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Text Chapter 101: Request for Two Benefits in the Aftermath

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    However, for the Nationalist government, the Americans were relatively generous in providing aircraft assistance. Although the number and types were not comparable to those provided to the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the models were much better than those provided to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Many, in addition to P-40 fighter jets, also gave many P-51 Mustang fighter jets that Yang Zhen had repeatedly requested but were always rejected by the Americans, and even B-25 Mitchell medium bombers.  He was given a hundred.

    But apart from this, nothing else satisfied the Chongqing side. What made the Nationalist government even more depressed was that among the supplies that the Americans gave to them who were in urgent need of anti-tank weapons, except for the US military, which was eliminated, they were given to everyone.  Except for the anti-Japanese anti-aircraft guns, the rest of the rocket launchers and recoilless rifles were marked with the words "XX Arsenal of the Northeast People's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces" on them.

    Even the instructions for these rocket launchers and recoilless rifles are in Chinese. It is obvious that these rocket launchers and recoilless rifles are produced by the Anti-League.  of the National Government.

    Faced with the weapons aided by the so-called American friends, which were also produced by the Chinese, but were transported halfway around the world to their own hands, the Nationalist government, which had no place to speak out about its sufferings and lacked confidence, could only eat coptis.  But I don¡¯t have the guts to tell the United States that I don¡¯t want these weapons anymore. You can send them wherever you like. I don¡¯t care.

    However, although these equipment are weapons produced by their current temporary allies and certain enemies in the future, they are undoubtedly very suitable for the National Government's army with a very low degree of mechanization at that time. Therefore, they had no room for pickiness and put the weapons on the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  After the production mark was worn off, the same was issued to troops who were extremely short of anti-tank weapons.

    Of course, considering the current international situation where weak countries have no diplomacy, Chongqing's protest is just a small episode for the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain. Naturally, the Americans will not care too much, and the Soviets will not even consider it.  Yan'an, who was attacked by Chongqing to control public opinion, but had become much stronger, also didn't care.

    However, although it did not care much about the public opinion attacks from Chongqing, in order to win the hearts and minds of the people, the Central Committee still gave full play to its strengths in propaganda and started a war of words with Chongqing. However, after showing the record of the Anti-Japanese Alliance,  Chongqing, however, suffered a complete defeat in this propaganda war.

    There is no way. Today they claim to have annihilated that Japanese division, how many Japanese soldiers were killed and captured, how much equipment was seized, and tomorrow they will announce how many results they have achieved in the bombing of Japanese soil. Chongqing, which has always had no good results, can only fight.  Losing teeth and swallowing blood.

    When you announced that their record was falsified, they immediately organized reporters from the international and Kuomintang-controlled areas to visit the Northeast. Not only did they see with their own eyes a large number of Japanese prisoners of war who were doing labor camps in various mines, and mountains of trophies, they even organized a group of reporters from the Kuomintang-controlled areas.  A group of reporters boarded an Anti-Japanese bomber and participated in a bombing operation against Japan. After these reporters returned from Northeast China, the public opinion war initiated by Chongqing quickly died down.

    Regarding what happened in Chongqing, Yang Zhen, who was busy negotiating with the Soviet army in person, naturally ignored it. With the mediation and coordination of the central government, Yang Zhen, commander of the Northeast Military Region of the Anti-Japanese War, and A, commander of the Soviet Far East Military Region,  General Banashenke, after secret and arduous negotiations, reached an agreement in private behind the back of the Americans.

    In this agreement, the Soviet Union repeatedly guaranteed that it would not seize U.S. supplies and equipment to assist the Anti-Japanese Alliance for any reason. However, the Anti-Japanese Alliance must continue to provide the Soviet Union with all American aviation technology they obtained and agreed to provide aid materials to the United States.  When there is a dispute over distribution, both parties shall not take any action similar to retaliating against each other. The priority is to resolve the matter through negotiation.

    The Soviets also promised to share their latest weapons technology, especially the technology developed in aviation and tanks, with the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and develop a long-range escort for the Anti-Japanese Alliance with a combat radius that can reach the Japanese mainland based on the Yak series of fighter jets.  fighter.

    At the same time, at the special request of Yang Zhen and after negotiation between the two parties, the Soviets agreed that the Anti-Japanese Federation would select some cadres and soldiers to enter the Soviet Navy to learn the command and operation of various ships, especially submarines, and agreed that after completing their studies, these people would receive  A part of the Soviet navy ships are in the three major fleets of the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Ocean, replacing Soviet naval personnel who have been transferred to the army in large numbers to perform escort, anti-submarine, minesweeping and coastal defense tasks.

    Of course, this agreement benefits not only the Anti-Japanese Alliance, which can use the Soviet Navy to cultivate a group of naval talents who have experienced actual combat, but the Soviet Union also benefits a lot. With Chinese replacements, the Soviet Army  Without affecting the basic operation and combat effectiveness of the navy, a large number of personnel can be transferred from the navy and incorporated into the army to fight.To fill the army with huge casualties.

    By the time the agreement was signed, the Soviet-German war had been going on for a full year and a half. Although the Soviet army had prevented a major rout in the early stages of the war, its casualties were far greater than those caused by some ulterior motives.  From the history that Yang Zhen once knew, the war lasted only a year and a half, and the Soviet army had lost nearly eight million soldiers.

    For the Soviet army that is currently engaged in the Battle of Stalingrad, this battle that has just begun has already been extremely cruel. A fully loaded division entered the battlefield in the morning and withdrew to the east bank of the Volga River in the evening with only a few dozen people left.  , an entire division's battle is filled in on average every three days. It is undoubtedly another meat grinder that does not know when and how many troops will be needed to fill it.

    With most of the densely populated areas under German occupation, it was impossible to recruit troops, and the casualties of the troops were extremely huge, the Soviet reserve manpower resources that originally seemed to be sufficient have become somewhat strained. In the entire Soviet Union, almost  Most of the men who can carry a gun serve in the army.

    Even if these people are reform-through-labor prisoners in labor camps and criminal prisoners in prisons, as long as you are a man, go to the front line. The Soviets, who were hungry for sources of soldiers, finally agreed to Yang Zhen's request after repeated hesitations.  This request of his at least seems to be beneficial to both parties.

    In the eyes of the Soviets, the proposal of the Anti-Japanese Alliance to dispatch some personnel into the Soviet Navy at this time will undoubtedly be a great relief to the Soviet soldiers. After the first batch of Anti-Japanese Alliance personnel entered the Soviet Navy, this group of personnel has not even been waited for.  After the training was completed, the Soviet army transferred one-third of the entire Black Sea Fleet and Northern Fleet sailors, mainly coastal defense forces, to the battlefields of Stalingrad and the North Caucasus, where the battle was ongoing.

    After the Battle of Stalingrad, it was originally agreed that the Anti-Alliance would send no more than 20,000 personnel. However, the Soviet Union received benefits at this time and repeatedly asked the Anti-Alliance to increase the number of people selected to serve in the navy. By the fourth  By the end of the fourth year, the number of Anti-Japanese Alliance personnel serving in the major fleets of the Soviet Union had exceeded 100,000.

    However, although it is also good for itself, it does not mean that the Soviets are at the mercy of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The Anti-Union personnel can go to whichever fleet they want, and they can take over whatever ships they want to take over. The Soviet Union not only chooses to take over the fleet, but  , the Pacific Fleet, which is close to Japan, only allows the Chinese to take over coastal defense and ground air defense work, and strictly prohibits the Chinese from contacting the ships.

    When allocating the Chinese, they mainly focused on the Northern Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet, and the Baltic Fleet, which were far away from the Pacific. Even when the anti-alliance personnel were scheduled to take over the allocation of ships, torpedo boats, submarine hunting boats, minesweepers, and escort boats were initially used.  Mainly small offshore ships, as well as auxiliary ships such as tugs and repair ships, cruisers and destroyers, as well as large and medium-sized ships such as frigates and gunboats assisted by the US military are prohibited from contacting the Chinese.

    It was not until after the Battle of Stalingrad that the deployment of too many sailors had affected the operation of the Soviet Navy. If the Chinese continued to be prevented from boarding the ships, the already small number of large and medium-sized ships were basically unusable, and the anti-joint selection was allowed.  personnel, took over some destroyers and cruisers of the three major fleets, as well as some submarines.

    However, in the Pacific Fleet, except for torpedo boats with extremely short combat radius, small ships such as minesweepers, submarine hunters, and escorts, as well as auxiliary ships such as unarmed tugs, let alone large ships, the Chinese are still strictly prohibited from boarding, even if they are qualified to undertake the mission.  Chinese people are not allowed to board any warships that are not allowed to board.

    The reason why the Soviets did this is very simple. They did not allow the Anti-Union personnel to board the ships in the Pacific Fleet because they were afraid that the Anti-Union personnel would take the initiative to provoke the Japanese navy, which was far more powerful and well-trained than they were. They were also worried that the Soviet Union would be passively dragged into the war by the Anti-Union forces.  Fight on both sides and put yourself in a situation where you are fighting on two sides.

    The personnel selected by the Anti-Japanese Alliance are mainly divided into the three major fleets of the North, Black Sea and Baltic Sea, which are far away from the Japanese navy. The ships assigned are mainly small ships without long-distance navigation capabilities. Only a small number of personnel enter the submarine force to serve. Even the Chinese  Even if they were tempted, they would not be able to drive these ships back.

    But in 1944, at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943, the subsequent Battle of Kursk, and the Leningrad Counterattack, the Soviet army suffered too many casualties. In order to prepare for the major counterattack, more Soviet troops were transferred from the Navy.  When the sailors joined the army to join the war, more anti-alliance personnel were allowed to take over the ships.

    There was no way. In just one failed attempt to break the German counterattack against the Leningrad encirclement, the Soviet army suffered more than 500,000 casualties and captured prisoners. The Soviet Volkhov Front Army and the Leningrad Front Army that participated in the war were basically defeated by the German army.  The Karelian Front Army also suffered heavy losses. If it were not for the desperate resistance of the remaining troops of the Leningrad Front Army, the Soviets might have been able to counterattack Leningrad, which they had held for two years.Lost in the middle.

    Coupled with the Battle of Kursk, which suffered huge casualties, and the Battle of Stalingrad, which became a meat grinder from the end of 1942 to the beginning of 1943, as well as fronts in other directions, the Soviet Army's casualties amounted to millions, and its troop resources  , a stretched situation has emerged.

    Even in the Far East, the last few divisions used to prevent the Japanese from landing operations were transferred to the Western Front. In addition to trying every means to mobilize personnel from the recovered areas to join the army, the only way the Soviet army could have ready-made troops to use was  There are only hundreds of thousands of people in the navy. The army dominates the Soviet-German battlefield, and the navy is mainly attached to the army in combat. If so many soldiers are not used, is it possible to see the army draining its own blood little by little due to lack of supplements?
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