes to attract and mobilize the people in the pass to the Northeast to solve our current urgent problem of extremely short of manpower, rather than to seize Xinjing, a place that is likely to consume our vitality, let alone carry it on our backs.  Xinjing is so heavy that it may even weigh us down.  "

    "Tactically, we can squeeze in a pound of weight with eight ounces of belly, but strategically, we absolutely cannot do this. Under the situation of playing steadily and steadily, it is okay to take appropriate risks, but strategically  If we underestimate the enemy and advance rashly, we will really fall into a situation that is beyond redemption.¡±

    "Lao Guo, after last year's summer and autumn battles, we can understand that the commanders below are complacent, but those of us who are senior commanders must keep our heads clear. We must not blindly underestimate the combat effectiveness of the Kwantung Army. We must  Always maintain an accurate judgment.¡±

    "Our war against Japan will be an arduous and long process. It cannot be achieved in a year or two by just a few major battles. If the Japanese army was as easy to fight as we imagined, this war would not be fought.  Half of the whole country has been lost."

    "The most important thing is that according to your adjustment and deployment plan, the first phase of our campaign will be delayed indefinitely, the proportion of casualties will also be greatly increased, and the consumption of materials will also increase exponentially. We currently have  The already low fuel reserves are likely to be exhausted in advance.¡±

    "As a result, our second-stage combat plan will be delayed indefinitely or even canceled. This will be a fatal blow to our strategic development. Not only will our troops have to  Without the urgently needed soldiers, even the factories that were being built at a rapid pace could only be stopped because they were unmanned. "

    "Lao Guo, when there is a conflict between strategic goals and tactical goals, those of us as senior commanders must not only keep a clear and calm mind, but also ensure a stable mood and not be influenced by the so-called strategic interests at hand.  Confused, he actively exposed his weaknesses to the enemy."

    "If we have sufficient troops and sufficient material reserves, or even if we have three more column reserves on hand, your idea will become a reality. But according to our current number of troops and material reserves, I  It can only guarantee our strategic goals.¡±

    "Wang Xiaoming cannot move. As long as they persist on the Jilin front line, the Kwantung Army must divide its forces to defend Jilin, the largest power center in Manchuria. To the west, it can threaten Xinjing, and to the east, it can cooperate with Tao Jingfei and Liu Changshun's troops.  Threatening the railway from Xingjing to Tumen.¡±

    "If they withdraw from the front line of Jilin, the Kwantung Army's defense pressure east of Xinjing will be greatly reduced, and all pressure will shift to Ma Chunsheng's side. This is not conducive to Ma Chunsheng's operations. Since the Kwantung Army defends the independence of Jilin  The seventh and eighth independent garrison units blew up the Fengman Reservoir in order to stop their offensive, which means that the Kwantung Army's counterattack is close at hand. "

    "In this way, they are ordered to turn northwest with a division of troops, bypass the Japanese garrison positions on the front line of Jilin, penetrate directly from Jiutai to Shuangyang, cut off the railway line from Xinjing to Jilin, and at the same time threaten the sides and rear of the Jilin defenders, and  Their main force avoided the flooded area and detoured to Jiaohe, passing through Huadian and continuing to attack the Jilin front line from the southeast. "

    "And Lao Guo, you can find a way to allocate at least one motor battalion to Wang Xiaoming from the troops assigned to the Eastern Front to speed up his detour. Order Liu Changshun's command to mobilize the 57th Division at all costs.  Stay firmly anchored in the east of Huadian, coordinate Wang Xiaoming's detour, and use a force to bypass the defense area of ??the 57th Division in the east of Huadian and expand toward Huinan and Hailong to ensure Wang Xiaoming's flank during the detour.  with the rear.¡±

    "Order Tao Jingfei to strictly seal the border between China and North Korea. If the Japanese army mobilizes reinforcements from the Korean army to reinforce the Kwantung Army from the Jiandao Province area, even if all their troops are wiped out, the Japanese reinforcements will still be killed.  They must not be allowed to enter the Northeast.¡±

    "Tell Tao Jingfei that his combat area is not just Jiandao Province. When necessary, they can cross the border and enter North Korea to fight. The main goal is to achieve the headquarters' operational requirements and not be subject to geographical restrictions. What's more,  Don't be influenced by other parties. His main task is to block the China-North Korea border north of Tonghua and let them come wherever it is advantageous."

    "Tell Ma Chunsheng that if he doesn't want to be the commander of this column, he should hand over his position. If he continues to violate the headquarters' orders and find all kinds of excuses to excuse himself, then let him pack his luggage and go back to his place.  to be the commander of the military division.¡±

    "As aThe top commander of an army looks for excuses to excuse orders from his superiors. Is this still like a soldier? Are our three major disciplines and eight points of attention just formulated for grassroots cadres and soldiers? He Ma Chunsheng  You can make exceptions and disobey orders.  "

    "Strictly obey the orders of superiors. This is not only a disciplinary requirement, but also the basis for whether an army has combat effectiveness. The headquarters asked him to control the speed of the attack and slow down the attack rhythm. This is all for the consideration of the headquarters. If he cannot obey  No matter how capable he is, this column commander is still incompetent."

    "My attitude is very clear. If I don't change my mind, I will change people. If Ma Chunsheng refuses to carry out the orders from the headquarters, let him hand over the troops. The Anti-Japanese Alliance is not those armies. The personal will is the whole army.  We are a united whole, not an army that fights alone and whose own goals are the goals of the entire army.¡±

    "I have to emphasize to him that the target of this operation is Western Manchuria, not Xinjing. If he cannot implement the headquarters' combat will, then the headquarters will not be able to replace him. The earth can turn without anyone, and Ma Chunsheng can leave the headquarters without him.  "
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