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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 276 A precursor to a full-scale counterattack?

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    In Japan, regardless of whether they are political families or large conglomerates, the children of these people will not go to the battlefield easily, and even if they go to the battlefield, they will not be captured, because most of them are in the safest place in the army. Since  They will not be captured, and your policy of preferential treatment of prisoners will not affect them.

    Since it cannot affect them, how can we talk about affecting the political trend in Japan? For these people who pursue interests and always put interests first, the only thing that can affect them is interests, and only interests. For interests, these  People can do anything. As for other things, let¡¯s not talk about them.

    No matter which country it is in, it is always the people in the superstructure who take advantage. For them, ordinary people are just chess pieces that can be sacrificed at any time. Those who actually go to the battlefield to fight in blood are the children of ordinary people. But in  Those who benefit from war are always those in the superstructure. This is true at all times and in all countries.

    When Yang Zhen was formulating the Anti-Japanese War prisoner of war policy, he was criticized by some cadres transferred from the customs, who believed that he did not implement the central government's prisoner of war policy. However, despite the criticism, Yang Zhen did not have the problem of spoiling these people.  The problem is, in a word, I eat whatever my troops eat. This doesn't count as abusing them.

    If people who have received formal military training are fed too much or too well, they will have nothing to do but find something to do for themselves. This is how prisoners of war are managed all over the world. The Anti-Japanese Alliance cannot be special. The food quota is lower.  It's normal that there's almost no meat. My own troops don't have enough meat, so how can I have so much meat for them to eat?

    There is also not enough food for the Anti-Japanese War. The Japanese prisoners of war are all strong and strong men. There is nothing wrong with exchanging labor for food. Even in their country, if you want to eat, you have to work. Now in the base area, it is implemented  It is a combination of a planned economy and a market economy. Since the planned economy is the mainstay, there must be quotas for the work of these people.

    Considering that they have to use labor to wash away the harm they have caused to the Chinese people as members of imperialism, there is nothing wrong with the higher rating. Although the labor intensity is higher and the working environment is more difficult, it is still higher than  Those skinny Japanese prisoners of war handed over by the Soviets after the Battle of Nomonhan were probably better.

    The current Sino-Japanese war is a life-and-death war that affects the survival of the two nations. It is not a treat for dinner. There is no reason for these beasts to enter the land of China to burn, kill and loot. After being captured, they enjoy super-national treatment and raise them.  He was fat and strong, but his compatriots and soldiers didn't even have enough to eat, and all of them looked malnourished.

    Yang Zhencai considered his own mode of managing prisoners of war to be normal. As for the prisoner of war policies of the Guannai Army and Chongqing, they were putting a hot face on a cold butt. For a nation like the Japanese that cannot be measured by normal human thinking,  There is only one way to make him honest, and that is to beat him to death so that they will remember you for the rest of their lives.

    What benevolence, justice and morality are not applicable to this beast nation. As long as they are defeated, the living do not need to care, and the dead should have no hesitation. It is light to crush their bones and spread their ashes. If they are not afraid of causing a plague, they will be killed.  Throwing the corpses on the grassland is the best way to deal with this beast nation.

    Treating prisoners preferentially depends on what kind of prisoners they are. Yang Zhen has always scorned the prisoner policy of the customs troops and Chongqing that gave prisoners super-national treatment. His own troops are all starving, and he will stain these hands with Chinese  A guy with human blood has made his body fat and strong. Doesn't this mean that he is treating the people of his own country like second-class citizens?

    Who can say that those Japanese prisoners of war, especially those in the early stages of the war, did not have Chinese blood on their hands? It was okay for the soldiers to fight each other on the battlefield, but as for the Chinese soldiers who laid down their weapons, there were still unarmed  What about the Chinese people?

    The Chinese people are used to being submissive, especially those who cannot read a word. In their thinking, no matter which army comes, they have to pay for the food. As long as they can survive, there will be almost nothing.  People will resist. This is not a matter of whether the people are in ignorance and have not yet opened up, but it is how they have survived for thousands of years.

    For those people who are illiterate, have never even heard of Japan, and work silently to fill their stomachs all day long, survival is their only purpose. A considerable number of them have never  They did not pose any threat to the Japanese army, but just like that, the Japanese army let them go again in burning, killing and looting. People came to your house to kill people, set fire to them, and committed all kinds of evil. After they were caught, you still gave them preferential treatment. This  It's not what you feel when you're full.

    "Besides, epidemic prevention is the first priority right now. As for other things, is it necessary to consider it? The fighting over there is still going on, and the people have not yet recovered from the panic caused by the war. Is there anything that can be done at the moment?"A lot of manpower and material resources were used to deal with the corpses of these beasts. Once the corpses are burned and the viruses are gone, wouldn't it be cleaner and easier?

    But how should he talk about these words? Some things cannot be explained too clearly, and some words are said too clearly, but they are not understood. Yang Zhen just shook his head and ignored Wang Guangyu's thoughts.  , some things must be experienced before they can be fully understood.

    A wolf that can never be fed enough, no matter how much kindness you have to him, he will bite you mercilessly and without any scruples when he needs it, and use your flesh and blood to fill himself up.  An appetite that can never be satisfied. If you show mercy to him again and again, he will only become more aggressive.

    Wang Guangyu didn't answer, and Yang Zhen didn't say anything further. For a moment, Wang Guangyu's headquarters, which was converted from an ordinary private house, seemed somewhat calm. Wang Guangyu wanted to say something several times, but he didn't know why he insisted.  After holding back for a long time, Wang Guangyu finally picked up the phone on the table and issued an order to the Political Department, asking them to follow Yang Zhen's orders.

    However, in terms of execution, Wang Guangyu's order to the Political Department was to be carried out by captured Japanese prisoners of war and overseas Chinese. The Anti-Japanese Alliance only needed to send out the necessary security forces. Although the prisoners of war of the 23rd Division captured so far  Not many, only about 200 people, and not many of them were uninjured, but there were a lot of foreigners captured.

    These people are idle. Let these people do this kind of thing to avoid leaving any disgraceful things on their hands. Regarding Wang Guangyu's deception, Yang Zhen just smiled slightly and didn't say anything.  Some words are too clear, which is not good.

    Of course, Wang Guangyu didn't know what Yang Zhen was thinking right now. Just when Wang Guangyu put down the phone in his hand, another phone on the table rang like a reminder. When Wang Guangyu picked up the phone, he heard  After the report over there, his expression suddenly changed.

    Although he still didn't know the content of the report on the phone, looking at Wang Guangyu's face suddenly changed, it didn't take him to tell Yang Zhen that there was a problem in the battle situation there. Judging from the current battle situation, if he had not made a mistake in his judgment, the call should be  The main force of the 23rd Division was dispatched.

    Sure enough, after Wang Guangyu put down the phone, he immediately said: "No. 1, the tank regiment of the 23rd Division, which had been deeply hidden just now and was only using a small force to cooperate with the infantry to counterattack our airport, was all dispatched at the airport.  From the southeast of Linxi County, launch a full-scale counterattack against our southeast position."

    "According to reports from front-line troops, the Japanese dispatched a total of more than 60 tanks and armored vehicles this time. The infantry attached to them currently only has five infantry squadrons observed. The number of Japanese artillery units serving as cover at the same time is more than ever before.  The number of Japanese counterattacks against Linxi County and the airport.¡±

    "In just less than ten minutes, our army's front-line positions dropped thousands of rounds. The caliber of the artillery shells ranged from 70mm infantry cannon, 90mm mortar, 75mm mountain field artillery, to 105mm.  mm cannon, up to 150 mm heavy artillery."

    "The intensity of its firepower is absolutely unprecedented from the beginning of the Battle of Linxi to today. Judging from the intensity of Japanese artillery fire and the number of tanks and chariots dispatched, the remaining artillery of the 23rd Division, from the regiment to the division, should  They have all been dispatched, and their tank regiments should also be out in full force."

    After that, Wang Guangyu walked to the map in a few steps and pointed at the line from Twelve Tu to Zhaojiawan in the southeast of Linxi County and said: "The direction of the Japanese army's main attack is here. The terrain of this generation is relatively flat, suitable for large-scale armor.  In group operations, the Japanese army chose the direction of their assault here to give full play to their tank advantages.¡±

    "The Twelve Tu Line is only more than ten kilometers away from Linxi County, and apart from a few hills in the east of the city, there is almost no danger to defend from there to Linxi County. If the Japanese army captures the Twelve Tu Line, they can take advantage of the situation and move straight down.  Linxi County, so that when our army focuses its offensive on the Daban front line, it can stab the belly of our army's entire war layout from the southeast. "

    "It's just that whether the Japanese army's counterattack is specifically to retake Linxi County, or whether it is a full-scale counterattack so far, it is still difficult to clearly judge. This will depend on the performance and intensity of the Japanese army in subsequent offensives. But if  Judging only from the amount of technical equipment dispatched by the Japanese army, it seems to be a precursor to a full-scale counterattack. "

    Seeing Wang Guangyu's fingers moving on the map, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "This matter is not as simple as it seems. Our army has an armored brigade in Linxi. Even though there have been certain battles in the past few days,  The more than 60 tanks and armored vehicles of the Japanese army cannot deal with the damage. "

    "The Japanese army chose this time to concentrate its armored forces, and attached a large number of artillery and infantry to form a coordinated operation and launch an attack on the Twelve Tu lines. At least the article inside will not be likeIt looked like that on the surface, and the location they chose to launch a full-scale counterattack was a bit strange.  "

    "On the surface, it seems that the Twelve Tu Line is only a few kilometers away from Linxi County. If we capture this place, we can take advantage of the relatively open terrain and go straight to Linxi County. Although the location of Twelve Tu is relatively important, it is only relative to Linxi County.  For the entire war situation, this place is nothing.¡±

    "Even if the Japanese army captured Twelve Tu, they only laid a nail on the outskirts of Linxi County. It did not have much impact on the entire war situation. At present, the entire Linxi County has been reduced to ruins, and the commanding heights of the southern mountains have also been completely destroyed.  In my hands."

    "Even if the Japanese army succeeds in counterattacking Linxi County, it will be meaningless to the overall situation. It can only waste and distract the already limited strength on hand. Therefore, I say that the Japanese army will launch a full-line counterattack against Twelve at this time.  The real intention may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. It is a common tactical trick of the Japanese army to attack in the east. We must guard against it. If the ship capsizes in the ditch at this time, we will have too much fun. "
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