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Text Chapter 502: Discipline when entering the city

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    Tao Jingfei used the speed and impact of tanks and motorized infantry, as well as the latest information on the deployment and location of the Japanese and puppet troops provided by the Intelligence Department, to control Harbin, the largest city in Northern Manchuria, in just a few hours.  most of the modern cities.  [¡®.It was not only the Japanese and puppet troops who felt overwhelmed, but also the local people.

    When ordinary people spent the middle of the night in fear at the sudden sound of gunfire, when they walked out of their homes early the next morning, they found that the Puppet Manchukuo military police and military police who used to roam the streets were gone, replaced by chest badges that read Northeastern Anti-Japanese War  When I saw the coalition troops, I couldn't help but be shocked.

    It was the first time for most of the people to come into contact with these vicious and vicious bandits, which the Japanese and puppet newspapers called the greatest security risk in Manchukuo. While they were frightened, they wondered whether these soldiers would be as brutal as the bandits as advertised by the Japanese and puppet newspapers.  At the same time, I couldn't help but have great curiosity about the anti-alliance forces entering the city.

    Before Yang Zhen¡¯s raid on Harbin, he did not issue any different suggestions after Guo Bingxun came up with a roundabout plan.  But Yang Zhen specifically emphasized discipline and even had people write rules for entering the city.  In addition to emphasizing the three major disciplines and the eight points of attention again and again, he also emphasized one sentence again and again, that is, do not demolish the house to death from freezing, and do not take captives to death from starvation.

    Regarding the rules for entering the city, Yang Zhen repeatedly emphasized that no matter what the reason or purpose, as long as you enter non-military places, except for Japanese and puppet offices and the homes of puppet Manchukuo military and political personnel, as long as people's livelihood is involved, you will be severely punished.  Important facilities such as power plants and water plants are not allowed to be entered at will, except for necessary security guards.

    Except for cooperating with a battalion of the Ministry of Social Affairs that followed the rapid detachment and entered Harbin in advance, according to the needs of counter-revolutionaries and arresting senior members of the Japanese and puppet troops, no troops are allowed to enter ordinary people's homes without permission.  Especially in places like schools and hospitals, troops are strictly prohibited from entering, and they are not allowed to get anything in these two places.

    In addition to not being allowed to enter places involving people's daily lives, Yang Zhen also repeatedly asked the troops to strictly abide by discipline.  Borrowing things must be repaid at the same time. Things that need to be purchased temporarily must be paid in cash according to the market price.  If there is insufficient cash on hand, the IOU must be signed by two military and political officials.  After the Military Region Logistics Department and Political Department arrive, they will be repaid according to the IOU.

    ¡°Furthermore, Yang Zhen also asked the troops not to occupy a private house or school after occupying Harbin, even if it is used as a temporary barracks.  Before the Japanese and puppet barracks were captured, the troops were not allowed to occupy a place belonging to ordinary people, even if they were sleeping on the streets.  This includes residential buildings, schools, and hospitals.

    As early as when Guo Bingxun arrived in Tonghe to form the front command, Yang Zhen sent an urgent telegram to Guo Bingxun, Tao Jingfei and all the commanders of the fourth column titled "Strengthen discipline and the revolution will be invincible".  The troops are required to be able to withstand the test of fire on the battlefield and the test of sugar-coated bullets in the feasting and feasting of big cities.

    It is even more important to promote the image of our army as a mighty and civilized force to the people who have been deceived by Japanese and puppet newspapers for a long time.  We must not be a field army when we go to the battlefield, and we are still a field army when we treat the common people off the battlefield.  In order to strengthen discipline after entering the city, Yang Zhen also specifically asked political cadres at all levels to strengthen the performance of their duties and convey all the requirements of the headquarters in place.  And those who violate disciplines, no matter how high their level, must be dealt with seriously.

    Since the day this force was born, it has formulated and implemented iron-clad discipline.  Therefore, these almost inhumane disciplinary requirements for Yang Zhen were quickly implemented.  None of the troops entering Harbin city violated orders.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.  Except for the wounded and field hospitals who entered the houses of the Puppet Manchukuo government agencies, the rest of the people, no matter how high their rank, slept on the streets, and no one entered civilian houses to rest.

    According to Yang Zhen¡¯s order, the advance detachment led by Tao Jingfei entered Harbin.  Because most of the barracks of the puppet Manchukuo military and police are still in fierce fighting, except for the front-line troops who directly fought with the Japanese and puppet troops and the troops who continued to go south to seize the twin cities, most of the remaining fighting troops in the city can only stand on the sidewalks of the streets.  Take a short break to regain your energy.

    To be honest, the four vertical units commanded by Tao Jingfei were exhausted after many days of fighting.  In particular, the Fourth Column, as the last unit to be concentrated, rushed to the starting point at the speed of a forced march without having time to rest after assembly.  After the roundabout operation began, many cadres and soldiers had not slept for several days.  After receiving the order to rest, these exhausted troops did not even bother to find a shelter from the wind. They just randomly found a place to set up sentries and fell asleep.

    These continuous operations for a long time are already extraordinary.?The tired soldiers, after receiving the order to rest temporarily, despite being extremely tired, in the face of strict discipline, no one violated the order.  Just put on your raincoat or backpack and find a slightly spacious place on the side of the main road to rest in company.

    When the frightened Harbin citizens walked out of their houses early the next morning after experiencing a fierce battle in the middle of the night, they found that anti-Union soldiers were sleeping at their door.  These soldiers, who had set off on a long-distance attack the night before yesterday and had never gotten any rest, were sleeping soundly with their helmets on their heads or leaning against the wall.

    What surprised these citizens who had never been in contact with the Anti-Japanese Alliance was that after the soldiers who had not chosen a resting place and chose a camping location outside someone else's door were awakened by the sound of the door opening, they did not look like the Northeast they had seen before.  The Japanese army, the puppet Manchukuo army, and the Japanese army were furious, but they kept apologizing for the inconvenience caused to the residents.

    These ordinary city residents, who had never been exposed to the Anti-Japanese War and had seen such an army for the first time, were even a little overwhelmed by the politeness of the soldiers in front of them.  What surprised them even more was that the soldiers did not ask for anything from them except for some water.

    Not only did these soldiers not ask for anything, they even asked residents for water and coal at market prices.  They had never seen such polite soldiers before, and all the breakfasts they offered were politely declined.  No matter what, no one accepted it.

    After these residents who were soldiers were woken up, they set up simple stoves on the street corners where they would not affect people's travel.  After begging some water from people's homes to boil, everyone took out a small bag wrapped in oil paper.  He opened it and took out a strange, crooked piece of bread and put it into the military lunch box he carried with him.

    Then they opened several small bags inside the wrapping paper, poured out the strange powder inside and poured it into the water. Finally, either two people opened a box of cans they brought with them, or one person took out a small but strange-tasting sausage.  Cut it and add it inside, add boiling water and close the lid of the lunch box.  Within two minutes, the pancake in the lunch box turned into a box of noodles.  Seeing that the pancake in the lunch box had turned into noodles, he took out a biscuit from his body and ate it with the noodles.

    ¡°Seeing the noodles thrown into the lunch box filled with boiling water turn into a lunch box of fragrant noodles in a short time, ordinary people who had never seen such a thing couldn¡¯t help but be curious.  Suddenly, every company having breakfast was surrounded by a large group of curious people who thought these soldiers knew magic.

    Because there were so many people watching, it even affected the troops¡¯ breakfast.  After consulting Guo Bingxun, who was taking a train to Harbin, Tao Jingfei instructed the troops to withdraw a batch of canned goods, especially the noodles that the people were most curious about, from the supplies they carried, and exchanged them with local people for a small amount of meat, eggs, and milk.  Provide nutritional supplements to the wounded.  After all, troops can't always eat these things, and real hot meals are more popular.

    Although a large city like Harbin can supply the food needed by a rapid detachment of no more than 10,000 officers and soldiers without affecting the needs of ordinary citizens, there will be no problem at least in a short period of time.  Moreover, after Tao Jingfei entered Harbin, he also seized several large grain warehouses in Harbin.

    But Guo Bingxun ordered that in order not to cause an increase in the price of food and other necessary supplies for residents in Harbin.  All troops entering Harbin in advance are not allowed to purchase grain and various foods in the market, except for necessary coal.  For the required supplies, first use the field food carried by the troops themselves.

    As for grain warehouses, they must be sealed and cannot be used.  Because in Guo Bingxun's view, it has not yet reached the most difficult time, let alone the most critical time.  The occupation of Harbin is only the first step in the second phase of the operation, and the next step will inevitably face a crazy counterattack by the Japanese army.

    If the Japanese army does not counterattack, then it will be fine. Once it does, it will definitely use all means to block the periphery of Harbin to cut off the supply of ammunition and food to the troops inside the city.  Due to the importance of Harbin, the Kwantung Army must use any means to recapture it.  Cutting off supplies in the city would be a tactic the Japanese army was willing to adopt.

    As for the life and death of the hundreds of thousands of Chinese people in the city, there is basically nothing taboo for the Japanese army.  Judging from the usual behavior of the Japanese army, even if the hundreds of thousands of people in the city starved to death, they would not care.  And when the back road has not yet been completely opened, it is unrealistic to evacuate all the hundreds of thousands of people in the city to the rear in a short period of time.

    Once the Japanese army launches a crazy counterattack, supplies from the outside may not arrive on time.  These stored grains and the grains in the hands of residents became the basis for the survival of the defenders and the people in the city.  Therefore, Guo Bingxun repeatedly asked Tao Jingfei to strictly seal and protect these grains.  Before there is any order, everything will be done?Have to use it.

    But since the wounded needed nutrition and the citizens were extremely curious about the field food used by the troops, Guo Bingxun finally approved that Tao Jingfei could use part of the food he carried to exchange some nutritional products such as meat, eggs and vegetables with the citizens.  However, we have repeatedly emphasized that large amounts of exchange are not allowed to avoid affecting the lives of citizens.  And no unauthorized exchange is allowed, only some things can be exchanged in a unified organization.

    When these citizens went home happily with the army field food exchanged for half a catty of eggs, two bottles of milk, or even a few catties of cucumbers, Tao Jingfei, who had obviously suffered a lot in the exchange, could only scratch his head and smile bitterly.  I thought it would be okay to eat these things once in a while.  It would be strange if I didn't get heartburn if I ate this stuff all day long.

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