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Text Chapter 334 Guarantee of Conversation

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    However, while Brother Shu Xingbei, who was completely unaware of this trick that had been tricked into him and was rather self-righteous and even a little complacent, smiled bitterly, two gentlemen, Ye Qisun and Wu Youxun, who had some knowledge of Yang Zhen, now  It feels like this former Tsinghua auditor who they once thought they were familiar with is becoming more and more difficult for them to understand.

    At this time, there is no trace of the scholarly spirit in him that he had saluted him at the beginning of the meeting. On the contrary, every gesture and gesture shows the unique aura of a soldier who has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he is also cunning and cunning.  In terms of mental outlook, he is almost as good as those in the officialdom.

    After experiencing this short-lived incident, the two of them truly discovered that the young general in front of them was no longer the taciturn student before. Instead, he had become a man who could give advice to others in a short period of time with almost no need to think about it.  The wise general who set a trap and had someone sell him to him was still helping him count the money.

    But while Ye Qisun and Mr. Wu Youxun were smiling bitterly, they were somewhat sighing in their hearts. They didn't know what happened to the former half-student before them, so that he could undergo such a huge change and become two different people.  I don't believe that they are the same person at all. They are just two people who can't figure it out. They can only lament that fate has played a trick on people.

    Professor Shu Xingbei has already stated his position, so the remaining gentlemen have to have an attitude. At this moment, after a complicated psychological struggle, the two professors Ye Qisun and Wu Youxun must stay unless Yang Zhen agrees not to force him to stay.  After teaching, he finally agreed to stay in the Northeast Anti-Union Base Area.

    After all, for them, all their lives are not only about teaching, but also hope to truly use their expertise and knowledge. Moreover, if their true talents and learning are purely focused on teaching, it is undoubtedly a waste. They can sit back and relax.  It is undoubtedly a great wish for these professors to come down and study their own topics.

    However, this wish cannot be realized at all in the rear area where even the necessary experimental equipment is lacking. At this time, the National Government, which is bent on praying for foreign aid, has neither the ability to turn their ideas into reality, nor the idea to give them  Provide research conditions and topics.

    Migrated to various universities in the country, during the long migration and transfer, almost all scientific research instruments were lost. Now in Peking, these most famous universities in China, which were once known for their complete scientific research instruments, have now  It has been reduced to the point where even the necessary teaching tools need to be made by the professor himself.

    The latest scientific research instruments imported from the United States and the excellent research conditions here in the Anti-League really attracted them. The most important thing is that the Anti-League also provided them with scientific research topics. Here, they will perform better.  You can also apply what you have learned more effectively.

    But the two professors, Zhou Peiyuan and Wu Dayou, are still hesitant. Although they understand from Yang Zhen's words that they will develop more if they stay here, and their knowledge will be more useful, and the medical conditions here are  It is more beneficial to the health of their wives, but they are really worried about the students staying in the customs.

    Compared with Mr. Zhou Peiyuan, who is even more reluctant to let go of his students, Mr. Wu Dayou over there also has some political concerns in addition to these reasons. After all, there have been many years of estrangement and even lack of understanding. In addition to some deliberate  Publicity, there are always certain concerns about this.

    Moreover, he was very dissatisfied with the fact that the Anti-League set up a political commissar at the Polytechnic University, as well as Party secretaries in each department, and even set up Party branches in every primary and secondary school in the base area. He believed that engaging in these politics would impact academic research and teaching, and would even affect  To the academic freedom that Southwest Associated University has always emphasized.

    He believes that academics are academics. Once politics is involved, it will not be so simple. The establishment of party organizations in various schools by the Anti-Japanese Federation will undoubtedly mean that their hands will be stretched very long. As a simple professor, they will never involve  Mr. Wu Dayou, who is passionate about politics, has always been annoyed by partisanship and politics on campus.

    Moreover, he does not think that the current capabilities of the Anti-Japanese Alliance can be of any help to them in terms of research. Although he has a certain impression of the efforts here through these days of visits and inspections, he believes that the process of knowledge is a  Accumulation, the academic atmosphere is also an accumulation. He does not think that the Anti-Japanese League, at least for now, has this academic atmosphere and tradition.

    Although there are a large number of new scientific research and teaching instruments here in the Anti-Japanese Federation, academic exchanges are needed. If you stay here, it will be difficult to get in touch with the outside world. It is too closed and difficult to contact the outside world. This is very important for you.  Academic accumulation is quite disadvantageous.

    The most important thing is that he is worried about his wife's health. Although the Anti-League has provided specific drugs, tuberculosis cannot be cured at all. He can only recover his body as much as possible and extend his life. If the Anti-League loses the battle,  In comingIf he moves long distance this time, his wife's body may not be able to bear it.

    Over the years, the national army had brought him too many disappointments. He was defeated again and again, and moved again and again. From Beiping in North China to Kunming in the southwest border, he finally settled down. However, his wife's body was weak.  With each move, things got worse and worse. Even last year, I almost left him forever.

    Nowadays, the conditions in the rear area are a little more difficult, and the standard of living is deteriorating with the soaring prices. Even if I want to get some tonics for my wife, I don¡¯t have the money to buy them, but in any case, at least I have settled down and don¡¯t have to travel everywhere.  If you migrate to the Northeast, of course there are special medicines for treating lung diseases, and the nutritional conditions are much better.

    It has only been a month since he came here, and his wife is already able to walk, and the low-grade fever that had persisted has finally subsided. Even the Chinese-Russian mixed-race doctor specially assigned to his wife by the Anti-Japanese Federation told him that if he continues to receive treatment, he will be better.  Although my wife cannot be said to have completely recovered, she can at least ensure that she will not fall ill in a short period of time, and if she recovers well, she may not be infertile.

    This was the happiest thing for him in the midst of hardships and hardships since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. It was also something he had not dared to imagine before. However, despite this, he was still worried that if the Anti-Japanese War failed, another long-distance migration would still be possible.  It would ruin his wife's already weak body. He had learned too much from the past and he really didn't dare to take any risks because he loved his wife dearly.

    However, during the visit and inspection, Mr. Wu Dayou was extremely excited when he saw the latest scientific research equipment and instruments imported from the United States. You must know that these latest scientific research equipment and instruments cannot be seen elsewhere in the country.  No, let alone the current Southwest Associated University, which lost most of its scientific research instruments during the migration process. Even when we were in Peking, several universities combined did not have so many new instruments and equipment.

    Currently, other universities in China cannot afford to buy these instruments and equipment, and the National Government, which is almost crazy about poverty, will not spend millions or even tens of millions of dollars to import them.  , only such a family is willing to put in so much effort and spend such a high price to develop these instruments.

    It was precisely with these instruments that Wu Dayou was sure that what the young man in front of him said was definitely not without purpose. If he was willing to spend such a high price and import so many scientific research instruments, there must be some big project that would allow him to do so.  Being able to really apply what he has learned is undoubtedly very tempting to him, including Mr. Zhou Peiyuan.

    Compared with Mr. Zhou Peiyuan, who only cares about his students, Mr. Wu Dayou, who is not involved in any politics or parties and just wants to concentrate on teaching and learning, has much more complicated thoughts in his mind. Whether to stay or go back, for him  It is said that this determination is very difficult to make.

    They never replied, and Yang Zhen didn't urge him. He just sat there and looked at the two gentlemen quietly. After careful consideration for a long time, the two gentlemen finally nodded and agreed to Yang Zhen's request.  , but the two gentlemen agreed on the same precondition as Ye Qisun and Wu Youxun.

    Mr. Zhou Peiyuan agreed to his two conditions because of Yang Zhen. As for Mr. Wu Dayou, he defeated everything through research and his beloved wife. After all, the Anti-Japanese War was defeated and all his capital was lost. It was just a coincidence, but his beloved wife would have a chance in the Northeast.  It is inevitable to have better medical treatment and recuperation, so that I can do research with peace of mind and not have to worry about getting some nutritional supplements for my beloved wife all day long.

    Although he does not want to get involved in politics and party disputes, for Mr. Wu Dayou, who is still somewhat politically sensitive, there is another reason why he stays. Although he holds a high position, his food and clothing are extremely simple, but he is very interested in construction.  We can see a kind of hope in people who are willing to spend money on education and education, a hope for China¡¯s future.

    In the compulsory and free compulsory education system, even books and school uniforms are provided for free. This is unique not only in China, but also in the world. Not to mention that all children, rich and poor, are provided with a cup of milk and an egg for free every day.  , ensuring that these children who are growing and in urgent need of nutrition can have a healthy body, which is something that no other place in the country dares to think of.

    And these people who hold great power and are the emperors in some provinces within the pass wear simple clothes and eat extremely simple food. There is no chicken, duck or fish, and some are just simple and extremely simple, not even home cooking.  It can even be said that there are some harsh dietary standards, but with this courage and persistence alone, they have hope of achieving great things.

    This was the fundamental reason why Wu Dayou agreed to stay, because he saw hope in these young people, although he was not interested in the Anti-Japanese League establishing party committees, party branches, youth league committees, and youth league branches in schools, and developing party members and league members among students.  What I did was very annoying, believed that politics interfered with academic freedom, but in his heart, hope always defeated conceptual conservatism.

    Yang Zhen basically nodded to the requests of these gentlemen, but he named a few people who must stay in the Northeast. Among them were Wang Ganchang, Rao Yutai, and Huo Bingquan who were currently inspecting in Jiamusi, as well as Zhang Wenyu and Wang Chengshu.  , Wu Zhengkai and several others, Yang Zhen hoped that these gentlemen could help the Anti-Japanese Alliance in its work and that these gentlemen could stay.

    However, Yang Zhen agreed that Mr. Wang Chengshu, who had already received the opportunity to study for a doctorate at the University of Michigan in the United States, could not participate. The Anti-Japanese League would coordinate and go from the base area to the Soviet Union and take an American ship directly to the United States to study. Moreover, Yang Zhen also promised that every month  The Anti-Japanese League Office in the United States gave Mr. Wang Chengshu certain subsidies to allow her to study in the United States with peace of mind.

    After receiving these promises from Yang Zhen, the gentlemen had nothing to say. They all nodded and agreed to stay. They also agreed to do the work of the gentlemen Yang Zhen named and asked to stay, and strive to keep all of them.  came down, and Yang Zhen also agreed to rush to transport the family members of several gentlemen who did not come to the Northeast with them to the Northeast in the shortest possible time.
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