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Text Chapter 503 New Field Food

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    In fact, these things that the troops eat now will be unknown and unknown to almost everyone in future generations.  [.Even later generations of Chinese people have very few things that they have never eaten. Many people even lose their appetite when they hear the name because they eat too much.  These things are none other than the famous instant noodles, luncheon meat, ham sausage and compressed biscuits in later generations.

    In order to solve the problem of food collection and storage when the troops are traveling long distances.  In order to solve the problem of replenishment in the vast and sparsely populated area of ??Northern Manchuria, especially the problem of heat supplementation for the troops in the severe cold winter.  In order for the troops to have hot meals on the battlefield, Yang Zhen tried his best to come up with some field instant foods, which were even called junk food in later generations.

    Although most of these fast foods have little nutrition, if eaten for a long time, they can easily cause bad feelings such as heartburn in soldiers.  But thanks to this thing, soldiers can eat hot meals.  Especially in the severe cold of more than 30 degrees below zero in northern Manchuria, eating some hot food can effectively maintain the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

    The most bizarre thing about Harbin residents is that they turn into noodles after being put into boiling water and left alone. This is the instant noodles that became famous and even somewhat infamous in later generations, causing many people to vomit after eating them.  However, due to the small amount of white flour originally available in the base area, the fine white flour of later generations was changed to a hybrid flour based on corn flour.

    Although after the establishment of the Production and Construction Corps, all low-yielding sorghum and millet have been eliminated except for a small amount retained as feed.  All cultivated land was converted to higher-yielding corn and wheat, as well as some rice.  But it will take at least until autumn for these grains to be available.

    Yang Zhen, who did not have enough fine flour in his hands, could only combine a small amount of white flour with a huge amount of corn flour, or even sorghum flour and acorn flour to make hybrid instant noodles.  The cooking oil used to fry these instant noodles is not the high-quality palm oil of later generations, but ordinary soybean oil, which is produced in great quantities in the Northeast.

    There is no palm oil in the Northeast, not even a single palm tree.  That stuff is from the subtropics and tropics, and doesn¡¯t exist in the Northeast at all.  However, the output of soybean oil is quite huge because it is the world's major soybean producing area.  In the absence of palm oil, Yang Zhen could only use local ingredients and use soybean oil to fry it.

    As for the seasoning packets, they are not as colorful as later generations. There are only a small amount of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, dried onions, chili powder and vitamin powder imported from the Soviet Union.  However, in order to adjust the taste of the soldiers, Yang Zhen managed to add some concentrated chicken soup to the seasoning bag.  After all, there are still a large number of poultry such as chickens with a short growth cycle raised in the area.

    The raw materials have changed from high-quality flour to hybrid noodles based on cornmeal. In addition, the flavor of the seasoning packets is too single, as well as the difference in the type of oil used in the processing process. The taste of these instant noodles is far inferior to that of later generations, and due to the use  It looks a lot greasier without the soybean oil.

    Of course, if the instant noodles produced by the instant noodle manufacturers in the future are as advertised, they use high-quality palm oil when frying, and those seasoning packets contain the beef and concentrated chicken essence they advertise.  The instant noodles developed by Yang Zhen were extremely poor in taste and nutrition.  But Haolai ensures that the troops can eat hot meals in the shortest time and keep their bodies warm during roundabout operations and winter operations.

    As for the reason why acorn flour is included in it, it is to supplement some vitamins, minerals and some trace elements for the troops.  Acorn noodles are rough and hard to swallow.  But it is not without any nutrition. A small amount of mixed food will not affect the taste, but will also supplement some trace elements.

    People who have not lived in the northeast, especially in northern Manchuria, where the cold is more than 30 degrees below zero, will not experience the feeling of being able to eat hot food and at least keep the body warm for a while.  He also failed to realize the importance of the need for hot food when fighting in such an environment.

    Although the taste of these instant noodles cannot be compared with that of later generations, and the nutrition is pitiful, they can provide hot food to the troops in the shortest time.  Especially when there is no firepower advantage, the soldiers can get hot meals as quickly as possible.  After all, it takes much less time to boil a pot of water than to cook a pot of rice.

    And this thing, just like its name, is really convenient when eating.  Put it in a military lunch box, pour a ladle of boiling water over it, simmer it for three to two minutes and then you can eat it.  It¡¯s just that the instant noodles developed by Yang Zhen are much heavier than the increasingly smaller instant noodles of later generations.  After all, soldiers who march and fight all day consume much more physical energy than white-collar workers who sit in offices.

    But although plastics have been mass-produced now, if Yang Zhen is asked to spend precious funds to import plastic packaging or more advanced aluminum foil packaging, it would be better to kill him.  With limited raw materials on hand, Yang Zhen carefully chose oil paper, which is now a common packaging method for Chinese cooked food products.

    ? ?As for the other two things, the cans were seized.  In order to ensure the nutrition and calorie consumption of the cadres and soldiers during the fiercely cold Northeast operations in winter.  After Yang Zhen captured Jiamusi, he immediately used the Japanese canning production line in Jiamusi to produce canned luncheon meat that was thoroughly cursed by American soldiers during World War II and the Chinese Army-standard military canned food that he had eaten in later generations.

    However, after the Production and Construction Corps was established, in addition to raising a large number of chickens and ducks with short growth cycles and pigs, which are the main meat for the Chinese people, in order to ensure the supply of meat to the troops, Yang Zhen also specifically required the Production and Construction Corps to raise a large number of roughage-resistant, grass-fed pigs.  Sheep can live and have the shortest growth cycle among domestic animals.  Therefore, several kinds of canned food are mainly based on these types of meat.

    Although with the intensification and mechanization of agriculture, cattle, which were originally used as the main livestock power for cultivated land, have also been eliminated in large numbers.  As a result, the varieties of canned luncheon meat developed by Yang Zhen are much richer than those of Americans.  However, due to the local eating habits, canned chicken and beef, and even luncheon meat made from this kind of pork, are much more popular than canned mutton, which seems a little fishy.

    Due to the long growth period of cattle, there are not many cattle in the base area at the moment.  Therefore, the Military Region Logistics Department has formulated strict regulations on the use of cans.  In battle, only the wounded can eat canned beef.  Therefore, the troops generally distribute luncheon meat and canned chicken made from this kind of pork, especially luncheon meat that consumes less meat and is mixed with a lot of starch and mashed potatoes.

    Among the canned food in the field of the army, each person is usually issued two cans of luncheon meat when necessary, or an additional can of chicken.  Sometimes a canned fish is also distributed.  Guarding Songhua River and Heilongjiang, two rivers rich in fishery resources, Yang Zhen still considered adjusting the taste of canned food.

    But no matter how you adjust the taste, this kind of canned luncheon meat, which is mixed with a lot of starch and requires the least meat, is the biggest one.  Generally, troops give priority to this kind of canned luncheon meat when using it.  As for canned chicken and fish, they are generally only used when real rice can be eaten.

    "This kind of canned mashed potatoes, which only add starch, salt and MSG, and is also mixed with potatoes, the most abundant vegetable in the base area, tastes far less good than the captured Japanese canned beef.  But it can ensure the heat required by the troops in fierce battles and maintain the physical strength of the soldiers.  Moreover, the production of tinplate for can packaging is much simpler than that of steel.  An ordinary workshop can produce it.

    The origin of ham sausage is the same as luncheon meat.  It¡¯s just that ham is produced because the sources of tinplate are widespread.  But it is still difficult to process this stuff into the standards required for canning.  Therefore, Yang Zhen developed a lighter ham sausage, and each soldier was given a few ham sausages during the battle, regardless of whether they were in roundabout combat, interspersed combat, or frontal combat.

    As for compressed biscuits, they are similar to instant noodles. They are mainly made of puffed corn flour made from corn as raw material, with a small amount of white flour and bean flour mixed in.  It's just mixed with walnut powder, sesame seeds, peanuts, sugar, grated radish and baked with lard and butter.

    It¡¯s just that due to problems with the production process and outer packaging, the storage time is not as long as that of later generations.  The nutrition is even more incomparable with future compressed biscuits that are mixed with a variety of vitamins and minerals.  However, Yang Zhen still found a way to import a batch of edible glucose and edible vitamins mixed into it.

    Although these field foods have some shortcomings in terms of taste and nutrition.  Especially for the outer packaging, due to the lack of aluminum foil and plastic materials, oil paper can only be used.  As a result, the shelf life is far less than that of similar products in later generations.  For example, because compressed biscuits use ordinary oiled paper instead of sealed packaging, they can only be kept for a month and a half at most before becoming hard and inedible.  And you can't see the water.

    But after all, it solved the urgent needs of the troops in some inconvenient situations such as roundabout operations and ambush battles.  In particular, it ensures the troops' needs for caloric intake and hot food during combat in the severe cold of more than minus 30 degrees or even minus 40 degrees in the northern Manchuria region.

    Since the battle last autumn, we have occupied Jiamusi, a city with certain industrial capabilities because it serves as a logistics supply base for the Japanese and puppet troops in Sanjiang Province.  These types of field food replaced the fried rice and fried noodles originally used as field food in the army.

    Although the raw materials are limited by the variety of grain production, corn flour is still the main ingredient.  But Haolai is much stronger than fried rice and noodles that have a single taste and lack of nutrients.  Eating simple instant noodles, canned luncheon meat or ham sausage, and a piece of compressed biscuit can allow troops to have hot meals in the shortest possible time on ice and snow.

    A bag of instant noodles plus a piece of ham was the first choice of many people in later generations who had no time to cook or were simply too lazy to cook, but it was still very unfamiliar to people of this era.  Don¡¯t say you¡¯ve eaten it??I have never seen it before.

    As for luncheon meat, although it was invented by Americans and used extensively in World War II.  But for this northeastern hinterland, which is thousands of miles away from the United States, let alone never seen it, even heard about it.  It is not surprising that it has aroused the curiosity of the Chinese people who have always been very curious.

    When those citizens are satisfied and return home with a bag of instant noodles, a piece of ham or a canned lunch meat set, which they exchanged for a few eggs, half a catty of meat, or even a few handfuls of vegetables.  The troops, who had satisfied the curiosity of the citizens, were finally able to have breakfast in peace.

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