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Text Chapter 356: Successive blows

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    At this moment, what Hata Juichi was most anxious to know was not just how to rescue the Sixth Division.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿It's about how many troops and equipment the opponent has.  From the 14th Division, which is the most square in the west of the entire front, to Mishan and Baoqing, which are blocking the 8th Division's full Western aid, there are rival armies everywhere.

    Several divisions have reported that the number of enemy troops surrounding and in front of their own divisions is at least 20,000.  The estimates of the number of enemy troops reported by the Sixth and Fourteenth Divisions were between 30,000 and 40,000.  The total number of these troops exceeds 100,000.

    The figures on the equipment are even more different from the pre-war estimates.  According to the situation reported by the Sixth Division yesterday alone, the number of artillery pieces with a caliber of over 75 mm deployed by their opponents in front of them was around 200.  Among them are a large number of heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 150 mm.  At the same time, the 14th Division on the Western Front also reported a similar situation.

    "And I received intelligence before the war that the opponent's total strength did not exceed 70,000, and there were no more than a hundred artillery pieces with a caliber of 75 mm or more.  Damn it, where did they suddenly get so many more troops and so many cannons?  These soldiers and equipment can't just pop up from the ground overnight, right?

    "If all this is true, then they actually deceived the Kwantung Army intelligence department, which has always been known to have vast magical powers and omnipotence, and they deceived them thoroughly.  How did they manage to keep things secret for such a long time?  All the judgments made before the war were wrong, and none of the intelligence was correct. How could we fight the next battle?

    Originally, Namada Juichi thought that even if the opponent concentrated superior forces and equipment to launch a strong attack on the Sixth Division, even if the Sixth Division was transferred to a regiment of tanks, a regiment of heavy artillery, and a regiment and a half, relying on its usual fierceness and tenacity  With their fighting style, the remaining three tank regiments, hundreds of tanks, and more than a hundred heavy artillery pieces could not severely damage the opponent, but they could repel the opponent's attack and protect themselves without any problem.

    During the battle of Wuhan the year before last, Shigeichi Hata, who had fought with the Sixth Division, was fighting alone on the north bank of the Yangtze River with the strength of one division.  When facing the Chinese Army of more than a dozen divisions, not only did they not lose, but they attacked the city and captured the territory, taking the lead in breaking down the gate of Wuhan. Their ferocious style was very impressive.

    After learning that the Sixth Division was assigned to the Fifth Army to participate in the anti-alliance encirclement and suppression.  He immediately placed the Sixth Division in the most critical position, and even strengthened 80% of the heavy artillery and tanks on hand to the Sixth Division.  I just hope they can create another miracle in the Battle of Wuhan.

    It occurred to me that the Sixth Division, which he had high hopes for, was completely defeated in the first round of battle, and was almost on the verge of being destroyed.

    With the enemy's situation unknown and how many of the enemy's troops still hidden and unshown, Namada Juichi didn't even know that the 29th Division he had dispatched to rescue the Sixth Division would also encounter them.  What kind of situation would they be in? Will they encounter the same situation as the eastward detachment of the Sixth Division?  .

    In order to prevent the only reserve unit of the Fifth Army from making the same mistake.  After hesitating for a long time, Namada Juichi gave the 29th Division an order to terminate the rescue.  He turned around and ordered the 8th Division, which was attacking, to stop advancing westward and switch to defense on the spot.  He should think carefully about what to do next.  As for the operation to rescue the 6th and 10th Divisions, let's wait until dawn for the results of the aviation reconnaissance to come back.

    What made him even more troubled was that Major General Tasaka Senichi, the chief of staff of the army who was sent out to inspect the Sixth Division, lost all continuity after sending a telegram that he had arrived safely.  For Juichi Namada, Major General Tasaka Senichi lost contact. This was not the only bad news he received tonight.

    At the same time that Major General Tasaka lost contact, the 6th and 12th Division Headquarters also lost contact one after another.  No matter how hard the communications soldiers at the military headquarters called, there was only the rustling sound of electricity coming from the radio.  The two division headquarters never received any reply.

    All contact with the two divisions was cut off, casting a heavy shadow on Namada Juichi's heart.  It was just over four days since the battle started in full force on the eastern front, and less than two days on the western front, when he had already lost two divisions and more than four regiments of troops.  What's the next battle plan?

    And Namada Juichi, who was eager to get the real battle situation at the front, especially the real situation of the 6th and 12th Divisions, was depressed and finally waited until the sky had just brightened and the visibility was barely enough for the plane to take off, but he suffered a more serious attack.  blow.  This blow was simply more serious than the blow his opponent had given him.  Because it suddenly started to rain, and the rain was quite heavy.

    The Yilan area on the western front receives the most rainfall, which is light rain, but the Muling and Mishan areas on the eastern front receive the most rainfall.??Even in Mudanjiang and Ning'an, it was the first heavy rain since the beginning of spring.  The heavy rain falling from the sky forced all aviation forces at Muling Bamiantong Airport and Ning'an Langang Airport to suspend operations.  Not to mention ground support, even take-off reconnaissance is impossible.

    Unless the Army Air Corps braves the risk of the plane getting stuck on the soft runway of the airport flooded by heavy rain, or being hit by lightning in the dense cumulonimbus sky, the plane will be destroyed and everyone will be killed.  But this is absolutely impossible for the Army Aviation Corps, which has always regarded pilots as its most valuable asset.

    Aerial reconnaissance was limited by weather conditions.  As for ground reconnaissance, after receiving the order from the Fifth Army, the Fourteenth Division sent out small units several times in an attempt to establish contact with the Sixth Division, but they never came back.  Not to mention sending back information, no one even came back to report the news.

    "Habita Juichi, who lost almost all sources of intelligence, became blind in a short period of time.  His only source of information that the Sixth Division was still resisting turned out to be the right-wing troops of the Fourteenth Division in the west. The sound of gunfire was still heard in the mountains south of Yilan.

    The Sixth Division, which always had some sources of information, was forcibly divided by its opponents and the Eighth Division on the right, and was surrounded.  It was also the first round of beatings. It was disabled early and lacked a fully-equipped infantry regiment, the Tenth Division. The situation there was even worse.

    In addition to receiving a letter from Lieutenant General Tokawa Jiro, commander of the 10th Division, at midnight yesterday, the 10th Division is still resisting tenaciously. With great loyalty to the Emperor and the Empire, the officers and soldiers of the entire division are still fighting bloody battles with the enemy who have superior equipment.  Fight hard.  However, the 10th Division, whose reserves of supplies had been almost completely destroyed, was now running out of ammunition and food.  After the whole division had already sent a telegram that jade pieces were ready, there was no news at all.

    The continuous deterioration of the war situation and the successive blows made Namada Juichi feel miserable.  After hesitating for a whole day, he decided to change the original plan of using one regiment to reinforce the Sixth Division, and mobilized the two regiments of the 29th Division of the general reserve team currently deployed in the Muling area, and  The only independent field artillery regiment on hand for mobile operations and the 10th Independent Mortar Battalion all moved westward to immediately reinforce the Sixth Division.

    And while resuming the Eighth Division's continued westward advance, it was strictly ordered to break through the defense of the opponent's blocking troops within twenty-four hours at the latest.  March westward with all our strength, reach Boli territory in the shortest time, and rescue the eastward advancing troops of the 10th Division and the 6th Division.

    Although making this decision was very difficult for Namada Juichi.  But compared to the Eastern Front, where the troops were more concentrated, the premature erosion of the Western Front's battle situation only allowed him to mobilize early and not yet complete the final formation. The division artillery wing and search team were not yet in place.  The 29th Division was not originally prepared to be deployed on the battlefield, but was used to mop up enemy-controlled areas after the war.

    But Juichi Namada also knew clearly what it would mean for the entire Western Front once the Sixth Division collapsed.  It not only means that the flanks of the 14th Division will be fully exposed, but also that once the opponent moves all the way south along this opened gap, it can threaten Harbin to the west, and approach Mudanjiang, the important town in northern Manchuria, to the east, outflanking several people on the eastern front.  The retreat of the division.

    After the Seventh Division was transferred, the Second Division, the 24th and the 25th Division were severely damaged last year and were transferred to Fengtian in southern Manchuria to rest and lick their wounds.  The Fourth Division was also being shipped and prepared to be transferred to the China battlefield. There were almost no field divisions in the entire North Manchuria region except for the 23rd Division, which was responsible for the defense of Central and North Manchuria and the defense of Western Manchuria.

    The 51st Division, which was originally planned to facilitate the Kwantung Army, was still formed in Japan. Currently, only one and a half regiments have arrived in Manchuria, and they are only equipped with infantry equipment. Its cavalry, artillery, engineers and other technical arms and heavy equipment  It's still being formed, and very slowly.

    As soon as the 28th Division was organized, it was transferred to the China battlefield to replace the 6th Division.  Now several divisions in the entire North Manchuria area are under his command. Apart from the independent garrison and the Puppet Manchukuo military police with only light weapons, the rest of the area does not have any military force.

    Once the Sixth Division collapses, the entire door to the Western Front will be opened.  There will no longer be any defensive force from Yilan to Harbin.  If the opponent is willing, they can even easily follow the southern area of ??Yilan into Weihe and Yanshou to outflank the 14th Division's retreat.  And this consequence is not something he, Namada Juichi, can bear.

    Faced with an almost cruel situation, despite some hesitation, he still mobilized the last reserve force he could use at present, the 29th Division.  Even if the main force of the Sixth Division cannot be rescued, the eastward detachment of the Sixth Division trapped in the central mountainous area of ??Boli must be rescued.

    Although the 29th Division set off immediately after receiving the order.  But even if the 29th Division can arrive in the southern area of ??Yilan in time to join the battle, it will not be possible at this time.Nothing can be changed.  Because the day that was wasted can no longer be recovered.  The battle situation on this day became a key point that affected the subsequent course of the entire battle.

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