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Text Chapter 275 How to repay kindness?

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    After Yang Zhen's words fell, Wang Guangyu fell silent. As one of the witnesses of the Hailar Massacre and the first senior anti-alliance commander to reach Hailar, Wang Guangyu also felt a sigh of relief in his heart. Moreover, after the Linxi battle,  During the incident, the things found on the captured Japanese prisoners of war made everyone present hate these beasts and gnashed their teeth in hatred.

    Those salted women's breasts looked like they had been cut off from the women alive, with blood-stained jewelry on them, as well as the photos taken during the massacre, which more clearly showed the Japanese army's actions in Hailar.  The evil acts of the Holocaust were clearly displayed.

    Originally, in accordance with the requirements of the Three Major Disciplines and the Eight Points of Attention, it was not allowed to search the pockets of prisoners. However, if these Japanese soldiers did not search them all, it would make people feel at ease. The Anti-Japanese League has more than once appeared that prisoners were carelessly searched during body searches.  The incident of using hidden grenades to drag down guards and burying them with them is a lesson learned. According to the current regulations of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, Japanese soldiers must be stripped naked for inspection as soon as they are captured.

    Moreover, in Yang Zhen's view, every coin on the Japanese soldiers who came to the Chinese battlefield was soaked with Chinese blood. Although the killing of prisoners was unknown, it was not allowed by the central government, but these people were searched thoroughly.  It is still necessary. It is a crime to let the wealth snatched from the Chinese people be kept and taken back to China in the future.

    The three major disciplines and eight points of attention of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, including searching the pockets of prisoners, are basically ineffective during the war against Japan. Although this has not been made public, it should be an unwritten rule in the army. However, these searches  , it is not conducted by ordinary cadres or soldiers, but by special personnel designated by the Political Department and Enemy Industry Department to conduct the search, and all seized property must be turned over.

    These criminal evidences were originally carried by these beasts to show off and admire each other, but they did not expect that they would be found by Wang Guangyu's men on the spot. These criminal evidences made the soldiers' eyes red at that time. If  Without strict discipline requirements, these prisoners would never have been given the opportunity to be evacuated, and they would have been beaten to death by the indignant soldiers on the spot.

    Regarding Yang Zhen's words, Wang Guangyu did not answer, had no way to answer, and did not know how to answer. In his opinion, doing so was indeed a way to relieve hatred, but from the bottom of his heart, he still did not agree with Yang Zhen.  With this approach, a person's accounts will be erased after his death. This is an eternal principle. No matter how many evils he has done during his lifetime, he will understand everything after his death.

    Crushing bones and raising ashes was something that only emperors in feudal society did in the past. Although he only graduated from Harbin Provincial No. 1 Middle School, the current emphasis on Chinese language and history education in the country is far greater than that of later generations. Although he has not gone to college, Wang  Guangyu still knows a lot about Chinese history.

    Crushing bones and raising ashes is something you would do only if you hate someone to the extreme. When Wang Sengbian's son Wang Fan died in the hands of Emperor Chen Wu, he dug up the Wan'an Mausoleum of Emperor Chen Wu after his father was killed in the Sui Dynasty.  Their bones were crushed, their ashes were thrown into the pond, and they were ordered to be drunk by Chen Jun prisoners of war. For thousands of years, they have been criticized by later generations of history books.

    If the Anti-Japanese League does the same thing now, wouldn't it seem a little too narrow-minded? This is inconsistent with China's thousands of years of tolerant thinking. According to No. 1's approach, wouldn't it be the same as the kind of foolish king in the past?  Isn't there a big difference? It's just that Wang Guangyu wouldn't say these words even if he were beaten to death.

    Seeing Wang Guangyu's silence, how could Yang Zhen not know what one of his most capable subordinates was thinking about? It's just that Yang Zhen couldn't explain this kind of thing very thoroughly at the moment. Repaying evil with kindness is something that many Chinese people  However, there are a few people who understand the true meaning of repaying evil with kindness. For a country and nation like Japan, which is a tiger and wolf, how can we repay kindness with kindness?

    For thousands of years, China has taught its neighboring countries everything from poetry, writing, etiquette, agricultural economics, and even food and clothing. It can be said that whether it is Japan, North Korea or other neighboring countries, they have absorbed five thousand years of Chinese culture.  The vast history of civilization has grown up.

    But it is impossible to imagine that these countries that rely on China's shoulders will turn around and devour the Chinese flesh and blood that once nourished them after they have raised fat and strong bodies. What does Japan rely on to get to where it is today? It is by absorbing the five elements of China.  The essence of culture for thousands of years has been fed by the flesh and blood of the Chinese nation and developed by plundering China's countless wealth.

    For this kind of people who are Zhongshan wolves, who run rampant when they succeed, and talk to them about repaying evil with kindness, the only thing they should do is to beat them so hard that they will tremble when they see the word "Zhonghua" again, and they will never dare to give birth to another child.  Peering into my Chinese heart, how can I talk to them about propriety, justice and shame to a wolf that bites people when it is full?

    "It's just these words. Now is not the time to say it. Treating prisoners preferentially, whether it is Chongqing or Yan'an, has the same requirements and treatment. It is said to disintegrate the Japanese army."The ambition is really ridiculous. If you give preferential treatment to a few captured Japanese soldiers, you can break the enemy's fighting spirit.

    In the traditional education concept of the Japanese army, surrendering and being captured is regarded as the most shameful thing. Not only can you not hold your head high, but your family members will also be implicated. They would rather die than surrender. This is what these Japanese soldiers started from the moment they joined the army.  According to the education they received, unless the war is over and Japan is completely defeated, even if they are released, these prisoners will be ordered to commit seppuku and commit suicide, which will have no effect at all. This is the true spirit of their so-called bushido. They would rather die than  drop.

    It has been four years since the Sino-Japanese War broke out in full force. There have been more than ten large-scale battles between China and Japan on the frontal battlefield. On the battlefield behind enemy lines, the Kanai troops have penetrated into the entire North China like mercury, fighting with the Japanese army.  Although there are only a few, small-scale battles occur almost every day.

    But over the years, how many Japanese prisoners of war were captured in total? Even in the battles of Taierzhuang, Wanjialing, Shanggao, and Changsha, which were known as great victories on the frontal battlefield, how many Japanese prisoners of war were captured in each battle? On the contrary,  It was his own army, and tens of thousands of them were captured.

    Preferential treatment of prisoners is of no use to the Japanese army, which has been educated in Bushido since the army. Since it is of no great use, how can it disintegrate the enemy's fighting spirit? On the contrary, it can inspire the Japanese army even more.  In an unfavorable battle situation, their determination to resist to the end further fueled their ferocious nature.

    Anyway, if I lose the battle and get caught by you, I won¡¯t have any worries about my life. I can still receive treatment that your own soldiers cannot enjoy. When you get to the battlefield, you can do whatever you want, including killing as many Chinese as you want and raping them.  How many women have been robbed, how many gold and silver treasures have been robbed, how many blood debts are on hand, and there is no need to worry about the retaliation of the Chinese.

    The prisoners of war of the enemy country were raised up and sacrificed, but the soldiers who shed blood and sacrificed for their own country were disdainful. The beasts who burned, killed and looted in their own land enjoyed extremely high treatment, but the soldiers of our own country were  He was dressed in rags and his stomach was not full.

    That's fine with Yan'an. The base areas behind enemy lines are so poor that they are almost as poor as their pants. Even if these Japanese prisoners of war enjoy special treatment, they are not special. The troops eat yam, eggs, and millet. These Japanese prisoners of war also eat yam, eggs, and millet. The troops have been in short supply for a long time.  Meat, these Japanese prisoners of war also couldn't eat meat.

    But Chongqing went a bit too far. Yang Zhen still remembers two contrasting photos he saw in later generations. One was a captured Japanese soldier who was fat and strong in a prisoner-of-war camp, with a red face.  One picture showed nutritious oil flowers, while the other picture showed a skinny Chinese soldier with ribs protruding.

    Comparing the two makes everyone who has seen this photo feel sad. I am afraid that only the Chinese in the world can do such a thankless thing, and the Chinese army fell into the hands of the Japanese as prisoners of war.  Not to mention, everyone, including myself, had experienced a hellish prisoner of war camp.

    I was lucky. I took advantage of the special opportunity and rushed out with my brothers. But what about those Chinese prisoners of war who were used as targets in the Japanese prisoner-of-war camps for the Japanese to practice assassination? Those Chinese prisoners of war who had their blood extracted and fucked by the Japanese.  What about those Chinese prisoners of war who died of exhaustion, freezing, and exhaustion in various mines, and were massacred after the completion of the fortress complex and were called so-called special workers.

    Will anyone care about what happened to them? Will anyone avenge them? Repay kindness with evil. Go to hell. Those captured by our own army are suffering inhuman treatment in the enemy's prisoner-of-war camp, but they are given to those who have done all kinds of evil.  , with super-national treatment, what the hell is this?

    Even if they are not as wealthy as the Japanese, who torture and massacre prisoners of war, it makes no sense to let them eat, live, and wear better than their own army. As losers on the battlefield, they do nothing every day.  Those who eat and drink for free are not prisoners of war, they are raising uncles.

    Even if we hope that the captured Japanese soldiers will use the past of preferential treatment to influence the national psychology after the war is over and they are released, the Japanese soldiers who can be captured on the battlefield are all lower-level officers and soldiers, let alone generals, they are at the rank of assistant officers.  None. These people take off their military uniforms and are just ordinary people. How can they affect the political trend of Japan?

    In Japan, both the political and military circles are all about clans and factions. Even most political families are passed down from generation to generation. There is nothing wrong with the prime minister taking turns. However, some of those prime ministers do not come from political families.  Yes, even those who are truly self-made are just dolls placed in front of those political families. All decisions they make will be influenced by the political families behind them. Once they exceed the bottom line of the people behind them, they will inevitably step down.  .

    These people are originally from the lower class. No matter how nice you treat them, you can only treat them badly.This affects the people around them and has no influence on the political direction of Japan. No matter how democratic or free a country claims to be, it is the superstructure that determines the direction of the country. The people below cannot participate at all.  The current Japan is the Japan of future generations. Politics is not something that ordinary people can play or afford.

    The military serves politics. No matter which country it is in, politics simply serves the economy. For a country like Japan, the so-called economy is those big chaebols, big consortiums, and bankers. These people are  The place that truly controls Japan's lifeline is the real source of Japan's war. Behind that political family, there is no backing and support from the plutocrats or financial groups.

    These political families are nothing more than agents in the political arena for these large financial groups and plutocrats. They obtain financial support from the plutocrats, and at the same time, they use all political and military means to support the financial groups behind them after coming to power.  Their interests are closely connected and mutually reinforcing. Then again, there are few people who can play politics without the support of the plutocrats behind them.
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