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Text Chapter 29: Changing formations and selecting generals

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    If you really follow what Yang Zhen said, if you encounter the Mongolian army and fight it regardless, then it will be tantamount to completely falling out with them. The small army in Outer Mongolia is nothing to be afraid of. If there are no constraints from the Soviets, they can easily defeat them.  They were destroyed, and the Resistance Alliance's current strength is sufficient.

    But after all, dog hunting depends on the owner. Last time, Outer Mongolians entered China without Moscow's permission, but this time I'm afraid it won't be as easy to talk to as last time. The Soviets really have no time to look around now, but in the external lifeline  Under the premise that it is still in their hands, many things are still too much to worry about in one sentence.

    If Wang Guangyu really takes advantage of Outer Mongolia, he may really have to fight all the way. If this happens, it is not a good result for the Anti-Japanese Alliance at the moment. It will not only waste necessary troops in vain, but also consume precious resources.  What's more serious is that once the Outer Mongolian army becomes obsessed with them, it will be quite unfavorable for the Anti-Alliance in terms of time.

    Hearing Guo Bingxun's worries, Yang Zhen waved his hand and said: "What are you discussing with them? Wait for them to ask Moscow for instructions. When we come back, the day lilies are cold, and Moscow will never agree to our passing through Outer Mongolia. The Mongolian army is now basically  There is no combat effectiveness in the war, and all the Soviet troops stationed in Mongolia have been withdrawn from Outer Mongolia and transferred to the western front.¡±

    "Even if Qiubashan doesn't want us to enter, he doesn't have any strength to stop us. With the few defeated soldiers he has on hand, what can he do to stop our cavalry and armored groups? Moreover, the Soviet Union still has no time to worry about our borrowing.  As for Mongolia, as long as we don¡¯t stay in Outer Mongolia, I think the Soviet Union won¡¯t mind too much now.¡±

    "Lao Guo, I don't want to have any conflict with the Soviets at the moment, but you also know the terrain of Nanxing'an. It is located at the junction of the Greater Khingan Mountains and the Mongolian Plateau. Although the mountains are not high, they are located in  An area with alternating terrains of hills, shallow mountains, and grasslands.¡±

    "There are also large swamps and wetlands on both sides of the Ulagail River. The altitude of Xilaotou Mountain is more than one thousand meters above sea level. The terrain is too complex. No matter what the combat effectiveness of the 51st Division is, Wang Guangyu will be able to go to the top of the mountain one by one like this.  Attack and attack, not to mention the loss of troops and equipment, we cannot afford to waste time alone. "

    "From the Aershan line, Outer Mongolia to the west of the Halaha River is a flat prairie, which is conducive to the rapid advancement of our armored and motorized troops. And the East Uzbekistan in the area where Bahrain Left Banner and Outer Mongolia meet  The Zhumqin area is composed of grasslands and low mountains, and the terrain is flat. It can effectively avoid the swamps and wetlands on both sides of the Uragai River, as well as several mountains with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters along the way, allowing our army to move as quickly as possible.  , arrived at the flank of the 23rd Division."

    "Although this line is the key security area of ??the Outer Mongolian Army, after the First World War in Hailar, the Outer Mongolian Army is still adjusting and supplementing the troops. The troops commanded by Wang Guangyu are mainly mechanized and motorized. As long as they act quickly, they can completely  We can pass through Outer Mongolia before the Outer Mongolian army reacts."

    "But tell Wang Guangyu, if the Outer Mongolian army does not fire the first shot, they should not fire the first shot. If the Mongolian army intercepts, use tanks to clear the way and rush over directly. I want to tell them one word, that is, fast.  The faster they move in Outer Mongolia, the better, and the faster they move, the less passive we will be.¡±

    "As for the battle situation on the front lines of Qianguo and Qian'an, I think Yi Liangpin, the commander of the Songjiang Military Region, can be assigned to take command. Yi Liangpin has a resolute personality and changeable tactics. He has performed extremely well as the commander of the Fifth Division. After letting him take command of the current  The Second Division on the east bank of the Second Songhua River and the Sixth Division were transferred to form the Qianguo Cluster, responsible for the battles on the front lines of Qian'an, Qianguo, and Fuyu."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen looked at the map, frowned slightly and said, "But in addition to the troops on the Qianguo front line, because Wang Guangyu wanted to bypass Outer Mongolia, the Fourth Division and the Seventeenth Division going south from the Taipingling line were  We also need someone to take command, so who should be sent there?¡±

    "The Fourth Division and the Seventeenth Division are responsible for the combat operations facing the 51st Division. The terrain south of the Yaoer River is relatively complex. In addition to completing their own attack missions, they also have to cover Wang Guangyu's flanking maneuvers.  Without a capable person to direct it, it would be difficult to complete this task.¡±

    After hearing Yang Zhen's worries, Guo Bingxun thought for a while and said: "No. 1, in this way, our headquarters has now been moved to Harbin. I think the operations of Du Kaishan's headquarters in the twin cities can be directly commanded by the headquarters. It is better to send Du Kaishan to Harbin."  Kaishan was transferred to Aershan to command the offensive of the Fourth Division and the Seventeenth Division. "

    "Either one of Liu Changshun and Wang Xiaoming from the eastern front can be transferred, and Wang Xiaoming's combat tasks in Wuchang will be handed over to Du Kaishan for unified command, or the offensive launched by Liu Changshun on the Ning'an front will be handed over to Hunchun and Tumen  Tao Jingfei on the front line provides unified command.¡±

    "Liu Changshun's battle in Ning'an"The main task is to cut off the connection between the Japanese 12th Division deployed in Jiaohe, Wangqing, and Tumen and the Japanese troops in Shulan and Jilin, and to cooperate with Tao Jingfei's operations in Tumen and Wangqing. He can completely leave it to Wang Xiaoming or  It is one of the two conductors, Tao Jingfei. I think it is more appropriate to choose one of the two conductors, Du Kaishan and Liu Changshun.  "

    Regarding the candidates proposed by Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen thought about it carefully and said, "Liu Changshun can't do it. The battle there is the most critical area that affects whether our biggest combat goal can be achieved in this battle. If it is fought well, it can not only contain  The 51st Division cannot be transferred eastward, and it can also reduce the pressure on Wang Guangyu after entering the eastern Ujimqin area. "

    "It is located on the southern slope of the Greater Khingan Mountains and the terrain is complex, and the battle is mainly focused on attacking difficulties. As a commander, you must have strong adaptability. Liu Changshun's own ability to attack difficulties is somewhat poor, and his adaptability is much worse than that of Du Kaishan.  In the terrain of Nanxing'an, facing a Japanese division, his abilities are still somewhat lacking. "

    Yang Zhen's evaluation is quite pertinent, but in fact Guo Bingxun does not think Liu Changshun is a suitable candidate. Compared with other column-level cadres, Liu Changshun has a relatively conservative style of command. Not only is his contemporaneous Wang  Compared with Guangyu and Du Kaishan, his fighting style is not strong enough, and even compared with Tao Jingfei, who changed his career from political worker, it is worse.

    However, compared to Wang Guangyu, who is both offensive and defensive, Du Kaishan, who has changeable tactics and fierce attacks, Wang Xiaoming, who is extremely adaptable to the battlefield, and Chen Hanzhang, who has a tough style, the more complex the situation, the more exciting the situation becomes.  The more perseverant Tao Jingfei is, Liu Changshun is better at defense. The current situation on the front line of Nanxing'an is not suitable for Liu Changshun's own fighting style. In Guo Bingxun's view, the most suitable candidate should be Du Kaishan or Tao Jingfei.  One.

    However, after comprehensively considering the current situation on all fronts, the most suitable candidate for this candidate is Liu Changshun, who has a relatively light task. Moreover, the current battle has been launched across the board. The commander of the Mudanjiang Military Division Ma, who was facing the Japanese army in Ning'an,  Chunsheng has completed the task of cooperating with the Intelligence Department to confuse the Japanese army.

    After Liu Changshun was transferred, Ma Chunsheng, who was very familiar with the battlefield, could take over Liu Changshun's command without causing fluctuations in the troops. However, Liu Changshun's ability to deal with complex situations was slightly weaker and his combat style was too conservative.  He was a little worried.

    This shortcoming is not so obvious when only the Japanese troops on the Ning'an, Jiaohe, and Dunhua front lines are contained. However, if it is placed on the Nanxing'an front line, which requires relatively strong offensive capabilities and outstanding adaptability, it will appear to be somewhat inadequate. If  It's not Ma Chunsheng's ability to control the overall situation, but there is still a certain lack. Even Ma Chunsheng is better than him in this aspect.

    After thinking about it, Guo Bingxun said: "No. 1, let Du Kaishan go to Nanxing'an. The strategic location of Wang Xiaoming's place is equally important. I'm afraid it won't be possible to transfer him. Tao Jingfei's place is responsible for cutting off the connection between the Kwantung Army and the Korean Army.  It is also indispensable, and when Wang Guangyu wants to command the detour troops, Du Kaishan's style is also needed. "

    "Furthermore, during the battle last summer, Du Kaishan's main combat direction was the eastern mountainous area. Wherever Du Kaishan goes, he can use his rich experience in mountainous attacks. However, right now, the two-city front is in a stalemate. This  At that time, will transferring Du Kaishan have any impact on the next operation?"

    "Since the attack from the Shuangcheng front line requires forcibly crossing the Songhua River and the Lalin River, we have only deployed two tank battalions and one or two armored vehicle companies on this line. The current battle situation on the Shuangcheng front line is that the Seventh Division is assigned a  Under the cover of the rocket artillery using No. 1 artillery shells, the tank battalion completed the forced crossing of the Lalin River and broke through the Japanese defense line along the river. "

    "When the Japanese troops were advancing in depth towards the front line of Fuyu County, they were blocked by the 30th Regiment of the 28th Division of the Japanese Army and the first section of the 7th Division from Yaojiagou to Xingshugou. The current troops of the 7th Division  , there is a fierce battle between the 30th Regiment, the Engineer Regiment, the Baggage Regiment of the 28th Division, and the 26th Infantry Regiment of the 7th Division assigned to its command. "

    "The progress of the Ninth Division, which is attacking Yushu, is not as good as that of the Seventh Division. They are still on the south bank of the Lalin River and west of Dahuanggou with the 26th Regiment of the 7th Division and the 25th Division.  The two infantry brigades of the 70th Regiment were engaged in repeated tug-of-war. The 7th Division counterattacked vigorously, and several bridgeheads were finally captured after many battles. "

    "The Japanese 7th Division in Yushu not only concentrated a large number of infantry to counterattack at all costs, but also concentrated a large number of heavy artillery and tanks to support the infantry in counterattacks. A tank battalion assigned to the 9th Division has repeatedly fought with  A tank battle broke out between Japanese tanks.¡±

    ? ??At present, both sides have suffered heavy casualties. The Ninth Division has suffered nearly 2,000 casualties from 10:00 noon to now. Its leading regiment can be said to have been crippled. The two sides are now fighting on the line from Dongerdaogouzi to Gaojiatun.  In the fierce fighting, judging from the current progress of the Ninth Division, it will be difficult to complete the combat mission of cutting off the highway from Buyeo to Yushu before tonight.  ""

    "I am very worried that transferring Du Kaishan away from Fuyudong and Yushu battlefields is currently in a stalemate. Will it affect the development of the entire battle situation? Whether the seventh division can be defeated is now related to our entire central battlefield.  The top priority, and changing generals on the spot has been a taboo among military strategists since ancient times.
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