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Text Chapter 100 Compromise in the Aftermath

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    Of course, the Soviet commander was also quite dissatisfied with this, although he always believed that the Chinese Party, like other national parties that existed in the Soviet Union, must bow to itself and take the will of the Soviet Union as its own.  The Soviet commander was also surprisingly angry at Yang Zhen's revenge.

    There was even the idea of ??sending troops to teach this disobedient brother a lesson if the current war situation had not been unfavorable. However, now that the Americans have intervened, he has completely calmed down. It is obvious that he does not want to turn the resistance against him.  The Soviet Union was completely pushed into the arms of the Americans because it was not in line with the interests of the Soviet Union in his eyes.

    In particular, the Chinese Communist Party has repeatedly told him that everyone is the Communist Party, and doing this will only allow Americans to watch the fun, and will also give Americans the opportunity to profit from it, especially when Americans are not convinced about this matter.  The statement made him feel that the Americans were consciously trying to win over the Anti-Japanese Alliance, completely dividing and disintegrating the relationship between the Soviet Union and the Anti-Japanese Alliance, cooperation and confrontation. This was a true portrayal of the relationship between the parties throughout World War II.

    If the Americans had not intervened, the commander-in-chief would probably have fought against the Anti-Japanese Alliance to the end based on his character. However, it was the intervention of the Americans that accelerated the resolution of the problem, especially when the Anti-Japanese Alliance refused to provide communication equipment and the Soviet Union  After the man asked the Americans for help but was rejected by the Americans, he calmed down even more.

    After all, the Communist Party of China is different from those other countries and even the Communist Party whose central government was established in the Soviet Union and can only rely on the Soviets for production. Most of their survival ability relies on their own struggle rather than relying on the Soviets to feed them, and they not only have their own  The army also has its own territory.

    Moreover, the original influence of the Soviet Union on the Chinese Party was basically lost with the emergence of a talented and strategic leader. Naturally, these Chinese comrades did not pay too much attention to the attitude of the Soviets, so the Soviets' protests, although it aroused  The central government attaches great importance to it, but that is only in words.

    Being so rigid now not only does not bring any benefits to the Soviets, it actually weakens their influence on the Chinese Party. Under his personal instructions, the Soviet Union finally lowered its tough stance that it had always maintained.  , after numerous quarrels, finally reached a new agreement with the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the summer of 1942.

    The tanks seized by the Soviets had lost their embers in the Battle of Kharkov, and naturally they would not come back. The Soviets promised to hand over an equal number of British-assisted Maltida tanks to the Anti-Japanese Alliance as compensation, and  It was agreed to transfer the production technology and drawings of the Yak-3 fighter jet due to limited engine production capacity. Although test flights have been completed long ago, the production technology and drawings of the Yak-3 fighter jet have not yet been put into actual production.

    At the same time, the Soviets promised to reopen domestic international channels from Iran, Murmansk, especially Vladivostok to Northeast China, and would not withhold any U.S. aid supplies to the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the future, and agreed to provide all living supplies to the Anti-Japanese Alliance until the Anti-Japanese Alliance paid for them.  Next, we will increase the number of foreign students admitted to the Anti-Japanese Alliance. At the same time, we will select some tank, aircraft, and artillery production experts to work in the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    The Americans also promised that the cars seized by the Soviets would be replenished in future aid supplies. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, in addition to aircraft, cars, and tanks, they would reduce physical aid to the Anti-Union weapons and equipment, and at the same time increase the resistance.  The scale of assistance includes various production equipment needed by the alliance and raw materials needed for military production.

    He also promised to assist the Anti-Japanese Federation in the construction of two steel plants with a total production capacity of 2 million tons, a large machinery and equipment production plant, two automobile plants and two aircraft manufacturing plants with complete equipment four or four years ago.  Four or five years ago, we helped the Anti-Japanese League build a large oil refinery, a nonferrous metal smelting plant, and a chemical plant.

    At the same time, the Anti-Japanese Alliance, without affecting its own needs, will increase the supply of grain, meat products, coal, sugar and other living materials to the Soviet Union as appropriate.  The Soviet Union will pay for various expenses and provide as much of the latest communication equipment, radars, and latest recoilless rifles and rocket launchers as possible.

    It also agreed that the arsenal of the Anti-Japanese Alliance would continue to produce some Bobosha submachine guns for the Soviet army, and deliver a batch of submachine guns produced by the Anti-Union to the Soviet Union. These small weapons would also be used to offset the debt owed to the Soviet Union by the Anti-Union. The Soviet Union also agreed,  The prices of these weapons, grain, meat products, vegetable oil and other materials are adjusted and settled at 80% of the international average price.

    Regardless of this agreement, in the future, the Anti-Japanese Alliance's export of materials to the Soviet Union will no longer be calculated by the Soviets at a price that is almost equivalent to Chinese cabbage. Although the price is still lower than the international average price, there is no doubt that this  This greatly eased the financial pressure on the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    And Yang Zhen promised to deliver another 1,200 57mm recoilless vehicles to the Soviet Union within six months of the signing of the agreement.cannons, 2,500 rocket launchers, and part of the various ammunition required. As for the original delivery, other equipment that was withheld after this incident will be handed over to the Soviet Union as soon as possible.  aspect.

    At the same time, the Anti-Japanese Alliance also agreed to provide the Soviets with 100,000 tons of oil per year after the Daqing Oil Field was officially put into production to offset the Soviet demand for oil when the Transcaucasian oil fields were destroyed by the Germans and oil production dropped sharply.  This part of the money was paid by the Americans with equipment needed for the Anti-Japanese War.

    Yang Zhen was actually not too satisfied with this agreement. The Maltida II tanks aided by the British that the Soviets used to offset their debts were slow and weak in firepower. In the Northeast weather, the mud guards on both sides of the tanks were damaged.  Not only does the plate serve no purpose, but it is actually a big trouble. It can be said that except for the slightly thicker armor, this kind of tank with no benefits is a kind of garbage.

    Even though the Soviets, who were very hungry for all tanks, didn't like them themselves, they dumped them to the Anti-Japanese Alliance like rubbish. Although the performance of the American M-3 tank was not as good, it was still much better than this guy.  But in view of the current situation of the Soviet army, the idea of ??asking for T-34 tanks as compensation will definitely not be satisfied.

    Under the persuasion of the central government and the pressure of the Americans, no matter how reluctant Yang Zhen was, he finally reluctantly swallowed this bitter pill. What else could he do? If the stalemate continued for a long time, it would be quite disadvantageous for the Anti-Alliance.  The technology of the Yak-3, the Soviet army's best air superiority fighter in World War II, somewhat filled Yang Zhen's depression.

    In fact, the most depressing person about the talks involving the three countries and the four parties and the conclusion of the final agreement was not Yang Zhen, but the National Government in Chongqing. As the only legitimate government recognized by the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union in China, in this meeting involving China  In human negotiations, they have no say, and they are not even invited.

    Watching helplessly, the Anti-Japanese Alliance belonging to the CCP received dozens or even hundreds of times more aid from the United States than itself. How could Chongqing accept it, especially the urgently needed weapons and equipment such as tanks, artillery, and aircraft that it dreamed of? The United States  The amount given to the Anti-Japanese Alliance was dozens of times that of his own, but he didn't even get a few rifles.

    Although the Nationalist Government repeatedly protested to the Americans and sent the de facto First Lady to visit the United States to obtain more assistance, Naihe still counted on the Anti-Alliance to hold back the Americans of the Kwantung Army. Although the verbal promise was good,  In fact, I don't really buy it.

    There is not one less plane, one tank, and even a considerable amount of supplies that should be given to the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The Americans promised to give them to themselves, but the supplies to the National Government are still that much. This result  , which makes the National Government, which considers itself orthodox and represents China, quite depressed.

    Although they have repeatedly threatened to cut off the routes of Americans passing through the mainland and flying to the northeast, the Americans still do not buy it. However, the National Government, which relies heavily on U.S. aid both economically and armamentally, has no choice but to do nothing.  Yang Zhen's confidence to dare to openly break up with the Soviets.

    The helpless Nationalist Government could only watch its old rival become stronger day by day, while its own army continued to weaken due to lack of weapons. Fortunately, the Americans finally agreed to give the Nationalist Government thirty-nine divisions.  The ground equipment arrived in advance, which gave the Nationalist government some comfort.

    Although the weapons assistance of the thirty-nine divisions promised by the United States had arrived in mainland China as early as the end of 1943, the equipment of these thirty-nine American simple divisions was still a drop in the bucket for the huge National Government army.  Except for a few of the most elite troops who have been equipped with American equipment, the rest of the troops are still severely lacking in weapons.

    Moreover, the amount of equipment of these thirty-nine divisions is far from what the Nationalist government imagined. In addition to the relatively sufficient number of rifles and submachine guns, the number of heavy weapons is seriously insufficient. Not to mention that the number is far different from that of the US army.  Compared with the already extremely weak Japanese army, it was also very different.

    As for the most needed artillery equipment, the Americans only gave 200 75mm mountain guns that were eliminated from the Pacific battlefield. The heavy artillery that the Chinese army lacked most was only 48 105mm howitzers. As for the promised two 105mm howitzers,  The fourteen 155 howitzers were not handed over to Chongqing until the war was almost over, and these twenty-four 155 howitzers were imitation French goods that had been eliminated by the US military after World War I.

    As for tanks, no matter what the Nationalist government said, the Americans only gave the Americans 172 M-3 light tanks and medium tanks that had been eliminated from the European and North African battlefields in 44 years.  None of them were given. This number is only a fraction of the thousands of M III and M V series light tanks that the United States provided to the Anti-Japanese War. This does not include the more than 3,000 M IV medium tanks that the Americans provided to the Anti-Japanese War.gram.

    The Americans behaved so favorably that the Nationalist government could not even figure out whether it or Yan'an was the legitimate government that represented China internationally. Whether it was the Americans, the British, or Yan'an's allies, they were all international.  Recognize that the Nationalist Government is the only legitimate representative of China.

    But in terms of material assistance, it makes people feel that Yan'an is the legitimate government of China in their eyes. Not only is the assistance given to the National Government much less than that given to the Anti-Japanese Federation under the jurisdiction of Yan'an, it can even be described as a huge difference.  Moreover, no party paid any attention to the distribution of aid materials, which should be a legitimate government action.

    Not to mention inviting themselves to come forward, no one even informed the results. Including the British government, the governments of the three major countries had privately concluded talks with one political party. This kind of move put the National Government where, and who was in charge?  It is a legitimate government in their eyes.
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