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Text Chapter 185 The Failure of Lu Hang

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    The Army's current main fighter, the Type 97 fighter, is no longer able to take on a major role. Among the various types of fighter jets currently equipped by the Army, the only German-made Mei fighter that can barely compete with the Anti-Alliance American-made fighter jets in terms of firepower and armor protection is the  The quantity is already insufficient.

    And its performance is also quite clear to others. Its performance on the battlefield is no better than the Type 97 fighter equipped by the Japanese army. Even because of the range, the losses are slightly greater than that of the Type 97 fighter. This kind of  Although the fighter jets equipped with a 20mm cannon and 13mm machine gun have sufficient firepower, their short legs are their fatal flaw.

    Their opponents often do not fight with them in the air, but rather patiently consume their fuel little by little. When the Meiji fighter jets that have run out of fuel return, they swarm them. At this time, the Meiji fighter jets want to fight.  Oil, wanted to retreat but faced the opponent's speed and couldn't get rid of it in a short time.

    As for those Italian fighter jets, no one dares to let them fight in the air now. This kind of thing is obviously not suitable for the Manchurian climate and is a bit unaccustomed to the water and soil. After flying into the sky, it will fall down if nothing happens. Who dares to let them?  When fighting in the air, you cannot hitch a ride on a plane, but you also have to hitch a ride on your precious pilots.

    Before the Army's own fighter jets were mass-produced, the Kwantung Army's idea of ??introducing advanced aircraft from its allies to compete with the new American-made fighter jets of the Anti-Japanese Alliance for frontline air supremacy was undoubtedly a complete failure.  After the fighter jets withdrew, the Kwantung Army, which had no aircraft to compete with the Anti-Alliance Aviation Force, still refused to admit it. It had actually surrendered air supremacy.

    Except for some old pilots who can occasionally use tricks to shoot down one or two opponent's aircraft, the rest of them have basically a blank record, but the losses they have suffered are quite large. Even now, the Kwantung Army is deployed in Xinjing  The surrounding aviation forces have no aircraft to dispatch, and the few remaining forces are also defeated and can only evacuate southward to the airport south of Siping.

    In addition to the fact that the aircraft performance of the aviation force is far inferior to that of its opponents, resulting in repeated defeats, the most troublesome thing for the Kwantung Army's air defense is that every time the Anti-Japanese Alliance aviation force appears in the sky above Xinjing, basically the Kwantung Army headquarters and surrounding areas, and even with  All radio communications with the front line were interrupted.

    Of course, this kind of thing not only occurs during the Anti-Japanese Air Raid on Xinjing, but also often occurs during operations when radio communications between the Kwantung Army headquarters and various divisions, and between each division and subordinate units are interrupted.  , due to poor radio communication, various frontline units delayed a large number of fighter planes.

    Although the Kwantung Army mobilized a large number of technical personnel and even hired some experts from Germany to analyze and judge the current situation, so far it can only roughly guess that the Anti-Japanese Alliance is most likely equipped with a weapon that can  Equipment for jamming radio communications.

    As for the working distance of this thing, its working principle and its working mode, it has not been found out yet. As for the corresponding method, those experts are also scratching their heads. In addition to constantly changing the communication frequency, a large number of radio stations are turned on at the same time using multiple frequency bands at the same time.  In addition to increasing the power of the radio station as much as possible, they have no other options.

    However, the solution proposed by these experts made the Kwantung Army scratch their heads. You can't equip an infantry brigade with multiple 200-watt radios, so that the infantry brigade would not have to march and fight all day long.  Just carrying these high-power radio stations.

    Although the suggestions provided by those experts are somewhat unrealistic, problems must be solved when they arise. In desperation, the Kwantung Army issued a latest regulation. All units below the regiment, as long as the distance is not too far during combat, try to use  Wired communication.

    As for the division headquarters, on the basis of the original high-power radio stations, many more were added to at least ensure smooth communication with superiors. Even in order to ensure that communications were not interfered with, the Kwantung Army also found ways to provide each  The division was equipped with a long-wave radio station for naval ships.

    Although the radio used by this kind of ship is too heavy and requires several trucks to move at a time, and when it is used, it also requires a special diesel generator to drive it, but Haolai barely maintained the wartime control of each division.  Direct command without losing control of the troops.

    However, although this kind of response method can ensure smooth communication to a certain extent, it also brings another hidden danger. Multiple high-power radio stations are turned on at the same time. The strength of the signal can be imagined. The other party relies on high-power radio monitoring equipment to always  It is good to find high-level commands in a short time. Once these high-level commands are exposed, it is good to take a bomb.

    It¡¯s just that I don¡¯t know that the Anti-Japanese Alliance has already equipped radio monitoring equipment, put it on the plane, and modified itThe Kwantung Army, which had an electronic surveillance aircraft, was also baffled. The use of multiple high-power radio stations was indeed powerful, but on a battlefield with complex telecommunications signals, how could the Anti-Japanese Alliance quickly find and discover these radio stations in a short period of time.

    Interference in radio communications not only seriously affected the command of the Kwantung Army at all levels on the battlefield, but also had the greatest impact on air defense. You can't equip every air defense post or every county with several large-scale missiles.  Power radio stations, even if they want to equip them, the Kwantung Army must have so many high-power radio stations.

    Under the interference methods adopted by the Anti-League, at least a radio station with a power of more than 100 watts is required to enable intermittent communication. Radio stations with a power of less than 100 watts have basically become decorations. If they were equipped in every county from the front to the rear  With so many high-power radio stations, the Kwantung Army cannot afford this.

    The radio station cannot be used. Currently, all air defense communications can only rely on wired telephones or even manpower. However, the Anti-Japanese Federation has many small teams operating around Xinjing, and wired telephone lines are often destroyed by them, even within a few kilometers.  The telephone lines were set on fire, and even the telephone poles were blown up.

    Even though the various air defense surveillance positions deployed north of Xinjing could accurately figure out the routes of anti-Japanese aircraft, they could not effectively transmit the information in a timely manner. In many cases, bombs had even fallen on top of the head.  The news over there has not been reported yet.

    The Kwantung Army also mobilized a large number of troops to launch a dragnet-style investigation around Xinjing, trying to wipe out these small anti-alliance forces that had penetrated the front. However, they paid a lot of price, but achieved little success.  In desperation, the Kwantung Army headquarters could only adopt the clumsiest method, deploying a small team of troops every few kilometers on the phone line to ensure the security of the communication line.

    However, the battle situation on the front line is too tense, and the Kwantung Army cannot leave a large number of troops in the rear for a long time. The method adopted has limited effect. The troops stationed on the telephone lines are often killed inexplicably.  Er Jing, not only couldn't hold the phone line, he couldn't even guarantee his own safety.

    There have even been cases where the teams guarding the line were all killed silently within their own fortifications several times. However, the current war situation made it impossible for the Kwantung Army to mobilize a large number of troops to carry out a long-term attack on the surrounding areas of Xinjing.  Clearance and how to improve air defense measures have become the Kwantung Army's biggest headache at the moment.

    And now it has become a better excuse for Major General Onishi Takijiro to fight for power. Whether it is General Umezu Yoshijiro, Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi, or Lieutenant General Yoshitoshi Tokugawa, they all know that the Anti-Alliance  The appearance of night-flying bombers at this stage may be a good excuse for Major General Onishi Takijiro, who is bent on fighting for the leadership of the operation.

    Seeing the contemptuous smile on Onishi Takijiro's face, Yoshimoto Sadaichi suppressed his anger and said: "Since Onishi-kun cannot accept the command of the army, Commander Umezu and I also want to hear Onishi-kun's opinions on this battle.  I hope that if there is anything, everyone can bring it up on the table instead of making small moves in private.¡±

    "No matter what differences there are between us, we are all fighting for His Majesty the Emperor. We should be a whole to the outside world. It is normal for us to have differences, but I do not hope that such differences will have any impact or harm on our upcoming war.  to the entire jihad.¡±

    "Onishi-kun, I hope you can respect yourself. Don't forget that you are a soldier of the empire and a general of the empire. Everything you do must be absolutely in line with the interests of the empire. The Empire of Japan is  As a whole, we must not behave like the Chinese people who undermine each other.¡±

    "It's not just you, no matter who you are, if you do something that harms the interests of the Empire for your own benefit, His Majesty the Emperor and the Empire will never forgive him. You are an Imperial soldier, not a politician, and you are not focused on looking after your own interests.  Chinese people, you must be responsible for your own words and deeds.¡±

    "Also, I hope you will be careful with your words and do not insult your colleagues who fought bloody battles for the Emperor on the battlefield in China. Please remember that the person you are speaking of is also a member of the Empire.  General, he also has his own dignity, so Mr. Onishi, I hope you can pay attention to your words. "

    These few words of Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi can be said to be quite serious. Anyone who is not a fool or idiot can basically hear the warning in them. If the previous words were more serious, then these few words  This is already a direct warning.

    However, his warning was not listened to by Onishi Takijiro opposite. This arrogant naval admiral pointed to the air-raid shelter where explosions were still heard from time to time and said: "Your Majesty, Chief of Staff Yoshimoto, what are the interests of the empire?  Shall our glorious navySir, it is in the interest of the empire to obey the command of a defeated general. I'm afraid this is not necessarily true.  "

    "Every aircraft and every pilot in the Navy is precious and cannot be wasted in Manchuria because of the stupid command behavior of some idiot generals. If the Navy participates in various battle groups and suffers heavy losses in this battle,  If it affects the empire¡¯s next plan, that is what truly harms the empire¡¯s interests.¡±

    "Your Excellency Chief of Staff Gibbon, in this holy war, what the empire needs are real warriors, not some imbecile commanders. If your army does not want to obey the command of the navy, I have no objection, but please remember one thing, the navy's  Pilots and aircraft must not be left under the command of an incompetent person.¡±

    "Let the opponent's bombers fly over Beijing so arrogantly to bomb wherever they want. I think this is not the interest of the empire, but the shame of the empire, and even more of the shame of our Imperial Japanese Army. If the Kwantung Army insists on its original intention,  If there is a plan, then in this operation, the Navy will choose to act alone.¡±

    "The navy's precious pilots and aircraft cannot afford to be so wasted. The hundreds of fighter jets in the two flying teams were all consumed in a few days. This ability is not something ordinary people can do. The navy will never tolerate the loss of itself.  The elite aviation force should be commanded by such a person.¡±
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