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Text Chapter 285 Codename 101

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    Seeing that Yang Zhen refused to listen to his own persuasion and insisted on staying here, Du Kaishan quickly said: "Commander, I can guarantee with my head that there are absolutely no small groups of Japanese and puppet troops. We have only been here for training for two days, and this area  I don¡¯t know when two people came, who are not only proficient in guerrilla tactics, but also extremely accurate in marksmanship [.Com text]¡±

    "We organized several roundups, but not only failed to capture these two men, but they injured several of our soldiers. Although the injuries were not fatal, it can be seen that the other party was just warning us. From the injured soldiers  It seems that the opponent is using Type 38 rifles. The anti-resistance forces in this area have already withdrawn, and the remaining ones have been fortified before we came. "

    "The other party is using Japanese army standard firearms. If they are not dispersed personnel of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, they can only be agents of the Japanese puppets. Of course, it is also possible that they are local bandits who were dispersed by the Japanese army, but the possibility is not high. Otherwise, according to the Japanese army's response  Judging from the intensity of civilian gun collection in the Xiajiang area, it is impossible for him to be a local hunter.¡±

    Hearing Du Kaishan talk about this strange thing that happened around him, Yang Zhen became interested.  Listening to Du Kaishan's instructions, these two people have been hanging around his troops for quite some time.  With Du Kaishan's ability, he still hasn't been able to solve it yet, which is a bit interesting.

    Yang Zhen put down the telescope in his hand, looked at Du Kaishan beside him, and said in a calm tone: "Then who do you think these two people are? I want to listen to your own observations, not what others say.  "

    In response to Yang Zhen's rhetorical question, Du Kaishan thought for a while and said: "I have met these two people once at a distance. Commander, you know my character. Not only have we organized arrests of these two people several times, but they have not been able to  Not only did he get caught, but he even injured several of our soldiers, I will take this breath of my life.¡±

    "In order to catch these two people, I specially selected 30 veterans to temporarily organize a platoon. I personally led them around the surrounding mountains for three days, and finally caught their traces. But these two people are too cunning, and  He also knew some tactics. He used accurate marksmanship and adopted alternating cover tactics to drag us into the night and then disappear."

    "The troops were undergoing training, and I couldn't leave for a long time. After these two men disappeared, I had no choice but to withdraw with the troops. Fortunately, although these two men were still hanging around us from time to time, they were not harassing us.  us."

    "However, although I was not able to catch these two people that time, I saw it very clearly through the telescope. I felt that these two people were not very good from the fact that they were almost naked and relatively thin.  Like a Japanese spy. This is why I didn¡¯t make up my mind to pursue him to the end.¡±

    "In order to test them, we deliberately dropped some dry food. These two people didn't even have time to pat off the soil on the dry food. They grabbed it and stuffed it into their mouths. It looked like they were already starving. Even if the Japanese and puppet agents were there  It can be pretended, but it is impossible to pretend to be so similar.

    "It doesn't look like they are soldiers who were dispersed by the Anti-Japanese Alliance. When the commander-in-chief evacuated this area last year, he left behind capable forces to rebuild the Baoqing County Party Committee. If the Second Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance was dispersed  The soldiers should also know who we are, and if they have any difficulties, they can come to us directly, and there is no need to hide like this. "

    "But after that, I asked the soldiers to intentionally leave some dry food in the surroundings from time to time, and I no longer rounded them up. They were sensible and no longer harassed us. They just sometimes wandered around the periphery of our guard position.  It won¡¯t matter if I can¡¯t get in for a while.¡±

    Yang Zhen did not comment on Du Kaishan's analysis, but said lightly: "Check, we must find out. I don't care if they are soldiers who have been dispersed by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, agents of the Japanese puppets, or others.  Their true identities must be found out.¡±

    At this point, Yang Zhen raised the telescope again, but the following words were to the guard platoon leader behind him: "Go, take a squad into the mountain and find out for me. Remember, I want to live. Division Four  The reconnaissance company is still being formed, and a few veterans alone cannot deal with those two people who are very familiar with mountain warfare. You are transferred from the reconnaissance battalion, so go and deal with these two people."

    Regarding Yang Zhen's order, the guard platoon leader hesitated and said: "No. 1, my duty is to protect your safety, and I am not responsible for the security tasks of other troops. The orders given to me by No. 2 and No. 3 are 24 hours a day."  I will be with you all the time. What will happen to your safety if I leave?¡±

    The guard platoon leader's hesitation made Yang Zhen very dissatisfied: "I'm here with Commander Du, what are you worried about? Their two regiments can't protect me alone? You are all trained by me, do I need it?"  People protect you and you know clearly. As long as you act quickly during these ink stains, everything will be solved. How many times have I told you that you have to be flexible in doing things?Can be dogmatic.  "

    Seeing that Yang Zhen was a little angry, the guard platoon leader, who did not dare to refute even though he was worried about going back to be punished by the political commissar and chief of staff, led a squad of veterans sent to Dukaishan who were already familiar with the whereabouts of these two assassins.  With his cooperation, he hurried into the mountain to execute the order.

    After the incident of Zhang Biao's rebellion, in order to ensure the safety and concealment of the headquarters, and to keep the whereabouts of commanders of each brigade and above confidential.  At the suggestion of Chen Bo, Minister of Social Affairs of the Military Region, Gao Yumin, who was in charge of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Security Department of the Military Region, assigned several members of the Standing Committee of the Military Region, as well as the team members of the expanded two columns, field brigades, and military divisions, to form internal-only committees.  Use, and the code to call when contacting the outside world.

    Within the scope of internal cadres above the brigade, the code name of Yang Zhen, the chief military officer, is simply 101.  As for the need to find Yang Zhen through the radio or telephone, two different call codes are used depending on the difference between wartime and peacetime.  The external code names of the headquarters and Yang Zhen are not fixed, but constantly change with time.  Only a few cadres above the brigade level know its changing patterns.

    As for the guard platoon leader calling Yang Zhen No. 1, it is the defense target number set by the military region security department and the headquarters guard battalion according to different positions.  As the commander of the military region, Yang Zhen is ranked first among the security targets, so he is generally called No. 1 within the security force.  The number three he refers to is Guo Bingxun, and his official internal code name is 103.  This number is only used internally by the guard camp, and most people call Yang Zhen 101.

    As for No. 2, 102 is naturally Li Yanping, political commissar of the military region.  Unfortunately for No. 4, No. 104 is Gao Yumin himself.  No. 5 is Zhao Shangzhi, deputy commander of the military region, and No. 6 is Zhang Zhenhua, who has just been promoted to the Standing Committee of the Military Region Party Committee.  Although he was very dissatisfied with his code name, Gao Yumin had no choice but to admit that he was assigned the code name.

    Although he is not superstitious, for Gao Yumin, who comes from a traditional Chinese background, the code name Si, which is homophonic with death, always makes him feel somewhat uncomfortable.  He once wanted to free up this number 4, but he was afraid that others would say he was feudal.

    Originally, Gao Yumin wanted to change the code names with Zhao Shangzhi, who was much older than him, and number Zhao Shangzhi, who was also the deputy commander of the military region, as number four.  It wasn't because he was a little dissatisfied with the codename No. 4 that he thought of changing the target.  He didn't dare to change the code name he didn't want to someone else.

    It¡¯s because Zhao Shangzhi¡¯s qualifications are much older than his.  Although he ranks behind him in the Military Region Standing Committee, he is still his old superior.  But whether it was just out of respect, as he said, with no other meanings involved, only he knows.

    But Zhao Shangzhi firmly disagreed with Gao Yumin's approach.  Although he doesn't care about the quality of the code name, Zhao Shangzhi, who is very principled, believes that the past is the past and the present is the present.  In the past, he was Gao Yumin's superior, but now Gao Yumin is ranked in front of him in the Military Region Standing Committee.  You can never go beyond it.

    Zhao Shangzhi, who once suffered a big loss in the line struggle and suffered a heavy blow, has not changed his style on military issues. He is still so arbitrary and cannot listen to other people's different opinions. He is cautious in other aspects, especially politics.  There are too many.

    It¡¯s just that this code name has just started to be used, and everyone is generally not very accustomed to it.  Most people still directly call Yang Zhen commander, and very few call him by that code name.  And Yang Zhen himself didn't like it very much. First, he was somewhat restrained about using this codename that would become famous in later generations.  Second, he also likes to be called commander, as he feels that it seems friendly.

    Therefore, whether you call him commander or call him one-zero-one, he doesn't care.  Cadres at all levels below are also accustomed to calling him commander, especially the old subordinates.  I always feel that this code name is a bit awkward and impersonal.  Although the military region has been repressed several times, many people just can't change it.  Yang Zhen didn't mind this, and his subordinates also had a habit of refusing to correct themselves despite repeated admonitions.

    Looking at the back of his guard platoon leader coming down the mountain, Yang Zhen turned his head and said to Du Kaishan beside him: "Old Du, what do you think of the terrain here? Is there anything that can be done?"

    Du Kaishan, who has become accustomed to calling Yang Zhen commander, finally remembered the code name of the newly assigned military region standing committee member from the headquarters from the change of title given to Yang Zhen by the guard platoon leader. When Du Kaishan heard Yang Zhen's question,  He quickly recovered from his daze and said: "One-zero-one, judging from the terrain here, it's not whether there is anything, but there is a lot to do."

    "From here to the east of Baoqing County, there is the Songjiang Plain. Except for a few rivers that can barely act as natural barriers, there is almost no danger to defend. If you defend this place, you will defend Baoqing from the west. To the south  , and to the west, it is connected to the mountains and rivers in the east of Boli, the north of Mishan, and the west of Hulin.In a position where you can attack if you advance and defend if you retreat.  "

    "Laotudingzi Mountain is the main peak of the Danhadal Ridge and the commanding height of this area. Not only is the mountain high, densely forested and sparsely populated, it is also at the center of the entire three counties of Baoqing, Mishan and Boli. Regardless of east, west or south,  If there is an enemy situation in any of the three directions, I can attack quickly. This was the main reason I chose this place as the training base for the troops.¡±

    "Once the Japanese army attacks Baoqing County or the area controlled by our army in Boli, from here I can easily go south along the Nadanhadaling Mountains to cross the Naoli River, or go east or west.  Directly bypass the Japanese flank. As long as our army's strength is still there, the Japanese will not be able to hold Baoqing and Boli."

    "One hundred and one, even if all our troops are fully trained and fully deployed, I do not intend to give up here. I plan to use this as the strategic support point for the entire division, especially the defense in the west. Here, I plan to at least put  The strength of a battalion. If there were more troops under my command, it would be even better if I could put the strength of a regiment or even a brigade.

    As long as we control this area, our entire southeastern defense, except for the Raohe line, which also needs to strengthen its southeastern defense, the entire Baoqing and Boli defense lines will almost have no worries.  Moreover, we can also go south to attack Mishan and Boli at any time, the areas south of the Woken River that our army cannot yet control.  "

    Having said this, Du Kaishan looked mysterious and whispered in Yang Zhen's ear: "One hundred and one, the terrain here is not only difficult, but also rich in gold and coal. There are large coal mines in Shuangyashan in the north and Qitaihe area in the south.  Not only is the open-pit coal mine easy to mine, but the gold production in the mountains is also quite large. It can be said that gold and black gold are everywhere.¡±

    "From the Japanese and puppet files we seized in Baoqing County, we learned that the gold reserves in this area are not even less than those of our large gold mines in the north, or even larger. If the gold production here is fully developed,  It¡¯s a huge source of revenue for the military region.¡±

    This guy has changed quickly. Before, he used to call Yang Zhen commander.  When he heard that Yang Zhen's guard platoon leader had changed his title, he also changed his title from commander to 101.

    Yang Zhen is quite satisfied with Du Kaishan's overall analysis.  This guy's vision is still so sharp. He immediately grasped the dangerous terrain here, which can be attacked when advancing and defended when retreating.  From here, you can not only support Baoqing to the east, but also support Boli to the west.  The most important thing is that you can go south at any time, along the Nadan Hada Ridge, which is connected with the mountains and rivers in the northern part of Mishan, and go straight to Mishan and Muling.

    Yang Zhen did not answer Du Kaishan directly, but after pondering for a while, he said to Du Kaishan: "You leave your training section chief with me, and I will take the surveying and mapping staff officer with me. I will prepare this in the next few days.  I will reconsider the terrain in this area carefully. You should also look for people who lived here all year round, especially those who hunted. I will find out all the big and small roads from here to Mishan and Boli."

    "This place is connected to Mishan, Bolizhan District, and even Hulin Mountains and Rivers, which is an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage. I am afraid only God knows how many paths are passable in the mountains here. Once the little devils in Mishan figure it out for you  It is also very convenient to take a detour and attack you lightly. Don't always think about touching others, but also remind them to be knowledgeable.

    "The little devils themselves are good at sneak attacks, and they are even more masters in this area. From the Sino-Japanese War of 1891 to the September 18th Incident, and even the July 7th Marco Polo Bridge, when did they not launch a surprise attack first? When did they formally declare war first?  Do you want to take action again? Don¡¯t always think about touching other people¡¯s nests, but also keep an eye on your own nests. Don¡¯t accidentally lose this opportunity to me.¡±

    "The little devils have controlled this place for much longer than us. They are very meticulous in their work. They are hard-working and adapt to the terrain better than us. Moreover, their intelligence gathering ability is extremely strong. They can figure out your training location.  It's not that difficult.

    If they have a road that is not marked on the map, they can come over and touch you at any time.  "

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