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Text Chapter 28 Borrowing the Road

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    Having said this, Guo Bingxun clicked on the map around South Hung Yen Province and said: "The Kwantung Army quickly transported the 51st Division by railway to the South Hung Yen front line for emergency deployment before we made the final deployment of the attack.  The transportation operation was kept strictly confidential, so that we were unable to obtain any information about the northward transfer of the 51st Division, which was originally supplemented in Fengtian. "

    "When the 51st Division appeared on the battlefield, we had already entered the final stage of preparation and could not adjust our deployment. After all, Jiang was still too old. The Japanese army brought us a lot of trouble. After all, the battlefield  The presence of one more Japanese division will inevitably cause us considerable trouble in troop deployment, and in order to conceal our strategic intentions, we can only adjust our troop strength after the battle is launched. "

    "Although they are opponents, we have to say that the Japanese army's performance is really wonderful. The strength and equipment of an entire division can be hidden under our noses by using railway maneuvers, until we appear on the battlefield.  Only then did we realize that it was very difficult to do this without careful deployment, but the Japanese army actually did it. This is a lesson for us, but more of a wake-up call.¡±

    "No. 1, we should be lucky that the 51st Division appeared on the battlefield before we launched the attack. If we had launched the battle and the 51st Division suddenly appeared on the battlefield, then we would  The offensive is likely to fall short, and the strength of a division, no matter which front it appears on, is likely to change the situation on the battlefield. "

    "This was my mistake as chief of staff. I did not accurately judge before the war that the Kwantung Army would mobilize troops to fill the gap in troops south of Xing'an Province on the western front. I thought that after the 23rd Division retreated southward, the Kwantung Army would  The military does not pay much attention to the defense of Hung Yen South and Hung Yen West Provinces.¡±

    "Except for the 23rd Division on the Linxi front line, there was only an independent Japanese garrison on the line from Nanxing'an to Wangye Temple, and a brigade of the Puppet Manchukuo Army composed of Koreans. However, we did not expect that the Japanese army would attack us.  At the last moment of the attack, a complete army division was deployed in this direction."

    "Although the current 51st Division was reorganized after being defeated by our army in last summer's battle, judging from the Japanese army's consistent recovery ability, we should not underestimate the true combat effectiveness of this reorganized 51st Division.  "No. I suggest that the Sixth Division, which has a relatively stronger combat capability, be transferred from Du Kaishan on the central line and assigned to Chen Hanzhang's command. The enemy's situation is changing, and we must change accordingly."

    "At the same time, I think we can use the current Third Division that has been deployed in Qian'an to form a strategic cluster with the Second Division that is forcibly crossing the Songhua River in front of Fuyu, and equip it with some tanks and heavy artillery to fight the Japanese troops in both directions.  Attack in order to cooperate from the flanks with Du Kaishan's troops who are currently making slow progress after breaking through the Japanese front-line defense."

    "The remaining six divisions, plus the cavalry brigade and the armored brigade, formed another strategic cluster. They formed a horn with Wang Guangyu's troops on the western front and attacked the 51st Division and the Japanese 28th Division in Qian'an.  No. 1, I think it¡¯s time for Wang Guangyu to take action. If the 51st Division goes all out to support the enemy, we might as well encircle and annihilate them in the mountains and hills west of Qian¡¯an.¡±

    Regarding Guo Bingxun's suggestion, Yang Zhen carefully looked at the situation of the enemy and our armies on the map and said: "Lao Guo, you are right. The enemy situation is changing, and we must also make changes. Send a report to Wang Guangyu and order to  The Fifth Division moved south from the Zhalaite Banner and Jingxing lines and attacked the Yao'an line. "

    "Taking advantage of the relatively weak strength of the Japanese army at the junction of the 51st Division and the 28th Division's defensive lines, Yao'an must be captured within seventy-two hours at the latest. All we have to do is seize the opportunity to withdraw eastward before the 51st Division  If Yao An is captured before, the entire Japanese army¡¯s defensive posture on the western front will be completely disrupted by our army.¡±

    "Order the Fourth Division and the Seventeenth Division to form a strategic cluster, launch an attack southward on the spot, seize the Wangye Temple and Charson line, and coordinate with the Fifth Division to complete the division of the 51st Division. In addition, order Wang  Guangyu personally commanded the 1st Division, 1st Armored Brigade, and 1st Cavalry Brigade, and attached them to the 6th Automobile Regiment to form a rapid detachment."

    At this point, Yang Zhen hesitated for a moment, but then said resolutely: "Order the detachment to go west from the Aershan line, pass through Mongolia and go south from the Bahrain Left Banner, cut off the 23rd Division in the middle, and tell Wang  Guangyu, even if his armored group and cavalry are scattered by me, they still have to reach the Lindong front line within forty-eight hours."

    "If they encounter resistance in Mongolia, they don't have to ask for instructions, let alone have any taboos or worries. Just call me all the way. Lao Guo, you are drafting an order to Du Kaishan and Zhang Zhenhua. The order is now in Ah  The police station on standby at the junction of Chengdu and ShuangchengDivision, stop standby and immediately adopt simultaneous railway and road maneuvers to join the war from Qian'an to the west.  "

    "Tell Zhang Zhenhua that if the Sixth Division cannot reach Qian'an within 24 hours due to its own reasons, I will remove them from the position of division commander. But if they cannot arrive on the battlefield on time due to transportation reasons, I will  They were dismissed from their posts as Minister of Transportation and Political Commissar.¡±

    "Order Chen Hanzhang. His original battle plan remains unchanged. After breaking through the Japanese army's deep defense, he will continue to forcibly penetrate Zhanyu and Kaituong. As for the Japanese army in Qian'an, they do not still have a regiment of the 18th Division and a regiment in their hands.  The divisional cadre regiment has not been used yet. Let him leave the deputy division commander of the third division to take command and stop the Japanese counterattack on the spot. "

    "Let them leave a tank battalion, a rocket artillery battalion and an engineer battalion for the Second Division to form the Fuyu Cluster, and continue the eastward attack on the east bank of the Second Songhua River. Cooperate with Du Kaishan's headquarters, which launched the frontal attack, in the shortest possible time.  Defeat the resistance of the 28th Division within time."

    "As for his main force not to stop and continue to penetrate deeply into the Japanese army, tell them that as long as they follow the scheduled plan and reach Kailu within the scheduled time, we are already in sight of victory in this battle on the western front. Also, let him tell the deputy  Master, as long as you hold on for twenty-four hours, I will give him a great credit.

    Hearing that Yang Zhen actually asked Wang Guangyu to pass through Outer Mongolia, and before the Sixth Division arrived, only a regiment that had just been upgraded to the main force and a divisional basic regiment were left in Qian'an to block the Japanese counterattack in Qian'an.  Even though he was steady, he couldn't help being startled and said: "No. 1, have you considered this order, especially the detachment commanded by Wang Guangyu, who borrowed the order from Outer Mongolia? Can you be more cautious?"

    "Ever since Outer Mongolia was split, it has been regarded as a forbidden area by the Soviets, especially for us Chinese, who are extremely cautious about entering Outer Mongolia. If you take the Outer Mongolia route, avoid the Japanese defense force, and approach Twenty-three from the flanks.  I have no objection to the idea of ??the division launching an attack in order to maximize the surprise of the battle, but would you like to discuss it with that Kovalev and try to win Moscow's consent?"

    "Otherwise, once there is a backlash from the Soviet Union, it will be quite troublesome for us. Even if the Soviets are already busy taking care of themselves, we cannot yet bear the consequences of completely falling out with the Soviets. Once we forcefully use Outer Mongolia, it will mean  Then he completely fell out with the Soviets."

    "Furthermore, those Outer Mongolian armies will not allow us to pass through their territory. If the Mongolian army encounters an obstruction, will Wang Guangyu really be allowed to fight all the way? By then, it will probably mean that we will openly break up with them.  Well, this still does more harm than good to us, No. 1, I think it¡¯s better for you to be more cautious.¡±

    "Also, I have no objection to leaving the Second Division on the east bank of the Second Songhua River to cooperate with Du Kaishan on the center line to launch an attack, but leaving a regiment that has just been reorganized from the local armed forces of the military region, plus a divisional basic regiment to block the Japanese army at any time  Maybe the strength of the division retreating eastward plus a full infantry regiment is too thin."

    "No. 1, one of the two regiments has only completed the replacement of light weapons. It has not yet been equipped with regimental large-caliber machine guns and recoilless rifles. The configuration of rocket launchers is only assigned to the battalion level. The other has not even had time to replace light equipment.  "

    "Together the two regiments have only twelve 82 mortars and four 92 infantry guns. The rest are captured Japanese 37 level artillery and some 60 artillery, and this base is  The regiment was originally used to defend the new area and had no intention of engaging in front-line combat. "

    "With two regiments like this serving to block the Japanese 28th Division, an infantry regiment divided on the west bank of the Second Songhua River, and the 51st Division that may withdraw eastward at any time, isn't it a bit too disparate? I think  Would it be more appropriate to have a main force from the Third Division stay as a blocker?"

    "Also, if Chen Hanzhang's troops continue to move south to the Zhanyu line, then the troops remaining in Qian'an, Qianguo and Fuyu will still need a unified command. You must know that including the Sixth Division that arrived later, not counting the continued march led by Chen Hanzhang  For the troops going south, our army has two and a half divisions on the Qian'an and Qianguo lines alone. It is inevitable to send people to unified command. As for this commander, you can choose who is more suitable. "

    Guo Bingxun was a little worried about Yang Zhen's idea of ??forcibly passing through Outer Mongolia. His experience in dealing with Jiangbei in the past few years had given him some understanding of the leader of Jiangbei. He was very worried and now looked outside.  Once the leader who is banned by Mongolia learns that the Anti-Japanese Alliance has forcibly entered Outer Mongolia, it will inevitably cause a strong backlash from them.

    Although the current war situation in the west is not good for the Soviet UnionThis is quite disadvantageous for the alliance, but the Soviet army still has hundreds of thousands of troops in the Far East Military Region and Transbaikal Military Region in the east. Once the leader thinks that the alliance intends to retake Outer Mongolia by resisting this alliance, I am afraid even if they  He has too much time to take care of himself, but he will not give up easily.

    Moreover, the Outer Mongolian Army would not easily allow the Anti-Japanese Alliance to borrow a way from them, whether it was because they did not want to offend the Japanese when their backers were already involved in a war and had no time to look east, or because of their so-called national pride.  Generally speaking, the Anti-Japanese Alliance will not be allowed to enter Outer Mongolia.
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