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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 39 The Line of Life and Death

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    Qi Zhiyuan believed that if there was a defensive or offensive battle on the battlefield, the Sixth Company, as the fist company of the 27th Regiment, would never be ambiguous, let alone lose to any company of the Ninth Division, but if it engaged in this kind of reconnaissance behind enemy lines  And destruction is not what a pure infantry company like the Sixth Company is good at. Especially conducting such a solitary and in-depth battle at night is a considerable test for the Sixth Company.

    Just when Qi Zhiyuan was somewhat nervous about whether his troops could complete the tasks assigned by the regiment commander, the feint troops over there led by the deputy company commander had already launched into action, accompanied by violent explosions caused by the explosion of explosive cords in the minefield.  When the landmine exploded, there were crisp explosions, seven hundred meters to the north of Qi Zhiyuan, and at the same time there was a dense sound of gunfire.

    The Japanese troops were not fools. When the explosions rang out in the minefield, they immediately understood that someone was using blasting and mine-clearing methods to clear the minefield. They desperately used firepower to try to block the subsequent mine-clearing operations of the attacking troops opposite them, and at the same time blockaded the minefield.  Seize the passage opened by the opponent through blasting.

    After all, as a minefield with a width of fifty meters, it is not possible to open a wide enough channel with just one explosive rope. Even a company-level attack channel needs a five-meter-wide channel to be considered safe, and a single explosive rope can open a channel wide enough.  The rope can only destroy a distance of three meters wide at most. For the Japanese army, follow-up demining operations will definitely be carried out by the opponents in front of them.

    As soon as the Japanese machine guns, grenades and mortars fired, the fire cover team commanded by the instructor of the Sixth Company over there also used intensive firepower to suppress the Japanese firepower desperately. Two large-caliber machine guns, and three more  The general-purpose machine guns of the company were firing desperately, covering the blasting operations of the troops in front. Bullets of various calibers shuttled back and forth in the night sky, forming beautiful ballistics, making the battlefield that had calmed down for less than a few hours once again become noisy.  Get up.

    Hearing the explosions and the intensive gunfire from the north, Qi Zhiyuan did not hesitate. With a wave of his hand, he took the lead in leading the team to crawl into the Japanese minefield and began clearing mines as quickly as possible. He knew that the feinting troops in the north would fight for him.  There won't be too much time. The Japanese army is not the kind of fool who can't even judge the size of the opponent's attacking troops. Once the feint is seen through, it will no longer be possible for him to quietly infiltrate the Japanese army's position.

    After entering the minefield, Qi Zhiyuan was somewhat lucky to find that the actual width of the Japanese minefield was not wider than he expected, and the density was far less dense than he had imagined. The actual width of the minefield was only about thirty meters.  , the rest are just fakes made by the Japanese army using some cans or painted wooden blocks.

    The actual width of the minefield was not as wide as he imagined, and the density was not as high as it seemed. For Qi Zhiyuan, this was naturally a good thing, and the Japanese army in front of him was obviously attracted by the sound of gunfire from the north.  , except for occasionally firing in this direction with machine guns obviously located deep in the depths, they did not pay much attention to this side.

    Seeing that the Japanese army's attention was attracted by the feint of the deputy company commander, Qi Zhiyuan waved his hand back without any hesitation, signaling the squad leaders following him to start clearing mines immediately, while he himself took the lead in picking up the mines.  Local materials were used, and the Type 30 bayonets removed from the Japanese rifles that died in the battle began to clear mines.

    This tool he used would make the troops inside the pass who had been short of guns and ammunition not know how to feel distressed when they saw it and called him a prodigal son. If you clear mines, you can clear mines. It is normal to use a bayonet to clear mines, but why do you have to use a bayonet to clear mines?  It wasn't just him who broke a good bayonet. Several squad leaders behind him each had a Type 30 bayonet that was broken for convenience.

    At the moment, Qi Zhiyuan was not in the mood to worry about the Guan Nei troops who were thousands of miles away. What did he think when he saw the demining tool in his hand? For him, passing through the minefield as quickly as possible and infiltrating the Japanese army's position,  Finding the two artillery positions that posed a serious threat to his troops during the day was the most important thing at the moment.

    In fact, except for the Type 93 anti-tank mine, the Japanese army rarely equipped mines used by ordinary infantry. Compared with landmines, when it was in defensive operations on the Chinese battlefield, the Japanese army preferred to use poison gas. Although  They suffered heavy losses from anti-alliance landmines during the battle, but the Japanese army was still stubborn in not equipping them with such a relatively cost-effective defensive weapon.

    However, in the infiltration and counter-infiltration operations in the first half of this year, the Japanese army suffered a lot. In order to prevent the opponent's all-pervasive infiltration operations, the Japanese army used the captured anti-union landmines as prototypes and used their arsenal in Fengtian to imitate them in the shortest possible time.  A batch of anti-infantry landmines were obtained and distributed to various divisions on the front line.

    However, since the Japanese army has always not paid attention to the use of landmines in defensive operations, although a batch of imitations were produced due to the war situation, the overall number of imitations was not large, and the number of landmines allocated to the Seventh Division was notIf there are too many, the number issued to the 28th Regiment will be even less.

    For the 28th Regiment, whose defense line is several kilometers wide, the few mines issued by the superiors are far from meeting the needs, especially after the battle losses during the day, there are not many left in the evening. If they want to deploy  When it comes to a minefield that is wide enough, the 28th Regiment still has a long way to go with the mine reserves on hand.

    In urgent need of anything to make up for the weakness of the lack of troops, but at the moment he was helpless. Colonel Masatada Kaneoka, the commander of the regiment, redeployed the minefield at night. In addition to mixing some mortar shells, grenades used in grenade canisters and poison gas shells,  A large number of fake landmines were also made out of cans and buried in the minefields.

    Originally, Colonel Masatada Kaneoka had spread poisonous gas, coupled with the seemingly real minefields. Unless the Anti-Japanese Alliance forced a large number of people, there would definitely be taboos in attacking at night, especially to prevent the opponent from using the cover of night to infiltrate his position.  It will play a role that ordinary weapons cannot.

    At the very least, if the Anti-Japanese Alliance wants to rely on manual demining, there is no need to think about it. If they use artillery fire to clear mines, then there is no need for their infiltration operations. Colonel Masatada Kaneoka's move can be said to be gambling, betting on the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Although each person has one gas mask, the number of protective clothing required for demining in poisonous gas-contaminated areas is not large.

    He thought that the poisonous gas he spread to protect the half-true minefield was easily broken by a small health worker of the Anti-Japanese Alliance using the materials on the position. The poisonous gas he spread in the minefield was basically  It did not prevent his opponents from clearing mines, and the methods used by his subordinates to lay mines were obviously not on the same level as his opponents.

    In the Anti-Japanese War, even ordinary troops were specially trained in mine-laying methods. When Japanese engineers were clearing mines, they often went up to a small team. If there were only two or three kittens left when they came down, it would be enough.  This is a pretty good result, and new mines often appear in places where engineers have cleared mines.

    However, this result is also normal. When the Japanese engineers were training, they used captured ordinary compression-fired and mixed-fired anti-infantry landmines from the Anti-League. However, there are at least dozens of types of landmines produced by the Anti-League, including anti-infantry mines alone.  In terms of detonation methods, there are trip fire, compression fire, pull fire, and electric fire. The killing methods include ordinary anti-personnel mines, anti-infantry jumping mines, directional mines, etc. There are even more types.

    When laying landmines, many landmines were often tied with grenades, blasting tubes, or even special explosive packages composed of explosives and iron nails, as well as chain mines and other layout methods that were difficult for the Japanese army to prevent.  The Japanese army, which used mines and trip mines, faced these various types of landmines, and it would be hard not to suffer a big loss, especially the anti-infantry jumping mines, which were almost fatal to Japanese engineers.

    The Japanese army's mine-clearing methods are not very good, and their mine-laying methods are not that good. The layout of the minefields is extremely simple, with almost no tricks. They are all the simplest digging holes and laying mines, with no cover for each other.  The mines are imitations of the most common anti-infantry mines of the Anti-Japanese War. There are no anti-infantry jump mines, no anti-infantry directional mines, and no magnetic mines specifically designed to deal with minesweepers and steel mine detectors.

    For veterans like Qi Zhiyuan, there are many ways to clear mines in this minefield, and facing familiar types of mines, the speed of mine clearance is naturally not much slower. In addition, the Japanese army can be said to be clumsy in the way of mine clearing.  The speed is almost the same as on the training ground. If he didn't have to look at the Japanese position opposite from time to time, his demining speed would be much faster.

    It took Qi Zhiyuan and several squad leaders less than twenty minutes to quickly open a three-meter-wide passage in the Japanese minefield with the intensive sound of gunfire from the north. As for the poison gas bombs that relied on landmines to detonate,  Qi Zhiyuan didn't even look at it, but although the ones listed were imitations, the workmanship was obviously much more detailed, but the mines were not left behind.

    After opening the passage, Qi Zhiyuan did not stop. He took off the submachine gun from his back and put it flat on his chest. He held a new San0 bayonet in his right hand and jumped into the minefield next to the two squad leaders who were demining with him.  In the Japanese trench, a Japanese soldier whose attention was obviously attracted by the movement to the north was knocked down, and the bayonet in his hand was directly inserted into the Japanese soldier's back.

    Beside him, the two squad leaders raised their swords and dropped their swords at almost the same time, killing two other Japanese soldiers who were staying in a Japanese combat group in front of them. They neatly eliminated three Japanese soldiers and glanced at the movements of the Japanese troops on both sides.  Afterwards, Qi Zhiyuan turned on the flashlight he was carrying and sent a signal to the troops waiting in hiding on the other side of the minefield to advance immediately.

    After receiving the signal from Qi Zhiyuan, the two platoons on the other side of the minefield, who had done their best to protect themselves as simply as possible, immediately followed the original plan.They planned to pass through the minefield channel opened by Qi Zhiyuan as quickly as possible and jumped into the Japanese fortifications one after another.

    After the troops passed quickly, Qi Zhiyuan did not follow up immediately. Instead, he took off the gas mask on his face, stood on the edge of the Japanese trench, looked back at the Japanese minefield behind him, and then quickly jumped off the edge of the Japanese trench.  Qi Zhiyuan and most of his men did not know that the minefield they had left behind had become a life-or-death line for most of them.
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