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Text Chapter 176 The feeling of having nowhere to use your strength

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    At this time, Yang Jicai didn't know that Wang Guangyu had strengthened the security force around him to a battalion despite Yang Zhen's objections. He thought that he, the eldest brother and top commander who always disliked having a large number of security personnel around him, would not be able to protect him.  He didn't bring too many escort troops back this time, and he thought that if he came south to the paddock, it would be too big for him to bring at most one guard platoon with him based on his habit.

    The current situation in Heshiketeng Banner is unclear. How many Japanese and puppet troops there are? Whether those Japanese and puppet troops that were defeated by themselves are still in Heshiketeng Banner. These Japanese and puppet troops who are stranded in Heshiketeng Banner are still unknown.  , whether the safety of No. 1 going south to the paddock will be endangered, is something Yang Jicai is very worried about. Once No. 1 is in danger, it will not only be related to the safety of the leader of the Anti-League No. 1, but also his family ties. He  How can we not be in a hurry.

    After receiving the order, he was a little in a hurry. At this time, Yang Jicai was galloping towards the Keshiketeng Banner. He was currently sitting in the best jeep selected by Wang Guangyu and was reading carefully a telegram sent from the headquarters.  Yang Zhen frowned slightly, even though he was on the march, but the situation at the headquarters was constantly relayed through the communication vehicle.

    The telegram in his hand that made him frown was jointly sent from Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun, who were currently in charge of the overall situation at the headquarters. Although the content of the telegram looked like an ordinary enemy situation report, the actual content was  It made Yang Zhen very uncomfortable.

    At almost the same time as he and Wang Guangyu were talking, multiple batches of Japanese reconnaissance planes appeared on the lower reaches of the Nen River, the intersection of the Nen River and the Songhua River in Fuyu, and the main stream of the Songhua River below Fuyu, and the aviation forces stationed in various places were dispatched urgently.  , with the cooperation of anti-aircraft artillery, although three of them were shot down, no Japanese pilot was captured.

    Because Guo Bingxun deliberately wanted to capture the Japanese pilots in order to obtain intelligence, the aviation force consciously showed mercy and was not blown up by the volley. However, its pilots did not have no chance to parachute. These three Japanese reconnaissance planes did not have a pilot.  After parachuting, all the Japanese air crews on the reconnaissance planes died together with their own planes.

    Another Japanese reconnaissance plane, which was surrounded by three P-39 fighter jets and found that it could neither escape nor resist after being surrounded, simply rushed directly into the Songhua River. It was obvious that the pilots of these Japanese reconnaissance planes had been strictly trained.  According to the order, no one is allowed to be captured.

    At the same time, after receiving reports from Tao Jingfei and Yang Jingyu, who is currently in charge of the work of the Nenjiang Military Region, the Songhua River and the Nenjiang River produced the largest flood peaks in recent times almost at the same time. According to the current estimates of the water conservancy technicians in the military region, these flood peaks will be  Within two days, they met at the Sancha River in Fuyu.

    Although the intelligence agencies and aviation forces tried their best and even used a spy who was deeply lurking in the Kwantung Army headquarters and had not been used before, they still were not able to detect the deployment of such a large number of bombers by the Japanese army.  specific location.

    Where can nearly 200 bombers be hidden? The fuel and ammunition required for bombing, as well as the crew's rest and recuperation, and the runways for aircraft takeoff and landing. It is impossible to hide them all. At present, in the Japanese-controlled areas, except for the East  Outside of the Changbai Mountains, most of them are the most densely populated areas in Northeast China. It is impossible for such a large number of aircraft to be hidden without being discovered.

    Even if the Japanese army deploys these aircraft dispersedly and uses different airports as base tactics, with so many aircraft, including the fighter jets required for escort, the airports required will not be just a few simple field airports. Even if the current aircraft  , taking off and landing only requires hard enough ground.

    But now the entire Northeast is in the rainy season, and the rain this year is obviously heavy. At this time, a large number of aircraft are concentrated, and they are relatively heavy bombers. They still need a permanent airport. This permanent runway made of reinforced concrete is not that  If it is a field airport that is hard to find if it is built on solid flat land or grass, at least the target is still quite obvious and easier to find.

    But so far, apart from knowing that the Japanese army has mobilized a large number of so-called heavy bombers to the Northeast, I know nothing about where these Japanese aircraft are gathered so far and what is the real intention of the Japanese army.  , but can only guess out of thin air.

    However, the current intelligence is barely good news. The Japanese reconnaissance planes have appeared in the Nenjiang River Basin, which is not the main battlefield, and in the Sancha River area where the fighting has ended. They shouldn't be sightseeing. There are so many Japanese troops.  The reconnaissance plane probably wanted to observe the water situation. After all, except for the upper reaches of the Songhua River, the entire basin of the Nen River was already a base for the Anti-Japanese War.

    No matter how comprehensive the Japanese army is about the hydrology of the two rivers, if they want to get first-hand information, they still have to go to the front lines to observe. The most important thing is that the location of Hongfeng's thing is not fixed.What changes is that it always flows with the amount of rainfall and the trend of the river. If the Japanese army wants to get first-hand information, they still have to observe it.

    It¡¯s just that whether this is a precursor to the Japanese army¡¯s actions, or whether it is a confusing method adopted by the Japanese army, it is still difficult to judge. After all, this is only the first action of the Japanese army, and it cannot prove anything. If the same batch of reconnaissance methods are used, the Japanese army will adopt one or two more  , it can basically be concluded.

    But passively being beaten is not Yang Zhen's style. He also has bombers with a range that is almost the same as the so-called heavy bombers of the Japanese army and a larger bomb load. It is not that he does not have the ability to pre-emptively strike. If he can find out the location of the airport where these Japanese aircraft are located,  The exact location is fully capable of completely wiping them out on the ground.

    After careful consideration, Yang Zhen still wanted to take a preemptive strike and completely eliminate these Japanese troops at the airport. Once these bombers were dispatched, no matter how many planes he dispatched to intercept, there would still be considerable variables. As long as one bomber broke through  Blockade will bring fatal danger.

    A so-called Japanese Type 97 heavy bomber has a maximum bomb load of thousands of kilograms. Coupled with the fuel carried by the aircraft itself, the whole thing is a super bomb. As long as an aircraft breaks through the air blockade, it will carry as many bombs as possible.  Throwing it towards the river embankment or directly hitting the Songhua River dam may have serious consequences.

    Japanese pilots have done this kind of thing before. When Japanese bombers bombed Harbin Airport in the spring, a Japanese Type 98 light bomber crashed into the airport after being injured during the air battle and unable to return.  If the navigation station had not responded quickly to a Soviet-made 37mm anti-aircraft gun deployed at the airport at that time, four of the ten shells it fired quickly hit the target accurately, knocking the plane into the air and exploding, and the consequences would have been disastrous.

    For those Japanese pilots who have been carried away by the so-called bushido spirit, who are prone to do anything and are proud of their loyalty to the emperor by dying gloriously, they cannot be judged by the standards of pilots in other countries. Therefore, in Yang Zhen's view, these lunatics must be completely eliminated.  Eliminating it on the ground and nipping the danger in the bud is the best and most correct choice.

    Therefore, after receiving the information about the mobilization of Japanese troops from the intelligence department, the aviation force immediately dispatched a large number of light and heavy bombers to conduct multiple raids on the identified airports in Xinjing, Siping Street, Jilin, and Tongliao.  Although not many Japanese aircraft were destroyed in the batches of bombings, these airports have basically lost their use value after the bombings.

    In particular, the three airports in Xinjing were completely unusable because they were too close to the front line. However, at these airports, the aviation force failed to find the main target of the bombing. The heavy bombers mobilized by the Japanese army destroyed them.  Most of them are reconnaissance aircraft, artillery correction aircraft, and light bombers and fighters with a short combat radius.

    Just before Yang Zhen set off for Linxi, in order to carry out Yang Zhen's order to eliminate the threat on the ground, the aviation force even dispatched thirty-six Il-4 medium bombers with the longest range of the Anti-Japanese Alliance at one time.  The long-distance night raid bombed Dongta Airport in Fengtian, the largest Japanese aviation base in the entire Northeast, as well as Beiling and other Kwantung Army military airports around Shenyang.

    However, except for the destruction of some Japanese aircraft at Dongta Airport, nothing was found at several other airports. A large amount of gasoline and bombs were consumed, and two Il-4 bombers were lost and one lost its way and crashed when returning.  But it only blew up the airport's runway and command and control tower.

    However, these operations only destroyed some of the Japanese army's permanent airports. At best, they prevented the Japanese army from using these airports as front-line airports and supply airports. However, they continued to destroy the Japanese heavy bombers that might pose the greatest threat to the base area.  Not a hair was hurt.

    In other words, the aviation force's action to alert the enemy did not play the role that he and the headquarters hoped to play. Without destroying these heavy bombers of the Japanese army, for the Anti-Alliance, it means that the Japanese army can still attack the enemy at any time.  Open Pandora's box in your hand and let out the devil inside.

    It's just that these Japanese aircraft were hidden somewhere, and their exact location could not be found. No matter how many preemptive measures were used, what was the use? Repeated attacks were in vain and wasted effort. Instead of seeing any results, they were  A lot of aviation gasoline and bombs that were originally precious to the Anti-Japanese Alliance were wasted.

    For Yang Zhen, these attacks are like you stretching out your hand and punching your opponent in the chest, but the opponent shrinks his neck and retracts his head, leaving you nowhere to exert your strength, even  Hiding so that you can't find where they are.

    Thinking of this, Yang Zhen looked at the road outside the car.Beside, the mountains undulated under the night, but their thoughts were placed hundreds of kilometers away. The Japanese army's approach of keeping you invisible made Yang Zhen, who never liked to passively respond to battles, feel very sad for you.  Annoyed.

    Yang Zhen hates this feeling of knowing that the enemy is plotting against you, but you can't find the traces and methods of his plot against you. What's even more annoying is that this kind of helpless waiting, before the enemy draws his sword, is his consistent style.  , completely nipping all dangers in the bud is his favorite feeling. However, for him now, he is exactly in the situation he dislikes the most.
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