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Text Chapter 40 Time is running out

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    The first step of the plan was successfully completed. Qi Zhiyuan did not pause to signal the correspondent behind him. He immediately reported his progress to the instructor and the deputy company commander who was in charge of the feint on the walkie-talkie. Without any pause, he led the troops to use the Japanese construction.  The communication trenches penetrated towards their targets deep inside the Japanese positions.

    However, the smooth start does not mean that the subsequent operations will always be smooth. The 28th Regiment is not comfortable with guarding because of its depth. It even wants to be wary of the Anti-Japanese Alliance's tactics of penetrating a little and making a breakthrough and then attacking across the board.  The vigilance is quite high

    Just when Qi Zhiyuan led his troops to move quickly in the direction of their target along the all-inclusive communication trenches built by the Japanese army in the position, the Japanese army who had not walked more than 50 meters in a heavy machine gun fortification in front of them first discovered that something was wrong.

    The sentry who walked out of the fortification to ask for the password was killed by the soldier from the vanguard of the Sixth Company who collided head-on with the bayonet on his rifle. At the same time, the Japanese soldiers felt something strange immediately from the sound of his body falling to the ground and the lack of a reply.  Without any hesitation because of the depth of his own position, the machine guns and rifles in the fortifications came over along the traffic trench at almost the same time.

    Unexpectedly, the Japanese machine gun fortification actually designated the traffic trench as one of the shooting targets. They were unable to prevent themselves from being blocked by the Japanese machine guns in the narrow traffic trench with almost no concealment. Almost all the soldiers in the advance class fell to the Japanese machine gun fire.  under

    Looking at the Japanese machine gun fortifications that were spraying heavy rain of bullets in front of him, Qi Zhiyuan knew that his luck had come to an end. Qi Zhiyuan directly started from a place where he was preparing to launch rockets so that if necessary, he could strike first and destroy the heavy machine in front of him that was blocking the way forward.  machine gun fortifications

    However, because they discovered something was wrong, the Japanese army opened fire first. The soldier who died immediately after being shot in the chest picked up the rocket launcher he dropped and used the cover point formed at the corner of the Japanese trench to aim at the machine gun fortification that blocked the movement of the troops and fired hard.  firing trigger

    For Qi Zhiyuan, now that his whereabouts have been exposed, there is no need to hide it anymore. How to solve the immediate trouble as quickly as possible is what Qi Zhiyuan should consider most. Otherwise, if the delay is too long, the entire army will be stuck here.  danger

    Qi Zhiyuan is very aware of his current situation. As a small unit that has penetrated into the Japanese army's positions, although his actions are key to the subsequent operations of the entire group, he is also relatively isolated and helpless. It is difficult for him to get support from his brother units during the entire operation.

    The sound of machine gun fire at this time is such that the ghosts may have been awakened. As soon as the gunfire sounds, it is no longer possible to continue covert operations. The most important thing now is to get through here quickly before the Japanese reinforcements arrive. Otherwise, once the Japanese reinforcements arrive, you will have to rely on yourself alone.  Instead of being unable to complete their mission, the two platoons are likely to be surrounded and annihilated by the Japanese army here.

    It must be said that the reaction speed of the Japanese army is absolutely top-notch. Qi Zhiyuan had just used a rocket to solve the Japanese machine gun fortification blocking the way in front of him. Type 38 rifles and Taisho 11 were heard in front of him and behind him.  The crisp sound of shooting from the light machine gun was simultaneously fired into the sky one after another by illumination bombs.

    Hearing gunshots coming from two directions at almost the same time, as well as loud shouts from the Japanese army and the sound of troops running, Qi Zhiyuan threw the rocket launcher to the correspondent behind him and the troops did not dare to do anything after solving the machine gun fortification in front of him.  After stopping to roughly estimate the direction, he led his troops to fight against the Japanese troops rushing towards them.

    The battle at this time has transformed from a frontal offensive and defensive battle into a battle of infiltration and counter-infiltration in the trenches. In this battle, the Japanese army's Type 38 rifle, Taisho 11-year-old light machine gun and Type 92 heavy machine gun  The long-range shooting function basically does not work, and the too long gun body is too bulky in a relatively narrow trench.

    In this kind of battle, the submachine guns and automatic rifles of the Anti-Japanese Alliance seemed to be very suitable. Their firepower density was far from what the Japanese army could fire with a single-loaded manual rifle. The Japanese soldiers who heard the sound of gunfire and came to stop them were  The intense firepower from automatic rifles and submachine guns caused numerous casualties.

    And the 11-year-old light machine gun it is equipped with has a sustained firepower that is no match for the squad machine gun equipped with a seventy-five-round drum magazine in such close-range shooting. Even though it has an absolute advantage in numbers and seems to be risking its life.  He constantly launched counterattacks, but it was difficult to stop Qi Zhiyuan's attack.

    It's just that for Qi Zhiyuan and his men, although they have a clear advantage on the scene, the absolute disadvantage in numbers makes them unable to effectively fundamentally alleviate the current situation. The more they fight against the surrounding Japanese troops, they gather  The more there are, the greater the resistance to charging forward.

    After discovering that it was difficult to stop the opponent's attack with infantry alone, the Japanese army not only mobilized a large number of troops to besiege and even attack this small force with only two platoons.Simply use mortars and grenades to fire directly at the section of trench occupied by the Sixth Company.

    The Japanese army has put on a desperate posture to eliminate this small force that the Japanese army considers to be a nuisance. Although it is not yet known what the real purpose of their infiltration is, no commander would want to have someone in their hinterland.  Although the size of the opponent's army is small, it does not have many troops.

    Whether it is Colonel Masatada Kaneoka, the captain of the 28th Regiment of the Japanese Army, or Major Gu Zhonghaizhi, the captain of the First Battalion of the 28th Regiment in front of Qi Zhiyuan, they all know clearly that if they let this small unit continue to toss within themselves, I am afraid that it will cause harm to the entire  These two guys still understand the reason why the line of defense brings fatal damage and the embankment of thousands of miles is destroyed by the ant nest.

    Although its infantry suffered heavy losses in the narrow confines of the trenches they built in front of the Sixth Company, which had the advantage of individual firepower, they were unable to eat up this small force. However, the Japanese deployed mortars and grenade launchers behind them.  But it posed a serious threat to the Sixth Company

    Seeing that the mortars and grenades that fell into the trenches from time to time posed an increasing threat to the troops, the artillery fire became more and more fierce, and the Japanese army's room for maneuver in the trenches was too narrow. Qi Zhiyuan gritted his teeth and faced the two  The platoon leader ordered the troops to leave the Japanese trenches immediately. If they failed to use the Japanese trenches, all the troops in the two platoons would be trapped here.

    Qi Zhiyuan was very reluctant to make this choice. Judging from the gunfire of the Japanese troops around him, Qi Zhiyuan clearly judged that the Japanese troops gathered around him were at least in a reinforced squadron. Reinforcements were still coming one after another. Not only did the Japanese troops mobilize  90mm mortars and even 150mm heavy mortars were used

    With a huge disparity in strength and heavy weapons, he had almost no heavy weapons except for two rocket launchers and a general-purpose machine gun that the instructor insisted on bringing in. After breaking away from the cover of the Japanese trenches, his two platoons were easily attacked by the Japanese.  To disperse

    However, if we continue to rely on the trenches and the Japanese troops attack and defend this section of the trenches, the mortar shells become more and more powerful and the caliber is getting larger and larger. There are blocking forces in the front and pursuers on both sides. Once the Japanese troops are outflanked, they will be blocked.  I'm afraid that with the few troops they have at hand, the Japanese troops can consume them all with just artillery fire without fighting.

    Moreover, for Qi Zhiyuan, another very important reason for breaking away from the cover of the Japanese traffic trenches and launching a forceful attack was that the traffic trenches built by these Japanese soldiers were so fucked up. Not only were they built in all directions, but they also had many twists and turns that they were not familiar with.  People may easily be deceived, and only then will they know where the forks lead to.

    It must be said that the Japanese army still has a certain talent for building fortifications. Not only are the various fortress groups distributed throughout the entire Manchurian-Soviet border built various passages extending in all directions, but the field fortifications here also have well-built communication trenches, multiple firepower points, and various hidden fortifications.  They complement each other. Once a certain point is attacked, the reinforcements can directly use multiple communication trenches to quickly reinforce and carry out a pincer attack on the attacking troops.

    The communication trenches are as dense as a spider web. Various trenches are connected to form a complete set of defenses. After painstaking camouflage, many of the communication trenches are basically impossible to detect using aerial reconnaissance. Although you can reach the designated points of the regiment by following the communication trenches built by the Japanese army,  It¡¯s a combat area, but it¡¯s easy to run in the wrong direction.

    Only the devil knows that these traffic trenches built by the little devils all lead in that direction. Many of the traffic trenches looked like they were going forward. After a circle, I found that they were back in the distance, not counting all the direct firepower mobilized by the Japanese army. They desperately tried to suppress and exploit it.  The Sixth Company, which was advancing through the communication trenches, was trying to gain time but also had to break away from the Japanese army's communication trenches, which could easily mislead them in the direction of their advance.

    At this time, Qi Zhiyuan, who had already heard the rumbling artillery fire from the attack area of ??the 25th Regiment in front and the main attack of his right-wing regiment, knew that he did not have much time left. If he still used the Japanese traffic trench to advance, he might not wait until the main force came over.  I'm still spinning around here

    Qi Zhiyuan, who was determined to break away from the Japanese army's communication trenches, had no choice but to give up the only position he could use, but he had no intention of letting the Japanese troops attack him from the front, rear, left and right. Qi Zhiyuan, who was embarrassed by the Japanese army's use of trenches extending in all directions, insisted on having a grudge.  Not retaliating was an ungentlemanly attitude and he decided to give the Japanese troops who were encircling him a tit for tat.

    Before leaving under the cover of machine guns and rocket launchers, he quickly deployed the landmines recovered from the Japanese minefields, a few phosgene shells that were privately fired by the squad leader who accompanied him in clearing mines, and all the grenades carried by the troops.  The relatively small minefield gave the Japanese army the same headaches they had when they were in the minefield.

    As for his own troops, all of them were temporarily replaced with Japanese Type 97 grenades that were collected from Japanese corpses and seized from an ammunition storage point in the Japanese trenches. Anyway, my troops are very familiar with these Japanese-style grenades, although they don't like them very much.  It is more suitable to use grenades equipped on your ownThis kind of grenade is also good as an emergency item when laying out a minefield (go to )
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