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Text Chapter 599 It doesn¡¯t matter

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    Hearing the concerned words from the commander-in-chief, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Boss, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'll report my work to the central government first. As for rest, you can do it anytime. Don't worry, I will definitely use my time during this period  Make a thorough and detailed report to the central government on the work situation, especially the details of the negotiations with the United States and the Soviet Union.¡±

    The commander-in-chief was about to answer Yang Zhen when he saw the car had stopped.  What surprised the commander-in-chief even more was that when the car stopped, the chairman who had been notified actually went out to greet him personally.

    When Yang Zhen saw that the great man he had always wanted to see but had never been able to do since he returned to this era actually made an exception and went out to greet him in person, he was also shocked.  He quickly got out of the car in fear, rushed forward in a few steps, and respectfully saluted with a standard military salute.

    Just as the commander-in-chief was surprised by his age when he saw Yang Zhen, the chairman was equally surprised by his youth when he saw Yang Zhen again.  Although from the Nanchang Uprising to the present, in the more than ten years of military struggle.  As the founder and commander-in-chief of the people's army, young generals are not uncommon, and can even be said to be everywhere.

    Mr. Lin was only twenty-three years old when he first became army commander.  He was only twenty-five years old when he was promoted to the commander of the First Red Army Corps, the most elite of the Central Red Army.  In the Red Army, the youngest division-level cadre was only eighteen years old when he served as division political commissar.  Among the three main forces of the Red Army at that time, there were quite a few who served as division-level cadres in their twenties, and even served as army-level cadres in their twenties.

    But people like Yang Zhen, who became the commander-in-chief of a large area in his twenties, served as the military commander of an army with hundreds of thousands of equipment, and now have a complete set of tanks, planes, and chariots, and who have successively won great victories.  But it's the first one.  Although they already knew Yang Zhen's age, everyone, including the chairman, was still shocked by Yang Zhen's youth when they met with him.

    Seeing the rare expression of surprise on the Chairman's face, the Commander-in-Chief joked: "Chairman, are you also surprised that we have such a young and promising general? To be honest, he just got off the plane.  At that time, I was also surprised. I thought I was blind."

    "Even though we have known his age for a long time, we still can't believe that such a little guy can pull up a well-equipped army in such difficult conditions in Northern Manchuria, and also fight something we can't even imagine.  The battle has achieved such great results.¡±

    Hearing the Commander-in-Chief's joke, the Chairman laughed and said unconcernedly: "Boss, you are wrong. Our Commander Yang is so young. He was not only what I expected, but also what I expected."  "Except. To say it is expected is to say that if we want to open a gap in the situation in Northern Manchuria, we cannot rely solely on maturity."

    "It's unexpected, but I didn't expect that such a young man would be so experienced in marching, deploying and fighting. From their battle last autumn to this summer's battle, there was almost no change in the entire deployment and operations.  Not even the slightest flaw. He has the boldness and drive of a young man, but also the poise of a veteran.¡±

    Having said this, the chairman smiled slightly at the commander-in-chief and said: "Boss, I'm afraid it's not just us who didn't think of the latter point, but even the Emperor of Japan and Umezu Yoshijiro didn't think of it, right? Otherwise, they would have been able to succeed under Comrade Yang Zhen continuously.  Did you suffer such a big loss? As a result of your battle this summer, the good guys only wiped out a few divisions. Now, I¡¯m afraid the Japanese emperor is very distressed.¡±

    Hearing what the Chairman said was half ridicule and half truth, the Commander-in-Chief laughed and looked at Yang Zhen, who seemed somewhat reserved after seeing the Chairman. He changed the subject and said, "Chairman, is it time to let us in? Mr.  We can't let our young and promising comrade report to us at this gate. Comrade Xiao Yang has already prepared it."

    Hearing this, the chairman also smiled heartily, and took the lead to walk back to his typical small farmhouse in northern Shaanxi that served as both his office and residence.  Listening to the relaxing words of the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief, Yang Zhen's nervousness caused by meeting the great man for the first time was somewhat relieved.

    After entering the chairman's simple office and taking a seat, the chairman looked at Yang Zhen carefully, but did not say anything else.  But after seeing Yang Zhen's slightly different military uniforms from when Li Yanping came to Yan'an at the beginning of the year, he turned the topic to military uniforms and said: "Comrade Yang Zhen, the military uniforms you are wearing now are different from those at the beginning of the year?  It seems that you have made a lot of money in the past six months. If the conditions were still so difficult, you would not be willing to spend such a small amount of money to change your clothes. "

    Hearing the chairman's question, Yang Zhen quickly smiled and said: "Chairman, this cap badge and collar badge were just issued after we captured Harbin this time. Since the cap badge and collar badge have not been completely completed, now they are mainly distributed first.  Headquarters agency.After trying them on, they will be distributed to the entire army depending on the situation.  "

    "As for the cap badge and collar badge, they are completely designed and manufactured by us. The cap badge is stamped out of aluminum from the wreckage of a downed Japanese aircraft. The one large and four small gold stars on it represent that we are a group of workers, peasants, and businessmen under the leadership of a party.  The people¡¯s army formed by soldiers, and the pine branches around Venus represent the hard work and perseverance of our army.¡±

    "Because the pine tree has extremely strong vitality, it gives people strength, deep thought, inspiration and courage. It is full of vitality, stands proudly, is proud of the wind and snow, can withstand severe cold, is not afraid of wind and rain, is vigorous and powerful, always youthful, has the spirit of sacrifice and dedication  Spiritual character. So I chose two pine branches as the pattern on the side of Venus.¡±

    "As for this collar badge, it has a 30% meaning. The red color represents that our army will always be a revolutionary army under the leadership of the party. The shield represents that our army will become a strong fortress for the Northeast people to resist foreign aggression. The two crossed rifles above it  , represents our determination to never put down our guns.¡±

    "Originally, our army was small in size and the conditions were difficult, so we tried to be as simple as possible in the selection of military uniforms. Based on the captured Japanese military uniforms, we just changed the military caps. And due to the restrictions of the conditions, collar badges were not issued  and cap badge. Just wear the badge of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces on the left chest of the military uniform to show your identity.¡±

    "Due to the rapid expansion of the base area and the size of the troops this year, the number and style of captured Japanese military uniforms are far from meeting the needs of the troops and are not suitable for our current situation. Therefore, before this summer operation, we have  We began to design a new style of military uniform. In order to save limited funds, we just added external lapels to the original Japanese-style small stand-up collar military uniform. "

    "At the same time, a piece of reinforcing cloth is installed on the elbows, knees, shoulders, buttocks and other parts of the uniforms of cadres below the battalion and soldiers that are prone to wear and tear, which improves the wear resistance of the uniforms. As for the difference between the uniforms of cadres and soldiers, it is  The military uniform jacket has four pockets, while the soldiers have two pockets. As for the materials, all officers and soldiers are consistent with the old customs, except that each of the cadres above the regiment is issued an additional Japanese general's coat.  All military uniforms, including mine, are in the same condition.¡±

    After the Chairman and the Commander-in-Chief listened to Yang Zhen's detailed explanation of the new military uniforms they were equipped with, the Chairman and the Commander-in-Chief exchanged a knowing look and nodded slightly. The Commander-in-Chief said to Yang Zhen: "Comrade Yang Zhen, this is what happened.  After the documentary about your victory in the autumn campaign was released in Chongqing last year, it received a great response.¡±

    "Civil public opinion has been calling on the National Government to give you a formal establishment and recognize you as a regular force based on the example of the original Red Army reorganization. This is to show the existence of China's anti-Japanese forces in the Northeast and to break the Japanese army's propaganda that we have no military power in the Northeast.  There are only a few areas in the Northeast where there are some rumors of bandits roaming around.¡±

    "Furthermore, the U.S. Ambassador to China has repeatedly proposed to the Military Committee that you should be given formal recognition to highlight the Chinese government's military presence in Northeast China. Due to pressure from civilian and international public opinion, in September this year, you  When the battle was intensifying, the Nationalist Government made a decision to officially recognize you as the National Revolutionary Army and officially granted you the designation of the National Revolutionary Army's Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces."

    "And you have been appointed as Lieutenant General Commander-in-Chief, Comrade Li Yanping as Lieutenant General Deputy Commander-in-Chief. Comrade Guo Bingxun as Major General Chief of Staff, and Comrade Gao Yumin as Major General Political Training Department Director. At the same time, it has been decided to organize your troops into six corps.  Those at the first level will be awarded the rank of major general. For troops below the brigade, you will be appointed by yourself and then reported to the Ministry of Military Affairs for filing. "

    Hearing that his troops were incorporated by the National Government without his knowledge, and that he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, Yang Zhen couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.  After a long while, he said: "Chairman, boss, I want to hear the central government's views on this matter. As for whether the National Government recognizes it or not, we have no intention at all, let alone considered it."

    "Whether he admits it or not, we will fight to the end. We will not give up resistance just because of some military rank or number. Whether he has this number or not, it doesn't matter to us. In short, it doesn't matter to us.  We are all an independent and persistent struggle team under the leadership of the central government.¡±

    Seeing Yang Zhen's calm expression after learning about this matter, the chairman smiled slightly and said: "In view of the current domestic situation and the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, we also consider the convenience of your propaganda. At the same time, in order to show our commitment to maintaining the anti-Japanese national united front  Determined, the central government decided to accept the decision of the National Government and the designation granted by them.¡±

    Having said this, the chairman paused slightly and then said: "As for the military rank system, after research and comprehensive considerations from all aspects, the Central Committee decided to implement the military rank system first in the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Originally, the Central Committee had planned to implement it throughout the country.??A military rank system was implemented, but due to constraints due to changing circumstances, this idea was abandoned.  "

    "However, considering your special situation and your frequent contact with the Soviet army and the US military in the future, it is still necessary to implement a military rank system. Therefore, the central government has decided to implement the military rank system first. When it is suitable, it will be introduced to the whole country.  Military promotion. Now the central government wants to ask for your ideas to see if it is feasible.¡±

    "After all, if there is no investigation, do you have no right to speak? Whether this matter is beneficial to the future development of your army and whether it is consistent with your current situation, I need to seek advice from you, the military chief."
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