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Text Chapter 357 A strange drug attack

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    In fact, Shigeichi Hatada is extremely dissatisfied with the current war situation on the Eastern Front.  [.Com text] Judging from the situation of the entire battlefield.  The opponent's strength and equipment indeed far exceeded the expectations before the war.  However, judging from the battle reports of each division, most of the opponent's main forces are concentrated on the western front. The opponent's force blocking the 8th Division on the eastern front does not exceed five regiments at most, or even less.

    But even though the Eighth Division strengthened some of the forces of the Eleventh Division, and even privately transferred two powerful heavy howitzers from the Tiger Head Fortress to participate in the battle without asking for instructions from the base camp, they could not break through the opponent's blockade.  On the contrary, he suffered heavy casualties. The precious tanks of a tank regiment he was attached to actually lost more than 30 tanks in one day, almost losing their combat effectiveness.

    That tank regiment was a reserve assigned to itself by the Kwantung Army Headquarters. It was originally intended to be used to form the second division of tanks on the mainland.  This was a good time, as he was crippled in one battle.  More than thirty tanks and more than thirty tank groups, which were extremely valuable to the Kwantung Army, were lost in vain.

    The losses are so great, but the progress is pitiful.  This Eighth Division is simply a pile of rubbish.  And Lieutenant General Tsukada, the division commander who was always arrogant on weekdays, was even more of a waste among wastes.  Two infantry regiments, an artillery regiment, plus a regiment each of tanks and heavy artillery attached to the army, as well as some troops attached to the 11th Division, all marched westward. To achieve this result, he should commit seppuku to the emperor.  Apologize.

    In his heart, he thought that Tsukada should commit hara-kiri to apologize, but Namada Juichi also understood that it was necessary to order a lieutenant general and division commander to commit hara-kiri, let alone a corps commander.  Even General Umezu Yoshijiro, the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army, does not have this qualification.  Unless His Majesty the Emperor personally orders it.

    It was not up to Juichi Namada whether Lieutenant General Tsukada should apologize, but he knew that if the war situation was allowed to develop like this, he would be the one to apologize to the emperor.  But the problem is intelligence. The battlefield is in a mess right now, and I still can't even get an accurate picture.  Without a strong intelligence support, how can we fight this battle if our eyes are completely dark?

    What made Shigeichi Namada scratch his head even more was that several divisions had reported it.  At night, all tactical radio stations below the regiment on the line from Fangzheng to Mishan went collectively deaf, and could not report the situation below.  The orders from above cannot be conveyed.  It's okay at the wing level, but below the wing, you can only rely on wired telephones and even messengers.  What exactly went wrong was a question that Shige Hatada couldn't figure out.

    After pondering for a long time, Namada Juichi decided to put more pressure on the Eighth Division.  The adjutant was called and asked to immediately send a report to Lieutenant General Tsukada, commander of the Eighth Division, ordering his Eighth Division to break through the enemy's defense before midnight tomorrow and arrive at Qiliga Mountain before noon the day after tomorrow.

    Finally, in order to express the anger in my heart towards the slow progress of the Eighth Division.  Namada Juichi also added at the end of the telegram that if the breakthrough cannot be made on time, the division commander and the officers below will collectively apologize to His Majesty the Emperor and engage in military justice.  There is no need for the title of the Eighth Division to continue to exist.

    But before the telegram from Juichi Namada was sent out, Lieutenant General Tsukada over there sent a telegram requesting to stop the attack.  The reason is very clear. Almost all the officers and soldiers of the Eighth Division are suffering from a strange disease.  As long as I don't smoke a kind of cigarette called Paotai, my whole body will feel weak.  Now most of the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Eighth Division can't even stand, let alone charge.

    Even though all the military doctors of the division were dispatched, nothing could be found. I hope the army commander can dispatch a group of capable military doctors to go to the Eighth Division for medical treatment.  And mobilize a batch of Fortress brand cigarettes as soon as possible.

    After receiving the telegram from Tsukada, the anger in Hatada Shigeichi's heart could no longer be described as anger.  On his side, he had not yet expressed his anger at the 8th Division's slow offensive, but on his side, he was collectively pretending to be sick.  If you don't smoke, you can't stand up. What kind of international joke is he, Tsukada?  Do you want Fortress brand cigarettes?  Is his Eighth Division fully fed?

    The extremely angry Namada Juichi simply stopped sending the telegram and went directly to the Eighth Division.  As the lieutenant general commander of the army, he wanted to treat those guys personally.  During the Fourth Division's Battle of Nomenhan last year, the whole Japanese Imperial Army knew about the fact that the captain of the group pretended to be sick and personally acted as a doctor.  If word gets out that he, the commander of the army, has become a doctor this time, it will be seen how shameless Tsukada Gong is.

    But after getting angry, Namada Juichi quickly calmed down again.  Although the Eighth Division is not as famous as the Second and Sixth Divisions.  But it is also a standing veteran division, and it is definitely not comparable to those soft-legged crabs in the Fourth Division.  The determination of the officers and soldiers of the Eighth Division to be loyal to the Emperor, and their heroic spirit of not fearing death in the holy war for His Majesty the Emperor are definitely no worse than those of other divisions.

    And although Lieutenant General Tsukada, the division commander who was transferred from the president of Army University, was a bit domineering, he spent most of his time as a responsible person.?Chief of Staff.  , but he is smart, capable and brave, and has always been valued by the base camp.  It's impossible for him to make such a stupid mistake as a person.  There must be no mistakes in the middle.

    After being angry at first and then inexplicably, Juichi Namada rushed to the 8th Division in person and was really dumbfounded by the performance of the 8th Division.  Looking at the officers and soldiers lying on the ground from the front to the rear, yawning profusely, unable to stand, and even screaming in pain like animals, they were dumbfounded.

    Looking at Tsukada Gong with a livid face, he brought with him the military doctor who was busy examining the soldiers.  This time, Shigeu Namada, who was surprisingly calm, said, "What's going on, Lieutenant General Tsukada? Is it possible that your troops are collectively infected with the plague? How come they are all like those opium smokers in China?"

    Tsukada shook his head helplessly: "Commander, I don't know too much. The entire division has been acting a little abnormal these past two days. Starting from last night, some symptoms began to appear one after another. By noon  Today most of them are like this, listless.¡±

    "I asked only a few junior officers, and they didn't know why this happened. And the most important thing now is that not only the lower-level officers and soldiers have severe symptoms, but even two wing captains and some senior officers also have this problem.  symptoms."

    "These are better. The ones that are so heavy are even twitching. Seventy percent of the people in the entire division can't even hold a gun, and at least half of them can't even stand up. And as time goes by,  This situation is getting more and more serious. The entire division has been paralyzed. Let alone combat, if this situation continues for half a day, even self-defense will become a problem. "

    "After our internal investigation, we found that those who had abnormalities usually smoked a high-end cigarette called Fortress. But those officers and soldiers who did not smoke on weekdays had nothing to do with it. Those who had problems were those who often smoked on weekdays.  Such a smoker."

    "These cigarettes are high-end products, much better than the military cigarettes issued. The price is not high, basically the same as Manchuria real estate cigarettes, so they are very popular with lower-level officers and soldiers on weekdays. Almost all smokers in the entire division  , are all smoking these cigarettes now.¡±

    "After this kind of cigarettes started to be sold in various military stores in the division at the end of last year, it has replaced the less popular military cigarettes and became the main daily cigarettes for officers and soldiers with smoking habits. This situation among officers and soldiers occurred just after  After smoking this kind of cigarette, it was just that when I was stationed in the division, there was always a supply of cigarettes, so I didn't pay much attention to it this time because the war time was too long and the vendors with the army were not allowed to show up.  This situation."

    "I felt something was wrong, so I sent a telegram to the Commander, and sent someone back to Muling to find the owner of Suijun Trading Company, but he didn't know why it was like this. These high-end cigarettes were all imported from a trading company in Xinjing.  Yes. The purchase price offered is very low, so there is no need for him to increase the price too high.¡±

    "And all the officers and soldiers who experienced abnormalities were caused by smoking this kind of cigarette for a long time and after finishing smoking this kind of cigarette in their hands. After this situation occurs, smoking other cigarettes cannot be replaced at all. I now suspect  The problem lies with this cigarette."

    After all, he is a famous talent in the Japanese army.  Although the incident occurred suddenly, Lieutenant General Tsukada roughly figured out the cause of the incident in a short period of time, and quickly identified the culprit.  It's just that he has never been exposed to drugs, and he doesn't know why this happens when he smokes a certain kind of cigarette.

    Having said this, Tsukada passed a box of cigarettes with only a few cigarettes left to Namada Juichi.  Namada Juichi took it and roughly looked at the cigarettes of the same brand as those sold in China Pass. After finding nothing unusual, he handed it to the military medical director behind him and said, "Take it over and test it to find out what's weird about these cigarettes."  ¡±

    The military medical director took it, opened it, smelled it, and then said clearly: "Sir, no need for testing. From the symptoms of the 8th Division, Tsukada's description, and my feelings about these cigarettes. These cigarettes  They are all specially made and mixed with heroin. The heroin is extracted from the tobacco produced in Rehe at Lily Trading Company¡¯s processing plant, which is extremely pure and addictive.¡±

    "These officers and soldiers of the Eighth Division are not suffering from so-called infectious diseases, but drug addicts. This kind of heroin is a higher-grade product extracted from opium, and its toxicity and difficulty in withdrawal are far higher than opium. Your Excellency, Lieutenant General,  I suggest that the Eighth Division be withdrawn to Muleng immediately. At present, they have completely lost their combat effectiveness. "

    Hearing this, Namada Juichi frowned and said: "Unless what? Don't be hesitant in your words. Are you kidding me if you ask the Eighth Division to withdraw at this time? No matter what method you take, the Eighth Division must be allowed to retreat tomorrow morning."  Division??The bodies of the officers and soldiers returned to their original appearance.  "

    The military medical director frowned when he heard this and said: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, quitting drug addiction is a very long and arduous task. Not to mention just one night, even a month may not be able to quit. This is still a matter of dependence.  For smaller tobacco and opium. For heroin, which is more toxic, has a higher addiction rate and is more difficult to quit, it takes at least three months to completely detoxify.¡±

    "These soldiers have been smoking special cigarettes mixed with heroin since the end of last year. In other words, they have been smoking drugs for at least half a year. After such a long time, the officers and soldiers of the Eighth Division may have lost their drug addiction.  It¡¯s too small. It can¡¯t be stopped in a short time.¡±

    "With all due respect, Lieutenant General, it is impossible to quit completely, at least for now. If you insist on not withdrawing the 8th Division and want them to continue to serve the Emperor, you can only find a way to get some heroin to supply them.  Take it. Otherwise, if the Eighth Division wants to continue fighting, it will have to wait for two months. This is the shortest time I can give you.

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