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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 184 Slap in the face

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    The most critical thing is that unlike the Navy, which only has to undertake the bombing of Chongqing, the Army Aviation also undertakes ground support tasks for various operations and air raids on Lanzhou, Xi'an and other places. The deployment of troops is quite scattered.  Naturally, they cannot and cannot devote most of their troops to the air raid on Chongqing.

    Army aviation, especially long-range aviation, did not perform as well as naval aviation in the bombing of the rear areas carried out by the China government. In the end, the main task was even transferred to naval aviation. However, this was not the fault of Lieutenant General Tokugawa.  , but this guy just hit Lieutenant General Tokugawa with a slap in the face. No matter how good-tempered he is, he is probably very tolerant.

    Lieutenant General Tokugawa Yoshitoshi was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. If Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi hadn't winked at him and told him to be patient, this good-tempered Army Lieutenant General would have almost pulled it out on the spot.  Saber, duel this guy and solve the problem the samurai way.

    Those who were made unhappy by Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro's words were not Umezu Mijiro and Tokugawa Yoshitoshi. Almost no one present had a good-looking face, and many of them were using weapons that could kill people.  His eyes were fixed on the rear admiral. If eyes could kill, this guy would have been riddled with holes.

    His words clearly meant that the Kwantung Army's aviation force had suffered too many defeats, but everyone could tell that his words were implicitly referring to the entire Kwantung Army, which had suffered repeated defeats in the face of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  But it's not just the aviation force, the entire Kwantung Army has re-emerged since the end of the Anti-Japanese War in 1938. Until now, they still don't know what the taste of victory is. His words almost attracted everyone present.

    Although Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi is not very good-looking, compared to Umezu Yoshijiro who suppressed his anger and Lieutenant General Tokugawa Yoshitoshi who almost didn't fall out on the spot, he was still able to keep his composure. He also knew that he was in this situation.  You must not get angry at this time. Not only can you not get angry, but you must also try to control your temper. If you have no choice, you have to speak for yourself.

    In this situation, it is very inappropriate for Commander Umezu to speak first. Commander Umezu is the supreme commander of the Kwantung Army, an army general, and a distinguished person. If he is allowed to come up and be ignored, he will not understand what the distinction between superiors and subordinates is.  , a guy who speaks without thinking and contradicts with a few words, where is the face of the entire Kwantung Army.

    No matter how well-educated General Umezu is, he can't withstand repeated contradictions. Moreover, now that the war is imminent and the Kwantung Army is in urgent need of naval aviation support, it will cause conflicts between the army and the navy and have an impact on the entire combat plan. Then  The trouble is huge. Now the Emperor is paying close attention to the war situation in Manchuria. If there is a problem with this stall, no one will benefit.

    If Lieutenant General Tokugawa was allowed to speak, Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Seiichi could see it from the livid expression on Tokugawa Yoshitoshi's face. If he was asked to speak, the two of them might have a quarrel on the spot. After thinking about it, Yoshimoto Seiichi knew that these words  He had to say it himself. Who made him the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army? He had to persuade this thorn.

    But before Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi opened the door, a shrill air raid siren suddenly sounded outside the air raid shelter. The guards outside the door were busy closing the door of the air raid shelter and starting the ventilation device. Listening  Listening to the shrill alarm sound coming from outside, another contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Onishi Takijiro's mouth over there.

    The Kwantung Army has been beaten right under their noses, but they are still here clinging to everything. There are so many good things in the world. Even if they give in on the command, with their despicable behavior  The level of command, can they fight this battle well? If they can fight well, why should they be blocked at the gate of their hometown and beaten every day?

    In the past few days since arriving in Xinjing, he has encountered anti-Japanese air raids every day. Although the intensity of the air raids is not great, it cannot be compared with the intensity of the Japanese air raids on Chongqing. But where is Xinjing? It is the headquarters of the Kwantung Army.  The location is the capital of the Manchu Empire, which was supported and controlled by the Kwantung Army.

    Now reduced to the point of being bombed all day long, the Kwantung Army still has no face and fights for command. At this time, the anti-alliance air raids are coming. For the Kwantung Army, it is indeed a very shameless thing, but for ourselves  Say, maybe that's a good thing, right?

    Compared with the contemptuous look on the face of Major General Onishi Takijiro, the expressions of General Umezu Yoshijiro and Lieutenant General Tokugawa Yoshitoshi over there were even darker. Since the beginning of this battle, the Anti-Japanese Alliance has dispatched bombers many times to attack the new  Air raids were carried out on the Kwantung Army Headquarters in Beijing, the Imperial Palace of the Puppet Manchuria, the Japanese settlements in Xinjing City, as well as Xinjing Railway Station and various train dispatching yards.

    Although there were only a few dozen bombers dispatched every day, the impact on the morale of the Japanese in Xinjing City was considerable. Xinjing Railway Station, a transportation hub in Jilin, was bombed, forcing Japanese troops to rely on roads for mobilization.  , which is a problem for those days that lack a sufficient number of trucks.For the military, there is no doubt that the pressure is very high.

    In addition, more than a dozen military trains transporting supplies and essentials in several train stations and dispatch yards were bombed, which basically paralyzed the medium and long-distance railway lines. It also caused the Japanese army, which relied heavily on railways for material transportation, to have difficulties in supplying materials. At present,  The material supply pressure of various divisions ahead is extremely high, and even some divisions are already running out of ammunition and food.

    All kinds of ammunition, especially artillery shells, have begun to be used in limited quantities. As for food, they have begun to collect it on the spot. To put it bluntly, it is an open grab. As for whether it can be grabbed and whether the amount of food grabbed can meet the needs, that is for each division.  It¡¯s their own business. With the current limited transportation capacity, priority must be given to ensuring the transportation of ammunition.

    As for the Kwantung Army Headquarters, which was regarded as a key bombing target, it was bombed into ruins. The current Kwantung Army Headquarters is actually unusable. Even the two Kwantung Army Generals, General Umezu Yoshijiro and Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi,  The office of the supreme commander of the Kwantung Army was moved underground from the ground, and the current commander of the Kwantung Army Military Police was killed in the first bombing.

    The most embarrassing thing for the Kwantung Army was that the anti-alliance fighter jets that took off from Acheng caused unimaginable losses to the Kwantung Army aviation forces in the air battle outside Xinjing. It was only three days after the air raid began, and they were responsible for the air defense mission of Xinjing.  The two battle teams, each equipped with Type 97 fighter jets and Mei Type fighter jets, lost Ember.

    A Type 88 anti-aircraft artillery unit responsible for ground air defense also suffered heavy losses under the dive bombing of the opponent's light bombers. In desperation, the Kwantung Army headquarters could only urgently transfer eleven anti-aircraft artillery squadrons from the front line to shoulder the task.  Air defense mission, but under the various means adopted by the opponent, its effect is quite limited.

    In the long time since Xinjing was bombed for the first time, it has only shot down less than ten Anti-Japanese aircraft, but it has lost more than ninety fighter jets and more than fifty anti-aircraft guns of various calibers.  The capital's air defense force has lost its remaining embers. Except for a small number of anti-aircraft guns, there is basically no air defense force left, and it has become an undefended city in the air.

    For the aviation forces of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, Xinjing can now come and leave at any time. It has almost become their back garden. Especially today, a combat meeting is being held. In front of the thorny head of the Navy, the sky is falling outside.  The bombs that came made these senior generals of the Kwantung Army extremely embarrassed.

    Even if you want to slap someone in the face, you won¡¯t do it in such a way. Right now, it¡¯s a critical time for the army and navy to compete for command. Your air strike at this time is not a naked slap in the face. What is it? What did you do just now?  The angry Lieutenant General Yoshitoshi Tokugawa, facing the explosion of bombs dropped by the Anti-Japanese Alliance night flight bombers outside, felt like a deflated ball, but his anger instantly disappeared.

    In fact, no matter whether Lieutenant General Saburo Endo was transferred or the current commander, Lieutenant General Yoshitoshi Tokugawa, they still can't figure out why the air battle has become such a one-sided situation. The Kwantung Army's aviation basically has no room to fight back. The aircraft  There is a gap in performance, which cannot be the reason for the failure of the Kwantung Army.

    Both of them were confident in their pilots' courage and flying skills. However, in the air battle, in addition to the Anti-Japanese Alliance using a variety of new weapons, new aircraft, and new tactics, there were too many  Neither of them could understand the matter.

    According to the descriptions of pilots who participated in the war, although the performance of the American-made fighter jets used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance was better than that of the Type 97 fighter jets, compared with the imported German-made fighter jets, their combat performance was even inferior in some aspects, such as low-altitude  In terms of dogfighting, it is even worse than the Type 97 fighter.

    Compared with the several fighter jets currently equipped by the Kwantung Army, the biggest advantages of these American-made aircraft are long range, strong firepower, high speed, large engine horsepower, and most importantly, good protection performance, sturdy body, and ability to maneuver in the air.  can withstand large overloads.

    However, when it comes to air combat performance, especially low-altitude dogfighting performance, there is still a certain distance compared with Japanese fighter jets that always emphasize combat performance. Not to mention the new fighter jets, which are the old Type 97 fighter jets. In terms of combat performance alone,  It is also much stronger than them.

    But they seemed to know the performance of all the aircraft of the Army Air Force very well. As soon as the first shot was fired in the battle, they targeted the weakest part of their own aircraft, and the tactics they adopted were almost entirely aimed at the performance of the aircraft used by the Kwantung Army Air Force.  Come.

    Your aircraft has good low-altitude combat performance, but they don't fight with you at low altitude at all. They take advantage of the thick body of your aircraft to dive down from high altitude and fire a salvo of guns and guns. After the fight, they use its speed to compare.  The Type 97 fighter has the advantage of being much faster and can quickly break away.

    When the time comes, you will be disappointed because of your speed.?Disadvantage: if you chase, you won't be able to catch up. If you don't chase, he will go around in a circle and come back and repeat it step by step. Many Japanese pilots are simply unable to adapt to the tactics of the Anti-Alliance aviation, and they will still be confused until they are shot down.  .

    And the most embarrassing thing for the Kwantung Army aviation force is that the Type 97 fighter jets are only equipped with two 7.7 mm machine guns. Facing the thick-skinned and rough American fighter jets, their firepower is obviously insufficient. There are at least four 12 mm machine guns on other fighter jets.  , as long as it is hit, the thin-skinned Type 97 fighter jet has basically no chance of survival.

    If you encounter a fighter jet equipped with a thirty-seven millimeter cannon, no one, including the man and the aircraft, can survive a single shot. And even if your own aircraft has run out of bullets, as long as it does not hit key parts, other people's aircraft will be destroyed.  It can still continue to fly, or even if it fails, it will be bitten back.
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