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Text Chapter 360 Guo Bingxun¡¯s Suggestions

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    After carefully reading the battle reports from all sides within the past eight hours, and quickly analyzing the current battle situation, Yang Zhen put down the telegram in his hand, turned to Guo Bingxun beside him and said: "No, Ma Chunsheng must let them  Stop the advance immediately and shrink your troops back to the north of Jiutai. This guy's current position is too prominent. "

    "Once the Japanese army launches a counterattack from both wings, all his troops will be put into pockets. And if the Japanese army really blows up the Songhua River embankment, although his current position may not necessarily be in danger, his rear  The roads are all cut off, and not only are the supplies of food and ammunition cut off, but if something unexpected happens there, the headquarters will not even be able to carry out rescue operations. "

    "His idea is reasonable and very practical. If he stays around Xinjing, it can indeed disperse the strength of the Kwantung Army. As long as they stay outside Xinjing for one day, the Kwantung Army's divisions around Xinjing will be  It is impossible to engage in other battlefields, but he did not see the current response measures taken by the Kwantung Army against them, and ignored his own danger. "

    "The importance of Xinjing to the Kwantung Army. His head does not require too many warnings from the headquarters. He himself knows it very well. However, they are currently progressing so smoothly to the north of Xinjing. With his ability, is it possible?  Is it possible that he didn¡¯t feel anything abnormal?¡±

    "After our army broke through the Dehui and Nong'an front lines, the Kwantung Army adopted a very simple tactic, which was to give up the fight with our army in the field and concentrate its forces to defend Xinjing. The Kwantung Army now knows that not only can they not occupy the field in the  They may even be defeated by Ma Chunsheng's troops assigned to the armored group due to the lack of anti-tank weapons."

    "The Kwantung Army summed up experience very quickly, and adjusted its tactics very quickly. The Kwantung Army's meaning is now obvious. Since it cannot take advantage in the field, it will find ways to adjust its deployment and find ways to  The way to consume them, the Kwantung Army's current plan is to introduce them into solid and ready positions around Xinjing, and consume them bit by bit. Even if they cannot be exhausted, their vitality will be severely damaged.

    "Not only must they lose their ability to attack, but they must also completely lose their ability to react. We can also stick them to the front line outside Xinjing. Once the situation changes, they will be unable to evacuate even if they want to. Just watch.  Their progress will soon decrease as the resistance level of the Kwantung Army increases."

    "It is precisely because the Kwantung Army will not give up Xinjing, and Xinjing is the symbol of the Kwantung Army's rule in the Northeast. The fortifications outside Xinjing are almost as strong as the fortresses built by the Kwantung Army in Western Manchuria. Ma Chunsheng wants to break through  The price paid on the periphery of Xinjing will definitely not be small. It is precisely because of this that the Kwantung Army will use the peripheral fortifications to delay their offensive and buy themselves time. "

    "Even if the situation north of Xinjing goes according to his estimation, once the Kwantung Army's offensive in Western Manchuria succeeds, they will immediately take action to deal with our troops north of Xinjing, and the Kwantung Army will blow up Songhua  Jiang Dadi's plot succeeded. When the time came, they would be short of food and ammunition, unable to evacuate the wounded, and unable to replenish their troops. Not only would they be unable to disperse the Kwantung Army's forces, they would also be in an extremely dangerous situation. "

    "Especially his two wings. The gap between one side and other directions is getting wider and wider. The offensive on one side has almost come to a standstill. They are now almost alone. Once they are caught in the bitter battle outside Xinjing, they will be unable to advance or retreat.  , will most likely fall into disaster.¡±

    "The tactics adopted by the Kwantung Army will not allow them to move forward and retreat freely. You see, if the Kwantung Army launches a full-scale counterattack on the Western Front, no matter whether the focus of their attack is Chen Hanzhang or Wang Guangyu's troops, they will send a considerable number of troops.  A part of the troops forcibly attacked Ma Chunsheng's flank in a roundabout way to restrain Ma Chunsheng and others from moving freely. "

    "Furthermore, the Kwantung Army can blow up the Songhua River embankment and Fengman Reservoir and use water instead of troops to reduce their pressure on the Xinjing battlefield. Then wouldn't they destroy the Yitong River and Yinma River embankments in Xinjing and use water to  Substitute troops to disrupt Ma Chunsheng's offensive and weaken Ma Chunsheng's strength."

    "If the strength of the Kwantung Army is what we have now, there is no problem for him to stay there. But the most important thing now is how much follow-up force the Kwantung Army can invest in counterattack. We are not absolutely clear about this.  This is the most disadvantageous thing for us. Once the Japanese army breaks the cauldron and allocates a large number of reinforcements to the Kwantung Army from other directions, Ma Chunsheng's troops will immediately become the target of public criticism. "

    "If Ma Chunsheng withdraws to the front line of Jiutai and sends small troops to disperse part of the Kwantung Army outside Xinjing, he can still maintain enough pressure on Xinjing. You must know that as long as our army maintains a certain strength outside Xinjing, the Kwantung Army will  The army would not dare to transfer troops from Xinjing.Invest your efforts in other directions.  "

    "The most important thing is that he and Wang Xiaoming are the only mobile forces in the headquarters that can mobilize troops to support other battlefields. Originally, according to our plan, the offensive north of Xinjing was to distract the Kwantung Army's attention and strength.  It prevents them from focusing their main efforts on Ximan."

    "But if they are attracted to the outskirts of Xinjing and cannot move, they will be prepared for our original intention. With the strength of three divisions, plus a large number of attached artillery, if Wang Xiaoming's troops are included, so many of our troops will be  Confined in Xinjing, we are unable to rush to other battlefields. Instead, we fall into the trap of the Kwantung Army. "

    "And based on this guy's character, I can't tell whether his true thoughts of staying outside Xinjing are what he said. It's not that he doesn't understand what I said, I'm afraid he understands it too well.  "The reason why he still wants to take action outside Xinjing is probably that his real purpose is Xinjing."

    "This guy said that being outside Xinjing would be more conducive to distracting the Kwantung Army's troop investment in Western Manchuria, but he might be waiting for the Kwantung Army to draw troops from Xinjing and invest them in the battlefield in Western Manchuria, because he  He knows that with his current three divisions, it is impossible to capture Xinjing."

    "And he also knew that both Wang Guangyu and Chen Hanzhang, whose headquarters were deployed in Western Manchuria, were hard walnuts that the Kwantung Army could not chew off in a short period of time. These two units not only concentrated the majority of our armored forces  The attached infantry is also one of the most elite units in our army.¡±

    "Coupled with the consistent characters of these two people, the Kwantung Army must spend a lot of money if they want to eat them. And since we take Ximan as the main target of this attack, we will reinforce the Ximan battlefield at all costs.  Yes, once the Kwantung Army launches its counterattack against Western Manchuria, Western Manchuria will fight in chaos, and both we and the Kwantung Army will need to continuously increase their strength. "

    "So what he means now is probably that since he doesn't have enough troops on hand, he should occupy the position first. Once the situation in Western Manchuria is favorable to us and the Kwantung Army has to draw reinforcements from other fronts, it will be equivalent to  His opportunity has come, and with the cooperation of Wang Xiaoming's troops on the eastern front, he might actually have a chance to take Xinjing. "

    "As for his excuses, if Wang Guangyu, Chen Hanzhang, and Tao Jingfei were replaced, I believe their inner thoughts would not be much different from what they said. If the two people in the middle line were Ma Chunsheng and Du Kaishan,  Guys, I have to think about what they really mean."

    "This guy has always had an extremely strong desire to fight. He is full of tricks to achieve his goals. Of course, his goals are not to climb up without resorting to any means. He thinks that if he seizes the opportunity, he will never do anything.  The kind of person who gives up.¡±

    "As for the fighters he thinks, it's just what he thinks, rather than considering the whole and the overall situation. This guy is good at everything, but his overall view is still a little bit worse. When he gets so motivated, he only sees the mountains and rivers in front of him.  As for water, he won¡¯t think too much about other directions.¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's opinion, Guo Bingxun nodded and said: "I haven't thought too much about the messy intestines in this guy's belly, but what you analyzed, I also mean the same thing, the Japanese army exploded in the direction of Jilin  The Fengman Reservoir has flooded the entire attack route of our army east of Jilin. Because of this man-made flood, our army's offensive in the direction of Jilin has been forced to stop. "

    "With the cessation of the offensive in the Jilin direction, Ma Chunsheng's right wing can be said to have lost its support, and on his left wing, with Chen Hanzhang's progress in the Tongliao direction, the gap between the two armies is getting wider and wider, and the support force in the middle has lost its support.  Serious shortcomings. Once the Japanese army set off from Kangping, passed through Horqin's left wing rear flag, and penetrated directly into Lishu and Shuangshan lines, and then started from Yitong and Shuangyang with one force and directly inserted into Jiutai, not only Chen Hanzhang's retreat would be cut off, but also Ma Chunsheng's.  The headquarters will also face the danger of encirclement."

    "The most serious problem of Ma Chunsheng's unit is not only that there is an excessive gap between him and the brothers around him, but also the distance behind him and the rear is getting wider and wider. He is now on the battlefield around Xinjing  On the whole, a situation of a single army standing out was formed. This situation cannot be ignored by the Kwantung Army. "

    "Once the Kwantung Army takes advantage of the gaps around them and looks for opportunities to carry out roundabout operations behind them, then the headquarters will be in a situation where there are almost no troops to send, and their situation will be quite dangerous. To put it bluntly,  , they may even be surrounded at any time.¡±

    "Although we have been prepared for this attack by the Kwantung Army. We have prepared a large number of bombers and heavy artillery on this attack line of the Japanese army, preparing to intercept it with firepower. However, on the 1st, with the consistent resilience of the Japanese army, we cannot  Don't be carefulThe Japanese army attacked here forcefully regardless of casualties.  "

    "Be it bombers or heavy artillery, they are unable to engage in a decisive ground battle. And the Du Kaishan headquarters, which is currently heading south, even if it arrives at the designated location to hide and wait before the Japanese counterattack begins, if the Kwantung Army attacks from Kangping and Nai at the same time,  If the two fronts of Manqi and Banner concentrate their forces to launch a counterattack, Du Kaishan's troops are likely to focus on one and lose the other. "

    "In view of the current situation, I think we should adjust our deployment appropriately. Since Chen Hanzhang's troops are currently blocked on the Tongliao front line, can we consider letting him give up the offensive on Tongliao and turn his head or turn to the Kailu front line to fight with  Wang Guangyu's troops moved closer, or penetrated the Lishu line to the east, threatening Siping Street, and forming a north-south pincer attack on Xinjing with Ma Chunsheng to the north. "

    "At the same time, let Wang Xiaoming's troops abandon the Jilin front line, forcibly penetrate the Hailong and Dongfeng lines south of Jilin, and join Chen Hanzhang's troops on the Kaiyuan front line. In this way, we can ensure Ma Chunsheng's flanks and avoid the Japanese troops.  In the artificial flood area created in Jilin, we not only disrupt the entire counterattack deployment of the Kwantung Army, but also form a large encirclement circle with Xinjing as the center, and pack the entire Kwantung Army divisions around Xinjing into  Inside a big basket."
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