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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 284 It¡¯s a complaint, but it¡¯s also the truth

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    After solving the problem of the First Army, Yang Zhen did not delay in the Northeast Bureau. As soon as he finished discussing the matter, he rushed to Baoqing, where the Fourth Division was located, overnight.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    As the only defense zone among all levels of the military region that faces three Japanese divisions, it can now be said to have become the top priority of the entire southern defense line.  The fourth division does not have the same old foundation as the three divisions formed previously. Not to mention the grassroots regiment, even the county brigade does not have one.  The main members of the division team were all newly paired together, and they were not very familiar with each other before.  Especially when there is a commander who dares to poke a hole in the sky.

    The troops from top to bottom, including members of the leadership team, are all newcomers.  Although Yang Zhen had tried his best to recruit veterans when he organized the four-division troops, but at the moment when the army was expanding and there was a shortage of veterans everywhere, it could only be said to be appropriate care.  In addition, the focus of immigration this year is also in the fourth district, so it is not surprising that Yang Zhen is rushing to the fourth district.

    Without informing the members of the fourth division team, after Yang Zhen arrived in Baoqing, he did not want to be let go.  In the entire fourth division headquarters, only one Sui Changqing, who had just been promoted from the head of the second division's core regiment to the fourth division's chief of staff, was left behind, and none of the others were there.

    It was not until Han Ren, who was shocked by Yang Zhen's silent arrival without prior notification, and his calm report, that Yang Zhen learned that Huang Yuqing, political commissar of the fourth division, and Peng Shilu, director of the division's political department, were going down in accordance with the unified deployment of the military region.  Immigration work has been deployed.  Du Kaishan, commander of the military division, led the newly formed independent first and second regiments to conduct training in the mountainous area at the junction of Baoqing and Boli.

    After listening to Sui Changqing's report, Yang Zhen couldn't help but frowned and said: "That is to say, in the southern Baoqing, eastern Raohe, and northern Boli areas where your divisions are in conflict with the enemy, there is now only one independent regiment in total.  What will you do if the enemies of Hulin and Mishan take advantage of the situation to defend such a long front?"

    In response to Yang Zhen's question, Sui Changqing shook his head and said: "Commander, our Commander Du has already prepared for this. A regiment from the 5th and 6th brigade of the Second Column is currently training at the junction of our Baoqing and Raohe.  During the main training period of the division, they will take over our defense in Baoqing and Raohe directions. "

    "Commander Du has already discussed with Commander Wang of the Second Column. The troops of the Second Column stationed in the division will alternate with the division troops to defend the area in confrontation with the enemy, and at other times they will change shifts for training. In other words, the only troops in the division at the front are now  The Third Independent Regiment is only responsible for the defense of Boli."

    "In this way, we can not only ensure sufficient front-line troops, but also allow each unit to get sufficient training time. But our commander Du said, in fact, it will be the same regardless of which unit you change. On average, recruits account for the majority of a regiment.  . Even if they are deployed to the front line, it won¡¯t have much effect. We still have to watch these new soldiers not run away.¡±

    "Instead of doing this, it is better to put only a small group of troops on the front line as suspects. As for the main force, seize all the time for training. We strive to complete the full training within three months and form combat effectiveness within five."

    Yang Zhen couldn¡¯t help but smile when he heard that Sui Changqing conveyed Du Kaishan¡¯s original words intact.  He knew that although Du Kaishan's words could not be said to be without any complaints, they were all true.  The troops formed into the four divisions, in addition to the seven companies that came down from the main force, were the remaining half of the regiment after the battle based on the original basis of the first division.  The backbone used to expand the army together is less than the strength of a regiment.

    This force needs to be expanded into three independent regiments. Even if the new recruits mainly rely on the military region, it is not easy to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time.  What's more, the fourth division is surrounded by enemies on three sides. Compared with the other divisions, the pressure is the greatest, and the surrounding enemy situation is also the most serious.

    The fourth division was completely established in the newly liberated areas, and none of the counties under its jurisdiction is an old base area.  That is to say, there are no original basic armed forces in each district, let alone local armed forces such as county brigades.  It can be said that he started from scratch.  And when the main force is also expanding, it is impossible to deploy too many veterans to support it.

    Under such circumstances, it is probably impossible to say that Du Kaishan has no resentment at all.  However, it was precisely because of the serious situation that Yang Zhen put Du Kaishan here.  If the enemy situation is not serious, there will be no pressure at all.  Even if Du Kaishan wanted to come, Yang Zhen might not send him there.

    However, Yang Zhen is quite satisfied with the fact that Du Kaishan can take the initiative to cooperate with the first column of the second column that is training in the fourth division area.  Although this involved some of the energy of the second column, it also effectively made up for the inability of the troops to effectively undertake defense under the urgent need of training.

    Thinking of this, Yang Zhen thought about it for a while and then said: "Can you think of this?These are pretty good.  It seems that I made the right move to transfer him to the fourth division as military commander.  In this case, don't tell Du Kaishan that I'm coming.  You will send a staff officer to take me to find him later.  Also, how is his mood lately?  "

    Yang Zhen is most concerned about Du Kaishan's current mood. If he can't get out of the shadow of his family in the shortest time, even if Yang Zhen respects him again, he will have to replace him.

    After hearing Yang Zhen's words, Sui Changqing said quickly: "Commander Du's mood is pretty good, and there is nothing abnormal at ordinary times. But as soon as he arrived at the training ground, he seemed crazy. Not to mention the new recruits, even the veterans were  It¡¯s a bit unbearable. He said that his training intensity is even higher than when he was in Qunce Mountain. If he hadn¡¯t been so strict and the training location was hidden, there would have been deserters.¡±

    Sui Changqing did not dare to conceal anything and truthfully reported Du Kaishan's current situation.  It's not that he intentionally snitched on his commander, but he knew Yang Zhen's temperament.  When it comes to combat and training, as long as you tell the truth and don't go too far, there's basically no problem.  If he hides something, once he finds out, the scolding will be light.  If it doesn't work out, it will be withdrawn to the end.  "It's just Sui Changqing's answer that made Yang Zhen somewhat uneasy even though he breathed a sigh of relief. He further strengthened his determination to go and see for himself. He declined Sui Changqing's suggestion to finish his meal and rest for a day before leaving.  Yang Zhen asked him to send someone to take him there immediately.

    Seeing that the commander was rushing to the divisional troop training ground without even taking a break, Sui Changqing did not dare to delay. He sent the training section chief of the divisional headquarters back to collect supplies to personally lead the way and led Yang Zhen to Du Kaishan.  After Yang Zhen left, he hesitated. Although Sui Changqing obeyed the order and did not notify Du Kaishan, he told Huang Yuqing, who was in charge of the immigration work below, about the commander's arrival.

    Huang Yuqing heard that the commander only stopped for a short time after arriving in the fourth division, and then rushed to the secret training base of the division selected by Du Kaishan himself.  After immediately handing over the work at hand to Fei Peng Shilu, he hurried back to the divisional headquarters in Baoqing County with a few guards.

    Being familiar with Yang Zhen¡¯s temper, he did not pursue Yang Zhen after he returned.  Instead, the former third brigade security company and now the divisional security company that Du Kaishan had brought over were immediately dispatched to strictly guard and control the entire county.  This place is less than fifty miles away from the area east of the Qixing River in Baoqing controlled by the Japanese army.

    In addition, the main force is still stationed in the mountains for training, and the security forces in front are thin, so the Japanese troops will arrive at a moment's notice.  It would be great fun if the commander encountered a Japanese attack during Baoqing.  Moreover, Baoqing has only been liberated for less than two months. Even if the Japanese and puppet troops are eliminated on the surface, those hidden under the water may not be eliminated all at once.

    He knew that the commander would definitely return to Baoqing County after inspecting the divisional troops.  It must be ensured that no information about the commander's arrival in Baoqing for inspection can be leaked, and absolute safety must be ensured.  Huang Yuqing made this determination immediately after rushing back to the division headquarters.

    Yang Zhen, who was rushing to the training base of the fourth division in the mountainous area at the junction of Baoqing and Boli, naturally did not know that after he left Baoqing County, Huang Yuqing had already mobilized the most reliable company to tightly control the small Baoqing County.  stand up.

    When he arrived at the training base of the fourth division between Laotudingzi Mountain and Lanbang Mountain in the west of Baoqing, which was forty or fifty kilometers away from Baoqing County, Yang Zhen heard a faint sound in the mountains.  The sound of Yueyue came, although it was not very clear, but anyone who had served as a soldier could immediately hear the sound of intensive gunfire.

    After entering the mountain, the whole journey was smooth, without even encountering a wandering sentry, which made Yang Zhen frown deeply: "How could this Du Kaishan be so careless? Judging from the sound of gunshots, he should  We are close to the training ground, but there is not even a guard post on the way, let alone a patrol."

    But before he had time to think carefully about how Du Kaishan could be so careless, his thoughts were interrupted by the training section chief of the fourth division who was about to arrive at the training ground in front of him. He was secretly relieved because he had arrived safely.  broken.

    When the training section chief who was ordered to lead Yang Zhen to the divisional training area heard the gunfire, he reined in his galloping horse, turned his head and said: "Commander, we will be there in more than ten miles. Are you?"  Shouldn't we take a break? We have traveled nearly 70 to 80 miles in one breath, so it's time to recover. The sound of gunfire in the mountains means that the troops are organizing training. What if?  It¡¯s troublesome if there¡¯s a misunderstanding.¡±

    ¡°I don¡¯t know what the training section chief who was brought over from the Third Brigade by Du Kaishan is like, but he has a good way of observing words and emotions.  When asking for permission to take a break, he saw Yang Zhen's deeply frowned brows and immediately understood what the commander was thinking. He quickly said: "Commander, this is about eleven or two miles away from the training center.  Go forward about a mileWe encountered an outpost there.  "

    "There are too many new recruits in the army, and most of the limited veterans have to stay in front-line positions to monitor Japanese military operations. The rest, in addition to participating in training, are also responsible for supervising the new recruits. There is really a shortage of manpower. Commander Du had no choice but to put up the guard positions.  It¡¯s ten miles away from the camp.¡±

    "However, the warning positions here were all arranged by Commander Du himself. In addition to the exposed sentries, latent sentries and hidden sentries were also deployed day and night. In addition, from the first warning position to the camp, a total of ten miles of guard posts were deployed.  Five cordons have been installed. Field telephones are installed between each cordon. If there is an enemy situation, the base will receive the report immediately. "

    "In addition, this is the old guerrilla zone of the Second Route Army. It is the main activity area of ??the Second Route Army General Headquarters and the Jidong Provincial Committee in Baoqing. It is also a key area for the Japanese to return to their villages and merge their households, with a radius of dozens of miles.  There are no people inside, so although the cordon is set closer, there is no problem in terms of safety.¡±

    "Commander, you don't know that at the end of last year, the commander-in-chief was transferred from here to join you at Laoheidingzi's secret camp. Before that, it turned out that the Second Route Army had been operating here for a long time. What's wrong with this place?  Commander Du knew the terrain and people's sentiments well, so he placed a dozen cadres from the Second Route Army who had fought guerrillas here in the warning position. These people could tell at the first moment whether they were strangers or strangers.  local residents.¡±

    Having said this, he paused and said: "Commander, you don't know. When the commander-in-chief evacuated Baoqing last year, he left behind a group of capable personnel to reorganize the two county committees of Baoqing and Boli. We  When we came back this time, these personnel played a great role. The Japanese and puppet spy organizations in Baoqing were wiped out almost immediately. "

    After listening to the explanation of the training section chief, Yang Zhen nodded and got off his horse and said: "Let's rest here for a while, and you go find Du Kaishan in person. When we meet, tell him that I am here. Ask him not to bring anyone with him,  Just bring you here to find me.¡±

    "As for your training base, I won't go there yet. Apart from these, don't say anything. In addition, you have to talk to him alone about the things I told you. Apart from you and him, I don't want to talk about my coming.  Let others know."

    Yang Zhen¡¯s move left the training section chief somewhat confused, but having learned confidentiality work, he knew what to ask and what not to ask.  After finding a sheltered place to place Yang Zhen and his party, they immediately mounted their horses and went to the mountains ahead to find Du Kaishan.

    When Du Kaishan hurried over after receiving the report, Yang Zhen only brought Xiao Huzi and a staff officer, while standing in a place with a wide view on the top of Lao Tudingzi Mountain, holding a telescope and observing the terrain.  I don't know what is drawn on the picture.  But the personal guard platoon that had always been with him was left behind at the foot of the mountain.

    Seeing that Yang Zhen and only two people were exposed on the open ground at the top of the mountain, Du Kaishan didn't even have time to tie the horse, so he threw the horse's rein behind him and hurriedly led the guard platoon left by Yang Zhen at the bottom of the mountain to catch up to the mountain.

    When he arrived at Yang Zhen's side, Du Kaishan didn't even have time to salute him. The first thing he did was to immediately command the guard platoon to set up security along Yang Zhen's side.  It was not until there were basically no dead spots around Yang Zhen that Du Kaishan breathed a sigh of relief. His first words were: "Commander, please go down the mountain immediately. This is not possible here. The view is too wide and it is too dangerous for you here."  "

    Listening to the anxiety in Du Kaishan's tone, Yang Zhen didn't even put down the telescope, but just smiled and said: "How come I can't guarantee my safety when I get to your territory? You, the commander of a military division with two regiments of troops in your hands, how can you still  Are all the troops under your command just doing nothing?"

    "This is the commanding heights in this area. I can't go here to observe the terrain. Where should I go? Observe the terrain. If you don't find an open area, why don't you go to the river ditch? It's safe there, but you can't see anything? Don't tell me  , a short distance away from your training location, there are still small groups of Japanese and puppet troops that have not yet been eliminated."

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