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Text Chapter 250 Reasons for suspending the attack

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    Seeing that his troops have entered the large courtyard of the Fourth Division Regiment Headquarters, they have successfully cut off the connection between the two buildings in the courtyard, and annihilated most of the enemies in the courtyard. Total annihilation is right in front of them. But in front of them.  At this time, Wang Guangyu was somewhat reluctant when he received the order to stop the attack.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    He reluctantly put down the phone in his hand. Although he could never guess why the commander gave the order to stop the attack, Wang Guangyu, who was extremely obedient, still gave the order to stop the attack.

    Although I don¡¯t understand the reason why the commander issued this order.  But in order to cleanly and completely annihilate the Japanese troops who had retreated into the two buildings and could not come out after resuming the attack.  Wang Guangyu strengthened the headquarters to himself. He had just completed the training and transferred it from the rear. As the last batch of troops going south to cross the river, all the heavy artillery battalions were advanced.

    This heavy artillery battalion is equipped with Austrian 100mm howitzers from the secret arsenal handed over by Ma Chunsheng.  Although it is an old item from the First World War, its range cannot be compared with the new Japanese field artillery.  But fortunately, not only are there sufficient cannon shells, but due to their large caliber, the destructive power of these shells is also higher than that of the mountain artillery battalion of the First Brigade.  The Schneider 75mm mountain gun is much larger.

    These are called the 1914 Improved 100mm Field Howitzers. Among the Western armies with complete artillery calibers and even the Japanese army, these old-fashioned artillery can only be called light howitzers. They are also considered among the current squadrons of various factions.  Heavy artillery.  Although it is an old cannon designed during World War I, the price is definitely not cheap.

    Therefore, except for the wealthy Fengjun, although the performance is relatively good, the various factions in the pass have very few equipment.  Even the equipment of the Beiyang warlords back then was mostly artillery that was much cheaper in price.  The few wealthy people also focus mostly on German products.

    These twelve 1914 improved 100mm field howitzers were not the inventory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after its defeat, but brand-new artillery that the Fengjun ordered from the independent Czech Republic after the war.  It's just that these artillery pieces are different from the relatively cheap Schneider Mountain Cannon and the small weapons used as reserves. They are all second-hand goods that have been used by the army.

    The reason why they were not shipped out like those 150mm mortars and 75mm mountain guns and were only briefly inspected before being distributed to the troops as supplementary equipment was because these artillery pieces were all taken to the arsenal for processing.  A thorough body exam.

    Not only the artillery, but also the large number of artillery shells in the inventory were inspected one by one.  After all, it is an old cannon that has been used, and it has been produced for a long time, so proper inspection is still necessary.

    These twelve artillery pieces are original products of the Czech Skoda Arsenal, and the raw materials used are high-performance steel produced in the Czech Republic.  Coupled with the difference in production technology, it is obviously much better than the imitation made by Fengtian Arsenal using imported Japanese steel.  Although it is a used second-hand product and has been sealed for nearly ten years, it was still in good condition when it was unpacked, and there was no rust on the gun body.

    But it was also the first batch of similar weapons imported by Lao Fengjun, and they were a bit too old.  Moreover, in the previous warlord melee in the country, according to the frequency of Fengjun's participation in the war, the intensity of use must be quite high.  So despite the good appearance, Yang Zhen, who was worried, still asked the arsenal to check it carefully.

    The maintenance will take some time, plus the deployment of artillery personnel.  It also took a long time for the artillerymen who had been using Japanese artillery to become familiar with this authentic European artillery.  Although several months have passed, this is the first time I have participated in a battle when I went south.

    After Wang Guangyu moved the heavy artillery battalion to the front, he did not avoid suspicion and placed it in a swaggering place within sight of the Japanese army.  It was planned that if Yang Zhen gave the order to attack again, these 100mm howitzers could directly inflict the most violent artillery fire on the two buildings guarded by the Japanese army.

    As for whether the possible counterattack of the Japanese army would pose any threat to the artillery shells and equipment currently captured at Lianjiangkou, which is the only baby cannon with more than 100 mm ammunition in the entire army that is still sufficient before the equipment is replenished, Wang Guangyu has not thought about it at all.  , and I wasn¡¯t worried at all.

    The artillery of the Fourth Division was almost wiped out at the Lianjiangkou line, and the remaining mountain artillery fell into the hands of Li Mingrui, who entered the city before him.  Apart from a few grenades, what could the Japanese army, which didn't even have a mortar, do to pose a threat to its artillery?

    It¡¯s just that what Wang Guangyu waited for was not Yang Zhen¡¯s general offensive order, but a Japanese prisoner of war.  The prisoner of war sent was not an ordinary Japanese soldier, his position was not low, he was a captain officer.  After seeing this Japanese prisoner of war, Wang Guangyu realized that the commander wanted to huddle in the last defensive position. At this time, he could not run away, and there was no hope of winning in the fight. It was alreadyThe Japanese army was in a dilemma and persuaded them to surrender.

    Wang Guangyu has a big question mark in his heart: Will these Japanese soldiers, who have always adhered to the bushido style, take pride in dying in battle, and are shameful for being captured, follow the commander's wishes?  As an old resistance fighter, he knew the fighting style of the Japanese army very well.

    After seeing Chen Long, the head of intelligence at the headquarters who personally escorted the prisoner of war, Wang Guangyu shook his head and said: "Old Chen, you don't know this little devil's consistent style. Is it useful to ask this guy to persuade him to surrender? Besides, why waste that effort?  . The heavy artillery assigned to me by the headquarters has been deployed. A blast of artillery shells has been fired, and nothing is left. It¡¯s so troublesome.¡±

    "Even though the 75mm mountain artillery fire on these two buildings is like scratching an itch, I don't believe that they can withstand the level fire of the 100mm howitzer? I have learned a lesson this time and have already told the artillery to aim at the building upstairs.  The windows are broken. It¡¯s true that this little devil¡¯s building is solid, but his windows are not blocked with steel bars and concrete.¡±

    For Chen Long, an old comrade in the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Guangyu believed that he had nothing to hide.  Although he, Chen Long, was transferred to the Soviet Union to study and was assigned to work within the customs, he was from the Anti-Japanese War after all, wasn't he?  Before Chen Long entered the Soviet Union, the two were acquaintances because the Second Army and the Fifth Army often fought together.  With this premise, Wang Guangyu will naturally not be polite to Chen Long.

    Chen Long heard Wang Guangyu's complaint and smiled and said: "Old Wang, it is my suggestion to suspend the attack this time and persuade the remaining Japanese troops to surrender. There are two reasons. One is that the coal mines in Hebei are in urgent need of labor. Those coal mines in Hebei are in urgent need of labor.  All the original workers were recruited by us, and the current workers are mainly captured Japanese soldiers, Japanese pioneer groups, and Japanese workers we captured in Hebei."

    "Now that winter is coming, not only do we need a lot of coal ourselves, but Jiangbei also needs a lot of coal. Because of the lack of labor, the output is always insufficient and cannot meet our needs. The last batch of barter signed with Jiangbei  The coal needed for the goods was delivered just the day before yesterday.¡±

    "This time the commander-in-chief signed another contract with Jiangbei, in which we exchanged part of the gold hard currency, plus the main coal and iron ore, for Jiangbei's supplies. Although I can't say the details of this contract yet, but  One thing you can know is that the coal required this time is much higher than the 10,000 tons last time.¡±

    "Due to excessive conscription in the base area, there is a serious shortage of coal workers. Jiangbei has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with our delay in delivery. So this time I came to Jiamusi to recruit a group of workers for the coal mines in Hebei. These little devils are  Being strong and strong is a good candidate for labor. Wouldn¡¯t it be a pity not to waste it?¡±

    "Although Du Kaishan and the others captured a lot of civilians from the Japanese Pioneer Corps in Yilan last time, the number of strong laborers they could use was only over a thousand. In addition, we captured those heinous traitors, puppet Manchukuo military police, and  Japanese prisoners of war, the entire Hebei coal mine has less than 3,000 workers, which is too small for a purely manual coal mine. "

    "In order to increase the output of the coal mine and meet our own needs as well as the need to deliver goods to Jiangbei, it is urgent to find ways to increase the number of workers. Based on the situation in the area, you also know that the last conscription almost ate up all the old foundation.  Even if we have a limited number of young and middle-aged people, we still need to ensure the replenishment of troops. Where can we find so many workers?¡±

    "In addition, I learned through interrogation of the prisoners of war that the commander of this building is an old acquaintance of yours, and has dealt with you more than once. It's just that this guy has always slipped away quickly, and he has only slipped through your nose a few times.  Run away."

    "This guy is the middleman for the joint ventures of the various regiments of the Fourth Division. He has almost all the business channels of several regiments of the Fourth Division in his hands, and he also has the working capital of each regiment of the Fourth Division in his hands.  Take control of it. Capturing him will definitely help us squeeze out a lot of money."

    "This time Jiangbei agreed that some raw materials can be provided by barter, but some spot items have to be paid in cash. We have a lot of cash on hand, but we cannot invest it all at once, and we also need to raise some funds for the central government.  The commander is under a lot of pressure now, so he just points his finger at this guy."

    "It's a pleasure to shoot you with this shot. But after you kill that guy, where are we going to dig into the treasury of the Fourth Division? These guys in the Fourth Division are not good at fighting, but they are good at doing business.  One hand. Through interrogation of prisoners of war, we learned that the amount of liquid capital in this guy's hands is quite a lot."

    "Old acquaintance?" Wang Guangyu heard Chen Long mention that the Japanese commander currently trapped in the Fourth Division headquarters was an old acquaintance of his. He was slightly stunned, and immediately remembered someone and said: "Is it possible that the Japanese commander in the building is an old acquaintance?"  It was the one who was killed by us when we were fighting on the outskirts of Lao Heidingzi in Ning'an.At that time, what kind of Kitano Takatsu was so frightened?  "

    Seeing that Wang Guangyu had guessed it, Chen Long smiled, then waved his hand, made a hissing gesture, and said to the Japanese captured captain behind him: "I've already told you what needs to be said.  , what you should see has already been seen. As for how to do it, it¡¯s up to you.¡±

    When the Japanese captain heard this, he quickly lowered his head and opened his mouth and said in fluent Northeastern dialect: "Sir, please don't worry. I know Kitano-kun's character very well. If Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru is still there, he may fight to the end.  . But now Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru has died gloriously in front of their eyes. After losing all hope of relief, his last line of defense must have been defeated. "

    Having said this, he swallowed his saliva and pointed to the rows of 100mm howitzers behind the position and said: "Now that you have brought in heavy artillery, they have no chance of winning at all. I think if I go in at this time, I should  It can achieve twice the result with half the effort. As a first-class businessman, Kitano-kun is not the kind of person who is stubborn.¡±

    In response to this guy's answer, Chen Long waved his hand in disbelief. A guard next to him handed him a white flag and sent him over.

    Looking at the back of this guy, Wang Guangyu said: "Where did you find such a person? Damn, if it weren't for the Japanese military uniform and his fluent Chinese, I would have thought he was a Chinese?"  Could this guy be from the Fourth Division?"

    Hearing this, Chen Long shook his head and said: "He is not from the Fourth Division, but a combat staff officer from the Kwantung Army Headquarters. However, he also led the Fourth Division, and he is a native of Osaka. This guy is the original  The adjutant of Lieutenant Commander Hattori Takushiro, the chief operational staff of the Kwantung Army, was the first among all the captured officers to surrender after being captured on the line at Renjiangkou."

    "This guy and Kitano Takatsu grew up playing naked together, and he is also the general agent of all the businesses of the Fourth Division in Xinjing. This guy uses his special status to get a lot of favors from the Japanese and puppets.  Since the Fourth Division was transferred to the Northeast, he has handled at least half of the smuggling business.¡±

    "The reason why he can speak Chinese so fluently is because a close friend of his father is a remnant of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, so he learned to speak authentic Chinese from his adoptive father. I think you also know the name of his god-sister.  As I said, it¡¯s Yoshiko Kawashima.¡±

    After clarifying the identity of this guy, Chen Long shut his mouth.  Facing Wang Guangyu's subsequent questioning, he just said calmly: "Old Wang, you are also a senior cadre of the party. Although you have never done underground work, you still know the rules. There are some things that I cannot say. Do it.  In our industry, confidentiality is the top priority.¡±

    Having said this, Chen Long patted him on the shoulder and said: "Old Wang, don't worry, I won't delay you for too long. The commander only gave that guy one hour, and no matter what Kitano Takatsu's decision is at that time,  , will launch the final attack on time."

    Wang Guangyu didn¡¯t pay attention to Chen Long¡¯s words and didn¡¯t continue to ask.  He just smiled, turned around and raised his binoculars to observe the Japanese positions.  Although Wang Guangyu has not directly done intelligence work, he still roughly understands the rules.  He understood what Chen Long meant, so he understood and didn't ask any further.

    He could tell from Chen Long¡¯s words that the Intelligence Department might have other uses for this guy.  I just can't tell myself clearly.  What Chen Long said today was an exception. If he hadn't been an old comrade with him and needed his cooperation, he might not have revealed any information to him.

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